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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. It's in CoT, after Thed birthed the Devil. As to what they were, Ragnaglar was a storm god and Thed a fertility goddess, I'd suggest a goat people, much like the sons of storm bull, but with goat heads. In an early draft of Nomad Gods, in a myth, it's implied that Ragnagar is a defender of Eiritha, so Thed could be one of her daughters.
  2. Yes, but it dates from before she was chaotic and is one-use (in CoT) Yes, they would join Daka Fal, in this case Daka Fal would be a rebranded Thed. Daka Fal in this case is just the source of the spell. Although it says in CoT's cult compatibility chart that they are associates.
  3. Given that the rivers in Glorantha are spirits or gods, canalising or using locks would likely be difficult. There's a village called portage on the Northern Sartar map, and it's mentioned in Weapons and equipment, so that's the most likely solution.
  4. They don't appear in the Guide, do appear in the corners of older publications. My favourite being in Elovare's Blue Moon Heroquest, in Arcane Lore, where the Blue Moon moulds each member of a Heroquest party into a potato and then plants them in soil of Hell. In Peloria, where Hon-eel is the maize grain goddess. Tomatoes appear in the Guide, but only in Fonrit. But likewise only appear in the corners of older publications.
  5. The Chaos Ground is a power place for chaos creatures, where as SPH is an active chaos site, producing mass chaos. I'm treating it it like Chaos Box in the Wastes, but only every high holy day (CB pops out a chaos creature every Storm Bull holy day) The Colymar Storm Bull's are very likely keeping an eye on this place (they are in my game). It's also under Old Top, a minor temple to Orlanth Thunderous for the Narri clan, so either way it's under someone's eye. I used it in a foreshadowing adventure for the Battle of Old Top as a chaos focus for Lunar scouts seeking to disrupt the Sartarite forces before the main battle.
  6. To quote a previous post of mine: No, it's really hard work. Its source is ever replenishing. A few other pointers - look at the SNP adventure in 13G and also look in the Guide. Eringulf Vanak Spear is perhaps the most famous heroquester to there. It's also the source of one of the monster armies that fight Argrath.
  7. That's only if the GM rolls, if they pick an event, 11–50 Calm: No major events. No effect. There's no issue. If the GM wants more detail roll randomly and in secret. It's a huge story hook generator. A chaos incursion could be built into any event. I aways have a chaos incursion once in a while, be it Dragon snails, broos or an evil cultist. Remember, Chaos Ground isn't that far from Apple lane.
  8. Grab S:KoH and the Sartar companion if you can find it too. There is no release date for the Sartar book. The main difference between any new Sartar product and what you wan to run, is that there is no Lunar occupation in the new material. It's over. Cultural orlanthi material will likely be included, with more detail than the core book, likewise more detailed maps, cults, local area info. You can already see the northern part of the Sartar map on the back of the Starter set books. Likewise Jeff has posted loads of info on Facebook (archived here) Clans of sartar sketch maps, and much much more.
  9. Jeff put preview maps of Whitewall in 1618 & 1625, as @jajagappa said but with a valley full of army too. The only merchants heading towards whitewall are going to supply the besieging forces and their dependants. Anyone else is going to take the long way round. In Dragon pass terms, that will be outside of the ZoC of the siege forces. Given the terrain, It looks to me that the siege would disrupt a lot of trade trying to avoid Whitewall.
  10. See the Prophecies of the Hero Wars box, A Fronelan Prophecy, page 222 of the Guide to Glorantha. See the Janube River States Activity Table on the same page. Genertela Crucible of the Hero War was subsumed into the Guide.
  11. I've beaten Argrath quite a few times in Dragon Pass. like all wargames, it requires some thinking though.
  12. Sadly not, I don't own the content. A great deal of it is spread through the Guide's Appendix J: The Hero Wars.
  13. As I said in the original post unpublished material. In this case it's some 1999 notes from Greg. The name also appears in an outline for a Secrets of the Hero Wars book from 2005, based on the same material.
  14. Only in the scope of the rules, the Q&A (starter set say) says: There is enough to play the scenarios provided, with the pregens provided. There is no character generation, or details of cults or magic beyond the info provided. There are no rules for situations beyond those adventures. This is just the same as the Call of Cthulhu starter set. Easy, just more to read 🙂 The actual adventures would work fine. It's the NPCs that will present the problems. As all of the cults and magic aren't included, you'll be wondering who Gustbran is or how Summon Household Guardian actually works. Some adventures would work no problem at all, like The Grey Crane in Pegasus Plateau. There are likely a few others. This is the same situation as the Call of Cthulhu starter set. I ran all the adventures within using the Starter rules, I ran a few adventurers in Doors to Darkness, then found I had to move on the the main rules. That was however only after 18 sessions. Your milage with the RQ Starter set will obviously vary.
  15. @Mugen @Baron Wulfraed I'd suggest following the version acronyms here: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/role-playing/systems-versions/
  16. Once again, this is excellent!
  17. You likely noticed it was also in French... It's from Tatou 4 (July/August 1990): Refuge (par Guillaume Fournier, illustrations de Guillaume Fournier, It also notes: Article librement inspiré de Thieve's World (Chaosium). You can see the reference here: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/oriflam/tatou-1988-1996/tatou-4/ If you find a copy it's a full page illustration.
  18. Given the latin origin of the name, I suspect its just a descriptive name like Argrath.
  19. Yes, Chipmunk Bing, is the House of Sartar bonded trickster. See Sartar Companion, page 261. She would of had him perform the the initial step of spilling beer per her lightbingers quest. See KoS 2ed, page 143. In Orlanth is Dead & Sartar Rising, it was Elusu Sit Here. I just assume he was killed or moved on. Cinsina has Janara the Swarthy. See The Coming Storm, page 64. As it's a ritual role, I would imagine that the it's either a permanently filled slot or someone fulfils that role for the time needed.
  20. Ever been given a job you had no choice of, by the people who made you then killed you, and because you were the first to die you were the best person for the job. Did I mention that It's also for eternity. As a bonus you also get to see all your dead children. Good job you didn't have any plans of your own. I'd hate those people... Daka Fal cultists are a great roleplaying opportunity.
  21. I use this generator a lot! https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator
  22. Not an oasis, but may have been after Dwarf technology (https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/7315-scenario-ideas-for-dwarf-knoll/?do=findComment&comment=102295)
  23. acquisition of magical power is another major thing from the Praxians, Prax andthe Wastes. Likely Likely Not sure how they might know that, but possible. If they followed the Pavis road, there are no oases. They were likely escorted out with a large nomad force. very unlikely. I would suggest the order was Moonbroth, Pimpers Block, Day's Rest, Tourney Altar, Paps. With an increasingly large nomad continent gathering after every oasis. Remember, Day's Rest is a Waha Holy site, Tourney Altar an intertribal Humakti one and with the block not far, the Storm Bulls would also be appearing. Likely yes, within the Sacred Ground no fighting is permitted. All who were in the area at the time. An argument can be made for every tribe taking part. At this point the morokanth would not have been neutral, but forming the tribal guard for the Most Respected Elder (they became neutral after the Armistice of Prax). I would suggest that it was the Pol-joni who first sent out the alert (that was as usual ignored).
  24. No, there are no lunar pieces in the game. You can obtain it here: Rules: https://www.chaosium.com/nomad-gods-rule-booklet-pdf/ system: https://vassalengine.org module: https://vassalengine.org/wiki/Module:Nomad_Gods (board & counters)
  25. I have them somewhere and will find them, but generally, we have A herd of 20 cattle or 100 sheep generates the same surplus as a hide of land. So applying that, larger beasts should have smaller numbers, where smaller, have more. This is an abstract system. One of the important things to remember is that the Covenant changes the behaviour of the herd beasts. Praxian rhinos as a result are much more sociable than say their larger Fronelan cousins.
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