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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. The restriction is that you can't attack with a spell and weapon, in the same round same round, page 195: So you can cast a non-attack spell and attack in the same round. Defend normally and cast (offensive) spells. So casting True Sword at SR1, then attacking with the sword is normal. (I can clarify over at the Q&A if needed)
  2. Have you read the design notes? https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/chaosium/runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-players-book-print/designing-the-new-runequest/ Some of this is covered there.
  3. Knowing the players in that group, there are none on this forum.
  4. In Prax and the Wastes, Storm Bull is ever present as he hangs in the sky as the Raging Storm and the Eternal Battle. If we look in Cults of Terror & Dorastor (the source of Urox), he referred to as a Storm God/War God. Rage Bellower, Berserk Killer of Chaos. The Raging Storm isn't there, so he's not the desert wind, but he's still a Storm God (son of Umath & Mikyh). His wind powers are only a small air elemental anyway, he can't summon the desert wind. His mythology has two stages - tantrum on the spike, followed by chaos smashing (mainly in Genert's Garden). So while his cult originated in one location with all of the local trappings (Raging Storm, Block, Eiritha Hills, etc), when it moved out, the myths didn't change, but the focus remained on smashing chaos. His storm aspect is more of a family thing, his chaos killer aspect is his personal thing. In our world we have religions where events happened far away, members know the myths, but don't need to have the sources present to be members or enact the ceremonies. Every Storm Bull will go and visit Storm Bull on High Holy days at the Eternal Battle, Raging Storm or final battle with the Devil (before squished), regardless of their location.
  5. Credits page. Public domain art from WikiCommons should be Public domain art from Wikimedia Commons
  6. We played a troll group using RQ3, and played through Snakepipe Hollow We had a Annilla / Jakaleel shaman Zong hunter Zorak Zoran Death Lord I played a Mistress race Kyger Kitor shaman priestess sorcerer most were members of two cults. IIRC It was a TPK.
  7. There's so such thing as a stupid question – but if you don't ask – you stay stupid for ever, so always ask questions 🙂 Victims of major disease are covertly possessed by Disease spirits (page 370). So if an untreated victim dies of the disease, it will be lingering around the corpse and can attack any within range. Unless infected with more than one disease, there's no transmission until death. Broos infected using carry disease clearly spawn the disease within, allowing multiple infections. There's no limit to what they can infect this way, but I would say they have to consciously do it. The minor diseases work the same way, but unless the victim dies there's no transmission. So sniffles and sneezing are not contagious, but blotches and thunder lung could be. Thunder lung clearly spawns multiple spirits when the victim bursts. Cause (disease) is effectively the caster acting as a disease spirit. Disease spirits may also naturally cluster. See page 154, Contracting a disease: So a victim could be the centre of a cluster, attracted for reasons of a curse or as above. Transmission is a story hook in this case.
  8. Yes, but the Wyter spirit is in an animal / object. Most of the time a wyter will be in its "home" (likely in a temple or other safe place), unless directed by its priest. An attacking spirit would declare in the previous round that it was beginning an attack on the Wyter animal / object, spending the round becoming doing so. As it becomes visible, anyone present may attack the spirit with appropriate weapons or spirits. Don't forget that spirit combat occurs on SR12 of the following round and attacking a spirit with a weapon is the exception to this happening on usual strike ranks: Round 1 - Spirit materialises. Opportunity to attack the spirit. Round 2 - Spirit attacks on SR12. Opportunity to attack the spirit. Don't forget the other members of the Wyter are likely to be around.
  9. Not, unless that spirit is a shaman per page 368 or has the spirit power Control (RQB page 166). Yes, but if the spirit has any relevant spirit powers per RQB page 165, they could potentially come into play such as Control (see above) or relevant spirit or rune magic The priest of a wyter would be pretty stupid to get into this situation. Most will keep it in its object / animal, or have Distraction ready to cast.
  10. I had a look, but where in RQ3 is this?
  11. Have a look in the Classic RuneQuest downloads section of this site. There's at least one Word doc you could modify, and a few you could add your own fields too. Making the original form-fillable would be very laborious, as the dots don't auto detect into fields. The best sheet IMO was the 1982 Games workshop version and that will autodetect lines for FF. Obviously can't post a copy here as it's copyright games workshop.
  12. The Sazdorf clan were in the midst of a power struggle, between a troll drawn to Humakt and Zorak Zoran worshippers. A group of Humakti with a troll called Taksag, returned to the trollands: and so the wooden sword appeared in the middle of the Chaosium house game. The game was set in the Colymar lands. See Trollpak (Classic) page 54. The adventures were written up in Dragons Past, Greg Stafford’s section of the APA press The Wyld Hunt. You can see where the story is scattered here: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/greg-stafford/greg-stafford-personal-works/dragons-past-1979-1980/
  13. Or they can just do it on their own on the web: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TNMlTBsqC4
  14. Ignoring the Seven Mothers style quest, what you are suggesting is effectively what Belintar did originally. But looking at Some Disassembly required, Jar-eel keeps his Moon part and on the following page releases the Spirit of Freedom. These pieces are likely harder to reacquire. Who do you se as the somebody doing this quest?
  15. I can find only two references: YBoT#1 (1998), page 74 - The City of Wonders by Simon Bray (@blackyinkin). Tradetalk #4 (1998), page 31 - Right Arm Islands, again by Simon Bray and some guy called Martin Hawley.
  16. @jeff has written three articles around this: Look at Masters of Luck and Death I & II here, 2021-07 Jeff on Facebook Belintar here, 2021-02 Jeff on Facebook Where it gives some thoughts on how to become Belintar and why he's not coming back.
  17. Although clearly a borrow word, in English, ur- means proto, primative, earliest or original.
  18. I'd include it in a list of deprecated terms, mostly from the Hero Wars era, and not generally used in Glorantha publications after 2008 (perhaps earlier), and not present in RQG. Like Gern, last seen in Anaxial's Roster in 2000.
  19. I look forward the that essay in Gloranthan Manifesto - Volume Three.
  20. Some info on that here: 2021-07 Jeff on Facebook in The invasion of 1619, part 2
  21. Putting it into chronological publication perspective, it came out in 2002. A lot has happened in-between. If you use RQG as the base, and ignore the HW materials, the adventures are fine. Canonical doesn't matter, it's history and the outline fits into whats in the Guide. Bear in mind the players can change the outcome so canonical is a bit meaningless. As above just use RQG as the baseline. Many things have multiple names, Battle of Auroch Hills is the single term used in RQG, it's a synonym. Hero Wars did over complicate many things. The Battle of Iceland was last used in 2003, and after that, only in Wyrm's Footnotes #15 and then only in a reprinted article from 1983. I would doubt it. Why produce historical material when you can finally do the Hero Wars? That's what the JC is for. The key publications are Sartar Kingdom of Heroes, Sartar Companion, Pavis Gateway to adventure and HeroQuest Glorantha (if you don't own them you'll have to wait for them to resurface as QW publications) As these are fan publications and I've not read them, I can't say how they fit into the timeline. Ignore this as above, use RQG as the baseline and it will all work. Looking at the actual campaign, I assume that you are going to run Volume 1 first to set the scene for the main campaign. Orlanth is dead is broken into seasons so that takes care of the RQG story basis. If I were to run the Battle Iceland again, I'd convert into the Pendragon style RQG battle system that you can glimpse elsewhere on this site, Jeff showed the Battle of Queens. Given the structure of the adventure in the book it should be easy to convert. I would also: go through the book and cross out the HW god names and add the usual ones. (Storm Bull for Urox, Yelmalio for Elmal.) Get the players to pick a clan from Jeff map (make sure it existed): Clans of Sartar Sketch Map WIP Make a few quick notes for the NPCs (I wouldn't convert them) - The Lunar all get eaten at the Dragonrise anyway: eg You might find it easier to use a simple conversion for HW values to RQG % first change any masteries to whole numbers: 2W2 = 42 I use a scale of 1 HW level = 3% so 42x3 = 126%, you can adjust that as needed (eg Priests and Runelords). (When I ran These Women need help for RQG, I just ran though the blocks and wrote the % where needed) So Dognose would be: Spear & Shield 129% Bow 171% Track 210% No armour but has Reflect Hostile Magic 18 which I treat as reflection 5. These may seem high but Dognose was a formidable npc even in Hero Wars. Clearly he has HeroQuest powers (like his nose). All his rune magic is included in %s.
  22. Notes you might find helpful Jerending Caroman village Caroman Pass - Site of the Battle of Caroman 1602 against the invading Lunars (KoS 2ed p117) Broadview Inn Orlaront Dragonfriend is from the Jerending (KoS 2ed p200) - one of Kallyr’s Companions (Scout) Firebull Firebull village Crushed by the Lunars under Venharl Venharlson. (Coming Storm) The decimation of the Sambari Tribe Following the Firebull Moot was carefully calculated by the Lunar Command 1615 (Orlanth is dead) Barbarian adventures has Roganvarth Loud-Laugh as king of the Sambari since 1615 (an Issaries cultist). Page 5 has a small sambarri section. Grey Fox Grey Fox village Grey Fox Inn The RQ companion has Alfgar Whitecloak, chieftain of the Grey Fox in conversation with a man in Backford (page 37) Squat Oak Ingan village Geos Always open Inn Cook: Olende Endalsson is from the Squat Oak (KoS 2ed p200) - one of Kallyr’s Companions (Cook) Vari & Rokarth Looks like they share Roundstone (tribal centre) Sartar:KoH - ... the Sambarri tribe, the cult of Orlanth at Roundstone is defined by the subcult of Hedkoranth. All members of the Roundstone Orlanth cult belong to the Hedkoranth subcult as well. It's clear to me that that the Roundstone is Great Weighty itself (Book of Heortling Mythology p151) Looks like Great Weighty is actually the name of the Hedkoranth subcult / spirit cult (see Cults of Sartar) Roundstone is also a fort on the DP boardgame map.
  23. As a guide, Jeff drew the tribal boundaries much thicker. See https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/websites/facebook/2021-10-jeff-on-facebook/#ib-toc-anchor-25
  24. I used the map as is, as it's much easier to just change the text, here's my notes: SPOILER ALERT! CONTAINS ADVENTURE DETAILS
  25. (This is unchanged from Cults of Prax.) It's a matter of perspective. The Seven Mothers is the provincial church, offering a range of magics from the seven recreators of the Red Goddess. Its Rune Lords aren't as martial: While their rune Lords are required to have two weapon skills at 90%, the three others aren't martial The cult relies on other martial cults when needed. I would advise players who want their adventurers to pursue a martial career to leave the Seven Mothers and join Yanafal Tarnils. It is very much a gateway cult to the lunar pantheon.
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