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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. Good catch, I've just checked the current lunar draft (as a possible error) and it does now use -10% per season, but it still works out the same (12 months x- 5% =-60% / 6 seasons x -10% =60%).
  2. Outside the windstop yes, inside no. After the windstop, everything slowly returns to normal. So out in the Wastes there are likely a few new Praxian Wind Lords created on holy days, likewise over in Maniria. Initiations would continue as normal. Trilus in Balazar is also unaffected so the temple would continue as normal.
  3. Per Cults of Prax Classic, Seven Mothers, page 44: Vostor is 21, so imaging him initiated at 18, gives 36 x -5% = -180% any tests. If for example he was to try and join Orlanth, the Requirements are Standard, so as long as he has the either the air or movement rune at 50%, he can try the test. That is roll 3 successes on any cult skills or favored Passions. That's going to be hard as it will be at the base 5% (due to the massive minus). As he needs to be a lay member first, I'd allow him to buy off each month on a one-for-one basis. It's not easy joining an enemy cult. One shortcut would be to take a loyalty to a Rune Lord or Priest (at 60%) at use that to offset the minus by proving to them your willingness to convert.
  4. Not yet. But in RQ2 cults write ups, it tells what each Spirit of Reprisal does, RQG will likely be the same. For example: Orlanth has 4 listed types, each with a different method of reprisal ranging from attacking the target while in combat until they pass out at 0 magic points, to spoiling milk and giving coughs.
  5. If it doesn't specifically say they can't be shaman, then they can. Some cults have specific shaman, but if they don't, a shaman can just be a normal initiate. Some cults while they allow shaman to be initiates, specifically forbid them to become priests (but doesn't forbid them to be god-talkers). It's simpler than you think. For example Humakt doesn't forbid shamans, RQG uses shaman and shamans. Sha-man not shame-n.
  6. Midwives follow the Ernalda subcult of Eninta, goddess of childbirth who provides Birthing (and is likely the focus for those who would chose the other birth related magics)
  7. Dendara has the same Runes as Ernalda (Plus light), as does Faranar. You'll be able to see who else is Ernalda in the Prosopaedia.
  8. I'd be interested to hear of anyone else who has had a problem with this at their table. I don't use masteries until the until rolls are need and keep the numbers raw. In your example, 7M3, I'd leave it as 67 as bonuses often change this. No one had ever had a problem with dividing by 20.
  9. Fortunately you know wrong. Official write-up is in Wyrm's Footnotes #12 (1981), pages 16-18. The outline is in Personalities of Glorantha – Fazzur Wideread (1998), but his RQ stats and Griffin Mountain style NPC sheet are only in the magazine.
  10. Try this. (if you need need more, just make more second sheets) Mounted Squad Sheets.pdf
  11. The Lod-plow is a simple plow, little more than a long, sharpened, fire-hardened stick (and blessed by Lodril), pulled by a pair of oxen. (this is an advanced digging stick) The Barntar plow is a light wooden scratch plow that requires two animals, typically oxen, to pull. It is normally entirely made of wood, but sometimes its share is made of stone, copper, or bronze. It is most useful on light soils such as loams, loess, or sands, or in mountain fields where the soil is thin, and can be safely used in areas where deep plowing would turn up hardpan. There is a third type which is a heavy bronze or wooden plow, sometimes called the Pelorian deep plow, also used by the loskalmi.
  12. As previous editions of RuneQuest. It wasn't an issue then either. As before, the limiting factor is available POW / Rune points. You will still likely have to send your adventurer to bigger temples where the sub cult exists as not all Minor temples have all the subcults, and while a greater has several, it still doesn't have all of them. Lightning for example is an adventurous Rune spell. If you were a member of the Colymar tribe, you're limited to the Clearwine Lightbringers Temple and Larnste’s Table (shared with the Malani), both Major temples to Orlanth Adventurous or the wandering cart temple (all the other temples are Thunderous).
  13. Do we have any women in this thread who could provide a different perspective? When we were working on HeroQuest Glorantha, it was very helpful to get Claudia's (Jeff's wife) perspective on how Ernaldans work.
  14. those are from Jeff's notes, so maybe accurate. That's Orlanth Rex's High Holy Day. I had the battle on the former and had Kallyr's body enter Boldhome on the latter Ultimately, it's moveable for your game.
  15. From the original notes of the Lismelder campaign: He died leading the fight against Delecti in the Marsh and his body is now lost to us.
  16. Why not contact the author? They aren't hard to find and would likely be able to tell you any publishing plans they have: https://shadowsofmaine.wordpress.com/2008/07/04/once-men-monograph/
  17. You can follow any progress on the foundry Discord #chaosium
  18. For my Prax campaign, I worked up all the population numbers for all of the tribes 1621-1626. These were essentially hand crafted, as it took in location, and events such as the Windstop, and Moonbroth II. For example, the Impala baseline is 120k is 1621. They were not affected bt the Windstop in 1622 as nearly all were in the Wastes, but were affected by the following two "Year of Kids" population explosion. Stabilising in 1625 at 121869, then as the events of Moonbroth II I inflicted a 5% loss leaving 115486. The Bison were also not affected by the Windstop. The Sables however faired differently: two of the five phrateries were pro lunar and in Prax, likewise the two conservative ones, and the neutral one was in the wastes. With the baseline of 75k in 1621, about 3k were lost in the Windstop, with the remainder either staying under Lunar protection or moving out to the Wastes or hunkering down in the Paps. The following two "Year of Kids" population explosion. Stabilising in 1625 at 73122. The horrendous outcome of Moonbroth with the subsequent genocide of the pro-Lunar phrateries (uninitiated children absorbed by the remaining three), dropped the population to 39486. The Morokanth were hit hard as their ancestral grazing is in Prax (about 3k), but many sheltered in the Paps, reducing the loss. Revisiting these numbers, I would certainly adjust the Moonbroth 5% outcome to reflect the cults involved (making it likely a 3-4%, not 5% reduction) Tribes affected by the Windstop: High Llama, Sable, Morokanth, Newtlings, Pavis Survivors, Unicorn Women, Baboons, Pol-Joni. Generally a reduction 0.04 x 1621 population. Year of kids is an increase 1.0062 for each year (1623, 1624) Moonbroth II is 0.5 (half population - adults only) x loss of 0.005 These are just ballpark figures to give me an idea of what was happening. FYI the 1.0062 comes from calculating the growth rate from the dawn numbers using https://www.metamorphosisalpha.com/ias/population.html
  19. According to ancient texts (a 1980 letter that Greg to Different Worlds #6, page 137)), Inginew Bonesmithson was a mastercraftsman, and a subcult of the Sartarite Smith God. I'd suggest keep it simple. As Jeff said, Humakt does not have specialised smithing subcult. So keep it Gustbran. I'd be happy with a smith who was a Gustbran initiate and lay member of Humakt, or vice-versa or even an initiate of both (like the Armourer on the Mandolorian)
  20. Inginew Assuming you are referring to the online prosopaedia - Inginew Redson first appeared in the now deprecated Storm Tribe and then in Sartar Kingdom of Heroes. He was a son of Gustbran so is just a mask of Gustbran. Humakti smiths are likely Gustbran lay members who are on good terms with the local metalworking guild, or initiates. If you want to keep him as a subcult, it's straight forward to do, with Inginew = Gustbran. Inginew is the name of a lowly lowfire who fashions fancy weapons. Members have access to the heat metal spirit magic. If they want the metal enchantments, they'd have to join Gustbran (Gustbran initiates can learn enchantments).
  21. Not everything was detailed, so there's scope for adventure. Perhaps that's where those who wish to marry a different colour go?
  22. The GM at our club who is running it, went straight onto episodes of Vera and Annika and changed either the victim, perp (or both I'm not sure) into members of the demi-monde. The players haven't noticed (that's the joy of UK police procedurals)...
  23. Are Aetherworks part of Bit's and Mortar, if not you won't get the PDF added in for free.
  24. I would suggest no - it needs to be air gapped.
  25. David Scott

    The night sky

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