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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. What you tend to see, certainly in films and TV Shows, is people moving and then briefly stopping to shoot and then moving again. It is only really heroes who can run and shoot at the same time. In Legend terns, I'd have it as a Legendary Ability, in RuneQuest terms I'd have it as a special ability, "Move and Shoot" that enables people to fire missile weapons while moving with no penalty.
  2. I would agree with this. Also, having an idea of what you want to do before rolling helps. Rolling the dice and then looking through a sheet to see what you can do slows things down. Knowing that if you using Trip Opponent would help and then seeing if your roll allows it really speeds things up. Thanks, that is very useful.
  3. If you wanted to learn a Spirit Magic spell, you could do a HeroQuest ritual, which is effectively a ritualised This World HeroQuest. What this would entail is to re-enact the "Gaining of the Spell" HeroQuest. So, a Humakti learning Bladesharp would do a different HeroQuest than an Orlanthi learning Bladesharp or a Babeester Gori learning Bladesharp,l but the process would be the same. If you wanted to gain a new Spirit Magic spell for your cult, you might do a HeroQuest to take that spell and make it available to your cult. I see that as possibly being a raid on another cult centre or a reenactment of the Gaining of the Spell on the God Plane. Once you do that, you then create a new Myth of "My cult gets this spell" and anyone can perform that HeroQuest again as a ritual, as above. If you wanted to create a brand new Spirit Magic Spell, you would need to perform a God Time heroQuest to do so. now, this might just be a ritual HeroQuest, but it would mean getting the Spell from somewhere, or shaping something into a Spirit Magic spell. Once you have done this, you have your "Gaining of the Spirit Spell" HeroQuest that others could then do. All being well, this and many other things about HeroQuesting, will appear in the Jonstown Compendium.
  4. He is a talking mule, talking implies INT.
  5. What? It's not even a page and nobody is disagreeing at length, so you got off lightly.
  6. Yeah, but that might come under the same thing as wearing padding under normal armour. How much does padding protect you from the cold? Or rather, do gloves worn under gauntlets keep your hands warm? As I said, I haven't worn armour, but have worn clothes. A pair of jeans will protect you from cool or cold conditions, but where it gets really cold, for example -20C or below, one pair of jeans isn't enough and you need something else underneath. So, padding by itself might protect in cool conditions, but you need another layer of clothing for very cold conditions.
  7. Lokamayadon stopped adults initiating into Orlanth, that's a good way of killing the cult.
  8. I'd remove the point about Yelm not being Emperor of the Gods, because that is out of synch with Orlanth being Ernalda's lover, that definitely happened after Yelm became Emperor. I know that God Time events are often out of synch wanyway, but it doesn't add anything to the myth so would be better taken out.
  9. It depends on the cold weather clothing. You could wear a thick cloak and armour without a problem. A bit hat that covers your helm, apart from the face, should be OK. Gloves might be a problem, but large mittens over gauntlets should be fine. Even fur trews might be OK. I have never worn armour, so it is hard to tell. Although, the image of hardened warriors putting long scarves on because their mummy or wife tells them not to go out in the cold without one is too good to miss.
  10. Illumination has its benefits
  11. Somewhere there is a myth about how Yelm visited the earth, looked up to see a flock of ducks flying overhead and was blinded by their filth, so cursed them.
  12. I ran the full LBQ using HeroQuest as a campaign. It was really fun. Hopefully, I'll write it up for the Jonstown Compendium, but it might be next year, as it traditional.
  13. It's easy to stop the worship of Orlanth. Lokamayadon did in in the First Age, the Empire of the Wyrms Friends did it in the Second Age and the Lunar Empire are doing it in the Third Age. What's the worst that could happen?
  14. Excellent news. It seemed odd that it wasn't, but I suppose that's Licensing.
  15. Nice or nasty, nice or nasty, nice or nasty, which type of GM should I be? Hur, hur, hur ...
  16. Previous Experience in RQ2 was dire. That is why you get things like Chalana Arroy Cultists in Runemasters who had Heavy Cavalry experience, or whatever. RQ3 was better and RQG is better still.
  17. Trolls are big, so Darkness is big, hence SIZ. It makes as much sense as anything else. With the Runic associations, you have 5 elements, or 6 with Moon, and 7 Characteristics, so mapping them is always going to be an issue. I have gleefully accepted "Because it is" as a valid Gloranthan reason for years and am happier as a result.
  18. In the old days it would have been Communication, but as that is no longer a rune, a lot of runes would work. Mastery for a strong presence, Magic to be magically charismatic, Fertility for health, Death for the mean moody luck and so on.
  19. Having looked at some plans of Bronze Age citadels, I am surprised at how small they are. Similarly, buildings in medieval Europe were generally a lot smaller than they are nowadays. So, we draw buildings that suit our current tastes, but these are probably a lot larger than they would have been in the past. For me, a 20m long building is huge, that would have been a longhouse or main building.
  20. That's how I play it. And Duck Golf! Whack! Quack! Fore!
  21. Look at the spoiler. Oh, yes they can and did!
  22. Two Questions, Martin: Q1: Do you work for Chaosium? Q2: Is Arms and Enemies published by Chaosium? If the answer to either of those is yes, then they might have a point. However, if the answer to both those is No and Chaosium have not bankrolled you to source art from other people then their comments are not relevant. By the way, even if you did bankroll other artists, I doubt if they would come up with better artwork.
  23. Plasma weapons fire a bolt of super-hot plasma held together by a degrading plasma field. Shock weapons work by either pushing high-voltage electricity through you or by inducing nerve endings to feel very unpleasant sensations. Stun weapons overload the central nervous system, which temporarily shuts it down, causing temporary unconsciousness. I'm guessing it overstimulates all the nerve endings so the brain shuts down to protect itself. Blaster weapons fire a pulse of energy, something like the plasma weapons, but with a lower payload. I also like sonic weapons that fire a blast of sonic energy. Also, there was the ultra-low frequency weapon developed for crowd control that pulses at 4Hz, which causes bowels to vibrate and makes rioters loose control of them, stopping riots very quickly. Apparently, that was a real thing, but was stopped as it was considered inhumane.
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