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Backford Aeolian Campaign

Erol of Backford

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4 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Issues or comments: A PC wants to be a Bearwalker/Werebear in a campaign in Heortland?

I think that were-creatures are just those especially blessed by their Hsunchen deities.

So, every Hsunchen Folk have their own were-form.

4 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Where do they come from? Could they be from Yellow Bear Hills? How did they get to Backford, were they in a circus and escaped, were they being brought to Gagix as food or an experiment and rescued by some Stormbulls? Were they imported by one of the scholarly establishments outside Mt. Passant, brought there as a cub and raised by wizards? Anything is possible but what are some ideas to make it unique but not too outlandish for Glorantha?

Their parents performed a ritual, or HeroQuest, before/while mating and were blessed with a Bearwalker.

The Hsunchen Bear god cursed them to produce a Bearwalker.

They gained the Bearwalker ability during an Adventure, or as a result of a HeroQuest.

4 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

So if your were a Bearwalker/Werebear would you be hunted in Heortland or Dragon Pass?

If you savaged sheep, cattle or people, perhaps, otherwise no. You could call yourself blessed by Odayala.

4 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Would it not be strange to walk around nude when not in bear form in the Heortland?

Probably. They might only do that in the wilds, far away from people.

Maybe they war a shift or something that is easily torn when they transform.

4 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

What are Lycanthropes harmed by?

We played that they were only harmed by magic or runic weapons.


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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


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8 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Where do they come from? Could they be from Yellow Bear Hills? How did they get to Backford, were they in a circus and escaped, were they being brought to Gagix as food or an experiment and rescued by some Stormbulls? Were they imported by one of the scholarly establishments outside Mt. Passant, brought there as a cub and raised by wizards? Anything is possible but what are some ideas to make it unique but not too outlandish for Glorantha?

I saw an young adolescent black bear running down the side of the highway outside of Bedminster, NJ several years back... was it chased out of home by its mother? How far had it run, why was it so scared?

So if your were a Bearwalker/Werebear would you be hunted in Heortland or Dragon Pass?

Would it not be strange to walk around nude when not in bear form in the Heortland?

Anyone have a Bearwalkers as a PC? How did it go and how would it have changed if it would have been in Heortland?

What are Lycanthropes harmed by?

Going very old school RQ there!

On your questions:

1) Where from? Several options: Beast Valley (it's not that far to the north); the Uncertain Woods (the wild woodland below the Storm Mountains in southern Heortland - minimal distance); the Forest of Wondrous Beasts (west of the Grazelands, west of Black Horse County, this woodland is remote and tucked in below the Rockwoods - probably the optimal place for bearwalkers).

2) Hunted? More likely chased off if they think you might be a Telmori.  But... Odayla was Orlanth's brother or son, so could find welcome if you convince them of who you are.

3) Walking around naked? Yes, strange and noticeable.

4) Harmed by?  Rune metals, possibly iron.

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57 minutes ago, jajagappa said:

Beast Valley (it's not that far to the north); the Uncertain Woods (the wild woodland below the Storm Mountains in southern Heortland - minimal distance); the Forest of Wondrous Beasts (west of the Grazelands, west of Black Horse County, this woodland is remote and tucked in below the Rockwoods - probably the optimal place for bearwalkers).

Perfect, I had not read about Bearwalkers near Heorland or Sartar! The Rockwoods are always a great vacation spot... "Wondrous Beasts" sounds quite nice...

Two other questions, there was mention of longbow use, is that referenced somewhere? Just curious.

Also how would poising affect them if only silver or magic would hurt them? Blade Sharp on a Scorpionman's tail? Would that get the poison into their system?

Thanks once again to all of you for the input.

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43 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

Perfect, I had not read about Bearwalkers near Heorland or Sartar!

Back in RQ2 any of the four types of lycanthropes might be found in Dragon Pass.  Bearwalkers have largely been "dropped" in RQG.  They've largely been replaced by Rathori hsunchen or Odayla initiates.  But I always liked them, so why not include?

43 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

Also how would poising affect them if only silver or magic would hurt them? Blade Sharp on a Scorpionman's tail? Would that get the poison into their system?

Couple of options: 1) poison (or acid) still affects them even if the stinger doesn't penetrate; 2) magical enhancement of the weapon still works and allows penetration of the bearwalker's skin; or 3) they are chaotic and that negates the lycanthropic ability.

43 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

there was mention of longbow use, is that referenced somewhere?

The Rathori of northern Fronela are noted for their use of longbows.  I'd consider that far from Dragon Pass.


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11 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

What are Lycanthropes harmed by?

The only lycanthropes left in RQG are the "Cursed" Telmori (ignoring the Fox Women), who have only a superficial resemblance to what was in RQ2.

RQ2 had the bearwalkers, tiger sons, tusk brothers, and wolf brothers. All four were Chaotic, and shared the same invulernability to bronze and natural weapons; and vulnerability to Rune metals, magic, and poison (if their hide is penetrated). In my copy of RQ2 that's on page 74.

11 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Anything is possible but what are some ideas to make it unique but not too outlandish for Glorantha?

I think you have three basic possibilities.

  1. They are lycanthropic, as per RQ2. This is a curse that is inherited from one or both parents. But you could just as easily make it a curse obtained in some other way. The invulnerability is a significant power if you treat them as able to transform at will (as in RQ2), but the Chaotic taint balances that. In RQ2, these were intended as monsters, not as PCs.
  2. As mentioned by others, go the Odayla route. This is straightforward under the RQG rules, not overpowered, and culturally acceptable amongst Heortlings. No magical invulnerability.
  3. The "difficult" option is a Rathori Hsunchen, as rules for that aren't yet published under RQG (it will be in Cults of Glorantha). Spells will be generally similar to Odayla, except without access to all Common Rune Magic, and you could add in Hibernate from Red Book of Magic. I think they would be recognised as a weird flavour of Odayla amongst the Heortlings i.e. not an enemy. In addition to options mentioned by others, you could say this is some kind of "Hsunchen blood" having resurfaced for an unknown reason. This one is a bit of a stretch, in my view, as Rathori follow shamanic traditions and that's tricky unless you want to bring a focus on shamanism into your game.

I'd suggest #2 is by far the simplest, and well-supported by the available rules material.

If you went with the Hsunchen option, then there's tons of detail on the Rathori (in their native Fronelan context) in Bearwalkers on the Jonstown Compendium, while we await the new Cults book.

Edited by Brian Duguid
Added reference to Bearwalkers on JC
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3 hours ago, Brian Duguid said:

The only lycanthropes left in RQG are the "Cursed" Telmori (ignoring the Fox Women), who have only a superficial resemblance to what was in RQ2.

RQ2 had the bearwalkers, tiger sons, tusk brothers, and wolf brothers. All four were Chaotic, and shared the same invulernability to bronze and natural weapons; and vulnerability to Rune metals, magic, and poison (if their hide is penetrated). In my copy of RQ2 that's on page 74.


In my Glorantha, any of the hsunchen can theoretically become were-creatures by being tainted with chaos.  This happens most often with tiger hsunchen who become man-eaters but you also find wereboars (from Ramalia) and probably others.  But Telmori are the only hsunchen who became were-creatures as a group.



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This is good stuff! With the Forest of Wonderous Beasts having proximity to Muse Roost and isn't too far from the Smoking's Ruins it works for my Backford Campaign future plans... "Blessed by Odayala" sounds good as well for this PC. 

I am less a fan of the detecting as chaotic for a PC but it could be an interesting twist. Would the Storm Bulls of The Block want to kill all lycanthropes? I have not experienced them in previous campaigns at all. Input there appreciated as well.

I did pick up the Bearwalkers supplement the other day and do like it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

All the talk of elves and cannibalism in other threads have me wondering what a standard inn's menu would be in Heortland. I have Runquest Cities, the Game master's Guide and most supplements... but I don't see actual menus, not critical but I am curious if anyone had developed a menu of sorts for inns like Geo's but more for Heortland? Are there spices, I would assume so as places like Karse would be the first stop for trade goods going to the Empire? Also being that Nochet isn't far off and so its culinary delights would be available across the bay? What fare if anything would the Heortland be specially known for?

Buttered scopionman meat? (Just kidding but that would be on a troll inn's menu in that region I think.)

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34 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

what a standard inn's menu would be in Heortland. I have Runquest Cities, the Game master's Guide and most supplements... but I don't see actual menus, not critical but I am curious if anyone had developed a menu of sorts for inns like Geo's but more for Heortland? Are there spices, I would assume so as places like Karse would be the first stop for trade goods going to the Empire? Also being that Nochet isn't far off and so its culinary delights would be available across the bay? What fare if anything would the Heortland be specially known for?

While Nochet delights in the wondrous array of spices brought from places near-and-far, Karse would be the primary city that would have similar cuisine.  The RQG Weapons & Equipment Guide provides a good variety of options and notes foods such as gumbo, hotpot, skewered oysters, and frybread.

For most of Heortland expect it to reflect the grains (barley and einkorn, and also oats in Esvular), sheep, and some amount of pigs and fowl.  Generally I'd expect a blander and more traditional diet in Heortland.  Flatbread, porridge, and various stews are probably the staples at inns or caravanserai.  Seasonally some roast meats.  Along the river ways, fish.  And Backford has salt - so expect salted fish and cured meats. 

One example noted in W&E is: Plate Sausage and Dragonleaves: Fermented spiced cabbage and pork sausages. Common in South Sartar. Price: 1½ C.  (South Sartar being the area around Whitewall, i.e. northern Volsaxiland - so spiced foods working their way north from Karse to Sartar.)

Heortland is damp from seasonal rain, but you'll get berries and orchards throughout, so fresh fruit in Earthseason, dried fruit through the winter.

(and yes, I'd expect the Kitori and trolls to have a good variety of fungi/mushrooms; and the trolls might well eat scorpionmen assuming the latter don't catch them first)

Edited by jajagappa
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I was reading about the Talar of Talar Hold (p14 Tradetalk 6) and the occupation of Refuge after Richard by Talar Kithis Ikadi. Knowing this might not be canonical but still being interested does anyone have more info on Talar Hold and its occupants?

Also is there a Waertagi drydock somewhere near God Forgot and is there an actual location for the famed Waertagi shipwreck?

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1 hour ago, Erol of Backford said:

I was reading about the Talar of Talar Hold (p14 Tradetalk 6) and the occupation of Refuge after Richard by Talar Kithis Ikadi. Knowing this might not be canonical but still being interested does anyone have more info on Talar Hold and its occupants?

Best and most canonical reference to the Talar of Talar Hold are the Guide and the Prince of Sartar webcomic: 29 – The City of Wonders – Prince of Sartar 

See the footnotes on that webcomic page, both for brief reference to the Talar, and to his primary zzaburi (at least his depiction indicates this) Carvak Zirian, the mind of the Talar.

Talar Hold is ruled by the immortal Brithini, as is Refuge.  The main occupants would be the Ingareen - the atheist (mortal human) subjects of the Brithini.


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4 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Does anyone have some ideas as to what Talar Hold might look like? Assuming the PC's of this campaign go there before the Wolf Pirates appear. What if anything happens to TH after the pirates?

No idea.  The only Brithini structural representation I'm aware of is the Brass-walled compound in Sog City depicted in the Guide. 

Also, not aware of anything happening to Talar Hold after the Wolf Pirates arrive.  My guess is that the Talar skillfully directs the pirates to Casino Town - far more interesting than Talar Hold. 

Note: It occurs to me as I write this that Talar Hold simply does not gain the attention of the Wolf Pirates.  It's the capitol of God FORGOT.  Therefore, the most natural thing is for the wizards to cast spells that make the pirates forget the place moments after they think of it (just rolls right out of their minds).  And if they do think of it, they think of it as miserable and forgotten, like the Ingareens they see.  Perhaps it's the Truth, perhaps it's Illusion.  And Casino Town is so much more interesting...  Harrek could likely see through it, if he set his mind to it, but the Brithini have met and dealt with such god-like beings before.

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On 3/10/2022 at 12:59 AM, Erol of Backford said:

I was reading about the Talar of Talar Hold (p14 Tradetalk 6) and the occupation of Refuge after Richard by Talar Kithis Ikadi. Knowing this might not be canonical but still being interested does anyone have more info on Talar Hold and its occupants?

"Kithis Ikadi" is very reminiscent of "Prince Kadakithis" from Sanctuary, so probably firmly in the non-canonical corner (since coming from a copy-righted source, as opposed to say Väinämöinen/Vanamuine).


On 3/10/2022 at 12:59 AM, Erol of Backford said:

Also is there a Waertagi drydock somewhere near God Forgot and is there an actual location for the famed Waertagi shipwreck?

There is Sog's Ruins on the southern edge of Prax, now a land-logged place but apparently a Waertagi drydock in the Gods War.

The Waertagi might have explored the Solkathi flood, but their outreach really only reached the southern edge of Prax after the Breaking of the World, allowing their presence in the Gray Age and Dawn Age.

A Waertagi shipwreck may have happened fleeing the Closing, just about anywhere on the coast.

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When investigating Sog's Ruins I came across the University of Sog City: Conference Guide (Seventh Ecclesiastical Council, 1625) from 1994. non-canonical I assume?

Who, if anyone would be sent from Heortland, possibly from Notchet or maybe Mt. Passant, to represent the Malkoioni at the conference? Where would these persons have been in say 1600 or 1610~15 if they were in the Heortland then? If there were any representatives sent may I assume they would have traveled by sea and would the ships have been crewed by green Waertagi seamen?

What season would the Conference have occurred in 1625?

This would obviously have preceded the rise of the Kingdom of War and its attack on Loskalm? Does Sog City fall after Loskalm is defeted as it did when Harrek did in 1615?

Additionally as there is a Grand Tournament what would the minimum stats for entry therein? Lance, shield, sword, mace, flail at 99%?

Brave, chivalrous and virtuous would be represented by which actual RQ abilities/runes?

Would there not be similar tournaments in Heortland held each year in various locations for entertainment and training? The Garhound Contest but with more "Western" events? What would they be?

I'd also assume Praxian beasts would not normally be permitted to compete but possibly there would be an "exotic" category for those with mounts not of the horse stock?

When would the "The Dragonewt Expedition" (Guide p73) from Dragon Pass have occurred, possibly in conjunction with the Conference?

Sorry for all the questions but every time open a cover from an older publication so may come to mind.

Thank you all for thoughts/input here.

(Should I begin another thread on the Conference if it is canonical as there are many other questions not related to Heortland...)

Sog Conference.PNG

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32 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

University of Sog City: Conference Guide (Seventh Ecclesiastical Council, 1625) from 1994. non-canonical I assume?

Yes, all non-canonical.  But it was a wonderful LARP to play in!

32 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

Who, if anyone would be sent from Heortland, possibly from Nochet or maybe Mt. Passant, to represent the Malkoioni at the conference?

I don't recall any participants from the Holy Country in the LARP.  (Nor would I expect any from such a heretical "outpost" to be "invited".)

43 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

What season would the Conference have occurred in 1625?

Had to go dig out the old documents from the game!  Disorder Week, Darkseason, 1625.

44 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

This would obviously have preceded the rise of the Kingdom of War and its attack on Loskalm?

No, Kingdom of War was already well underway (you can see that in the Guide, which is 1621).

As I recall in the game, there was a crusade/battle that occurs against the Kingdom of War during that week.

47 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

Additionally as there is a Grand Tournament what would the minimum stats for entry therein?

The Tournament included: jousts and hand-combat (single weapon was the only note for this).  I don't know that I would set a minimum stat, but probably figure you'd need 75%+ to get anywhere beyond a first couple of elimination rounds.

51 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

Would there not be similar tournaments in Heortland held each year in various locations for entertainment and training?

Only if you are thinking of it from a "medieval" perspective.  However, I might expect some games (ala Olympic Games) to be held regularly during the days of the God-king as a recreation of Kargan Tor's Court of Conflict (although the greatest games would have been at the City of Wonders).  After 1616, maybe Rikard held some at Durengard.  But he's gone by 1620 and there are probably no more after that.

55 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

When would the "The Dragonewt Expedition" (Guide p73) from Dragon Pass have occurred, possibly in conjunction with the Conference?

That event was described in WF 14 originally.  It was designed to potentially fit into either a Griffin Mountain or Dorastor campaign (crossing the Elder Wilds, cutting across Holay/Aggar, then into Dorastor, and across into Ralios).  But it was supposed to end at Sog City.  Most likely its not the Conference, but the arrival of the Waertagi Dragon-ship at Sog City, that it would intersect.

1 hour ago, Erol of Backford said:

(Should I begin another thread on the Conference if it is canonical as there are many other questions not related to Heortland...)

While not canonical, it still probably makes sense to begin another thread on that topic.

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Canonically, the Ecclesiastical whatsitsname is taking place in Seshnela, and is an inquistional tribunal rather than a philosophical discourse.

The Freeform had a bishop Gwydion of Sklar accompanied by Tanisoran-born Gerard de Montanmpein as Aeolians and Lunar convert Rikard the Tigerhearted in the Carmanian delegation.

Edited by Joerg
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Is there any reference for Broo and or Scorpionman population in the Foulblood Forest and the Jab Hills?

Also is there any timeline for when Gagix Twobarb actually consolidated the four tribes of scorpionmen into one?

The Guide (p740) says: Tatius gave permission to the Queendom of Jab to erupt out of Larnste’s Footprint. Thousands of scorpion men raided deep into central and southern Heortland, and devoured everything in their way. With each victory, thousands more scorpion men were born to Queen Gagix Twobarb.

Just curious and thank you again all.

image.png.dd5c7018c2445d80ef6c751cf4c2b233.png image.png.7568e514344ff92abf3247b712fdd2ce.png

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2 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Is there any reference for Broo and or Scorpionman population in the Foulblood Forest and the Jab Hills?

You need to send in a census taker.  Or perhaps ask Gagix herself! 😉

2 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Thousands of scorpion men raided deep into central and southern Heortland, and devoured everything in their way. With each victory, thousands more scorpion men were born to Queen Gagix Twobarb.

This is pretty much your answer.  There may be ~4k in 1622.  They are beaten back.  By 1625-6, population is in the 5-6k range, and ready to emerge again.  (And figure from a fighting standpoint that each scorpionman is roughly equivalent of 2 humans.)

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Looking at Caldvale Manor in Tradetalk 12 by Simon Bray, it notes that it is located on the Minthos River. It notes the "Kings Crossroads on the Boardwalk"? This might be east of Duchamp be seems to fit or be more exciting to have it closer to Jab Hills? 

If so, I see it (again my guess) as being located roughly where the red arrow is in the attached clip, to the west side of the Silver Stream (added to the clip in indigo) running from north of the Minthus River? About 38~40 miles west of Backford and about 5 miles from Bullflood (which would be under the red arrow or nearly so).

Has anyone used this setting in their campaign(s) and is there any advice, I like that the Burnt Wood almost extends to the southern edge of the Jab Hills wooded area which invokes some potential plot links...

I see a trade ring here, Backford, Bullflood, Caldvale, Duchamp and Durengrad. Durengrad being the key port for trade across the Mirrorsea Bay.

Any thoughts on ice demon stats, again RQ3 rules are being used here. I assume, again all shapes and sizes? Could be spirits, golems made of sow or ice? Maybe someone in Caldvale is named Elsa? No that would be just terrible and wrong?

Thank you all once again for any input!




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7 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:


Any thoughts on ice demon stats, again RQ3 rules are being used here. I assume, again all shapes and sizes? Could be spirits, golems made of sow or ice? Maybe someone in Caldvale is named Elsa? No that would be just terrible and wrong?

Ice demon stats are found in the Somking Ruins and Other Stories p181-182 

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7 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Any thoughts on ice demon stats, again RQ3 rules are being used here.

RQ3 Ice demons (Hollri) are in Troll Gods, cults book, page 41. 

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