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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Thanks, only 25 more sales to Electrum, then I can think about looking at a POD version, as long as I can clear it with Chaosium first.
  2. As I said, I am banned from reading RQG Scenarios at the moment, so cannot comment on specifics. But, performing "I Fought We Won" looks like the kind of thing that might accept a spirit as a wyter. If not, then performing another HeroQuest should work. Maybe, maybe not. that is the kind of thing that can be argued about in a game. It might make them the head of a bloodline, though.
  3. I have not included myself in the "lot of gamers", of course. I love this kind of thing. The people at Chaosium know what sells well and what to focus on. I'd love to see this kind of thing in the Jonstown Compendium.
  4. I am not sure that a Hide in Glorantha is 100 acres. That seems to really inflate your figures. Also, not all the land in a hide is going to be productive.
  5. That sounds like a really good tool. Is it an online resource or does it have tables that could be published in the Jonstown Compendium? Everything is vapourware until it comes out. That's the spirit! Publish and be damned! Obviously, I am really looking forward to seeing what you do with this.
  6. One of our group of RQ2 GMs used to play that non-intelligent beasts only wanted to talk about food, sex and territory. So, conversations with beasts went along the lines of "Awk! Got anything to eat? You're pretty! Get off my patch!", so a waste of a Runespell. I tend to play it a little more generously. If you succeed in a Fast Talk, Charm or similar roll, it would tell you about people who walked by, or what it has recently seen, what enemies are nearby and so on. It won't be able to tell who the passers-by were, but might indicate the species. It could certainly tell you how to exit the cave.
  7. Yes, a river spirit would make a good wyter, especially if it is the spirit of a portion of the river, rather than the whole river. Spirits get worshipped as a wyter, so it is good for the spirit. People would accept it, if it meant they could settle by the river, were protected from floods and could use the water for irrigation. I would use the standard rules for priesthood, so POW 18 and perhaps something river-based. It all depends on his much she wants a priest. I am not allowed to read any of the current RQ scenarios, so can't comment on any of the NPCs. Why not have a PC Priest?
  8. Another 5-star review for Secrets of HeroQuesting, by James Solow: The details of how to run heroquests in Glorantha and the catalogue of references of materials about the know heroquests makes this one of the strongest supplements that I have ever bought. Look forward to future works by the author and his collaborators. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/326489/Secrets-of-HeroQuesting?affiliate_id=66807
  9. Another 5-star review for Secrets of HeroQuesting, by James Solow: The details of how to run heroquests in Glorantha and the catalogue of references of materials about the know heroquests makes this one of the strongest supplements that I have ever bought. Look forward to future works by the author and his collaborators. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/326489/Secrets-of-HeroQuesting?affiliate_id=66807
  10. I steered away from clowns in Secrets of Dorastor. I didn't want to actually scare people.
  11. It actually gives female knights an advantage. In a fight, if the male knight downs a female knight and then realises that the opponent is female, does that mean that chivalry kicks in and he hesitates? perhaps enough for her to stab him with a dagger?
  12. That kind of things isn't much fun for a lot of gamers. Some people like to know that kind of thing, but a lot of people aren't interested.
  13. Jam today or Jam tomorrow? I recommend Jam today.
  14. That's what we use, generally. We often play that enchanted equipment resizes to fit the wearer. That is always the case for rings, in my games.
  15. If X is not present, people might be very worried. If X is present, all he needs say is "Oh, no I don't" and the Lie disappears. Lie can be handled as an overpowering superpower, it can also be completely nerfed by GMs. Neither work for me. I use it when necessary and allow it to work when used creatively.
  16. Fangs, Foes, Trolls & Trollkin, Broos & Scorpionmen, all these Classic RQ supplements had reduced statblocks, with generic Characteristics for an encounter and multiple opponents with a reduced skill set and identikit stats, with a little bit of customisation.
  17. I have really no idea I don't know if there is a difference, I don't know if you can enter the Other World not physically. It depends on what we mean by the Other World. Clearly, people can travel to the world outside the mundane Plane, to those portions of Glorantha that are heroic. You can jump down Hell Crack/Magasta's Pool and end in Hell, travel to the ends of Glorantha and climb up the Sky Dome, fly to the Red Moon and so on. Some people can travel to Spirit Places, previously known as Spirit Pools, perform a ritual and enter the Spirit Plane, travel to another Spirit Place, perform a ritual and exit physically. That is effectively a form of Magic Road HeroQuest. HeroQuestors on some Magic road HeroQuests do something similar, where they start a HeroQuest, move to a magical realm, travel there and move back to the Mundane Plane. Some powerful HeroQuestors have physically entered the God Time and returned. the Red Goddess is a famous example, as she was lost in God Time and was brought back, physically emerging astride the Crimson Bat at the First Battle of Chaos. Yanafal tarnils seems to have physically entered the God Time as well, as he replaced her when she was impaled on a spike.
  18. That was probably one of mine, Uleria's New Toy. PG as usual. 🙂
  19. They are more dangerous. Getting killed on a This World HeroQuest means that you can come back in the usual ways: Resurrection, Self-Resurrection (Shamanic or Yanafal Tarnils). so, dying on a This World HeroQuest is the same as dying in normal Glorantha. Getting killed on an Other Place HeroQuest means that you follow the Path of the Dead, or rather your spirit does. Your body stays where it is, but your soul follows Grandfather Mortal's path. Now, it may be that on an Other Place HeroQuest into Hell, or the Underworld, your soul starts off a bit closer and it may be that your body follows your soul. Someone taking your body back to a Chalana Arroy Temple could get you resurrected as above. Getting killed on the Other Side means you physically follow grandfather Mortal's Path. It may be that your possession of the Death Rune means that Death has followed you and you end up following Grandfather Mortal's path before Grandfather Mortal does. you are now in Hell, how do you get out? You cannot just end the HeroQuest, as you have deviated from it to a large extent, by going into Hell. In the God Time there are not many ways out of Hell and very few after you have been killed. Experienced HeroQuestors might know a way out of Hell and might be able to follow that path, but it is going to be difficult. Also, you might be trapped in a special part of Hell, as Arkat was when he was bound into a jar. being trapped in Hell means that you have to wait for someone to HeroQuest to rescue you. How many friends do you have who are prepared to do that?
  20. Eurmal's Rod is quite prominent in some myths.
  21. For me, POW vs POW is always active. As a GM I roll to overcome PCs' POW, as a PC I roll to overcome NPCs' POW. For some reason, I never saw the point of rolling to resist and still don't.
  22. I'm not sailing across the sea and can make it to shore before dusk, I'm not sailing across the sea, I'm not sailing across the sea, I'm not sailing across the sea, oops!
  23. soltakss


    In that situation, you are probably in competition with other perfumers, so your prices will be cheaper and your margins tighter. I can see Glorantha as having client-patron relationships, where a rich noblewoman has their own perfumer, jeweller and so on, rather than having one crafter providing services to many people. That way, the noblewoman can have a unique style that isn't like anyone else's, instead of everyone having the same perfume and dresses.
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