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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Just in case you really didn't get it, Easter Standard Time is for Bunnies (Easter Bunny), whereas Eastern Standard Time covers the East Coast of the USA.
  2. soltakss


    The RuneQuest rulebook has the following prices: Henna: 0.5L per application Kohl: 0.5L per container Perfume: 0.1 - 1L per application So, your adventurer is unlikely to become rich. Assuming 1 application lasts a day, expensive perfume is likely to cost 294L per year. If you assume, say, a quarter of that is profit then you are making around 74L, so one good client might keep you in a reasonable standard of living.
  3. That could work. A Small Earth Elemental should be able to carry one person, a Medium Earth Elemental can carry 2 people and a Large Earth Elemental should be able to carry 3 people. Air Elementals are big and would not really work inside an Earth Elemental. I suppose you could have them side by side, with the adventurer's head sticking out of the Earth Elemental into the Air Elemental. alternatively, just use the air Rune to provide enough air, or try and hold their breath, using the asphyxiation rules. Although that works in theory, Earth Elementals just use brute strength to push the earth away. I wouldn't like to trust what it leaves behind for any period of time. shoring it up might work, but it would be less stable than normal mining. You could use Flintnail's Support Wall magic to hold the wall/ceiling up, I suppose. No, except that Earth Elementals are a very blunt tool. It would work, but I wouldn't like to guarantee that the open tunnel lasts very long. Also, Earth Elementals do like to squish whatever they are holding, so that is always a danger. "Fetch Freddie from in there and bring him back" is enough of a command for the Earth Elemental to obey, so it shouldn't need to be extended.
  4. If, as a GM, I think that they need to make a roll, then I ask them to make a roll. They don't need to instigate it every time. So, yes, if they were about to walk into an ambush, I would ask them to make a Scan roll. For a tripwire or pit trap, I would use Scan. For a poisoned needle on a chest, I would use Search. Full skill, unless the opponents were well-hidden. I can't see any reason as to why I would penalise them unless there were other circumstances, for example darkness, mist or smoke.
  5. In our RQ3 Dorastor Campaign, one of the PCs tried to heal the Chaotic Great Tree of Hellwood, but one of the Elves was a Trickster and cast lie, shouting "He's killed the Great Tree!" As the PC was a Death Lord of Zorak Zoran, he couldn't see that ending well and fought his way out. He spent the next few years making amends for killing the Great Tree and the Player believed that he had killed the Great Tree, until they went back and saw it alive and well.
  6. In Glorantha, your ancestors are not always direct ancestors, your uncle (brother of your mother or father) definitely counts as an ancestor, but your uncle (husband of your mother's/father's sister) might not, depending on how the clan dynamics work. As difficult as you want it to be. All the shaman needs to do is to travel to the Land of the Dead and hunt around a bit to find the uncle. That's what shamans do, after all. They need to know which part of the land of the Dead the uncle is probably in, but that normally depends on the uncle's cult. If they know the sacred words and rituals, they should be able to get past the gatekeepers and into that portion of the Underworld. Then, the shaman just needs to find the uncle among the thousands of spirits there. Something that belonged to the uncle, maybe an heirloom. Something of the character, preferably a lock of hair or fingernail clippings, perhaps some blood. Just a promise of service in the future, maybe an offer of assistance or the shaman can call on them for a simple task.
  7. The Trickster could be sold to someone else, in effect the Trickster's Bond is transferred to another person. They could simply "divorce" and have an amicable breaking of the Bond, although that might result in a temporarily unbonded Trickster. The Trickster could break the Bond, perhaps through a HeroQuest, this need not be with the consent of the person the Trickster is Bonded to, again this results in an unbonded Trickster. The person Bonded to the Trickster could simply break the Bond, again resulting in an Unbonded Trickster. Someone else could steal the Trickster away and create a new Bond.
  8. It's all down to interpretation. Perhaps shedding blood was incorrect, doing harm is more accurate. The RQG Chalana Arroy writeup says: That could easily be taken as no operations, as that involves causing harm. Causing pain is covered by needlessly,which is fine. Cult Compendium says: Again, it's interpretation. In our RQ2 campaign, we played that Chalana Arroy cultists could not harm living creatures, so could not perform operations. The Seven Mothers healers could do so, as could Ernaldan healers, so they were the surgeons. There are a number of other healer cults who can probably perform operations.
  9. I am working with Chris Bell on a writeup of a HeroQuest to treat PTSD amongst Humakti. You could treat such illnesses as diseases, as possession by a passion Spirit or as having a particular Passion. So, having a passion of Depression 70% means that you could roll it to see if it has an effect on a certain day or in a certain situation. It is not an ideal model, by any means, but could work. There are few deities with abilities to treat mental illness, everything seems to focus on treating wounds or diseases. I would have no problem with a Treat Mental illness skill or a Cure (Mental Illness) spell, such as Cure (Depression). There are some people who have "owned" their illness, taking it and accepting it as part of themselves, so treating them might be taking away an important part of their persona. In the real world, there is evidence that trepanning was used in the Stone Ages and Bronze Age, possibly to treat certain types of mental illness. I am not sure of Chalana Arroy cultists are allowed to perform operations, as they involve shedding blood, which is forbidden. But, drilling hole in someone's head to let the demons out is a good Bronze Age technique.
  10. The starter was ... The main course ... Challenge accepted, I think.
  11. Where's the hard stare emoji? You too ...
  12. I could find 7 issues of Hearts in Glorantha and 2 of Gloranthan Adventures on DTRPG. Are there more issues?
  13. If you are using specially-made firepots to do this then all the problems have been sorted out. They are designed to break, designed to burn easily and to cover people with burning liquid. for me, it doesn't matter what they are made of, I just know that they would work. If, however, you throw a lamp at someone, them sure, sue the dropped lamp table, or something similar. To my eyes, it's a bit of a dicking thing for a GM to do, looking for a way for something cool not to work, but some GMs do that.
  14. He had some made for his personal collection, then. I remember that he had models of all the major Praxian tribes.
  15. Well ... According to Wikipedia, Crossbow locks made of bronze have been found from around 650BC, which is earlier than the Iron Age there, c6th Century BC). So, bronze age Crossbows are certainly possible. Catapults seem to be Iron Age, or after, close enough for RuneQuest's Ancient feel. The Khopesh is definitely Bronze Age and the Kopis might have been in Eturia in the 7th Century BC, so at the end of the Bronze Age. Phalanxes were Bronze Age, with some Sumerian ones quite early in the Bronze Age. Even Greek phalanxes were 7th Century BC, which is at the end of the Bronze Age. As for Greatswords, the Jian were made of bronze and date from the 7th century BC, so end of the Bronze Age. So, I use Wikipedia as a source, shoot me!
  16. I seem to remember Andrew having some Sable Riders back in the day, but it has been a while since I did any tabletop wargaming with him.
  17. Converting to Classic Fantasy is probably the easiest way to do it. I converted a 3-scenario module once, the White Palm Oasis, Basically, I took the plot elements and the maps, but completely redid all the NPCs. It worked really well. After all, a good scenario is a good scenario whatever the system.
  18. It gives you a Kuschile Horse archery skill, which is your chance of using a bow on a moving horse, not restricted by your Ride skill. So, if you have composite Bow 80%, Ride 70% and Kuschile Horse archery 50%, then you chance of using a bow on a moving horse is 50%, not bow capped to Ride of 70%. This is clearly rubbish, so I have always played that Kuschile Horse Archery is an ability that allows you to use your full bow chance while on a moving horse. Griffin Mountain gave Hawk Riders Kuschile Hawk Archery, so I would have a separate ability for each type of mount, but allow the same ability for Unicorns/Zebras/Horses.
  19. I agree, but some people start movement with a delay, so high-DEX people have an advantage. It always seemed like too much extra work for no real benefit.
  20. What I do is to work out the maximum movement possible in a round and divide by 12, to give the movement per SR. OK, it isn't exact because some people might say that you start movement on your DEX SR, but whatever. Then, you simply work out how many SRs it takes to move from A to B and that is the delay in action.
  21. That looks good. Are you planning on having sample stats of NPCs? If so, will they be like RQ Classic's Foes/Fangs or more detailed like those in Borderlands? I always liked the Borderlands Encounters book for named encounters and Foes/Fangs for just random un-named encounters.
  22. In my Glorantha, this is caused by two things. Firstly, the Red Goddess is an avatar of Nysalor and has gained some of his secrets of controlling Dragonewts, probably gained by Nysalor cursing the Dragonewts but the curse being eaten by a True Dragon. Nysalor had Dragonewt mercenaries after that and so does the Red Goddess. Secondly, the Sun Dragon ruled Dara Happa as the Dragon Emperor, The Red Emperor is also Emperor of Dara Happa and has access to some of the forbidden draconic secrets of the Dragon Emperor, one of which could be a relationship with Dragonewts. Put them together and you can see why/how Dragonewts could serve the Lunars. It might seem inconsistent, but Dragonewts do not act in ways that always make sense. The area around Dragon's Eye is also called Huntland, I think, for this very reason. Why do they hunt? maybe to keep humans away from Dragon's Eye. What are their goals? Who knows? Maybe not the most helpful answer, but I find that assigning goals to Dragonewts is difficult.
  23. Yes. Although the mount is a separate creature, it is still under your control in many ways, unless it is a warmount or intelligent beast. What I do is make the Adventurer attempt a Ride roll each round they want their mount to do something in combat, except when running away. But, movement should use the mount's movement. Moving across a party and attacking while carrying on is one attack, really. A charge might get stopped, meaning you are in the thick of combat, or it might run through the group, allowing you to wheel and come back again next round. I normally just delay the attacks to later in the round to reflect movement times, but I liked RQ3 Movement at so many metres per Strike Rank, something that RQG doesn't like at all.
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