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HQ Sartar Companion PDF

Erol of Backford

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I have exhausted my online search trying to find a copy of the HQ Sartar Companion does anyone know where it might be found as a PDF? It doesn't appear to be on Lulu, Amazon nor any other location. Ebay has one at $125.00 which is a bit steep for me. I don't mind a PDF if its out there? At Moon Design, Drive Thru RPG, etc its not available or out of stock...

Sartar Companion, by Greg Stafford and Jeff Richard, was published by Moon Design and Cubicle Seven in November, 2012. It is 296 pages in deluxe, oversize paperback.

Jaja mentioned its the same book but different cover 2010 and 2012?

I read through the posting "Will Coming Storm/Eleven Lights be reprinted?" and so its sounds less than promising that it will be rereleased any time soon if it does. If I missed any available PDF please send me the link, any help is appreciated! (If this is the wrong place to post this please move and let me know where to do so next time?)

Does anyone think some copies may be at the upcoming Con in Michigan!? It would add to the incentive to make the trip...

Thanks all!


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Rumour has it we are simply waiting for it to be rebranded as a QW product now that Chaosium has relinquished the copyright to HQ. Great book so get it when it does become available again. Patience might be required though, I think it is far back in the chute


Edited by Bill the barbarian
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... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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To make it available again, they need to replace the HQ branding with QW branding, and maybe address anywhere else the HQ brand is referenced. But I guess they may not want to encourage people to buy out-of-date product where much of the content will be available and in some cases amended/expanded in the forthcoming Sartar box set.

Then again, note that MOB has just put something on the Chaosium website promising that 2022 will be the year of QuestWorlds, so making some old QW products available again may tie in with that 😉

@MOB promised there would be rebranded versions in May last year:

Also confirmed on a couple of occasions by @Rick Meints:

As with everything else, I guess it's just a matter of priority for their resources, and I'm sure Cults of Glorantha, Sartar Box Set are higher priority.

Edited by Brian Duguid
fixed typo


An Unofficial Buyer's Guide to RuneQuest and Glorantha lists everything currently available for the game and setting, across 60 pages. "Lavishly illustrated throughout, festooned with hyperlinks" - Nick Brooke. The Voralans presents Glorantha's magical mushroom humanoids, the black elves. "A wonderful blend of researched detail and Glorantha crazy" - Austin Conrad. The Children of Hykim documents Glorantha's shape-changing totemic animal people, the Hsunchen. "Stunning depictions of shamanistic totem-animal people, really evocative" - Philip H.

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  • 2 months later...
On 3/24/2022 at 10:34 PM, Erol of Backford said:

Buy it, me pay for postage? I need my Glorantha fix Mr. Meints!

Anything we bring to sell at Chaosium con is going to be sold to attendees. You are welcome to have another attendee buy it and send it to you through whatever private arrangements you can set up. Unfortunately, Chaosium cannot provide such a service ourselves. 

Hope that Helps,
Rick Meints - Chaosium, Inc.

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13 hours ago, Doug said:

Is there an ETA on the announcement of general availability for the rest of us?

I think we need a "Ships of the QuestWorld!" announcement.

If Chaosium has a few copies, that's probably 1 case that they Air-$hipped.  If they sell at cover-price, those copies probably offer little to no profit (i.e. it's promotional).

But since the books ARE shipping... the other cases of them are presumably surface-shipping even as we type; but (by definition) that's the "slow boat from China."
Because of potential shipping delays, customs delays, random acts of Gbaji... Chaosium doesn't like to ETA such things at this point in their transit cycle.

C'es ne pas un .sig

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18 hours ago, godsmonkey said:

It was Will they? Those books were published when the game was called "Hero Wars". Does it fall under the copywrite agreement of HeroQuest?

It was explicitly named "Hero Wars" because MiltonBradley held the "Heroquest"(c) at that time; Greg grabbed the (c) for the next edition of HW when MB let the (c) lapse for their long-out-of-print boardgame.  Unless the new agreement between Chaosium & MB contains explicit mention of it, I presume the HW title remains Chaosium's (until/unless they fail to re-register it, and some ambitious upstart grabs it out from under them); but honestly, the terms of that agreement are none of our business (and may even include explicit confidentiality clauses; but business-contracts aren't typically matters for public review & commentary, so...) .

However... the game mechanics have changed since the HW days; and (likely more-importantly) so has the "canon" thinking at Chaosium's creative team.

As they repeatedly remind us:  "canon" doesn't limit what you do in your game, at your table.  "Canon" only limits what Chaosium publishes... and those titles are now non-canonical.

OTOH... my persnickity rules-lawyerly brain notes that @Rick Meints specifically said (above) "not getting rebranded" (i.e. they do not carry the infringing "HQ" (tm)'s, which need replacing before a reprint); he did not say they weren't getting reprinted.

In the end, I think the Chaosium will look at:

  • the sales-numbers of the original run, vs the effort needed to bring the mechanics up to QW standard & the setting up to Guide & Sourcebook standards
  • trying to estimate the market for a "Classics" style (non-updated) offering in the model of the RQ2/RQC line.

to determine if they are getting reprinted in any fashion at all (I tend to doubt it, personally:  from what I have seen, they don't seem to like that era of product; but maybe Rick specifically phrased it that way to hypothetically allow for a reprint-without-rebrand "someday").

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1 hour ago, g33k said:

to determine if they are getting reprinted in any fashion at all

Why reprint something that probably did not have high sales numbers in the first place for a game system that is not being re-released when they have similar content in the works in the planned Sartar book that would supersede, replace, or contradict that non-canonical material in those old books?

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56 minutes ago, jajagappa said:

Why reprint something that probably did not have high sales numbers in the first place for a game system that is not being re-released when they have similar content in the works in the planned Sartar book that would supersede, replace, or contradict that non-canonical material in those old books?

Thank you.  Mostly what I said; but much more concisely said.
I suspect (quite strongly) that this is much in line with Chaosium's own thinking.

Edited by g33k

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