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Everything posted by PhilHibbs

  1. You're right, attacks on the same SR are supposed to be in DEX order, or simultaneous if both have the same DEX. Since it's quite ok to resolve them simultaneously, though, I just skip the DEX thing and go straight to simultaneous on the SR. It's quicker and easier, and leads to more frequent interesting outcomes.
  2. They are resolved simultaneously. And don't worry about simultaneous parries, just roll as usual. A parry isn't always a literal blade-clash at that exact moment, it can just as much be maoeuvering and threatening leading up to the potential attack. Joerg has already covered the STR vs SR confusion! You aren't the first to fall into that trap.
  3. For RQ3, wher CON scaled with height, yes. That's why the sorceror in my game would throw multispelled 1-point Venoms at giants as each 1 point spell was 1 point of damage if it overcame MP. In RQG, CON is static. STR and SIZ scales, CON does not. It is odd that giants have such low CON compared to other similar sized creatures like dinosaurs. I think that's a mistake - maybe it should not scale as steeply as STR and SIZ, since most big monsters have SIZ that is half again their CON and STR that is two to three times, but it should scale.
  4. Give the elf a bag of sacred seeds, and tell them they are on a mission to secretly plant them wherever they can. Nobody gave them this mission, they just instinctively know that it is what they should be doing. They hear it in the whispering leaves of every tree. Maybe they need to plant a seed before they can get each Rune Point back. Maybe "planting" just feels sooo gooooood....
  5. That is a very recent phenomenon, and by no means universal in the present day. Plenty of religious people, my aunt for example, believe that other religions are worshiping devils or evil spirits.
  6. For a while, Greg was talking about "short worlds", essentially regions of the otherworld that can be tapped into for magical power but eventually run out because "they have no connection to the transcendent". I think this thinking has gone out of the window along with mis-applied worship, but I found it interesting. These short worlds were what fake religions tap into, they appear to work for a while, but they eventually are revealed for the sham that they were. Is it possible to Heroquest to prove that your religion is real? Sure. If you prove it's real, it's real.
  7. It seems a little odd to me that you can just as easily Smother or Steal Breath against a giant as against a human. They have much bigger, more powerful lungs. Oh well, it doesn't bother me that much.
  8. Technically @klecser is right - your weapon might have such a high SR that when added to your SIZ an DEX SR, you can't even split it despite a high skill. I think that that is unusual, you have to be fairy small and/or clumsy in combination with a short weapon, but it can happen. There have been "early attack" house rules proposed whereby you can mitigate a slow SR with high skill, I might consider that if I ever had a character with that problem in my game. I'm not sure about "generally lower damage" though, big weapons with low SR usually have good damage.
  9. That's what Sever Spirit is for.
  10. I'm sure there are crystals in the spirit world as well. Why wouldn't there be?
  11. I'm in two minds on this one. The Adventurer creation provides two paths, you can either learn spirit or sorcery. The Sorcery chapter says that initiates learn sorcery, but that's what the chapter is for. It's about how Lhankor Mhy learn sorcery, so of course it just says what sorcery they learn. On the other hand, I have a suspicion that this choice is there for the players who don't want to use the Sorcery system. If you just want to have the simple, familiar mechanics of spirit and rune magic, then you can do so. Does this imply some deeper truth about Lhankor Mhy, that their sorcery is just an optional part of the cult? Can you really advance to Rune Master without knowing any sorcery? I think a quite reasonable case can be made either way. Personally I prefer the latter - that it's just giving the players a simpler option, and LM is "supposed to be" a Sorcery god.
  12. Oh, you're right, it's spirit OR sorcery. Mhy bad.
  13. I think it's a reasonable deduction. All LM initiates learn sorcery. Rune Masters teach cult magic to initiates. Therefore all LM Rune Masters teach sorcery. Sure, there may be a few exceptions where a scholar has devoted their studies mostly to non-magical skills but I think that would be rare.
  14. 3 months on from the GM Screen Pack being released, and we still don't have PDFs that match the printed versions.
  15. Not really, and anyway not for long - if you have a category modifier of 20, then you always have a 21% chance to raise your skill. Even at 15%, that 16% chance of skill-up is probably better than characteristic training. Raising a characteristic from 17 to 18 has a 20% chance, and gives you nothing. Likewise to 19 (15%), and to 20 (10%), and then when you get it to 21 (5% chance) you get a +5. Hardly cost-effective. Sure, if you have a 16 then raising it to 17 (25%) is very worthwhile. And 12 to 13 is a no-brainer. 13 to 17? Not sure if that works out more cost-effective than training the skill. Not even vaguely similar to my eyes!
  16. Once you are within your category modifier of 100, it is linear with the frequency of checks. The returns stop diminishing.
  17. In RQ3, you could get 4 successful checks a season, maybe more. Adventure for a week, then take a week off to do skill checks. Then adventure for another week, then a week off, etc. If your adventures take less than a week you might be able to cram in more. Maybe that belongs on the munchkinnery thread.
  18. Those were events that HeroQuest adventurers played through, so they would not have been mentioned as they were set before those events.
  19. I guess there's a new rule that I need to implement in my character creation spreadsheet (it already supports RQ3-style category modifier calculations, i.e. 1 point per point or 1 per 2)
  20. It's an entirely fair comment, RQG (and RQ2) have very much flattened HP curves compared to RQ3. It has the "advantage" (which some may legitimately disagree with) that adventurers have a decent chance of taking down the big monsters, but the disadvantage that two big monsters against each other will result in the first hit being an instant kill. The game isn't about monsters vs monsters though.
  21. Now THAT is an interesting idea! I'm sure there are good reasons not to though... off the top of my head... Reviews will come out before the final product is ready, and will not mention the great art, and then when the art is done the "second wave" reviews will not get as many eyes Changes to the text will mean that people use information in their games that then gets "ruined" by the final text Some people might buy it and gripe that production standards have fallen giving Chaosium a bad reputation for slipping standards Retailers and other outlets like Drivethru will be upset that Chaosium is taking their sales
  22. That's how the Loz/Nash system works (MRQ2, RQ6, Mythras), not sure about MRQ1.
  23. But someone naked (or wearing normal clothes) in the shield wall will be more likely to get hurt than someone of similar skill in armour in the shield wall.
  24. If you're wearing more armour, you are probably taking more risks? I might rule half armour.
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