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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. The Face of Lanbril spell doesn't make you look different (i.e. stealing someone else's face) merely nondescript so you don't stand out (i.e. losing what makes you distinctive), so I see it as Lanbril losing his face, so that nobody recognises him. It's a consequence or extension of everyone saying he isn't an important/powerful god, being a son of Grandfather Mortal.
  2. Tada is asleep near the Sleeping City Hills. In my current campaign, one of the NPCs was a Dream-Tada, projected by Tada to interact with the world. Almost like a Dream Dragon, but not quite.
  3. I have almost finished my image map of New Pavis and would like to know if anyone knows the names of some missing streets. Unnamed Street 1 - Runs from Sun Court, around the Yelmalio Temple (S-21), between S-34 and S-41, then between S-36 and S-42/S-44, ending on Missile Street. Unnamed Street 2 - Ends in Overseer Street, between S-85/S-89 and S-82/S-84/P-6/P-7. Unnamed Street 3 - Between D-44/D-49 and D-52/D-57, joining Second Street. Unnamed Street 4 - Running from Drop Steet to Thane Street, between H-25-H-28 and H-29/H-32 Unnamed Street 5 - Ending in Salt Street, between F-27/F30 and F-31 /F-35. Unnamed Street 6 - Surrounded by H-1 to H-9, H-14, H-15 and H-18, enters Holy Street I could just make names up for these, but wondered if anyone knew what they are actually called. Also, we have First, Second and Fourth Street, but not a Third Street, does anyone know where Third Street is, or was?
  4. We have the Winterfall myth in my Praxian campaign, where the forces of Winter come down from the Rockwoods and face the Forces of Summer who oppose them every year. Normally, Valind, Gagarth and Inora are the prime movers for Winter, sometimes with Subere and Himile, the prime movers of Summer vary but Sun Hawk and Little Brother are normally involved. In our campaign, the orlanthi helped the side of Winter rather than Summer, to increase the Great Winter and to oppose the Lunar Kalikos HeroQuestors who tried to break the Winter in Prax. I think that Kalikos was a Star Captain, one of the many that were sent to the surface world, but fought Valind to break the hold of the Ice Sheet that would otherwise have tipped the sky over. Later on, a Lunar HeroQuestor probably embodied Kalikos and awakened part of his soul, regaining the red Rock and stealing the Ice Crystal from Valind's Castle, forcing the followers of Valind to waste themselves in attacks on Kalikos' Castle.
  5. I haven't written any, but you could have: How Lanbril Lost his Face (Origin of the Face of Lanbril spell) How Lanbril Got Away How Everyone Forgot Lanbril (Origin of the Forget spell) Lanbril and Mostal (Stealing alchemical powders or items) Lanbril and the First Lock
  6. At the time, nothing was coming out for Glorantha, with nothing visible on the horizon. Ian kept Glorantha alive in many ways.
  7. Glue doesn't work on living creatures, so when he gets resurrected, does he fall apart? It also lasts 5 minutes, so the ritual had better be quick!
  8. So, prostitution was OK if the Church could tax it, sounds about right, taxes triumph everything.
  9. I'd go with Mythras or Legend rather than BRP, personally, although BRP is more flexible as it has a lot of options. BRP is very easy to pick up - Roll under your skill on D100 to succeed, applying modifiers where necessary. Combat and magic are a bit more complicated, but not particularly so. I think that someone could be up and ready to go in one gaming session.
  10. In the olden days, you get a vegetarian human who can live off the chaparral of Prax but who doesn't eat meat. In the modern era, you get a human, as the dietary requirements of herd men match those of humans. However, because of the special nature of Waha's Covenant, I would be very uncomfortable about having naturally-occurring intelligent herd beasts in Prax, as they effectively break the Covenant. I suppose they are not Eaters as their dietary requirements have not changed, but one of the implied effects of the Covenant was to make the Eaten as beasts, i.e. unintelligent.
  11. soltakss


    Normally Bludgeon, as a War hammer is normally treated as a crushing weapon. Of course, turning it around and hitting with the spike would need Bladesharp and means it could impale, but generally RQ warhammers aren't treated that way, for simplicity's sake.
  12. soltakss


    Nah, he's used to that kind of thing. He's got a very thick skin, does Jeff.
  13. soltakss


    Sure, we played that Shield 4 blocked Warding 4, as it is just a spell. Blinding is a runespell and is blocked by Countermagic, so why not Warding? We played that Warding could not be dispelled, but it could be blocked. Normally, when someone got hit by a Warding, we would power up with Shield 4 just in case. Soltak Stormspear, my main PC, had gained a 7 point Enhancer as a Powered Crystal and then had it boosted to a 9 Point Enhancer on a HeroQuest (Rolled randomly, added or subtracted 1D3 POT from a powered crystal, I got lucky) and had a shedload of Cult Credit, so I bought Countermagic 9 and could cast Countermagic 18 at a pinch, with Shield 4 that gave me Countermagic 26, which tended to be enough to block most spells.
  14. This is something that people often forget. Malkion himself was the product of a Storm Demigod and a Sea Nymph, Waertag was the product of Malkiion and a Sea Nymph, Malkion's other sons came from Britha and the Serpent Kings were descended from Seshnela. Although Brithini are atheists and socially restricted, they did get jiggy with a lot of deities, although they did not treat them as deities. Nowadays, we think of the Brithini as caste-bound, very restricted in who they can marry, but this was not always the case.
  15. soltakss


    Pah, official word is all very well, but we thrive on unfounded opinions here.
  16. soltakss


    That is why Hit Locations are your friend - You just hope it gets a limb and, hopefully, the same limb twice (We used to call it a 70% Natural Defence)
  17. soltakss


    We were climbing down a shaft to get to a shrine and were hit by a Warding 4 that covered the width of the shaft, one PC took a lot of damage to an arm and fell off the rope, straight through the second Warding 4 immediately below. Not nice at all.
  18. But, Orlanth brings fertility to the Earth by bringing rain, that is one of the powers of Orlanth Thunderous. Daga was conquered by Yelm and Orlanth, Yelm by telling him he was very naughty and locking him in a bottle, Orlanth by performing a HeroQuest and bringing Heler back.
  19. soltakss


    We played that Disruption affected living/undead and Crack affected everything else. Crack has no effect on a living person, so why should Disruption affect other materials?
  20. soltakss


    Yes, that is how we always played it. Wherever the supplements mention Warding, they don't mention the POW of the caster, again implying it doesn't need POW vs POW. You could assume POW 18, if cast by a priest, but better to make it automatic damage.
  21. We have a magical skill Dreaming in our campaign that allows the user to manipulate dreams, either their own or the dreams of others. It is very fre-form in nature and acts as something that enables PCs to do things. The PC with Dreaming has used it to pass messages to far-away followers, enter Tada's mind before he was brought back (Sleeping under Tada's High Tumulus), enter the Dragonewt Dream, counter a Lunar Dream-Mage and more. If you use it as a freeform ability it works really well. If you put lots of restrictions around it then it doesn't do much at all.
  22. There is a thread on Balazar at RPG.NET that is interesting.
  23. The Exiles plot would fit, then. They could have been exiled from their own lands and forced to live in the Risklands. As Adventurers, they might not necessarily be farmers, they could be wanderers, travelling from stead to stead, protecting them against chaos incursions. That makes sense and is similar to my campaign. You could get a lot of plots simply from doing this. The different Masks of Ralzakark are interesting. I played that they happened when Ralzakark was killed and his soul shattered. One of the Aspects of Ralzakark wants to reunite the other Aspects to create a new, more powerful aspect. Clearly, no self-respecting Storm Bull would voluntarily join a chaotic cult. Having said that, there are ways around this. Illumination can change attitudes and warp how Storm Bullers think and behave. Bagog can convert a Storm Buller to Bagog, using the Ritual of Rebirth, but this is probably not an option. I would concentrate on the Killing of Chaos. So, King Ralzakark could let the PCs know where various forces of Chaos are and they could happily destroy that Chaos, The fact that this helps King Ralzakark shouldn't really matter. Eventually, the PCs can start manipulating the various factions and forces, perhaps making them fight each other, perhaps gaining information or even allies against the other forces.
  24. I ran a long-running Dorastor campaign, which you can find at http://www.soltakss.com/indexplaces.html#Dorastor. Make it as nasty and horrific as you can. Have a number of factions who work against each other, some supporting Ralzakark, some secretly opposed to him. We had Ralzakark, the Vampires of the Tower of Lead, the Giant Vampire (Just because a 15m Giant turned into a vampire is cool), Thanatari, the Hellwood Elves, the Poisonthorn Elves and various other groups, all scheming and plotting. Introduce things carefully and gently. Don't just assume that the PCs are going to die immediately. On the outskirts of Dorastor have normal chaos, like Broos, Scorpionmen, Jack o'Bears, Ogres and Walktapi. Further in, use more and more powerful foes. Demigods should be used sparingly and as people to interact with, not necessarily just to smash PCs. In my campaign, some of the NPC Leaders were quite reasonable and were following a long-term plan, these included Ralzakark and the Queen of the Tower of Lead. Others were completely deranged and unpredictable, these included the Vampire Giant, Hellwood Elves, Poisonthorn Elves and Thanatari. In my campaign, Ralzakark wanted to participate in the Hero Wars and be the ruler of Nysalor's Bright Empire, basically he wanted to usurp the Red Emperor, this makes him an ally of any Orlanthi trying to fight the Lunar Empire. The Giant Vampire King wanted to take over the Tower of Lead, but was prevented from acting against the Vampires by Vivamort's ban on vampires killing vampires, so used the PCs as proxies. The Queen of the Tower of Lead wanted to take Ralzakark's place as the Bright King, or Bright Queen, to bring back Nysalor's Bright Empire. The Hellwood Elves wanted to reforest Dorastor and the nearby lands with a Chaotic Great Forest. The Poisonthorn Elves wanted to break the Hellwood Elves and purge Dorastor of everything except Poisonthorn Aldryami. The Thanatari wanted to create a Temple of Knowledge that contained all the knowledge of the Bright Empire and to properly unite the Thanatari sub-cults. Krarsht wanted to undermine everyone in Dorastor and the Lunar Empire. All used the PCs as proxies, planting misinformation and telling lies to them, giving them information about the other factions and how they could be defeated. We played the Cleft of Dorastor is the place of Wild Fertility, so nothing bred true there, making Dorastor the goddess of all Crops and all Plants. Any field blessed by her would grow different crops, so planting it with wheat might produce wheat, barley, oats, pumpkins and elderberries. This could be a blessing in some ways. The PCs in the campaign HeroQuested to cure Dorastor and took away the wildness of her Fertility, allowing her crops to breed true, but also allowed her to keep a non-chaotic wildness. To be honest, we didn't really touch that. Our PCs were not Orlanthi and were Rune Levels when they went to Dorastor, so petty local politics was beneath them at that stage. Quite often, we had hooks based on powerful NPCs or lost secrets. The various factions sent the PCs on a number of missions against the other factions. The PCs also hunted down magical long-lost artifacts.
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