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Bolo Lizards? Illo's w/ or w/o riders?


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Hmmm... interesting indeed.

Many thanks to all who are participating... although I realize that many folks are speaking up out of their own interests in the subject, not "merely" to help a fellow Gloranthaphile dispel his ignorance...  ;-)

Ornithomimus  @TRose?  Maybe... RE the wikipedia entry:  the erect-stance skeleton (at the Royal Ontario) is how I _used_to_ see them; the more-level stance (showing feathers, below) is closer, but I think any feathering is wrong for a Bolo Lizard; excepting maybe a crest or something?

Searching through all the likely dinosaurian models that WIkipedia offers certainly looks like the fastest/easiest way to get ideas!

@Mankcam -- RE "din.jpg" that critter is clearly a predator, not an herbivore (I like your Pisanosaurus suggestion better!); ditto for @M Helsdon suggesting the "sketch_01" pic on fancyscribbles... I like that it's being ridden, but it's a predator!  Don't get me wrong, I like 'em both!  But not for the Bolo lizard...

RE the "Nomad Gods" playing-piece... I see those pieces as using a display-style that's intentionally incorrect:  simplified, and done in graphically-strong manner, to both lower production-costs and make them easier to distinguish in-play.  That blobby rounded head, for example... ugh.

Definitely NOT Therizinosaur-ish, @M Helsdon -- a quick Google image-search shows that critter has outsizedly-large "Edward Scissorhands" claws on the front feet.  Also, that species is the biggest of the family, and clearly far too large for a Bolo (though of course one can simply slap a different scale onto an illustration... ) .  But I think you're doing well in selecting one of the derived / non-carnivorous theropod dino's as your likely base creature (albeit many experts these days are doing ALL the Theropod's as feathered (which (while interesting) I'd rather NEVER saw print under ANY "Glorantha" title!!!)).  The bipedal Ornithischians are another likely source, per my original Hadrosaur/Iguanosaur suggestion, the later @Mankcam suggestion of Pisanosaurus, & Camptosaurus per @Tindalos...

I hadn't seen the "Praxian Beasts" silhouettes before.  I admit to finding the Bolo Lizard disappointingly small... vs. the other Beasts, I had been envisioning something midway in size between the High Llama and the Sable...

Thanks again to all the participants (so far), and I hope we get further interesting notions...

Edited by g33k

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42 minutes ago, Tindalos said:

Anaxial's Roster gives their GL name as Camptosaurus elegans, and real life Camptosaurs could work quite well as a base.

All the Camptosauri were too large.

No known dinosaur quite fits, which is why the silhouette was a 'mash-up'.

Edited by M Helsdon
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52 minutes ago, g33k said:

I admit to finding the Bolo Lizard disappointingly small... vs. the other Beasts, I had been envisioning something midway in size between the High Llama and the Sable...

RQ2 gives an average SIZ of 19; Impalas 13; Sables 21-22; High Llama and Bison 34-35; Rhinos 37. Bolo-lizards are pygmy mounts and so one of the smaller Praxian riding animals.

RQ2 Foes gives Ostriches a SIZ around 15.

These SIZ were taken into account when producing the silhouettes, bearing in mind that much of the apparent 'bulk' of an ostrich is feathers.



Edited by M Helsdon
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As far as I know, the Bolo Lizard is a fantasy creation specific to Glorantha, but for an analogy we seem to be in the right place using ornithischian dinosaurs, which are obviously the inspiration for Bolo Lizards in the first place.

For a quick reference I'ld just place Bolo Lizards somewhere between a large pisanosaurus and a small camptosaurus, and showing both of those pics to players will give them an idea of the concept.

If I was an artist I would use those dinosaurs as reference and come up with something of my own, perhaps add frill-necks and such (perhaps even a mane) or some other unusual feature to make them distinctly fantasy. But for quick player reference I'ld use those dinosaurs above. 

Edited by Mankcam
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There's another canon illustration of a Bolo-lizard in RuneQuest: Foes, page 83, which I also used as a source for scale. The Bolo-lizard has similar forearms and 'fingers and claws' to a Therizinosaur, which would make sense for a herbivore scratching around for food in Prax and the Wastes.

I believe Foes will become more accessible due to the Kickstarter? It includes a size comparison chart and several useful illustrations.

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I usually find that a simple description does for players and then their own imaginations take over. Why the need for pictures and trying to find something that fits?

"Bunch of pygmies swinging bolas,  riding small, long tailed lizards the size of ponies, have just crested the dune...they plan to take your stuff..."

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One thing to remember also that when Nomad Gods was first published in the 70"s( Forget year)  the idea that some dinosaurs had feathers was not well known.

 And does anyone have any figure they use for Bolo lizard people? I been thinking of getting some velocirapters  from Iron crown and then using some 15 or .20 mm barbarian cav figures for riders as that the best I can do now.

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I have Bolo Lizard figures, 15mm only from 20 years ago, no idea where I got them. Here are some Bison Riders with their recent raid prizes...

(apologies for bad photo)



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Search the Glorantha Resource Site: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com. Search the Glorantha mailing list archives: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/

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19 hours ago, TRose said:

One thing to remember also that when Nomad Gods was first published in the 70"s( Forget year)  the idea that some dinosaurs had feathers was not well known.

Whereas Dragonewts rode Demi-Birds, that were effectively feathered dinosaurs.

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


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15 minutes ago, soltakss said:

Whereas Dragonewts rode Demi-Birds, that were effectively feathered dinosaurs.

I am not sure that the dinosaur connection was intended back then. As late as Anaxial's Roster, demibirds are listed alongside augners and ostriches as running birds.

Next thing we will have to decide is whether dragons have just scales or also some downs or even plumage (while retaining their chiropteroid wings), and how much plumage we have for the Earth Shaker or gazzam dinosaurs, and how much for the degenerate dragonewts.

The triceratops in the dragonewt picture and the Slon T Rex in the Guide are depicted as classical scaled reptiles.

Telling how it is excessive verbis


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2 hours ago, soltakss said:

Whereas Dragonewts rode Demi-Birds, that were effectively feathered dinosaurs.

Only in as much as all birds are descended from dinosaurs.

The demi-bird is closer to one of the Phorusrhacidae 'terror birds', and I used them as the basis of the silhouette in HeroQuest: Glorantha.

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19 hours ago, David Scott said:

I have Bolo Lizard figures, 15mm only from 20 years ago, no idea where I got them. Here are some Bison Riders with their recent raid prizes...

(apologies for bad photo)



 Love it. Maybe we should have a miniature section someplace to let people show off their artwork and let people know where to buy Miniatures that work for a Glorantha game.

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  • 10 months later...
9 minutes ago, Runeblogger said:

What does "bolo" mean in this case? 


Possibly a variant spelling of bolas.



The Guide says:

Bolo-Lizard Folk: This wry and wiry race rides about the Wastelands atop a slick and lean reptile. The creature runs with its head and tail stretched horizontally, leaving plenty of room for the riders to use their six-foot bolos with devastating effect.

Edited by M Helsdon
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8 minutes ago, M Helsdon said:

Bolo-Lizard Folk: This wry and wiry race rides about the Wastelands atop a slick and lean reptile. The creature runs with its head and tail stretched horizontally, leaving plenty of room for the riders to use their six-foot bolos with devastating effect.

I thought "bolos" was a typo for "bolas". :-)
But isn't the hyphen here meant to indicate that "bolo" has to do with the lizards, and not their riders?

Read my Runeblog about RuneQuest and Glorantha at: http://elruneblog.blogspot.com.es/

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4 hours ago, Runeblogger said:

I thought "bolos" was a typo for "bolas". :-)
But isn't the hyphen here meant to indicate that "bolo" has to do with the lizards, and not their riders?

I wouldn't overthink it too much. Just English being English.

Some damn Sartarite colloquialism becoming mainstream Praxian I should think.

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The marauding Bolo Lizard Folk are a stretch goal in the forthcoming Khan of Khans.

Their description is as follows:

The Bolo Lizard Folk

The Bolo Lizard folk are nomadic hunters renowned for their spinning weapon, the bolas - useful in war and hunting. They ride nimble two-legged lizards, and attack in a swarm.

The artwork is really nice. The lizard has some feathers.

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