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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. The OP was going for so not a weakest link rule.
  2. Don't forget the Command skill. That will also help some.
  3. There's all kinds of things you could try: use the highest POW+INT in the group for everyone or add 5% per person in the group so 4 people = +15% or make the bonus higher. change the action difficulty - difficult if on your own / Average with 5 or more people / Easy with 10 or more people
  4. It's about Ability Rolls, the section is called Ability use. Skills and Characteristics rolls both be used for Ability rolls. Characteristic Rolls and Skill Base chance are both part of the Ability use subsection. as is Reattempting Ability Rolls. So Characteristic Rolls and Skill rolls can both use Reattempting Ability Rolls. See page 141. CoC says "The term "skill roll" is used regardless of whether a skill or a characteristic is used."
  5. I actually use this in RQG where appropriate, usually in an MGF situation. The big difference is that the Reattempting Ability Rolls is at -25% and Pushing the Roll, gives no negative bonus, but dire consequences on failure. Most of my players play CoC as well and instinctively say "Can I push the roll?". So on in #1, I would say you are going to break an arm falling off the horse (remember it's dire - extremely serious). This is clearly an MGF situation. I would avoid rolling for the injury - just stating that an arm drops to 0 hit points. If you start dice rolls, the GM situation just gets more complex and it's a pointless rule. and #2, it would be a the same as a fumble, immediately I would say–10% from the Rune and is overcome by psychic turmoil. I'd likely pick "Until sunset, sunrise, or similar length of time, During this time, the adventurer cannot use that Rune at all." I wouldn't allow Push in example #2, as it's not an MGF situation. I would use the -25%, The dire consequences of push aren't warranted here. I would not water down the dire consequences, as this is the important part of push. I don't think this needs adding to RQG, it's a good port from CoC if your players already understand it (which is why we use it).
  6. Change the word glowspot to nimbus, and you can see Jar-eel has one: look in the Glorantha sourcebook page 146 and you will see who does and who doesn't - note she who waits. in other parts of the comic, it expands to be a full aureole:
  7. I tend to use Shannon Appelcline's work, although Second Age, you can ignore most of that and look at the structures: "The standard Aldryami community grouping is the ‘grove’. They are universally small, never numbering more than a hundred of so Aldryami. Thus they are similar to our own villages." So what you say makes sense to me
  8. Sorted ages ago... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HeroQuest_(disambiguation) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HeroQuest_(role-playing_game)
  9. First there are couple of straight forward factors - range: spirit magic - 50m rune magic - 160m If you want the adventurers swooping down to attack, then just use the (pendragon) Battle rules unmodified as they will get into weapon range. If the just want to skirmish and stay further than 50m, then it's only rune magic that can affect them. Modify the attack accordingly with just ranged weapons that could reach. The rules are about involving the players not making it one sided in their favour. They will attract the attention of the specialist units that can reach them.
  10. Standard earth model of militia in what time period and culture? So who were the "police" is a bronze age society? This is a great article on Babylonian policing and justice (free signup required): https://www.academia.edu/4009149/Police_forces_in_first_millennium_BC_Babylonia_and_beyond_in_KASKAL_10_2013_69_87
  11. Why obscure, its details were in print in 1980 (and earlier) WF #10 Gods of Fire & Light: Part VI of Gods & Goddesses of Glorantha and Pole Star was in print in 1977
  12. This does raise the question of how do these "visitors" behave? I've always thought that they are just happy to be remembered and that death mellows them, that the communication is mostly one way, until one of them is incarnated...
  13. What are the references for these? I think you are confusing Orlanthi Star tribes with Star Captains. Yelmalio: Lightfore the Cold Son is part of the Solar pantheon, Yelmalio's father is Yelm, Yelmalio isn't a Star Captain.
  14. Firstly: It's one long Holy day that's a festival. It's not 24/7, so just like real world religious festivals you're not awake all the time and you participate when needed. Depending on the nature of the festival it could be distinct phases, like the christian lead up to easter and the after events. Or like a long Dance, 24/7 with dancer dropping in and out, or with a sacred fire with a rota of fire keepers 24 as well. Chalana Arroy is likely to have a format that is a spin off from the Lightbringers Quest: Day 1 Preparation. Gather herbs, salves, bandages, supplies, correct clothing Day 2 Departure, Saying goodbye to everyone. Day 3 Travel & Hardships. Encounters with bad things and not responding to them - temptation. Day 4 The Test. Finding a wounded God and tending to them Day 5 The failure and contemplation of the failure. Being unable to heal them and they die, forever gone. Day 6 The Return. Meeting up with the other lightbringers and Ernalda, hope Day 7 The Celebration i would say that they never run out. As for POW checks everyday, if you like, depending on what they do in the festival. However you can only get one POW check and sacred time is a single season. The living and the dead mix freely no spell needed, it's sacred time. Two weeks where everyone is together experiencing the hardship of the great Darkness and celebration of the Return of the World, then your ancestors return back to their afterlife. Imagine it as a two week version of the "Day of the Dead" Except the dead come to stay and you honour them and tell them what's happened in the last year, and show them the land, new animals, new children etc.
  15. You are best contacting Hasbro's UK & US legal departments for legal clarifications like this.
  16. I would just leave it to the sing roll, augmented with speak language. That leaves us with bad poetry made good by good delivery and good poetry made by failing the roll. I might get the player to give it a title, and for the excited, write a sentence of what it's about. Otherwise it's getting into minutiae. Art only seems to cover physical media, but you could easily change it. I prefer speak language as at 81-100: If you wanted a profession, use Entertainer (that contains poet) and replace Play (instrument) +30% with in speak language.
  17. Each cult has its own reference page to publications (not quite finished but good enough at the moment) https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/prosopaedia/deities/r/rigsdal/ Pole Star is a spirit cult with the runes of Sky and Stasis, he gives one rune spell: Captain souls, one way telepathy (including magic) to a stackable number of volunteers (from the upcoming Gods of Glorantha). Polaris is a full cult and a war god of Dara Happa & the Lunar empire. His runes are Harmony, Light and Stasis. It's a six page write up in the upcoming Gods of Glorantha. He's not worshipped independently by the Orlanthi as he's a Fire/Sky god.
  18. It's the trademark that has been sold. Many companies trademark a word for branding purposes, but it doesn't stop anyone from using the word in a sentence. Think Amazon, apple, coke (a form of coal), etc. You copyright intellectual or creative works not single words.
  19. Second. Gaining % in elemental runes you don't have - the short answer is research and training. You can't get experience ticks until you are above 0% then it's easy. Examples might be training by priests of an elemental cult friendly to yours. Or a shaman getting you to do firewalking, sitting in the dark for a season, staring at the sun, sitting in water, eating moon rock, Yogic breath work with the mystics of old wind, being buried alive for a month at an earth temple - you get the idea. Anything that would open your spirit or soul to that element. Think of it as a form of elemental enlightenment.
  20. Firstly occupation. In my group's your occupation is what you are up until the moment the game starts. If you are a herder, you are making your income from your herder %. That means you've got a stake in a herd, the meat and wool. To transition to a hunter, you first need become a lay member of a hunting cult, let's say foundchild. That means you first have to start to hanging around with the hunters. That won't happen until you got a missile weapon at 30%, you are supporting yourself by hunting (or family) and donate one prey mammal or bird per season to the tribe. So as long as you are doing that then that's fine. However you will decrease you annual income by doing so to 40L (herder 60L).So this is the first roleplay bit, leaving your old work, selling up your share of the herd, telling your family your all going to be poorer... To me there's a big difference between being able to hunt and being supported by hunting. Next. Changing cult. Could be easy, if you were a Praxian for example and a Waha herder, I'd allow you to leave Waha and join Foundchild as they are good hunting mates. Or do the whole two cult thing. Then it's the Great hunt where you get initiated by bringing in a big animal, preferably alive and you wear no armour. Or your current god has a hunting aspect ( easier still) You'd need to have 50% in one of the cult runes too ( not that difficult). Overall - a lot of roleplaying and hardship.
  21. Given @Jeff's descripiton: I'd go with Pen y Bannau hill fort https://www.coflein.gov.uk/en/site/300704/details/pen-y-bannau-hillfort https://coflein.gov.uk/en/archive/6497597/details/504
  22. See the Praxian Spirit Tradition by Greg Stafford. Yes and No. The Fireground is part of the list in the article, but the full article was never published. This eternally burning area is where Oakfed down, it's congruent with Monkey Ruins in the Middle World. It's a region with many different fire vortexes within it along with the path to the Upper world (and guardians). Generally an hour as that's the unit for duration in spirit travel. Travelling is never usually exciting, so keep it simple. For example getting to a known border in a set direction is easy. Fining a small vortex in a large area 1D6 hours (searching, avoiding encounters, etc). First hour crossing the Wide plains, second hour crossing into the Fireground and avoiding the encounter (1 encounter per hour). Basically one hour per activity.
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