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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. The easiest way to visualise Moonbroth is as a sprit cult, that as usual gives just one Rune spell - very similar to Divination. However it works as Annila's divination in the upcoming cults book, using the moon rune. "The ceremony is performed normally, but the caster asks no question, instead simply getting a random bit of wisdom. As always, the caster must roll his POW×5 or he fails to interpret the answer properly. The reply cannot exceed seven words per point in the spell and is always a bit of data previously unknown to the caster." You also can find this spell in the troll cults book of yonder. The Jakaleel shaman wove this into the Red School of Masks spirit society which includes other aspects of Praxian and Lunar spirit shenanigans. You can see the 1610-1625 Praxian cult structure here: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/4533-the-praxian-tradition/#comment-69997 And the 1625+ version here: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/4533-the-praxian-tradition/page/7/#comment-154240 and mix that in to what @Nick Brooke wrote above.
  2. There is not actually much to more to say about it. The 1608 "Invasion" was a small affair with the Lunars testing the waters. They were hoping for a simple surrender by the Paps due to the Antelope Lancer connection and little resistance. They underestimated. However, it did allow the Sable tribe and the Hungry Plateau Sable Tribe to reconnect and begin the Lunarisation, that would help two years later. It also allowed them to scope out Moonbroth and connect with its deep moon secret.
  3. Plenty of info if you search the Well of Daliath eg. Mostali: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/?s=mostali Likewise searching the mailing list archives can also be helpful: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/ Note that the Birth of the Minotaur was out of of place and is now here: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/greg-sez/myth-the-birth-of-the-minotaur/ As for it being canon, myths by their nature can't be canon, but this one was written by Greg Stafford, so holds some weight.
  4. Although the core rules would suggest that and those rules are for adventurers, I suggest that adventurers' birthdays are linked with their runes while NPCs are random. I suspect that the answer varies across cultures as it does in the real world. It's worth looking at the Wikipedia article on birthdays just for the range of possibilities. I suspect name days are also important in some cultures (I'm only familiar with Greek name days), but those with God part or whole names are celebrated on those gods / heroes holy days. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday
  5. Te British Museum has published an excellent article about The Nineveh Medical Encyclopaedia on its blog: https://blog.britishmuseum.org/ancient-healthcare-fit-for-a-king/ It contains excellent ideas for healing spirits and healing spells such as Release the whirlwind. The associated The Nineveh Medical Project has excellent snippets for further inspiration: if a man drinks beer and then his lower extremities are unsteady, and his eyesight is weakened he is sick with 'belly-knot'
  6. For my praxian games, I use the following per hide numbers for sacred time calculations:
  7. Only if their player generates it from Step 8: other information, Age, and Year Born, page 81. I like the connection to the adventurer's runes.
  8. I'm unsure how you came to that conclusion, RQG page 187:
  9. Clowns, everybody loves clowns: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/websites/facebook/2020-02-jeff-on-facebook/
  10. So given the Guide numbers of 8k Urban and ignoring the 42k rural (they are all farmers), that gives us 2k men, 2k women, and 4k children. So if 1 in 100 (usual rune/shaman/wizard levels) of the men are Brithini wizards, that means there are about 20 Brithini Wizards leading the whole lot? Or is that too low?
  11. It's an ideal xmas present. The more you give to potential new players the better.
  12. You might also find this search useful on the Hendriki: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/?s=jeff+facebook+Hendriki
  13. Don't forget that adventurers can join spirit cults too, they are a much easier route.
  14. In my experience this is dependant on the reader you use. For me Acrobat DC is by far the slowest, and PDF Expert is by far the fastest.
  15. No, they were contacted by the Theylans in 35ST and integrated in into the First World Council. Their origin is the Garden of Gerert when Storm Bull and his sons came down from the Spike and married Eiritha and her daughters, giving rises to the Founders and Protectresses of the tribes. The Orlanthi connection is via Storm Bull. It was a two way cultural merging, the Praxians only numbered about 3k in 35ST and were still in Prax, not truly entering the Wastes until the start of the Second Age. Their major export (other than Praxians) was the Storm Bull cult, while they imported the Lightbringers, Humakt, and Yelorna.
  16. Assuming that either you've made Sabera(k a gender fluid shaman or just female, and) a Daka Fal shaman-priest(ess), they will be a member of at least one spirit cult. As a women (or gender fluid shaman), they would likely be a member of Helpwoman's spirit cult (who is actually Earth Witch), and as a such technically an Earth priestess. Praxian religion is quite variable for this kind of thing. Or Sabera can just be a love spouse, no marriage required (or concubine).
  17. Slave, unless she becomes a clan member. Further than that, it's an area that I would avoid in my group, as it veers sharply into Lines & Veils (slavery may well be beyond some groups line's).
  18. Storm Khans of the cult may marry only Earth priestesses The option here are very simple - Oases folk worship Ernalda, so she could easily become an assistant priestess, wise woman or full priestess. She could also be Voria: Any adult female virgin who has never been initiated to any other cult may join Voria as a Priestess-initiate She'd be an Earth priestess too (fertility / earth). Alternatively, just Love-spouse (concubine)
  19. Player: SoI - I see the leader in the distance and cast Lightning on them. GM: Okay so you are prepared thats so your lightning goes off on SR1 + 0SRs as you were prepared. or GM: They burst out of the woods right in front of you, throwing their spears. Player: SoI - I see the leader and cast Lightning on them. GM: Okay so you are unprepared thats so your lightning goes off on SR6, that's SR1 + 5SRs as you were unprepared.
  20. soft-reset the post-canonical dirty bit ?
  21. It's worth remembering that the Praxians were effectively Orlanthi until the beginning of the First Age and considering the proximity of Sartar and the existence of cross-tribal and cross-cultural cults, all of the Orlanthi marriages are a good bet. I would also hesitate to paint all of the tribes as having identical practices, as it's not a monolithic culture (due to animal difference). See Guide to Glorantha, Praxian culture, Gender relations, page 29. Using the Marriage Status box on RQG page 427, with some tribes emphasising some more than others. All of these likely have different names but let's keep it simple Husband and Wife - roles maybe reversed Husband and Underwife Wife and Underhusband Esrolian Husband Yearwife or -husband Love-spouse There are specific forms of these categories: spouse is from another tribe (eg. an cross-tribal cult, or the sacred marriage of the Most respected Elder and the Storm Khan - currently Morokanth and Sable) spouse is a foreigner (such as an cross-cultural cult, or met in foreign lands). Note that if the spouse was once a slave, but becomes a full clan member, they are not considered foreigners. Note that bride price is always herd beasts (usually containing at least one of each major type) and is not returned if the marriage ends, and dowery is always the tribe's herd beast type and is always returned if a marriage ends. For year-spouses, these are usually just herd tokens (that can be redeemed). There's enough variety here to cover most roleplaying opportunities.
  22. The restriction is that you can't attack with a spell and weapon, in the same round same round, page 195: So you can cast a non-attack spell and attack in the same round. Defend normally and cast (offensive) spells. So casting True Sword at SR1, then attacking with the sword is normal. (I can clarify over at the Q&A if needed)
  23. Have you read the design notes? https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/chaosium/runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-players-book-print/designing-the-new-runequest/ Some of this is covered there.
  24. Knowing the players in that group, there are none on this forum.
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