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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Humakt likes Chalana Arroy because she can heal wounds and cure diseases that Humakt cannot. Humakti dislike Chalana Arroy because she resurrects the dead, although whether this is sour grapes because they cannot be resurrected, I am not sure. There is a Lead Cross HeroQuest where Humakti dedicate themselves to Death, go to Hell and return with a Lead Cross that is unpleasant to undead. As part of this HeroQuest, they have to kill a bunch of Chalana Arroy healers. I seem to remember that Flesh Man was killed on the LBQ but simply carried on regardless.
  2. Are the True Giants in the Underworld or in Hell? In Glorantha they are two different things.
  3. If I took things as personally as this then I'd have flounced off all the Gloranthan boards years ago. Instead, I take the view that I am right and everyone else is wrong, regardless of whether they win arguments or have better logic than me, or even if they quote facts against my opinions. However, once I am satisfied that my opinions are right and everyone else's are wrong, I retire from arguments in smug, deluded, self-satisfaction. I don't keep banging away until people are sick of me.
  4. Canon is canon. Although it changes, what is currently canon is exactly that, until it changes again. You, or anyone else reading for that matter can react to the changes in canon and what is currently canon in several ways: Accept all canon as it is now and adapt your campaigns accordingly Pick out bits of canon that you don;t agree with and reject all canon on the basis that some bits are "wrong" Accept that official Gloranthan canon is a load of old rubbish and use your own canon Accept that gloranthan canon is exactly that but you don't stick to canon in your own games I am sure that most GMs don't like certain bits of canon. That's fair enough, if you don't like it then change it for your game.
  5. Physically travelling to the Underworld is fairly easy, you have to go down a lot of tunnels. Physically travelling to Hell is harder, as it is a lot further down and you have to cross the Styx. In your case, if the traveller has not yet entered Hell, the body is dead and the spirit travels to Hell. However, if the traveller has already crossed the Styx, the traveller is in Hell and the Spirit could well remain with the body. Part of what makes a HeroQuest is that the magical matrix of the HeroQuest makes things behave in certain ways. Going to Hell without being on a HeroQuest means that you cannot control how things behave.
  6. Borderlands p24 says "The gestation period for a broo is 2 seasons + 1D8 weeks", so I suppose that's the most canonical source.
  7. Absolutely, HQ fits Wuxia very well for the walking up walls, arrow-cutting, powered swordsmen abilities. Just give each ability a name and some breakouts and that is it. Of course, it doesn't fit the bloody nature of Wuxia combat, but does fit the slicing through 4 opponents easily style.
  8. Which is odd, as Legend has fixed APs.
  9. It all depends, of course, what we mean by the various ratings. For me, Legend, like RuneQuest, is about chopping people into bits in combat, with flying arms, legs and heads. That is really Game of Thrones level violence regardless of the scenario. Or are we talking about extra material, such as sexual acts, torture, rape and such things? If you have broos and ogres in the setting then you have this by default, even faded into black. Settings involving the Spanish Inquisition can also involve the above, but nobody expects that. If a bandit chief abducts a noble-born lady with a view to marrying her, a very typical occurrence in the Middle Ages, how adult is that? On the one hand it is a simple abduction-rescue mission, on the other hand there is the rape and marriage subtext. I suppose the rating varies depending on which subtexts you emphasise.
  10. The Pain Centaurs were described in King of Sartar, together with a different origin story of the Grazelanders (Pure Horse Tribe under the Black Net), both are probably true. I see some Beast men as being EWF experiments to recreate lost races, others as being the result of heroQuests bringing back those lost races from before Time, others as remnants of the lost races and others as just always having been there. Take you pick as to which is which.
  11. The Underworld itself is not part of Hell. Only that part of the Underworld beyond the River Styx counts as Hell. Having said that, Wonderhome seems to have been in Hell. However, the original trolls had never crossed over the Styx, as they had been born in Wonderhome, so they do not count as having died. Trolls who die go back to Wonderhome where they can sit and eat all day, bathing in darkness, unless they are very bad and are sent to the Sky where their flesh burns for all eternity.
  12. In my Glorantha, Shamans know the ways to the Land of the Dead and to the Sky World and other places, so each journey to another realm is, in effect, a mini-HeroQuest.
  13. Of course it does. The mere fact that you can travel to the Land of the Dead and return it, in itself, a logical contradiction. You are dead as the mere act of passing over the River Styx makes you dead. The dead pass over the River Styx, the living do not. Of course there is a difference. Someone could be a willing sacrifice, making (a) voluntary. Someone could be dragged into a heroQuest to Hell, making (b) involuntary. If you are on a HeroQuest and are trapped in Hell, that makes you dead. Someone needs to come to Hell and bring you back, otherwise you are trapped in Hell forever. The fact that you might have a body makes very little difference when hell hounds are chasing you. Some HeroQuests allow for the spirit to go on a HeroQuest, leaving the body there. Would that make you happier? Personally, I prefer the whole-body heroQuesting, where you physically travel to the Realms. What about a shaman? They discorporate and become ghosts, are they dead by your definition? Heroes that go to the Land of the Dead and return are living when they return. Very little mythology discusses their status while in the Land of the Dead. Persephone dwells both in the Land of the Dead and the Land of the Living, spending part of the year in both, but she is dead when she is in Hades. It actually creates no problems at all. I have run and played in many HeroQuests where the participants have been to Hell and returned. The fact that they are technically dead having crossed the Styx makes absolutely no difference to them. One of my PCs became pregnant when in Hell after she met an elf there, the fact that the elf was actually dead made no difference whatsoever as it was a magical act. You obviously have a big problem with the idea, so I would just ignore it if I were you. It would make no difference to canon and you can run your games exactly how you want. Everyone wins.
  14. For me, all of the above is far too much detail. In a RQ/BRP/d100/Whatever game, all I want is a reasonable range of damage and a few extra stats, anything more is way too much, I don't even need different types of pistol, I am happy with small/medium.heavy and manual/semi/automatic, same for rifles and so on.
  15. It is the name of a lizard. That is all it means to me. For me, it has no more meaning.
  16. Referee is immediately confrontational as it brings to mind two competing sides where the referee must make a judgement. GM is better, in my opinion. In fact, I don't use narrator, Keeper or other terms when playing other games, I use GM for them all.
  17. I think the healing is to stop the person dying again from the wounds. There is no point resurrecting someone who has been chopped in half unless you join the two halves together first.
  18. Cut off their supply lines and starve them to death. Carpet bomb them into submission. Let them run amok and kill some civilians then mop them up afterwards. If the gate is two way, follow them through the gate and find out how the gates are being controlled, stop the gates from being opened, Better still, find out how the gates work and use them to gate into the Evil Empire.
  19. Daka Fal separated the living from the Dead, within God Time. I believe he also separated those who had died from those who had never lived, so arranging the Halls of the Dead. I thought those happened before the Dawn.
  20. Are 3D Printers any good for miniatures? I have heard that they are too blotchy for that. Making LARP jewellry would suit 3D printing, though.
  21. I think they fought in IFWW. However, how many of the Beast Folk were around in the Greater Darkness? Centaurs have various origin stories that place their creation firmly after Time. There may have been Centaurs before Time, in which case Ironhoof would be their cultural hero, but I am not sure if he was born before Time. Minotaurs definitely existed before Time as they are the descendents of Minotaurus, son of Storm Bull. I think they would have been tied to Storm Bull, but they are not Praxians in the sense of the Survival Covenant. Ducks may have been around in the Greater Darkness, but some say they were brought from the God Time by the EWF, so wouldn't need to have survived the Greater Darkness. Are Beast valley and the Wild Temple remnants of the Greater Darkness? I haven't a clue. None of the old maps that I have seen refer to them. They definitely existed after the Dragonkill as the Beast Folk found a refuge there. This means they might have existed during the EWF, but I haven't seen them on the maps. Ducks settled in the Upland Marsh after the Dragonkill, I assume, but where were they before that?
  22. Well, well, well, clear as anything. I wonder why we did not play it like this in any of the RQ2 groups I played in.
  23. soltakss


    It might have taken a while for the Devil to reach Hell. However, Waha was born before the Dawn, so definitely still in God Time.
  24. Sartar was a City-Builder after all. He created the City Rings to entice the rural Orlanthi into the cities and organised things so they weren't continually tearing each other's throats out.
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