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BRP Central is a community fansite for Chaosium's Basic Roleplaying game system and related RPG systems and settings. The "new" Basic Roleplaying rules (The Golden Book) and the supplements published for it receives most of the attention, but older incarnations of the rules like classic RuneQuest, Stormbringer and Call of Cthulhu, and its more distant relatives like Mongoose RuneQuest and SimpleQuest also receives their fair share of attention.

The "home" page is dedicated to news and reviews about published and unpublished supplements for the "new" Basic Roleplaying system. The forums are open for all sorts of discussions, with one main forum, one forum for published supplements and one with temporary subforums for various projects. The download section contains free resources contributed by the community - it's a bit messy, but try the search function if you can't find what you're looking for browsing the categories. A simple blog option is available to all members, linked to their profile page. We have an old wiki (soon to be scrapped) and a links list (soon to be updated). So what are you waiting for? Stop lurking, register and introduce yourself in this thread below! ;)

SGL. :b1:

Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.


Rudy Bowen, glad to 'meet' you all.

Started in 1978! with the Basic D&D blue book, the rules for which we couldn't figure out. We liked the idea of fantasy rpgs, though, so we persevered and started playing using the old TFT Melee and Wizard sets, pasted over the D&D stats and using the D&D monsters and such. Around 1980 the group split with part of us going to AD&D and half to RQ. I was in the RQ group, needless to say.:D

I have played rpgs, mostly GMing, ever since. About 90% of that being BRP in one form or another. My favorite has always been Stormbringer, and I still prefer the early versions, up through SB3. My second most played game has been CoC. I guess I am a BRP fanatic. I don't think any other system I have looked at and/or tried works as well. Including MRQ...the marketing model stinks and the combat system is really too clumsy. And it does not have to be. Fortunately I didn't fall for it (I only bought the pdf of the first rulebook), but it made me wary. As excited as I want to be about the new BRP book, I am trying not to be because of my disappointment in the Mongoose stuff. Although I really want it to be good, I am pretty much adopting a 'wait and see' mode right now.

I am really happy to see a site like this appear, about BRP games specifically I mean (maybe it will become as popular as Dragonsfoot is for the OD&D crowd). It is hard to hang around other forums and try to get involved in games I consider second rate but which others are really into. I am really looking forward to many interesting discussions and sharing of ideas and game experiences and such with folks of more compatible tastes...BRP. So thanks for starting this up.:)


I have been gaming since 1982. I started with Star Frontiers (TSR), Boot Hill (TSR) and Wild West (FGU), then Spacemaster (ICE), Chivalry & Sorcery (FGU), Bushido (FGU), Twilight 2000, and James Bond (VG).

I started GMing with Wild West, Runequest and Stormbringer, but it wasn't until I found a pile of cardboard sheets with attack tables, critical charts, and tons of spells that I found one of the two best games ever, Rolemaster.

It wasn't until 1992 that I finally played D&D, and perhaps that is the problem. It's like I was brought up on anime and manga and then someone forced me to watch old OLD (pre WWII) Looney Tunes and said, "isn't this the greatest?"

Well, in a word, no.

It's my fault, really, I was spoiled.

After more than two decades of gaming, my favorites are Runequest (3rd), Rolemaster (2nd+3rd), Spacemaster, DC Heroes, Champions, Ars Magica, Mage, and, with the right people, Werewolf.

I have also played Villians & Vigilantes, Marvel Stupor Heroes, Aftermath, Space Opera was pretty cool, but that's all I remember of it, Wooden Ships & Iron Men were theirs too. I made a character for Flashing Blades but never played it. I also played Twilight 2000, Recon, Paranoia, Shadowrun, Earthdawn, Jorune, Cyberpunk, GURPS, Mercenaries Spies & Private Eyes, Tunnels & Trolls, Traveller, Torg, Pendragon, and a few others.



DC Heroes






Star Frontiers



Wild West



Ars Magica

Boot Hill


Call of Cthulhu


Chivalry & Sorcery

Cyberpunk 2020

DC Heroes

D&D 3.5


Flashing Blades


James Bond 007



Marvel Stupor Heroes

Mercenaries Spies & Private Eyes







Space Opera


Star Frontiers




Tunnels & Trolls

Twilight 2000


Villians & Vigilantes


Wild West

Wooden Ships & Iron Men

  • Like 1

The very existence of flamethrowers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done."

George Carlin (1937 - 2008)




That's pretty eclectic. You have actually played in all those? I have read most of them, only played in maybe ten of them. Not many I can think of that I have played not on your list...


I was part of a teriffic group for quite a while... about once every two months or so we would go to the game store and pick up at least 1 new game and try it out.

Jorune, for example, we only played once. No particular reason. I don't really remember much about it, just there were lots of strange races.

Freedom Fighters I did not list, because we never got past character creation. After 3 days of working on the characters, we gave up. And people complain about RoleMaster!

We also played at least once a week, sometimes more... ah, High School... ;)

Also, we weren't under the 'dnd' spell, so we were able to keep our minds open.

The list of stuff I've played twice is smaller...

The very existence of flamethrowers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done."

George Carlin (1937 - 2008)




Hey all,

I'm a freelance writer and game designer. My very first roleplaying experiences were with 4th ed. Stormbringer, and I find myself being consistantly drawn back to the game and the setting after periodic deviations with other games. I've been playing and writing Stormbringer material since 1993. My first published works were the (now OOP) monographs Gods of Chaos and Gods of Law, and I've completed by books for Mongoose set in Elric's world.

I'm currently planning a BRP setting book to be done as a companion to the basic rulebook. It's a crazy, over-the-top space fantasy that makes use of every power system and rules sub-set in the BRP rulebook. It was initially planned for a similtaneous release with the rulebook, but that isn't going to work out.

I'm also currently trying to expand my area of expertise so that I can work with other companies, which means learning systems that I'd normally consider too crunchy for personal use.

Personally, I'm quite pleases that there is finally a BRP forum, and I can't wait to see what neat ideas come out of this place.

Charles Green


I'm currently planning a BRP setting book to be done as a companion to the basic rulebook. It's a crazy, over-the-top space fantasy that makes use of every power system and rules sub-set in the BRP rulebook.

I sure do like the sound of that! :-D


Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.


Hi there! My name is Bethany and I am a gamer. -grin- I started playing GURPS back in, oh my gosh, it has been almost 9 years now!!

My main bread-n-butter games to play are Ars Magica, Runequest, Rolemaster and Champions.

I GM Rolemaster.

And I have the game Godlike (if you have not played it yet, go pick it up!) and have been DYING to run a game sort of like the comic Top 10, written by Alan Moore.

On the personal level, I am 30, currently live in Houston and, sheesh, go look at my My Space page. It'll tell you lots about me!




my online name is Enpeze and my real name Klaus. My daily money I get from newspapers and advertising agencies which I work with as a computer layouter. I am living in the beautiful city of Vienna and I am eating the whole good day Mozart-Kugeln (ok the latter was the usual joke for tourists...)

I play roleplaying games for 25 years now (I began with 16y) and I hope this will last for another 25 years. At the beginning I played a german roleplaying game called Midgard. 2 years later I detected RQ2 and thereafter CoC. That was it. Since then I am playing mostly BRP/RQ. I tried other systems but they are mostly not up to my expectations. (some are really bad, some others boring etc.)

What makes BRP perfect for my taste?

-simplicity (I never has to look up for a rule)

-no artificial levels (like D&D or others)

-no XP (like Gurps, D&D and others)

-suitable for EVERY genre (expect toon, comic or extreme heroic/cinematic)

-it melts with the background - some systems take themselves much too important, not so BRP

-DEADLY! Oh yeah man. I am laughing when my NPCs manage to decapacitate a PC and looking at the shocked faces of my players is worth many Large Bronze...hehe.

-Realistic, lets face it. If you draw a weapon in BRP it could be your last action in this adventure as this PC. If you know this you will think of alternative ways to solve conflicts. Which leads to great roleplaying!

So I prefer a rather simulationistic environment in my games with heavy acting from GM and players alike. I expect from my players to involve themselve in portraying their characters realistically and so do I am with my NPCs. Many modules we played in the last decades are legendary in our little circle and we speak of them years thereafter as if they happened yesterday. My preferred genres are fantasy (homebrewn world), Chtuhlhu, traveller, and ICE Cyberspace (with BRP rules of course)


Hi everybody! My name is Eric Bailey and I have been playing RPGs for 27 years. I am the role-playing gamer in my circle of friends. If someone can't make a game we play without them. If I can't make the game the game stops, even if I am just a player and not the GM. Don't know why that is, I don't ask them to not play, they just don't.

I started with Basic D&D, the red box. Rapidly moved to AD&D and played that for a short while. We didn't really follow the rules all that well, but who did?

Finally was introduced to RuneQuest a few years later and that was it for the next 20 years or so. We played other games as well, notably Champions (we were all comic book fans) and ShadowRun. Many other games that I won't bother to list, it is a substantial number. Finally the group went their separate ways and the game fell apart.

When D&D 3.0 came out it was an excuse to get the guys back together and give it a try. I know many here don't care for it but it is a far cry better than D&D used to be. It took so much from RuneQuest and other BRP games that it's not funny. Anyway we have had fun playing that and the 3.5 edition up till now.

I have been wanting to get back to my RQ playing roots, but with no published material it is difficult to do. I don't have the time I used to. I was suckered in by MRQ like many others. I bought just the main book and companion and that was enough for me (two books too many actually). I have high hopes for BRP, but try not to get my expectations too high so I don't get too disappointed.

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)



From this and your other post, it sounds as though you missed Elric!/Stormbringer 5. You can still get SB5, and you might want to take a look, as it is considered by many to be the best iteration of the BRP system to date. It, along with CoC, is the game many of us BRP players survived on during 3.0/3.5. It is an excellent game, with the best combat system I have ever played.

Of course, YMMV, but have a look anyway. I understand that the base system in the new BRP book is going to be close to SB5...before you add options to make it more like RQ, etc.

Welcome to the group. Welcome back from the darkness...:D


I'm Bo Rosén and stared playing RPGs around 1979 or 80 with Melee, the combat game from Metagaming that evolved into The Fantasy Trip that evolved into GURPS. Soon after we discovered Basic D&D, Expert and AD&D which we played for a few years. My alter ego, Jarulf was one of my first AD&D characters. Eventually we discovered RQII and I remember my first character who had 18 in STR, INT and one more characteristic (without cheating!) who trounced a few trollkin in a cave on his first adventure. As we clamored for more action, our GM obliged and threw in a few more trolls, only they were cave trolls this time. And that was that.

I remember the feeling of liberation I felt and how much sense RQ made in comparison to AD&D.

I've played many of the BRP games at least once or twice but it's mostly been RQIII, both in Glorantha and various homebrews. I ran a short campaign in Drakar och Demoner, the Swedish translation of the fantasy bit from Worlds of Wonder but other than that I've mostly been a player.

The group eventually split and I haven't played face to face regularly for over 15 years or so, but I've played in many games via email and now on boards like this one. But no BRP for ages.


Hmmm... online I'm known as Halfbat (as I'm sure you can see) but am also known as "Tim" and "Dad" in real life. I'm currently producing RuneQuest OGL supplements for Sceaptune Games, but have been a whole range of jobs from printing through to secretary through to website-builder through to... it just goes on. I'm a fan of the BRP-derived rulesets (well, obviously, otherwise I wouldn't be here! :rolleyes:).

Play? I have no idea when I first played RuneQuest. It was a saddle-stitched book, without any 2nd edition addenda and was probably around 1978. I'd been roleplaying for about 3-4 years(?) prior to that with both Traveller and the original D&D supplement to Chainmail (that is, with the "fight as 4men+1" approach). I stopped using D&D or C&S for Fantasy games from then onwards. I've played a lot of homebrew RQ since, perhaps mostly a version that could be called v2.5, and also a fair amount of CoC and even Ringworld (I was a Niven fan). The list of other things I've played is ludicrous and boring;).

Claims to fame? Don't really know. I think I had the first box of Trollpak in the UK (according to Chaosium at the time, anyway) and wrote the White Dwarf review for it. I've been acknowledged as a playtester and contributor in the front of several wargames rules (wow!:eek:). And people seem to like my GMing style at conventions, often coming back for more.

Have fun!

Running: Various Fantasy MRQ, Homebrew SF MRQ/BRP; Playing: CoC; Prepping: All the time.

- Sceaptune Games Website -


Hmmm... online I'm known as Halfbat (as I'm sure you can see) but am also known as "Tim" and "Dad" in real life. I'm currently producing RuneQuest OGL supplements for Sceaptune Games, but have been a whole range of jobs from printing through to secretary through to website-builder through to... it just goes on. I'm a fan of the BRP-derived rulesets (well, obviously, otherwise I wouldn't be here! :rolleyes:).

Hi Dad! ;)

Will we see any godies from you for BRP in the future? I heard the MRQ supplements you released were considerable better than the official stuff from Mongoose! :)


Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.


Hi. Bob Applegate here. I've been gaming since the late 70's. Like Jarulf, my first roleplaying type game was Melee (and Wizard) from metagaming. Since then I've played most of the RPG standards including a lot of RQ3 at one time.

I'm currently GM'in a GURPS Traveller campaign ( http://traveller.bofthebb.com/ ). I also play in a Castles and Crusades campaign.

Looking forward to the new book.


Hello everybody.

I am know as The Tweaker in the rpg.net forums or Mofarme in the Yahoo! mailing list. I just turned 36 a couple of days ago and have been roleplaying (CoC, Traveller/Megatraveller, GURPS, EABA, etc.) for more years than I care to remember, so I am yet further proof than most of the current base of BRP fans is in this age bracket.

I am sure this will change soon, with the release of the new book.

Happy owner of number 226 of 420


Hi, I'm Phil Hibbs, and I've been roleplaying since 1981. Started on D&D, then moved on to RQ2 and Traveller, RQ and Glorantha are still my main fascination. Lately I've been playing a lot of L5R 2nd Edition though. My claim to publishing fame is a playtest credit in the Hero Wars rulebook. I'm a founder member of the GTA, and regularly attend the two main European conventions for Hero Wars, Cthulhu and Stormbringer (Tentacles in Germany, and Convulsion/Continuum in the UK).


Hallo all,

My real life name is Clive Wickens, like most folks I started RPGing with D&D, got bought the old RQ2 boxed set in the early 80's and have stuck with RQ/BRP ever since. Have got pretty much all the Gloranthan stuff because I'm interested in mythology in a broader sense but gave up gaming in Glorantha in the mid 90's. As and when I play I use my own homebrew world [ which in all fairness has chunks of Glorantha ripped out and stuck in it ....: ) ]

looking forward to the release of the game.


Hey all,

I'm looking forward to the new BRP book, and am really excited to have stumbled across this forum! I was introduced to gaming in elementary school, 1983-ish, and have been playing (or wishing I were playing) ever since. I started with Moldvay D&D, and then really got into Gamma World and Top Secret. Our little group didn't like the latter's complicated mechanics, so we did a lot of tinkering and trimming until we had a much simpler, faster system. We ran with this for a couple years, before most of my buddies stopped playing. When I later discovered Call of Cthulhu in high school, my first thought was, "Wow, this is awfully similar to our old Top Secret game!" :D

I've played a few Chaosium games over the years (and a bunch of others); Elric!/Stormbringer (+ Bronze Grimoire) is my favorite version of BRP, and beats every other system when it comes to gritty swords & sorcery action. S&S is my favorite genre, closely followed by sci-fi and espionage. It's been a few years since I've had the chance to run a BRP game but I think that's going to change soon...!

  • 2 weeks later...


I'm Sutekh aka Seth D. and have been roleplaying on & off for about thirteen years. I've played AD&D, D6 Star Wars, RQ, GURPS, CoC, and AFMBE. I'm looking forward to the release of the BRP book because it is one of my two favorite systems.

BRP 31/420



I'm Sutekh aka Seth D. and have been roleplaying on & off for about thirteen years. I've played AD&D, D6 Star Wars, RQ, GURPS, CoC, and AFMBE. I'm looking forward to the release of the BRP book because it is one of my two favorite systems.

Hi Sutekh! What's the second? ;)


Guest the Bromgrev

What? A BRP forum? How did I miss this? :eek:

Has news of this been posted in any of the Yahoo groups?

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