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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. You might be able to change the mythic significance of the event, but perhaps not the event itself. HeroQuesting traditionally works on a fix Forward basis. So, if you go on a HeroQuest in God Time and give your Deity an ability, then you can start a Sub Cult when you get back to grant that ability, but you donlt suddenly come back to find that every Temple to your Deity has always granted the spell. Similarly when HeroQuesting to events in Time, the benefits ir impact take effect from now on not from the original event. In the case of the Curse of Kin, every change they made took effect after they returned. So, multiple births happened from that point onwards, Great Troll births happened after Cragspider brought back her secret and so on. Sure, that could happen in a scenario, with historical events changing quite a lot. So, Paragua killing Pavis means that Pavis is not created and the HeroQuestors come back to a totally different landscape. That kind of thing is not really my cup of tea, but if it works in your campaign then great.
  2. This is how I would do it ... A Yelmalian in an Elmal Temple would gain the benefits of the Worship. They could regain Rune Points as normal. It may be that it takes a little bit longer to regain them, due to differences between Elmal and Yelmalio. Runespells that are available to both could be gained, but not those spells specific to Elmal. It depends on how he acts. If he comes across as an aloof, superior solar then they would not react well to him at all. If he comes across as a fellow light cultists wanting to pay homage to Elmal then he would be allowed in. That might depend on the particular Elmal temple, how its worshippers reacted to the Elmal/Yelmalio division and what local politics are in play. I would think that he would be treated quite badly. Yelmalians are snobs and are aloof, Solar types. They don't like barbarians and the ones in Dragon pass had a big spilt from Elmal, so the wounds are still relatively fresh. An Elmali might be allowed to worship, but not in the nice bits of the temple. If they have an annex for foreigners then the Elmali might be allowed to worship there.
  3. Does that prohibition also apply to goading my players into trying it? They're already about to go on a cosmonautical quest anyway... If they are under your supervision, they should be OK. I prefer using subtle tactics, so that I make things sound like the Players' ideas not mine, or they naturally come to a point where the impossible thing is better than the alternatives. Of course, I am as subtle as a brick, so it's fine in theory, maybe not so much in practice.
  4. That is fine. What you cannot do, for example, is change that Pavis drove Paragua out of the giant settlement.
  5. Kids, don't try this at home .
  6. Yes, as Akhôrahil says, if the event has become a myth then it can be HeroQuested to. Mythical events create their own space within God Time and you can HeroQuest to the God Time event. What you cannot do is to HeroQuest to the GodTime event and then jump off the HeroQuest to the actual event within Time. Unless, of course, that is a scenario the GM wants to run. Yes, but you cannot change the actual event. You might make a mythical change that can then be referenced in your present. So, for example, you might bring Paragua a Dart to Kill Pavis, but he might be prevented from using it or might miss. You could then find a very obscure Hero cult to the Dart to Kill Pavis that gives a spell that harms Pavis or worshippers of Pavis. Yes, Trolls do this all the time, in their fight against Gbbaji and the Curse of Kin. The major difference is no dropping off at certain points. In a normal GodTime HeroQuest, you could go to the Only Old One's hall beneath the Castle of Black Glass, using a Caladra & Aurelion Station, then exit into Hell, using part of the Lightbringer Quest. In a HeroQuest to a Mythical event within Time, you can only jump to similar Mythical Events, not go back in time. Of course, one thing you could do is to HeroQuest to a God Time event that hasn't actually happened yet. When that event actually happens in normal time, it creates a God Time Mythic Event. Because God Time is beyond Time, once it is created it has always been there, so you could, in theory, travel there before it happens. This is very dangerous and rare, but is theoretically possible. The myth is the important thing. You can go on a HeroQuest and bring back things from the Myth. So, if the Myth involved Balastor making his Axe and you went on a HeroQuest you could bring back a copy of Balastor's Axe. It wouldn't be the original but it would work just as well. Two different people could do this and bring back different copies and could sort it out when they meet. Both would be Balastor's Axe and neither would be Balastor's Actual Axe. In RQG, a HeroQuest is just a scenario with an added layer of myth added on. I like to think of it as playing a scenario which you have already read. You know roughly what should happen, but there might be differences between what yopu think should happen and what actually happens/ So, you could use the Sandals of Darkness HeroQuest to raid a house in Troll Town in the Big Rubble to steal a Darkness Artefact, it doesn't need to be a pair of Sandals. The Trolls might have a couple of Great trolls who would act as the Guards in the HeroQuest. If you did it against a trollkin band to take back something they have stolen, they wouldn;t have any Great trolls and the Guards might just be a couple of Trollkin. So, the HeroQuest is the same, the participants are different. You end up with a Special Item, a Magical Item, a Spririt magic Spell, a Runespell, a Magical Ability or whatever, depending on the HeroQuest, who it is against and where it was done. so, a Sandals of Darkness HeroQuest might give you the Silence spell, the Dark Walk spell, a pair of sandals that allow you to move in Darkness or the ability to move in darkness as if affected by a Dark Walk spell.
  7. soltakss


    Ooh, Death Goggles!
  8. soltakss


    True, Trolls have Darksense, so can use their sonar to perceive things. However, trolls can also use their eyes to augment their Darksense, maybe not augment in the RQ Rules sense of the word, but they can use Darksense and sight together. So, I can sense a figure hiding on the ground, but I cannot tell what it is. Oh, look, I can see that it is a Broo. Mistress Race Trolls have a very highly developed Darksense and almost no vision at all, so they rely entirely on Darksense. Trollkin have a poorly-developed Darksense and so rely far more on vision. That would block the effects of the sunlight and might even stop Trollkin from being demoralized by it. But, it isn't cool, hip or trendy, so Argan Argari merchants probably wouldn't wear blindfolds. Leave that to the Zorak Zorani.
  9. You jump on its back and strangle it to death, it can't attack you so you are safe. Easy-peasy. One of the PCs in our Dorastor campaign Teleported behind Cacodemon and used a Garrote with Strike and a big Bladesharp to cut off its head. If it works against Cacodemon then it should work against a dinosaur. Maybe, maybe not. Yes, and that should be the case if you spend any time there. However, it is possible to have quick missions in and out, avoiding all the very nasty stuff. I ran a campaign in Dorastor for 4 or 5 years, with the PCs increasing in capability. They did not try and face off against the really dangerous things until well into the campaign. It makes some sense. The Borderlands of Dorastor are dangerous but not overly so. Even parts of Dorastor are not that bad, about the same as any Chaos Nest. The truly bad parts, however, are truly bad indeed.
  10. Actually, don't avoid it, buy it and then don't use it or, even better, buy it and use bits of it.
  11. It might be worth avoiding Secrets of Dorastor, then. The Son of Thed, a 40m Broo, has a 44D6 Damage Bonus; The Giant King of Neverdead, being a 16m Vampire Giant, has a 20D6 Damage Bonus; Heidi the Hydra has a 33D6 Damage Bonus; The Great gorp of Slimestone automatically absorbs anyone who comes in contact with it. But, it's all done in the best possible taste!
  12. These look really good. Are they considered Open Game Content?
  13. Ship Types are as important as flags. Don't forget that the Opening only happened a generation ago and most people sail in the ships that their ancestors used before the Closing. I can see Gloranthans having a silhouette diagram showing the shapes of ships to they can identify them. Yes, that would be important, I think, more so than a flag that can be quickly changed. It is hard to change a sail quickly. For me, Shadow Plateau ships are black with a black flag. You can't have enough black, especially where trolls are concerned.
  14. Sorry, missed this. Yes, that is what I feel the white Moon is about.
  15. I also think that the White Moon Movement is a Nysaloran movement in that it is a movement of the masses, of the peasants and promises them a better future. It allows for Illumination without Sevening through the Examiners, seeing the Face of the White Moon.
  16. RQG is incomplete. We can either wait for future supplements that contains various rules or use rules from previous editions, where applicable. Sometimes, an older rule sheds light on a confused or unclear rules in RQG and it is good to use as examples of how the rule worked well in the past. In the main part, RQG Rules work better than those in previous editions, although that is a qualitative statement, so I only use older rules when there is no equivalent rule in RQG and am happy to do so. However, I am aware that not everyone has access to the RQ3/RQ3 versions of the rules, so I tend to quote them so people know what they say.
  17. Are we getting to the point where there are two Hanna Barbara Universes? One with Scooby Doo, Captain Caveman and one with Wacky Races, Dick Dastardly and Mutley and the various spin-offs?
  18. Exactly. Shoot it, jump on its back, blind it, attack from behind, set traps, lure it over a cliff, anything to avoid a Trample. If you are trampled, use a set spear, cast Turn Blow and have a lot of healing available.
  19. Whereabouts in Birmingham? We have a RQ gaming group in Birmingham and have people from Hall Green, Great Barr and Walsall.
  20. I'm not familiar with this term, could anyone explain it for me? Maidstone Archer, weird monsters with three arms, head in its chest and huge bows that fire spear-length arrows. they hunt mammoths, or something. ¿Do trolls cry? yes, I would think they do, they are descended from Grandfather Mortal and have the same kind of emotions as humans. If so, ¿are they allowed to cry, even in private? Yes, they are. ¿when do they cry? When they are sad. The example you gave is a good one, although the male would be sad that his wife only bears trollkin, so he is sad for her not for himself. ¿what do they cry about? Trollkin births is a good one. Trolls dying meaningless deaths. The Curse of Kin in general. Also, anything that makes them sad. ¿do males and females cry about the same things? Possibly, possibly not. The Curse of Kin affects all trolls and they are sad about that. some trolls might cry in ritual situations, so males and females might cry at different things. Males might be angry rather than crying, but so might females. ¿do priestessess of Xyola Umbar have a different understanding of crying and the releasing of pain? probably, they might make their patients cry to release pain. I can see them performing Chinese Burns therapeutically. ¿How do trolls tend to react when another troll cries? Some empathise, some join in, some think they are being babies and some ignore them. Zorak Zorani might think they are being babies, but there again, Zorak Zoran has a Cry baby aspect to many of his myths. ¿Do they cry when someone dies, or their cannibalistic funeral rites give them enough closure? I think their rites involve weeping and wailing, gnashing of teeth and stomping on the floor.
  21. Another set of unboxing pictures ...
  22. It looks like an Elf to me. In my opinion, Elves have the man rune and this is what a young elf looks like. As they get older or more tied to the Plant Rune, they get more tree-like, with leafy hair and bark-like skin. But, it is a continuum, so there are some at each end and some at all points along the line.
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