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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. Aldrya is an associate cult of Ernalda. Humans can join with a -10 CHA penalty (upcoming CoG per RQ2). I can see Ernalda priestesses joining as initiates as she's Ernalda's daughter.
  2. Where are these referenced?
  3. Yes. It will be covered in Cults of Glorantha.
  4. Yes. A few chaotic spirit cults have been detailed as mentioned: Lords of Terror (1994): Vakaha, Sidana the Black Goat, Hungry Jack. However, the real key is Thed shaman. They can effectively turn any spirit into a spirit cult if they have a shrine at least ten followers. Then it's up to the imagination of the GM to integrate that into their NPCs or storylines. Also any chaos god can be accessed as a spirit cult, just pick one rune or spirit spell that the shrine gives. As a twist give them a similar name eg: Keep it simple, just use the chaos rune to cast. You can get a list of all spirit cults by clicking here
  5. David Scott


    This one - Earth Witch and Windstop Everything was migrated. The source (141 of Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes) would still seem to apply. Although priestesses who are members of her spirit cult could certainly contact her. She's got quite limited magic. As an aside, she can not only contact Ernalda, but Eiritha too, as she was her midwife for the birth of Waha. It will become clearer once the Prosopaedia is out, she is an ancient spirit.
  6. David Scott


    Sort of there's no pantheon that would equate them directly, but the god learners likely tried to categorise them such. Helpwoman is the Praxian spirit cult of the Matron. Earth Witch (earth & spirit) is a spirit cult at the Paps in Prax (and part of many other pantheons), she is Grandmother Earth, a daughter of Ga. Asrelia (life, earth & luck) is the Grandmother of Wealth, a daughter of Ga. Earth Witch & Asrelia have the same mother and could be the theistic / spirit aspect of the same being. Helpwoman & Earth witch are certainly older/younger aspects of the the same great spirit. Helpwoman is similar to Ernalda in her domestic aspect, Asrelia might be her mother (but it's more likely to be Earth Witch) I can certainly imagine earth heroquesters discovering their associations.
  7. There are current ones, ancient ones and that which is yet to come: Current ones: Annilla the Blue Moon Sedenya the Red Goddess Ancient Moon Goddesses That which is yet to come: The White Moon You might also find Moon Names by Greg Stafford helpful
  8. David Scott


    Not always, it's a specialist cult, stores riches, she protects granaries, miners and trolls. Most will stay an initiate of Ernalda. The requirement is Standard. A candidate must donate 300 L to the temple, be... Per RQG page 274, that means they must have 50% in one rune, and if one or both parents were cult initiates, the adventurer may join simply by sacrificing 1 point of POW—no other tests need be made. Everything after Standard is for those not known to the temple. Simply put most women who's mother was a member automatically joins for a point of POW. Lay membership is 50L for a year, except for miners who's fee is offset against gems and metal found. Given the riches of those associated with the cult 50L / 300L / 2500L (for priestesses) is not unreasonable. Ernalda priestesses may retire automatically become Asrelia priestesses with no further requirements.
  9. A few of my players (probably half) know it by heart. It's not that complex.
  10. Pralora as a ceremonial vessel (White-tailed deer had a special significance among Andean societies and were a part of their mythology, as creatures able to transform into hybrid humans. In the upper coastal valleys, people carried out ritual deer hunts, in order to extract their blood as well as small bezoar stones (hard lumps built up around undigested material) from their stomachs. These were believed to have magical and healing properties and are still used in traditional medicine today.)
  11. Wachaza riding his sea demon boat (jug found amongst the wolf pirates) (Prisoners being taken for sacrifice This boat is in the shape of a demon fish. It shows a scene in which the deity Ai-Apaec, with feline fangs and snake belt, navigates a boat taking naked prisoners to an island for sacrifice to restore order to the world. The scene includes sea wolves, or South American sea lions, whichhave lived along the Andean coast for thousands of years.)
  12. Minor Coastal temple to Choralinthor, note the votive images lining the edges of the temple. Magasta and Ernalda sit behind, while images of Golod and his children cover the walls. and the temple is open to the sky. The three figures of Dormal, Diros and Pelaskos sit in front of Magasta, while Sednadimos, Esrola, and Brastalos sit in front of Ernalda. (Model of a palace complex in Chan Chan. This Chimu model recreates the space inside a ceremonial palace in Chan Chan. It shows wooden figures representing musicians, officials preparing chicha, offerings (chests and probably architectural models like this one) and representations of two funerary bundles. In real life, funerary bundles were taken out of the palace and into the city as part of a pilgrimage to represent the living ancestors taking care of society, and to show they remained alive in the collective consciousness. The figures displayed in the model hold offerings and musical instruments. Wood, resin, bone, semi-precious stones and clay, Chimu, 1440-1665)
  13. Orca hsunchen jug (Human killer whale Some of the images depicted in the desert landscapes were also represented in ceramic, such as this whale with sharp teeth and large fins. Sea creatures reflect the value of abundant marine resources from the Pacific Ocean. This whale has human characteristics, carrying human heads and with a knife in his hand, as if returning victorious from ritual battle. Nazca)
  14. Earth Witch ceremonial drum (it's nearly 6' tall!) (Ceremonial drum with painted mythical scenes This striking drum features one of the principal scenes of the Nasca worldview. It represents the capture of defeated enemies in ritual combat, firmly grasped by the hair by ancestral beings, who are identified by their feline mouth masks. It also includes a group of five ancestral deities with animal features. Towards the top, three images hanging from snake-like cacti depict the main elements of the narrative: a corpse-like human hanging from a branch, a severed head on a rope and a human transformed into an ancestor. Nasca 100BC-650AD)
  15. A ceremonial beaker for drinking fermented maize featuring Hon-eel (Moche, AD 100-800)
  16. (same as my answer on Reddit) There's are two chapters in the Guide covering roughly 30 pages, as it's a huge area to cover. Here are a few specific docs that might help: Cults of Prax Chronology (1979) History in Glorantha (1981) A Timeline of Third Age Dragon Pass and the surrounding areas (1042-1881) A Timeline of the History of the Lunar Empire A Brief History of Dragon Pass
  17. Rather than get into a whole genetic thing with players, I say it's the due to the rune each tribe is tied to. So children of an inter-tribal union will look more like one or other parent depending on the tribe they are brought up in (and thus rune strength). The only exception is with the morokanth, where the child is always the same as the respective mother. The next generation's children will look no different from the rest of the tribe. Inter-tribal unions are rare except amongst inter-tribal cult members. The pygmy tribes and the men-and-a-half are not related, and would rarely if at all produce children, due to the men-and-a-half's special fertility needs. In this case the child will look more like a sable rider and their children look just like sable riders.
  18. The upcoming Cults of Glorantha has two important snippets about BG and fertility: (including Eurmal and Kaarg) I would interpret this to mean while BG herself had no children, cult members occasionally do so. The effect of runes on childbirth are in RQG page 426: As those playing a BG adventurer aren't forced to a childbirth roll (they can skip the section per page 425). Those who encounter a BG NPC could in theory have a childbirth roll and the player could say augment down the roll with their death rune. But it's still possible if not probable. There's got to one at least one half-troll child of a BG out there. for MGF.
  19. David Scott


    Runes are the same, spirit magic is the same, Initiate requirements & skills are different: Standard. A candidate must donate 300 L to the temple, be able to Read/Write Theyalan at 50% or more, and the skills tested include: Bureaucracy, Conceal, Evaluate, Manage Household, Mineral Lore, and Speak Earthspeech. Rune spells are expanded: add Command Dog, Command Snake, Dismiss Earth Elemental (small or medium), Preserve Wealth, Summon Earth Elemental (small or medium), Summon Guardian. No acolytes, just priests.
  20. Ignore, it's not in RQG or CoG Just use the RQG description. The only additions are Initiates: may not marry and must give any offspring to their local Earth Temple. RLs: They get a suit of Copper armour & axe, lists the enchantments (from RBM - all of them including, enchant copper & iron) and increases the number of associated cults. There's no celibacy.
  21. I'm not sure the fancy pdf version had appendices (even if it said it did). This comes from original distribution file, it doesn't really tell you anything you didn't know already 🙂
  22. I've have this in my game, with a Storm Bull noble. The main issue that arrises is that income is variable. If you don't give them the land then they have no income and will be unable to maintain their Standard of Living in the Sacred time phase. They need 200L which is exactly what 5 hides gives (given a successful income roll). Then they have to pay cult ties (as usual 10%) so they are 20L down which is why they adventure (his land is not from the temple). We left this as is with the 5 hides. The player uses the noble description very strictly "Nobles can be surprisingly accessible, welcoming chances to display their courage, prowess, generosity, and wisdom." As a result is always looking for chaos, talking to all clan folk, and generally acting as an emissary for his father (Clan Storm Bull priest). As an aside he's a companion of the thane of Apple Lane and unlike the other adventurers, doesn't work for the thane. He has to separately negotiate his cut of any loot with the thane (which usually all goes to the thane for the upkeep of the other adventurers). This also means that noble must improve their Orate or Manage Household to be sure of keeping their income up. In short I left it as written, so as not to penalised the player. He acts as is meant too, so it's not an issue.
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