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What do you know about the RuneQuest Gamemaster’s Guide and what do you want to see?


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What do you know about the RuneQuest Gamemaster’s Guide and what do you want to see?

I am sure there must be more information somewhere, but I realized I do not know much about what will be in the RuneQuest Gamemaster’s Guide. What I know about it is what is hinted in RQG:

Determining Characteristics p.53 - The Gamemaster’s Guide contains optional methods of characteristic generation, and the gamemaster is free to come up with their own methods or point values as desired. It is strongly recommended that all adventurers use the same method of determination.

Ships, Vehicles and Chases p.153 and p.398 - The RuneQuest Gamemaster’s Guide contains additional information about chases, including expanded vehicular combat rules.

The RuneQuest Gamemaster’s Guide provides more information about ships and other vehicles.

Impressing Others p.241 - Similarly, the gamemaster may allow the adventurer to attempt to sway a non-player character’s reaction to the adventurer. Rules governing non-player character reactions are provided in the RuneQuest Gamemaster’s Guide.

Illumination p.305 - Priests of the Seven Mothers may become initiates of the Red Goddess upon achieving Illumination (described in the RuneQuest Gamemaster’s Guide).

Rune Metals p.281, p.327 and p.408 – Large or old established cults generally have enchanted iron or other enchanted Rune metal weapons and armor (see the RuneQuest Gamemaster’s Guide).

Rune metals are described in greater detail in the RuneQuest The RuneQuest

Gamemaster’s Guide contains additional information on equipment made of iron and other Rune metals. Gamemaster’s Guide.


So we know the RQ GM Guide, will contain more details about optional character creation methods, vehicles, ships and more chases rules, more interaction social rules, and information about Rune Metals and Illumination

Do we know anything else?

Aside from that, what would you like to see in the RuneQuest Gamemaster’s Guide?

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So, what do I want to see?  Hmmm… assuming that the Guide will focus on rules and not on fluff, here are a few ideas.

1) Rules for HeroQuesting. Now that I come to think of it, I kind of remember this was on the table already

2) Mass Combat rules would be fun.

3) Optional Combat rules. A section expanding on combat options including Disarm and Subduing from Rune Fixes but also other options adapted from previous editions like:

  • Unintentional Knockback(RQ3 PB p.49 and p.56)
  • Bracing against Knockback (RQ3 PB p.49)
  • Close Attack (RQ3 PB p.57)
  • Fight Defensively (BRP p.202)

Options to use different effects on Specials and Criticals

  • Impaling, Slashing or Crushing damage
  • Disengage or Close 
  • Placed Blow
  • Riposte
  • Knockback
  • Disarm or Break Weapon or Entangle weapon
  • Subdue
  • etc.

4) Expanded Sorcery perhaps.

Of course, not all of that, and potentially none of that, will be in the RuneQuest Gamemaster’s Guide but hey, I guy can wish…

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My biggest want (and I suspect the #1 for most others) is definitely heroquesting rules. IIRC it's been stated that the GM's Guide will have them, finally.

Rune metals have an appendix in the adventures book in the GM Screen pack, but I wouldn't mind that being extended a bit. I really like the weird abilities some of the metals get, and I feel like there's room to add more metals or to expand what's written. For example, tin doesn't have any enchanted properties, nor does bronze.

I'd also enjoy seeing the enchanting rules expanded. On p.250, it's noted that other enchantments than those in the Core exist, which both are not a cult secret and which anyone can perform if they know the procedure. Similarly, I'd love to see more rituals/crafting processes like the Staff of Flight on p.201 of the Bestiary (though I imagine that one, and similar, are cult secrets).

I don't know if we'll see Illumination; I kind of think it might be in GaGoG instead of the GM's Guide. I don't recall any recent information confirming its location one way or another.

I'd love to get more in-depth sorcery rules, but I don't think we'll see them in the guide either. That feels like that's probably a full book on its own.

For character generation, I'd love to see a point-buy system like we've seen for various editions of D&D (I know other games use them, but D&D/Pathfinder's is the only one I'm familiar with).

I think rules for building strongholds, founding temples/clans, that sort of thing could be really fun.

Rules for combined magic would be great. In particular, I'm thinking of Argrath's warlocks of the Sartar Magical Union referenced at the end of the Glorantha Sourcebook (IDK a page number at the moment), and what process the Lunar colleges use. I feel like it's probably something involving collective wyter-magic but that's entirely inference on my own part. In either case, I think adventurers being able to become one of these combined units would be really exciting.

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Jonstown Compendium author. Find my publications here. Disclaimer: affiliate link.

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I'd also like to see more gear, market rules, etc. For example, if barding's a thing (something I know one of my players will ask the moment he gets a mount), what does it cost? Does armor cost different for non-humans? Can you pay to refit, how much? etc. How often do the Chalana Arroy or Lhankor Mhy cults offer up alchemical goods for sale? Healing salves, antidotes, and so on. What does it cost to have a master in Ride train your mount from a cavalry beast to a war beast?

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Jonstown Compendium author. Find my publications here. Disclaimer: affiliate link.

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From talking to Jeff at Conventions, it should have rules on becoming a Hero, with a HeroQuesting Character Sheet. Whether that means rules on HeroQuesting, I am not sure.

I would like to see:

  • Rules on HeroQuesting 🙂
  • New Magic Items and ways of creating different, non-standard Magic Items
  • Ways of using Runes in a more exciting fashion
  • Rules for Alchemy and Alchemical Potions
  • Rules for managing a stead or village, more than the ones for Sacred Time 
  • Rules for managing a campaign, although I don't like between scenario events I can see them as being useful
  • Things that have been missed out of the main rules and Bestiary
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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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I'd like to see rules for HeroQuesting.

Then I'd love a whole bunch of additional rules for all the "social" aspects of a campaign -- it's often said that how you manage relationships inside your clan, or between your clan and the neighbouring clans, is often as important, if not more, than just hitting people with a sword... so I'd love to have more crunch there, whether it's stuff mentioned in this thread (communities rules and other clan management stuff) or other stuff like, say, advanced social interaction rules for big negotiations (like, diplomatic encounters that require multiple rolls and a bit of tactical choices on the player's part to "win" the argument... social skills as combat, basically).

Last, lots of tips for running Glorantha, like how to portray Gods and cults or, generally speaking, handling "mythical stuff". Tips on managing single-clan parties vs multi-cultural parties, too.

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Ludovic aka Lordabdul -- read and listen to  The God Learners , the Gloranthan podcast, newsletter, & blog !

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23 hours ago, daskindt said:


One of the best systems in HeroQuest Glorantha is the system for codifying and interacting with communities. I really hope a similar system is planned for RQG to help cement the importance of your Loyalty (Clan) passion.

Yes, like Lordabdul and you are saying, that would be great.

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On 5/12/2019 at 5:18 PM, Crel said:

I don't know if we'll see Illumination; I kind of think it might be in GaGoG instead of the GM's Guide. I don't recall any recent information confirming its location one way or another.


For character generation, I'd love to see a point-buy system like we've seen for various editions of D&D (I know other games use them, but D&D/Pathfinder's is the only one I'm familiar with).


Regarding Illumination, I was simply quoting RQG but still, they might change their minds and not include it.

For character creation, I would also like better guidance than what we have in the core book. I'd rather see a "for each extra year of experience ..." approach instead of the blocky "for each extra 10 years of experience..."  

Edited by DreadDomain
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In addition to heroquesting and Hero rules, I would like to see rules for quickly upgrading/creating foes. The Bestiary is great...but the baseline monsters are (often) no match for experienced characters. And as a time-short GM, I'd like to see some easy power up options/templates/whatever to help me when I'm running the game and suddenly need an enemy RL or something. 

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According to El Runeblogger's website, the section headings are as follows:

1. Introduction, 2. Glorantha, 3. Adventurers, 4. Cults and Gods, 5. Runes and Magic, 6. The environment, 7. Guilds and associations, 8. Goods and services, 9. Time, 10. Combat (personal, skirmishes, mass, naval, sieges, etc.), 11. Directing the game (all kinds of basic and advanced tips), 12. Adventure Design (create campaigns, adventures, encounters, etc.), 13. Heroquesting, 14. Travel, 15. Encounters, 16. Treasures and Rewards, 17. Conversions (more details on how to transfer data from RQ2/3, HeroQuest and other games to RuneQuest Glorantha)

I have no idea how accurate this is, or where he got the info from.

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On 5/14/2019 at 4:38 AM, Sumath said:

According to El Runeblogger's website, the section headings are as follows:

1. Introduction, 2. Glorantha, 3. Adventurers, 4. Cults and Gods, 5. Runes and Magic, 6. The environment, 7. Guilds and associations, 8. Goods and services, 9. Time, 10. Combat (personal, skirmishes, mass, naval, sieges, etc.), 11. Directing the game (all kinds of basic and advanced tips), 12. Adventure Design (create campaigns, adventures, encounters, etc.), 13. Heroquesting, 14. Travel, 15. Encounters, 16. Treasures and Rewards, 17. Conversions (more details on how to transfer data from RQ2/3, HeroQuest and other games to RuneQuest Glorantha)

I have no idea how accurate this is, or where he got the info from.

Well that is a pretty comprehensive and promising TOC. In a sense it tells us it can cover anything :)

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Boy. Good luck to Chaosium keeping up with those expectations. We do veraciously devour this stuff. I think if they produced a book a week, we would still be saying 'yeah, but where are the rules for .....' Still, better to have that level of enthusiasm and engagement than not. As for  Heroquesting rules,  they've been on the list for forty years or so. I suspect Jeff will have to do a Heroquest to retrieve this mythic guide. It's probably hidden in some magical form of the British library in the Gods Time.

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On 5/13/2019 at 8:38 PM, Sumath said:

According to El Runeblogger's website, the section headings are as follows:

1. Introduction, 2. Glorantha, 3. Adventurers, 4. Cults and Gods, 5. Runes and Magic, 6. The environment, 7. Guilds and associations, 8. Goods and services, 9. Time, 10. Combat (personal, skirmishes, mass, naval, sieges, etc.), 11. Directing the game (all kinds of basic and advanced tips), 12. Adventure Design (create campaigns, adventures, encounters, etc.), 13. Heroquesting, 14. Travel, 15. Encounters, 16. Treasures and Rewards, 17. Conversions (more details on how to transfer data from RQ2/3, HeroQuest and other games to RuneQuest Glorantha)

I have no idea how accurate this is, or where he got the info from.

I copied it from Jason Durall when he posted it either on Facebook or on this very forum last year (I can't remember now).
Thanks from translating it back into English from my post here:P
I've recently read somewhere that they are going to probably change the title of the book into Campaign Guide, as it may contain an index year-per-year of the events of the Dragon Pass Campaign (on top of all the other sections). See a piece of art depicting three of the famous heroes here. Perhaps the HeroQuesting section will have its own book, as Jeff keeps expanding it.

Edited by Runeblogger
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Read my Runeblog about RuneQuest and Glorantha at: http://elruneblog.blogspot.com.es/

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3 minutes ago, Runeblogger said:

I've recently read somewhere that they are going to probably change the title of the book into Campaign Guide, as it may contain an index year-per-year of the events of the Dragon Pass Campaign.

Thanks, @Runeblogger I'd forgotten Jeff mentioned that in the Heinz Con video. And since that doesn't seem to fit under any of the existing headings (maybe 'Glorantha' or 'Time'?) that may mean another section heading!

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1 hour ago, Runeblogger said:

Perhaps the HeroQuesting section will have its own book, as Jeff keeps expanding it.

Basic rules for it certainly don't. MRQ managed to do up something effective, and combine it with their version of God Learner Sorcery...

However, a huge GoG book should have listings for various HQ myths... or, as you suggested, its own book.

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On 5/16/2019 at 1:36 AM, Runeblogger said:

I've recently read somewhere that they are going to probably change the title of the book into Campaign Guide, as it may contain an index year-per-year of the events of the Dragon Pass Campaign (on top of all the other sections). See a piece of art depicting three of the famous heroes here

Thanks for the link, I hadn't seen some of these news previously. The ToC for both the Guide and GoG are very promising.

Edited by DreadDomain
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On 5/13/2019 at 11:38 AM, Sumath said:

10. Combat (personal, skirmishes, mass, naval, sieges, etc.),

I realized I also wanted some mass combat rules, and it looks like there will be something! It's probably not going to be very crunchy though, I imagine it will only be a few pages or so of various ways to augment the Battle skill. Right now I'm looking over to my copy of the (as expected) overly complicated GURPS Mass Combat book, and I'm wondering if I'll trim it down and adapt it to RQG... maybe do the same with GURPS Social Engineering too... oh well, we'll see.

Edited by lordabdul

Ludovic aka Lordabdul -- read and listen to  The God Learners , the Gloranthan podcast, newsletter, & blog !

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