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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. It's a good idea, it shows how you can adapt existing spirit cults into different forms for different places.
  2. Use the surrounding landscape. Firstly decide how rich the landscape is, look at RQG page 364 & 377 for very rich landscapes. Look at the map and draw the spirit world he can see on a sheet of paper. There will be the Darkness vortex of Hound Knob, the spirit trees of Tarndisi's Grove, perhaps with the Great tree showing stronger, the spirit trees of the woods to the east. The vortexes of people in Fairjowl and Farvine. the vortexes of the two tombs attracting lost spirits of the dead (not many). Add the Dragonewt plinths and their pulsating magic road and the stream spirit by Fairvine. Underneath will be the spirit of the thunder hills (sleeping) and above occasional air spirits as clouds. Now add in the multitude of plant spirits that make up the flora, and the occasional beast spirits of the area (rabbits, bigger stuff if you want). Now describe it as colourful landscape, Use Mexican yarn paintings (nierika) as a guide. I would suggest not adding obvious spirit markings to the exterior of the tomb that may give away plot, although an earth rune spirit vortex might be appropriate. Here's one that could be the queens tomb (from https://www.cactusfineart.com/collections/huichol/products/copy-of-huichol-indian-nierika-multicolor-yarn-painting-mexican-huichol-art-mexican-folk-art-cactus-fine-art?variant=38057701507246 : You can see the local plant, bird and animal spirits, the horned earth spirits, the dead spirits with their open mouths. The ceremonial path around the tomb (feet). There's a few air spirit spirals too.
  3. Correct, although I'm sure you'd find the personal rune in places (it's used in the Guide page 183). Her runes are Earth and Life (from the upcoming Prosopaedia). She's a subcult of Ernalda. Know Lineage, Mountain Leap, Regrow Limb, and Summon Oread. Associates: Himile (Snow), Inora (Avalanche), Maran Gor (Shake Earth); Orlanth (Summon & Command Air Elemental), and Yinkin (Command Alynx). These spells can only be cast within sight of Kero Fin. I've updated Kero Fin in the Prosopaedia on the Well to include the Cults of Glorantha Preview.
  4. Frost is one of Inora's Rune spells (RBM 53). Daughter of Himile & Kero Fin, she has a cult and is also worshipped as a spirit cult (where she's called the White Princess and normally provides Snow). I'd suggest that Frost Maid / Frost Maiden is a variant of Inora's spirit cult that provides Frost instead of Snow. Frost uses Stasis or Darkness when cast, Inora has the runes of stasis, cold & harmony, so as Frost Maid would have the stasis rune and as the White Princess the Cold rune.
  5. It could just be that the flame is a manifestation of Sartar's wyter. With the current Prince becoming its priest. Give it a few simple abilities - Recognise Heir and Flame in a bowl, and only Sartar direct descendants can have a loyalty to it and you are off. Kallyr tries to light it (spends a POW), and it's not too happy with her. Argrath does the same (gives it more POW, perhaps from what he's stored on the Heroplane) and poof, big flame, happy wyter.
  6. Also here: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/websites/facebook/2019-04-jeff-on-facebook/
  7. We have a bundle of Greg's notes from the Dawn of Nomad Gods, and a single annotated page from a book: I don't think it's a coincidence that the Moeritherium is on the same page (read the entry). I think he was leafing through books to find cool things to use. While not related, there's an interesting resemblance: I also think that Moeritherium is mashed with an -akanth tail from another creature (see chaos-ium) Nomad gods predates Sandy's involvement with Chaosium and I doubt it was cheese.
  8. Have look in the Return to Apple Lane demo game, page 8, box - Narrator’s Information. It details what it does. There's also an article in Wyrms Footprints (1995) - if you can find a copy, called The Half bird - a fragment, unpublished elsewhere.
  9. Must be true, some of these sailors made likenesses on fish skin parchment. Here's the great mystic Pah-Peh-Rheo and his truth-sayer.
  10. Ducks are covered in the RuneQuest Bestiary: The Guide says the same and a few alternative ideas The creating a Duck adventurer in RQB says they must take the Air rune as primary and Death at 75%: No, but maybe local and hero spirit cults.
  11. The Driver only has to roll if on bumpy ground or worse, otherwise chariots would be pointless. If you read the chariot driver occupation, they are going to be good. It looks like a real vocational job and they start at 45%+any agility bonus they have (if they start as an initiate of Mastakos too, they get an extra +20%). In use, they will likely use an augment - movement, storm, etc. Those who are Mastakos initiates will want to have a DEX of 16+ so as to qualify as a Rune priest - charioteers are highly skilled. Also remember that chariots are spell and missile platforms, so the three people are the driver, and like the missile/spell caster and a bodyguard (page 211). I can't really see shields being used except in a defensive move then dropped. For me, I view the occupants as all standing on a large skateboard, well balanced and well able to do crazy stuff like shoot arrows and spells. Perhaps @M Helsdon could comment on chariot occupant tactics. Personally I think the rules are good enough as is. The ground does not modify the driver's skill, it modifies the driver roll to avoid taking damage to the Chariot.
  12. The RQG Battle rules will use a modified version of the Pendragon Battle rules. Pendragon divided mass combat in to Skirmish - single unit vs. single unit, at most 200 combatants. (Skirmish 5.2 page 154) Battle - multiple units, 200-20000 combatants. (Battle 5.2 page 236) See the example here of @Jeff using the new RQG Battle rules modelled on Pendragon. But you can use the skirmish rules pretty much as.
  13. Ah such poetry. It would bring a tear to my eye were I not able to (when I thinking of the child of Yelm and Entekos 🙂).
  14. https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/prosopaedia/deities/e/ernalda/bevara/
  15. Simply put Leatherworkers can sew leather (you usually punch a hole first and sew through it) and attach bone, metal, cloth, wood, feathers, etc. whatever to it. Armourers are either leatherworkers, redsmiths or ironsmiths. There's no specific armourer craft. It's likely that some smiths know some leather crafting at above base value (10%+bonus), given the ubiquity of leather. But it's likely they will have a family member who does the leather work. For example, scale and ring mail armour is effectively leather armour with metal sewn on. A leatherworker would tailor the armour piece and sew on the metal (rings or scales), while the metal would have been made by the appropriate smith. The scale would be prepunched for attachment. Adventurers have Craft (leather) starting at 10% plus manipulation bonus.
  16. They aren't reflecting experience. In creating your adventurer, page 45 says: These Rune affinities represent the strength and nature of your adventurer’s presence in both the Middle World and the Gods World of Glorantha. Leave them in. That gives scope for raising a rune to over 80%, or 90% for those who want to become rune priests or lords quicker. As has already been mentioned. The part to skip for younger adventurers is Step 7: Personal Skill Bonuses. See the Playing Inexperienced Adventurers box on page 25.
  17. That's great, but it's 2 Rune points. Dispel Magic is cheaper, but less common - taught by Daka Fal, Seven Mothers and Storm Bull to their initiates and associates.
  18. There are two different types of binding going on here: Binding Enchantment holds the entity within the prepared object. Create Ghost attaches the entity to an area / object externally. The former you can move between bindings with the command/control/dominate spell. You can even steal other people's bound spirits. You can also bind spirits into specially prepared animals. The later is more complex as it would need a type of binding not yet documented. However, for MGF I'd allow an adventurer to do it if they can explain how it works. There is scope to create your own rune magic and sorcery. It would be straightforward to do it via sorcery. But as I said earlier a competent shaman could do this.
  19. Page 407, Ransom: again page 407, So the adventurer if they've the resources or a person or community that they have loyalty with (and their roll succeeds). Rune Priests (page 276) and Rune Lords (page 280), their temple, shaman - their tribe (page 359) The community will stand the family the money (depending on the individuals loyalties). page 407 again: Spoils of war...
  20. Even if you trapped the entire creature (as it's an otherworld creature) with a 6 POW binding (also possible), RQG, page 249 says: An entity bound within an item has no natural senses and cannot perceive the world about it unless it uses magic. In this case it has no magic. The alternative would be to bind the creature into the Adventurer as a form of possession. Then they could have a battle of wills to see who was in control...
  21. They herd just like other Praxian tribes, having a permanent mixed herd depending on raiding and breeding. You might find these threads useful: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/4909-unicorns-what-do-we-know-about-them-and-the-praxians-who-ride-them/ https://basicroleplaying.org/search/?&q=unicorn&page=2&quick=1&author=David Scott&search_and_or=and&sortby=relevancy
  22. Using MGF, sure. If they were a shaman this would all be within their normal working abilities, a troll shaman more so. That said it's not an embodied spirit, just a very tough demonic hound that's survived in the Middle World for 1275 years. There's a lot of ifs here. Be able to Discorporate to initiate spirit combat and win (it has a spirit combat of 125%) Has Command (Underworld demon) from Subere or Control (Underworld demon) from a shaman Resist its howl every round have Crystal or an enchantment ready (2 POW) once the skin is prepared, enchant it (2 POW) then using the same command control, move it over. That's for the GM to decide, but as that's not part of the creature I'd not do that. Remember that it has no magic so the owner would just be able to use it's magic points, although I would let the 3pt skin regenerate slowly if damaged.
  23. Tbh we never used them. If I has writing that now I'd remove them. HQG pages 136-7: Once per session you can release a spirit for +3, shamans +9 and remove the The spirit is also released from its charm when you suffer a Complete Defeat on a Major Defeat, you can’t draw on the spirit again until the next session, as it must undertake a time-consuming journey back to the charm from its original home in the Spirit World. Likewise I justused the normal Consequences of defeat.
  24. It's no different, except it has access to some "gateways" in the spirit world. Using the two RQG spirit travel examples I've done, it's fairly easy to transcribe them to Hsunchen animism: Spirit travel example https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/7955-im-still-confused-about-spirit-travel/#comment-114593 Gaining a new shamanic ability example https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/9621-gaining-shamanic-abilities/#comment-141711 In the Gaining a new shamanic ability it's effectively a heroquest. It's easiest to view the spirit world as circles with circles with the shaman's axis mundi at the centre. There are about seven circles with the outermost being the primal plasma, then inward, Earthmakers realm (where the horned man lives), then the God's War (it has it own subdivisions), then the All World (the first common area for animists, where Hykim and Mikyh live), then a common area shared by all hsunchen, which is in the spirit world, then local areas (clan and clan areas) then the shaman's axis mundi. Ancestor spirits are in the appropriate hsunchen founder's after life, where they wait to be reborn. That's where Daka Fal sends them. In the case of Telmori, they likely hunt in the Great hunting lands with Telmor. The axis mundi directly connects this area. Within each area are are access points to other places and times. So prepared Telmori HeroQuesters could step directly from the axis mundi to the Happy hunting ground to meet telmor. Who is with a hidden place called the Cave of Ancestors within the Guardian Forest which has to be found and Guardians passed to meet the him (and Telmora). A telmori shaman will have their own map of the spirit world and beyond. Look at this Burmese spirit map, in the middle you can see the tree which would be axis mundi surrounded by the spirit world of the local area. The other coloured areas are local regions (likely with their own spirit vortex's and entrances to other places).The left hand grey is Delecti's Marsh. Beyond the line is frontier zone (The coloured circle is the happy Hunting ground). The spike is visible in the centre but not from the inner area. At the bottom of the map are vortices that the shaman hasn't fully integrated into their world and outside are parts of the All world. The one at the bottom is Hykim and Mikyh's home and on the right is Mother Mammal's home. Transpose your hsuchen's area into that. In this zulu pictograph, you can see the axis mundi centre circle, with the local area outside that, then beyond that the All world. or have a look at the Praxian ones here: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/7955-im-still-confused-about-spirit-travel/#comment-114510 https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/7955-im-still-confused-about-spirit-travel/#comment-114771
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