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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Many thanks. Don't forget to edit this and add any new ones that come along.
  2. Which, to my mind, completely breaks the point of the Survival Covenant. Those who won became the Eaters, those who lost became the Eaten. Eaters could eat the Eaten, the Eaten could survive on the barren flora of Prax. Making Morocanth vegetarian breaks that model, for me. I prefer that Morocanth can and do eat Herd Men as well as other Herd Beasts.
  3. Have a look at http://www.soltakss.com/pavis01.html for those Pavic/Praxian scenarios that I know of. There is also a Timeline that might help to glue them together.
  4. Do they only move when you are not looking at them?
  5. That's what we play. You pay your tithe to the cult and the cult can support you. If you pay your tithe to Orlanth, then join Storm Bull then whatever tithe you pay to Storm Bull acts as Storm Bull cult credit. It gets more complicated when belonging to multiple cults, do you pay 10% to each cult as an initiate? What about being a Rune Level of several cults, you cannot pay 90% to more than one cult. We play that you tithe 10% of your income to cults as an initiate, 50% as an acolyte and 90% as Rune Levels, with that tithe then allocated to each cult proportionally. So, someone who is an initiate of Orlanth and Storm Bull pays effectively 5% to each. This means that initiates of multiple cults pay less to each cults than initiates of single cults, so perhaps they are less valued. Alternatively, someone initiated into more than one cult is more powerful magically and so might bring more income in as a result.
  6. Can we have some more please? The first chap has a very long loincloth, I wonder why. The chap with the Jack o'Bear hugging him looks terrified - Behind You!
  7. I'd probably get a HeroQuest PDF Slip case as well.
  8. Don't forget that you add the SIZ and DEX SR to the Weapon SR, so said Giant would attack on SR1 and splitting allows attacks on SR1 and SR 2. RQ3 had a rule that there was a 3SR delay between weapon attacks, but RQ2 definitely doesn't. Our RQ2 party had a Great Troll and a Dark Troll who used Troll Mauls at SR1 and when they were tanked up, they were attacking on SR 1,2,3.
  9. And what are the Special Effects for Ecky Thump?
  10. Don't forget that this is two-weapon use for skills over 100%. The normal rule is that a skill over 100% can be used to split against two foes, splitting each to half the attack chance. This just says the second weapon can be used to attack at full chance, in addition to splitting the first weapon, thus giving the PC three attacks. So, the options are: Attack one foe with each weapon at full chance Attack two foes twice, splitting both attacks against each foe Attack two foes with one weapon, splitting the attack, then attack one foe with the second weapon at full chance Basically you have 2 Combat Actions per round, split between Attack/Parry/Spell Casting. If you have two weapons, you can attack or parry with any combination of those two weapons. If you choose 2 Attacks, you can attack two foes once or one foe twice. If you have over 100% in the weapons, you can further split those weapons against the same, or different foes. It was fun playing Shergar Sunhoof, Centaur Extraordinaire, as he had a free Kick attack, being a Centaur. He also gained Jake's Amulet (Based on Jake the Peg, with an extra leg) which gave him an extra leg that could be used as a free attack om the same SR as his normal kick, so he had 2 extra attacks. He also gained the Spider Mask, which allowed him to use Transform Head once per week, transforming his head into that of a Giant Spider, giving him another extra attack at DEXx5. He had DEX 25 and could push it to DEX 29 by using a Heroic Ability and was SIZ 40, so he had a base SR of 1. One of our party's tactics was to use him against a crowd of minions, freeing up the other PCs to fight important opponents. He used to go Berserk and hit with Spear/Spear (SR 2/4, Kick/Kick SR 8/12, Kick/Kick SR 8/12, Bite/Bite/Bite SR 4/8/12, so 9 attacks per round, each at over 100%, he was pretty much guaranteed to take down 4 opponents (attacking each twice) and could take down up to 9 opponents per round. Even if the bite didn't kill the opponent, it injected POT 21 Poison, so would take them down in 3 rounds. Happy days.
  11. Imagine Jeeves and Wooster in a Call of Cthulhu scenario. Wooster wouldn't know what was going on and would bumble through, until he met a Mythos creature with a cry of "Crikey!" Jeeves would know exactly what was going on and would be able to manipulate everyone without going insane, or would go spectacularly insane and nobody would notice.
  12. And zombie trollkin prostitutes don't tickle your horror-bone? Oh, I thought that had been answered and we were just having fun! Absolutely right. Glorantha has horrifically abusive stuff in it (Ogres and broos for example), but companies tend to shy away from going overboard for reasons of taste, decency and getting a bad reputation. GMs, on the other hand, can do pretty much what they like.
  13. This is Glorantha, baby! If you want to look at hoity-toity Yelmic prostitutes in robes under silken parasols, then fair enough. If you want deep down and dirty Gloranthan stuff, then zombie trollkin prostitutes are where it's at.
  14. I'd prefer 2018, as there is something comforting about a Chaosium product coming out Next Year ...
  15. Should "Yes we Khan!" be Chaosium's new motto?
  16. What? They even have a burrowing tool right there on their heads - Just bend down, move your head left and right, move forward and continue. Perfect.
  17. Summer, June, hopefully. I don't want to steal Paolo's thunder, though.
  18. Just bring it back as a zombie and all's good ...
  19. You can do that with Merrie England:Robyn Hode, or you will do soon.
  20. Now, that's an ambush! None of this hiding beneath a mat and jumping out at an enemy, instead a caravan ambles past when a host of rhinos charge up and at them from a couple of yards.
  21. Let's all have a go! 1: The original Chaosium game 2: The original Chaosium game, Second Edition (Minor changes plus errata) 3: The Avalon Hill version 4: Mongoose's 1st iteration. 5: Mongoose's 2nd iteration 6: Design Mechanism's 1st iteration. 7: This will be be filled by by the Chaosium 'Classic RQ'. The following two were spawned from the main sequence but are separate: Mongoose's Legend Design Mechanism's 2nd iteration ('Mythras') OpenQuest, GORE, Renaissance and Revolution D100 are related but not part of the main sequence. Alternatively: 1: The original Chaosium game 2: The original Chaosium game, Second Edition (Minor changes plus errata) 3: The Avalon Hill version Mongoose's 1st iteration (Not Chaosium so needs to be written out of history) Mongoose's 2nd iteration (Not Chaosium so needs to be written out of history) Design Mechanism's 1st iteration. (Not Chaosium so needs to be written out of history) 4: This will be be filled by by the Chaosium 'Classic RQ'. I am, of course, unsure why Avalon Hill's version is considered to be 3 when it was published by Avalon Hill. Perhaps it was written by Chaosium.
  22. In the real world, smuggled arms etc are often shipped in pallets labelled "machine parts" or are in films, anyway. I would imagine the Lunars shipped a lot of stuff under bales of hay, or whatever, enabling them to make prefab ships. They didn't need to last long, just enough to get to Karse.
  23. I had some Krarshti Assassin-Prostitutes in one scenario, they were very attractive, very cheap and cast Sweat Acid when they got jiggy, dissolving most hit locations.
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