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Mongoose RuneQuest II on the way


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Well, it can't possibly be worse!

Now you are going to have to ban yourself from your own forums. :D

I am concerned with the potential confusion resulting from an overused name-space. The 'new' RQ2 will cause confusion when comparisons are made between the original RQ2 and RQ3 or MRQ. In an instant, all old reviews and posts which refer to RQ2 will be invalidated unless the reader is aware of the origins.

I assume that some will continue the tradition and refer to it as MRQ2.

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I'll get a copy too. But after all the money I've spent on the silly MRQ I rulebooks, I do feel ripped off!

Wait for the SRD# (and someone to lay it out nicely), then print a copy via Lulu IFF you like the improvements enough to get a hardcopy.




# or someone to update the existing MRQ SRD to include the MRQ2 amendments as open content since (see other threads), rules are not copyright / patent protected and so can be easily folded back in to the MRQ SRD even in Mongoose don't bother themselves...

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Have faith in Loz. Your money is gonna be well spent.

I know my money is going to be well spent! What bugs me is the already-spent money that went into those lousy MRQ1 rulebooks :mad:

I am also curious to see Bryan's treatment of Pavis.

Is there going to be an MRQ2 Pavis book? For 2nd Age Pavis?

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Now you are going to have to ban yourself from your own forums. :D

What is worse, he has a post on the Mongoose forum with a huge BRP Central banner in the sig that is just saying "Ban me, ban me" to moderators :lol:

In an instant, all old reviews and posts which refer to RQ2 will be invalidated unless the reader is aware of the origins.

I assume that some will continue the tradition and refer to it as MRQ2.

Unfortunately, rpg.net calls MRQ as RQ4 (not correctly, as RQ4 is the unpublished Jovanovic manuscript). Now will they mention MRQ 2 as RQ5?

But I am afradid confusion was inevitable here. Still, it is a missed opportunity to label it as 5e, and stating it is a step beyond That Other Game, which is still at 4e.

Is there going to be an MRQ2 Pavis book? For 2nd Age Pavis?

Yes, and it sounds very promising. And will be entirely compatible with the new 3rd age stuff from Moon Design.

Proud member of the Evil CompetitionTM

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I would be surprised if anyone could ever get *really* confused by an edition of RQ produced in the early 80s and one in 2010. On this board it's easy enough to differentiate from the versions produced by Chaosium and those by Mongoose.

I can't say I've ever seen MRQ referred to as RQ4 on RPG net. Maybe someone did once for effect but generally it's either referred to as simply RuneQuest or Mongoose RuneQuest by those who are familiar with the history. To be honest, RQ is pretty much a non-entity on RPGnet.

As for new editions, maybe I'm a cynic, but when I bought the MRQ rulebook I expected that they would want me to shell out again in 3 years time. I didn't really expect that they would still be selling the same rule book in 2015. The only time companies don't update rulesbooks is if the game, company or licence dies. As a gamer you plan accordingly. I'll buy the rulebook because I'm a system junky and with Loz and Pete Nash in charge then it's going to have good ideas.

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I would be surprised if anyone could ever get *really* confused by an edition of RQ produced in the early 80s and one in 2010.

Easy enough if you have only heard about the Mongoose version to assume people are talking about MRQ2 when refering to RQ2.

I'll buy the rulebook because I'm a system junky and with Loz and Pete Nash in charge then it's going to have good ideas.

Yep. I'm expecting big improvements! :)


Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
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I can't say I've ever seen MRQ referred to as RQ4 on RPG net. Maybe someone did once for effect but generally it's either referred to as simply RuneQuest or Mongoose RuneQuest by those who are familiar with the history.

RuneQuest 4 supplements and books

Is the above list of RQ4 products enough for you? In the posts on the forum maybe you see it labeled as MRQ, but the reviews and product cards (where people go look for info about a game) it is labeled as RuneQuest 4.

To be honest, RQ is pretty much a non-entity on RPGnet.

Not at all. Basic Roleplaying in all of its incarnations is a beloved and appreciated system on RPG.net.

Proud member of the Evil CompetitionTM

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RuneQuest 4 supplements and books

Is the above list of RQ4 products enough for you? In the posts on the forum maybe you see it labeled as MRQ, but the reviews and product cards (where people go look for info about a game) it is labeled as RuneQuest 4.

Not at all. Basic Roleplaying in all of its incarnations is a beloved and appreciated system on RPG.net.

Well, there you go. I must admit that I don't think I've ever noticed that it's called RuneQuest 4 there simply because I hardly ever use the reviews.

As for conversation about RQ on RPGnet. It occasionally happens but it's usually among a very small number of familiar user IDs. Of the BRP incarnations, I suspect that CoC accounts for about 90% of the conversation on RPGnet.

Mongoose RQ it seems to me suffers because it is neither a mainstream product with a lot of name recognition nor is it a sexy Indie game. Add into that the dislike for Mongoose among a fair percentage of BRP players and MRQ appears to be either unknown by most and unloved by some of those who do now it. I personally hope the new edition gives it some sparkle as it's been a great excuse for me to get back into roleplaying.

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I just don't get it. Mongoose hasn't yet had time to wear the paint off their first edition. Why do we need another? Have players finished collecting the entire current crop of runes already? It'd be like them announcing this coming March that they're planning Traveller II (Electric Boogaloo). :confused:

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I just don't get it. Mongoose hasn't yet had time to wear the paint off their first edition. Why do we need another? Have players finished collecting the entire current crop of runes already?

Chaosium's first ed of RQ appeared in 1978. Second edition in 1980. 3rd ed in 1984. So, 6 years and 3 editions - or, a new edition every 2 years, on average.

Mongoose's edition appeared in 2006 and its next will appear in 2010. The maths aren't that hard to do.

Every game has issues. Everything can always be improved. Errors are always found in hindsight. Nothing is ever perfect. MRQ2 (easiest way to avoid confusion) is intended to improve and build upon a lot of the excellent concepts found in the first edition (and yes, it has some), correct known faults, correct inconsistencies, and introduce and formalise new concepts introduced on subsequent rules expansions for the MRQ line.

Its worth pointing out that, no matter what your opinions of Mongoose or how its handled RuneQuest, it is has continually supported the system, developed it, and invested a lot of time in supporting Glorantha. That will continue with the new rules.

I can't talk anymore about what will be in MRQ2 until after the State of the Mongoose posting on Planet Mongoose at the end of December, but after that, both Pete Nash and I will be only too happy to discuss things freely.

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I can't talk anymore about what will be in MRQ2 until after the State of the Mongoose posting on Planet Mongoose at the end of December, but after that, both Pete Nash and I will be only too happy to discuss things freely.

LOZ and Pete?! Hmmm, might have to pick this up, despite my personal ban on the ever increasing number of "core" books to setting. Still waiting on that "Holy Grail"! ;)


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Chaosium's first ed of RQ appeared in 1978. Second edition in 1980. 3rd ed in 1984. So, 6 years and 3 editions - or, a new edition every 2 years, on average.

Mongoose's edition appeared in 2006 and its next will appear in 2010. The maths aren't that hard to do.

Well, in the interest of maths and statistical accuracy, that is one revision every three years - you shouldn't count the initial release as that is 'year 0'.

Also RQ2 was only a minor refresh to RQ1, more analogous to the MRQ players update/Deluxe MRQ than a full new edition like RQ3 was. So it was 6 years before a major new RQ came out.

That all being said RQ2 didn't need an update the way MRQ does. I agree that Mongoose got some things right with MRQ, and they also screwed a few little things up (by little things I mean Combat and Magic ;)). That being said I think the patched and updated rules are very playable.

After playing MRQ for a while, both house-ruled and by the book (using the latest SRD) I was surprised how clunky some parts of BRP seemed when I tried using it again after this release. I found myself saying "I like the way MRQ does this better" more than I thought I would - and I've been a loyal BRP fan since RQ2 and Stormbringer 1. I can happily play any version between then and now.

Also many of 'new and improved' MRQ rules are spread across a bunch of books, there is the GM Handbook, Guilds Factions and Cults, etc. MRQ cries out for a second edition.

I am hoping for one complete and coherent set of rules in a core rulebook with playable combat, three decent magic systems (plus backgrounds and professions that support more than one of those magic systems), and I'm actually pretty optimistic.

I hope that everyone who wrote off MRQ1 gives MRQ2 a fair shake. It shouldn't cost anything to check out assuming a new SRD follows the release.

Edited by Rurik
Made slightly more coherent.

Help kill a Trollkin here.

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Where is the irony emoticon?

Vile locked it up when he went away to study.

What nobody has suggested yet is that maybe MRQ2=FFG BANDWAGON :eek:

Kidding aside, the RPG market are suckers for purchasing product written for their favourite franchises, regardless of quality. What's more, some people just like to collect RPG books. From that standpoint, releasing a new edition of a known game is likely going to be a winning proposition for an RPG company, as people who liked previous editions will very often purchase a new edition of the same. It might, in fact, be easier to re-sell games to existing fans than to sell them to new people. I'm willing to bet that even some of the people who didn't like MRQ1 will shell out for the new product, whether it gets good review or not, just because they will be curious or think they want it for their collection.


"Tell me what you found, not what you lost" Mesopotamian proverb



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"Sucked Ass" is what he meant to say before censoring himself.

Now where have you learned such language! :eek:

I meant to say no such thing. How dare you! ;-(

What nobody has suggested yet is that maybe MRQ2=FFG BANDWAGON :eek:

Qu'est-ce que c'est? :ohwell:


Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.

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What nobody has suggested yet is that maybe MRQ2=FFG BANDWAGON :eek:

The Flash Flood Guidance bandwagon?

The FBL Financial Group bandwagon?

The Form and Finish Grinding bandwagon?

The Federal Facilities program bandwagon?

The Fine-Fine Grain bandwagon?

The Fiscal Forecasts and Guidance bandwagon?

The Fission Fragment Generator bandwagon?

The Fixed Frequency Generator bandwagon?

The Fantasy Flight Games bandwagon?

The Flora and Fauna Guarantee bandwagon?

The Freight Facilities Grant bandwagon?


The Free fall groundburst bandwagon?


Those pesky accronyms! :(

Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.

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