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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. I always have the curfew from Sundown to Sunup. That makes the twilight hours sufficiently vague for interesting encounters with patrolling guards.
  2. We never played that in RQ2. We always played that casting Shield 2 then Shield 1 would result in Shield 2. The only way to get Shield 3 would be to Mindlink with someone and use your own Shield 2 and their Shield 2 together to get Shield 3. We always interpreted Stackable as being "Spells cast together at the same time".
  3. Sounds a bit too modern for me, but thanks for setting it up. The more avenues into Glorantha the better.
  4. Canon changes, What was canon 30 years ago might not be canon today. What is canon today might not be canon in 30 years time. My approach is to read the sources, canonical or not, and take what I think is best and use that in my games. Glorantha is still very much a living world. People write about Glorantha all the time. Some is canon, some is not, but it can all be used. Some writings end up as canon eventually. When discussing Glorantha, some ideas are entrenched but are not canon. Some are canon but hardly ever used. It can be difficult when remembering something that isn't canon and using it in a discussion, but there are lots of people who would quickly point this out.
  5. soltakss


    Waha was born in the Grey Age and united Praxians under the Covenant, but this was still in God Time and still before the Compromise.
  6. soltakss


    I think that where "Waha did something" it was probably a Khan Incarnating Waha, but where "Someone did something to Waha", it might have been a Hero making a direct attack on Waha. Pavis tearing out Waha's hamstrings, then healing him at the Paps was probably a direct attack on the god Waha, in God Time, as a HeroQuest.
  7. soltakss


    Sure, you can HeroQuest within Time, most HeroQuests are within Time. You just overlay the HeroQuest over your particular situation and "pretend" that the places you visit are the God Time places. However, that is not HeroQuesting to an event in Time and then jumping off to go to that time period. They are very different things.
  8. Ernalda is only the land Goddess of Ernaldela, which sank in the God Time. Everywhere else, she is the prime Earth Goddess, above the Land Goddesses. Orlanth without Ernalda would probably worship Orlanth in his youth, the adventuring, pillaging, thieving, abducting Orlanth.
  9. I was too tired to go yesterday and it looks as though I missed out on a lot of stuff. Ah well, maybe next year.
  10. soltakss


    In my opinion, it is possible to HeroQuest in Time to those places/time that have a God Time component. So, for example, the Curse of Kin happened within Time, but troll heroQuestors can visit that point as it affected the God Time. The Dragonkill happened within time yet HeroQuestors can travel there. The Battle of Castle Blue happened within time and HeroQuestors can travel there. What you cannot do, however, is change history. You can change the God Time event, of you are powerful enough. So, the God Learners cut off all the paths to Arkat's place on the Hero Plane, stopping anyone from reaching Arkat, but they didn't stop Arkat from existing. If a troll cured the Curse of Kin through a massive HeroQuest, the trollkin that exist would still be alive, but any future Trolls born would be Dark Trolls. You couldn't drop out of the HeroQuest in the other time, as you are effectively only travelling to the God Time portion of the historical event. Not really, as you are travelling to the God Time portion of the historical event. Probably not. However, you could travel to the Battle of Night and Day, Birth of Nysalor, Sunstop, Apotheosis of the Red Goddess or any of the other mythical events that happened since the Dawn. You just couldn't then leave as you are limited to those God Time events.
  11. I'd definitely allow it. In our old RQ2 game, we used to carry around medicine cabinets full of potions and salves.
  12. This is where BRP's Quoting makes for a horrible reply experience, having to copy the quote 11 times and then edit out the lines is awful ... I'm a bit late to the game, so someone has probably answered all the questions, but ... I would play not, because the Protection 3 cancels the Protection 2 spell. In the same way that someone who is Fanatical then Demoralised cannot become Fanatical if the Demoralise is dispelled, the spells cancel out. I would say it is the same. I would say it is the same. Yes, the spell would be cast, the MPs expended or the spell would be used, then the spell would have no effect. In RQ2/RQ3 it ignores everything. In Mythras, it ignores a layer of armour, but magical counts as physical. Same, ignores everything. Shield and Protection stack, so Shield 1 and Protection 3 gives 5 points of Protection.It doesn;t matter what order they are cast as they are comatible. You couldn't cast Shield, Protection and Countermagic, though, as Protection and Countermagic are not compatible. Not sure about that, We normally played that Protection adds to the armour, so in theory damage Resistance 4 would take effect first and if the damage got through then it would need to get through the armour+protection. The same, the damage needs to get through Damage Resistance first, then gets through armour+Shield. We have discussed this at length in our RQ games over the years. There is a spell, Detection Blank, that specifically stops Detects without the caster of the Detect being aware of the spell, so countermagic shouldn't work in the same way. I would say the caster would know that the spell was blocked or bounced off the Countermagic. In this case, the Countermagic would go down, as it it a point above the spell, so casting Detect life again would work. In theory, I would say yes. The only real benefit would be to make the defensive spell harder to Dispel/Dismiss/Neutralise. So, Protection 2 cast with 10 MPs would take Dispel Magic 10 to knock down.
  13. Pity there isn't a "Too Late Sunday" ...
  14. They'd probably spend all their time arguing as to how the rapiers would work in the rules rather than having the duel.
  15. soltakss

    Deus Vult

    I have bought it but not played it. The background is interesting and would fit a detective-medieval setting, where the PCs are members of a Military Holy Order. Use them like the templars, or Knights of St John of Jerusalem or any of the other Orders. However, they have a particular focus on rooting out heresy and the supernatural. Combine it with Merrie England, Stupor Mundi or Val du Loupe and you would have a good campaign setting. I would tend to use them as NPCs or adversaries rather than having them as PCs, but that's just me.
  16. soltakss

    Age of Arthur BRP

    In my Age of Arthur writeup, Merlin is the brother of Fflur and helped Julius Caesar invade Prydein as he wanted his sister to marry someone more important than Caswallawn. Caesar took her back to Rome and Merlin realised that he made a mistake and helped Caswallawn bring her back. He then spent the next 500 years plotting against Rome and trying to drive them out of Prydein. In my version, he met the young Jesus when he was brought to Prydein by Joseph of Arimathea and they came to an arrangement that Jesus was a part of Prydein, but his priests should wear their hair in the druidic fashion, explaining the Celtic Church's distinct tonsure.
  17. If not explicitly stated in Griffin Mountain, it is implied that he was a Yelmalian, He was a mercenary who brought his cult of Yelmalio to Balazar and his children established at least two Yelmalian temples there. Yelmalio worship is linked with the cult of Balazar. In our old campaign, one of the PCs proved himself a descendant of Balazar, using Firshala's magic, then proved that Balazar was a Yelm worshipper, which gave him a link to Yelm and allowed him to become the legitimate King of Balazar.
  18. Definitely a skirt when fighting, but a manly skirt as he was not allowed to dress as a woman, being a Yelmalion Rune Level. Probably trousers when dealing with the Votanki, as he would have blended in and they normally wear trousers.
  19. Probably from Saird, as he was Yelmalian. Probably about the same as in the Citadels. I don't think that Balazar himself was particularly advanced, but came from a civilised area. Instead, I think his strength was to unite the people and to find insights in their worship.culture. I am sure that he was building towards creating some kind of Elder Council in the Elder Wilds, but that is purely my own opinion. Probably not, although the people of Votankiland seem to have been raiders with a higher level of technology than now. At least that's the impression I got from Griffin Mountain. They might have sent missionaries north, but it wasn't that important an area to them. Almost certainly, However, I am not sure what. It mentions somewhere that the dragonewt nests were carried on the backs of dinosaurs. So, the dragonewts had mobile nests rather than cities. Maybe the giants. When? First Age or even God Time. All in my opinion, of course.
  20. Brithini are born to their caste, live within their caste and die in their caste. If they don't then they become not-Brithini. True Mostali are their caste, a Quicksilver Mostali can no more become a Gold Mostali than chalk become cheese. They are very good at their caste powers but useless at everything else. Brithini follow the teachings of Malkion but do not worship the Invisible God. True Mostali follow Mostal and are the physical representations of Mostal, why would they worship themselves, they are Mostal. Brithini Zzaburi use grimoires and arcane lore to tease the secrets out of Glorantha, inventing new magic at times. True Mostali do not learn new things, in fact I would argue that they cannot learn new things, they know what they need to know and don't need to know anything else. Brithini do grow old and die unless they leave the Brithini way. True Mostali just do not wear out and die of old age, they do not age in the same way that machinery does not age. Now, Clay Mostali (normal dwarves) are different entirely. They worship Mostal, or at least some do. They age regardless of whether they follow the Mostali Way or not. They can change castes and can learn new things. To my mind, Clay Mostali are to true Mostali what the Hrestoli are to the Brithini, poor copies who are eminently flexible.
  21. Anything by by Bernard Cornwell would make a great Mythic setting...
  22. Teleporting an army is pretty much the same as dropping a battalion of paratroopers. You get the army there quickly, but then they have to fight. Unless, of course, all the soldiers have access to multiple teleports individually, which makes them more mobile but how much of a difference would that make?
  23. Magic can do a lot and a fantasy army would be OK in the short term. However, I can only see them conquering small countries and then stopping. Anyone trying to conquer multiple countries would be met with the hellfire that is a modern coalition, with jets firing missiles and dropping area-destroying bombs. Put an army of orcs against an army of modern soldiers armed with automatic weapons and the orcs will not last long. Sure, they will arm themselves with modern weapons, in which case they become the equivalent of a modern army. Looking at the sizes of armies in the past and modern armies, it is unlikely that a Fantasy army could mount enough warriors to really pose a threat.
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