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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Magic can do a lot and a fantasy army would be OK in the short term. However, I can only see them conquering small countries and then stopping. Anyone trying to conquer multiple countries would be met with the hellfire that is a modern coalition, with jets firing missiles and dropping area-destroying bombs. Put an army of orcs against an army of modern soldiers armed with automatic weapons and the orcs will not last long. Sure, they will arm themselves with modern weapons, in which case they become the equivalent of a modern army. Looking at the sizes of armies in the past and modern armies, it is unlikely that a Fantasy army could mount enough warriors to really pose a threat.
  2. Bituran had a slave girl who whispered of Uleria's Arts and he married her in the end. So, it happens. It probably isn't frowned upon either. As for willing or not, the Storm Pantheon has Vadrus and Gagarth, neither known for asking permission first. Orlanth took several concubines, were all those willing? I doubt it. So, Orlanthi have divine role models of forced or unwilling sex. The Orlanth-Ernalda model has no place for adultery, except when Orlanth or Ernalda committed adultery. Don;t forget, you can always HeroQuest and say "I am following in Orlanth's footsteps". I am not sure about those taboos, they don't make much sense to me. Heort performed the Foreigner's Wedding to marry a foreigner, so it happens. Anyway, what is a foreigner?
  3. Yes. I'd probably use a variation of the Background, allowing different Backgrounds for different classes, if the players wanted to come from a particular class.
  4. I think that minor HeroQuests are performed far more often than people think. However, they only really affect the HeroQuestor or maybe his family. So, making a few trees in a fertile spot grow faster is possible, making a wood grow faster is difficult, making a forest grow faster is very rare.
  5. But, one of the quarries in the Big Rubble is flooded and the dwarves have not been able to empty it.
  6. They might steal Goldeneyes from the Grazelanders, though.
  7. It is definitely seen as a crime. However, Orlanthi law is often about interpretation. Someone who deliberately stalks and kills another in order to eat them would be treated differently to someone who eats a dead comrade during a great famine. Again, it depends. Intent is probably the key. If you eat human flesh thinking it was pork, for example, then you are technically guilty of cannibalism but were not aware of the fact. In Irish mythology, CĂș Chulainn broke a geas by unwittingly eating the flesh of a dog and this killed him. I suppose it is the GM's decision whether to punish someone for doing something unwittingly/unknowingly. Yes, that would be cannibalism. Whether it would be a crime or not depends on the situation. As Peter has pointed out, trolls definitely practise cannibalism as a cultural requirement and elves are described as cannibals for eating plants (something I have never agreed with, I am a mammal and I eat mammals, does that make me a cannibal?) Ogres eat the flesh of humans. As ogres are human that makes them cannibals, but they would argue that they are eating the flesh of an inferior species. Ghouls eat the flesh of humans, but they are not human, so is this cannibalism? I don't think so. Some people might say that all Man-Rune species are treated as one, so a troll eating an elf or a human eating a duck would be cannibalism, but I wouldn't agree. There is probably a taboo on eating a sentient creature anyway, as we normally make a difference between animals and sentients. What about eating an awakened bison or a naturally intelligent fish? That is the eating of sentient creatures and is also the eating of normal food.
  8. The Redwood elves probably trade timber. Elves from the Garden might trade small wooden items, but not really timber. The Storm Hills have trees and they are not too far from Pavis.
  9. That is useful. Where did you get the value for Joules from?
  10. Looks good. The beauty of HeroQuest is that you don't need anything more than the spell name, you can narrate what the effect is. I wouldn't make spells easier/harder to cast, personally, as my HeroQuest treats everything the same. If you did want to make 3rd level spells only available to more powerful magic users, then put them in separate grimoires which are made available to the more powerful.
  11. I can't think of any. All the Different Worlds material that interested me was for RuneQuest, back in the day. I am sure I'd have picked up anything that contained Worlds of Wonder material.
  12. D100 is perfect for this kind of thing. You can use BRP/RuneQuest/Legend/Mythras for the fantasy stuff, such as cults, spells and medieval weapons, then take modern weapons from something like Delta Green, improvise modern technology and pick things from SciFi settings where necessary.
  13. Welcome aboard - Hope you can find a group. Unfortunately, our gaming group is based in the same town and we meet up face to face.
  14. soltakss


    Tusks are essentially a throwaway by-product of raising pigs. What other uses are there for them? As long as farmers raise pigs, there is a ready-made supply of tusks. this is especially true amongst Tusk-Riders.
  15. That's what normal worshippers do. Mystics, however, could gain mythical insights to transcend the normal way of looking things. So, an Orlanthi mystic might see what Orlanth as King of the Winds and Umath as Storm father hold all the powers of wind, so might see that the powers of Brastalos and Molanni are contained within Storm, so calming storms, stilling winds and making the air hang heavy are all aspects of Storm. The more that people research/join/experience different cults with the same Runes then the more they see that runic powers are not simply restricted to the spells and powers of the individual cults.
  16. Hmmm, on the plus side a quicker Prax Pack, on the bad side multiple Davids - On balance, probably worth it.
  17. I remember it as being 1D8, but my memory often fails me. I'd say 1D6+6, disemboweling most humans.
  18. I haven't played that way, but it makes sense.
  19. Except that all broo are immune to disease.
  20. If a female broo has normal sex with a non-broo and becomes pregnant then the resulting broo-birth will chew its way out of her womb, resulting in death/infertility/both. One of the female broos in some published supplement was infertile and therefore immune to normal broo-birth.
  21. The Mystics at Old Wind would claim they have been there throughout the Second and Third Ages,
  22. I can see the logic of controlling a rune meaning that you can increase/decrease the rune, so if you have the Mobility rune then you can increase/decrease Mobility, speeding things up or slowing things down (pushing against rather than with). You could dim a torch by using Light to decrease the light of the torch. Not sure about using Fertility to make someone infertile, though, but you might be able to decrease fertility slightly, as you are controlling fertility.
  23. Or they and BRP are all RuneQuest-like games. Many Systems, One Family!
  24. In my copy of RQ2 Classic, it just mentions missiles in Multimissile and doesn't mention arrows. Under Firearrow, it does say this produces an arrow, but also says that it can be used on sling stones and thrown weapons. The names can be confusing. Firearrow does destroy the weapon, but does 3D6 damage, so could be worth the tradeoff.
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