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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Are these available as PDFs, for those who originally backed the KickStarter as Shamans?
  2. People can cross Wyrms High Pass now, following Joh Mith, but in my games he was the first, or the first recently. Maybe occasional people made it across, but Joh Mith was the first person to do it regularly and still jealously guards his knowledge. Otherwise, every trader who wants to trade with Balazar would be able to cross.
  3. In my Gloranthan games, Uleria and Teelo Norri provide prostitution services, Uleria as the goddess of Love and Teelo Norri because some of those rescued girls have to earn their keep somehow. In http://www.soltakss.com/wives1.html, many of the cultures visit the Uleria Temple to control their lust, or to prevent them from unleashing their lust inappropriately, so it works as a release valve. I would guess that there are different cults for people who become prostitutes by choice, often based on some Hero who was a prostitute and gained Heroic status through that. Concubines of Heroes or Deities could well be the basis of such cults. However, they would be local, or would be worshipped alongside the main hero, or where the hero is worshipped. Slaves have historically been used in such manner, from times Biblical, Roman and beyond, there is no reason why it wouldn't happen in Glorantha, unless there are taboos against having sex with certain groups of people.
  4. One of our PCs is a Storm Bull (Well, Calm Bull really) who joined Humakt after meeting Humakt on a HeroQuest. He often travelled to the Underworld (Our PCs are River Voices and can travel to the Underworld on their Black Barge) but gained the Geas "Never Cross the Styx", to prevent him from entering the Underworld and returning, as that was resurrection. He got around it by being transported directly to Hell and then back, but eventually HeroQuested to get the geas removed. Then he became Illuminated and didn't care anymore.
  5. I think the aforementioned cults have restrictions as they are the pretty face of Lunars. However, they are probably only guidelines. A Seven Mothers cultist in Dorastor might use chaos amongst the broos and scorpionmen, but they would struggle when encountering Talastari. Having said that, ogres can join the Seven Mothers and, as you said, the cult gets the Chaos Gift spell which, although it doesn't bestow a Chaos feature on the user/recipient, does use the power of chaos. I would guess that Lunars claim the Seven Mothers don't use chaos, but they would be lying.
  6. Brithini who come back from the Underworld are probably no longer Brithini. Perhaps that is what happened to Arkat.
  7. I picked mine up at Geek Retreat on Wednesday - a very nice birthday present!
  8. I have run SuperHeroQuest a few times at conventions and it works really well. Some people don't like the narrative or freeform elements, but the mechanics suit Supers perfectly.
  9. Newtlings have reed boats that they pole upstream and downstream, they are the cheapest option. Outlaw ducks might also have boats, but they cater for the desperate. Lunars from the Oslir could probably bring their boats to the Zola Fel, as Diros is accepted in every river. Praxian River Folk would have their own boats, probably a different boat for each clan. In my Glorantha, some of these clans are the equivalent of the Oasis Folk, descendants of the people of Genert's Garden, but some are just people who live beside the river.
  10. Or keep the Latin names but remove the suffixes (E.g. -us) so they sound different.
  11. Rules-wise: Hero Points are a godsend for my players Using Hero Points as Experience Points Very scalable and simple resolution mechanism Abilities that could be anything you want Generally: Freed me from a fairly rigid mindset Allowed the players and GM to build the game/setting together Very free-flowing and fast Easy to make things up very quickly
  12. Well, well, well, it was worth this article just for that useful piece of advice.
  13. I've just downloaded Cults of Prax and Cults of Terror and they are looking good. One thing I have noticed is that SnakePipe Hollow had three covers included, for the various printings, but Cults of prax has the original cover and the other cover as an appendix in the back. It would have been nice to have the alternative cover as a full page cover, in the same way as SnakePipe Hollow.
  14. It is interesting to see what they looked like as stand-alone products. Cult Compendium pulled somethings in from other sources and updated the cults, so they are different from the original supplements. If you are not interested in the changes, then Cult Compendium contains all of Cults of terror and Cults of prax and then a lot more. If you don't have Cult Compendium as a PDF then the PDFs of the two supplements are worth having.
  15. Although having your own forum on your own site means you have complete control over the content and tone, I think that an Alephtar forum here should work just as well. Presumably you are a moderator on the Alephtar forum here? If not, you probably should be. I would be happy for all the D100 games to have a forum here.
  16. Crossing the Styx means you are in Hell. Being in hell means you are dead. Entering the Underworld does not mean you are dead, as you have not entered Hell. The Styx came a long while before Magasta's Pool, in fact the Styx predates all water deities as they all descend from the Styx. Don't forget that the Styx is a river, a lake, a sea and covers Hell, so it is big, much bigger than the oceans of Glorantha.
  17. Underworld is not Hell. Sure, Magasta's Pool drains into the Underworld, then eventually merges with the Styx, but doesn't drain into Hell. To be honest, I've lost track of all the discussions in this thread.
  18. I think I prefer the ones I originally bought - Cults of Prax with the map and Cults of Terror with the shaman.
  19. Most people don't go to the Underworld. Very few people do, in fact. So, this is only really an issue for HeroQuestors. Again, if you don't like it then don't use it.
  20. Are they really? I thought that these were the Copper People that Genert turned to dust to stop the Chaos Army, rather than part of Genert himself.
  21. Humakt likes Chalana Arroy because she can heal wounds and cure diseases that Humakt cannot. Humakti dislike Chalana Arroy because she resurrects the dead, although whether this is sour grapes because they cannot be resurrected, I am not sure. There is a Lead Cross HeroQuest where Humakti dedicate themselves to Death, go to Hell and return with a Lead Cross that is unpleasant to undead. As part of this HeroQuest, they have to kill a bunch of Chalana Arroy healers. I seem to remember that Flesh Man was killed on the LBQ but simply carried on regardless.
  22. Are the True Giants in the Underworld or in Hell? In Glorantha they are two different things.
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