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Everything posted by Runeblogger

  1. 23 years since the Coders... and I still have to run that scenario in my Prax/Pavis campaign...! Will you be writing any scenarios like that, MOB?
  2. Not a typo, but I think it would be good for the runes and passions of the PCs to be ordered from highest % to lowest. This would help players know what are their best assets and on what passions to focus when roleplaying their characters.
  3. Exactly, isn't it incredible? And I loved that supplement BTW, one of my all time favourites.
  4. In my long-standing Pavis campaign I'm running with RQ3, we created a house rule that looks exactly like the one included in the Quickstart, like many other GMs did. Only the catalogue of spells became slowly available as you sacrificed POW to get runic points (we called them "faith points"). We also didn't like theists using spirit magic, so we added most spirit magic as runic spells to the spells available to each cult. Right now, most of the player characters in my campaign have about 14 or 15 runic points. I guess it's time for them to become rune lords. But then, what if no position for rune lord and rune lady opens up in the temples in Pavis?
  5. Hi, I've published a review of the RuneQuest Quickstart. This time in English. https://elruneblog.blogspot.com.es/2017/06/a-review-of-runequest-quickstart.html I have enjoyed reading it and I hope I can run the adventure soon, maybe I'll insert it in my Prax-Pavis campaign. In the review I also present some ideas of what sort of FrankenQuest I would build now.
  6. I should have posted this here, really: I'm running a samurai campaign with RQ6, and I chronicle the sessions as short stories. And then I blog about how did the session go rules-wise from the POV of the GM (me). Alas, I blog in Spanish (though I do have some posts in English), but you can use the Translation gadget on the right margin and get a decent translation (it will make you laugh at some points, even). The chronicles start here with The hatamoto's youngest son. The gamesmastering chronicle starts here.
  7. I have so far only chronicled the last session of our Colymar campaign, but it was pretty heroic. One of the PC's iniciation into the cult of Humakt: The initiate of Humakt As always, feel free to use the Translation gadget on the right margin.
  8. If you happen to be able to read Spanish, I know about this one (Prax with RQ3): Glorantha in Fort Raus (Prax). The chronicles of Mina the Beauty. And this one is about a samurai campaign with RQ6 (you can translate it into some understandable English using the Translate gadget on the right margin, scrolling down): Suruga Samurais (1st episode). The hatamoto's youngest son. And to see what happened from the POV of the GM: read this.
  9. I'm also looking forward to reading the answers to these questions. As for Visibility, I think what the text means is that it allows you to actually make the spirit visible to other people aside from shamans and people using Second Sight, so anyone can now target the spirit with magic (and with weapons with Bladesharp, for example).
  10. :-)__________ Please keep this artist making awesome art like that!!!
  11. What are the Gloranthan ones about?
  12. You might find some myths here: https://oliverbernuetz.neocities.org/index.html
  13. Can you please ellaborate on that? You don't need to tell us the rules, just what kind of contests you provide rules for.
  14. Amazing. However, I think there should be fewer rooms on the first floor, since the doors on the front are very high, so any rooms on the sides of the 1st floor are going to have an extremely low ceiling.
  15. I'm using both books for my samurai campaign with RQ6/Mythras set in the Sengoku period. Although "Samurai of Legend" (follow the link to read my review) is set in the Heian period, you can still use the rules for magic, for Honour, the monsters and the ninja. I have created some houserules adapting RQ6 animism to better represent Shinto magic, though. As for "Price of Honour", I'm using only some parts of it for my own campaign. It's decent enough, although the production of the book itself is rather cheesy. (By the way, remember my runeblog has a "Translation Gadget" on the right margin, scrolling down). :-P
  16. I agree 100% with Raleel. In my runeblog I talked recently about handling non-violent conflicts in RQ and other d100 games. Then I found Deliverator's rules for Social Combat in Mythras and I thought they can be ver useful in campaigns like Mythic Rome, but also from time to time in your usual fantasy campaign, when the PCs have to convince the dwarven kingdom not to go to war, for example. So I figure that, if TDM eventually releases a supplement like Ships & Shieldwalls for social combat, the rules will be very close to the ones designed by Deliverator.
  17. Very nice. I wish I could play some game using Fantasy Grounds.
  18. A friend of mine ran a RQ3 campaign in the Second Age with only zistorite PCs. And he didn't even know about the books by Mongoose. But the campaign was epic. So I guess if you wanted to run a campaign in the Second Age, you could mine these books for ideas. I might use the Clanking City book someday to get some ideas for zistorite ruins in the Third Age. And the same with the other books.
  19. How can I volunteer for the demo game?
  20. BTW, what is going to be the actual cover of the RQG full ruleset like?
  21. Beornvig: you have two copies of almost every book! As for your wishes: 1.: I'd also like to have high-level adventures with the PCs right there in the middle of history. But, yes, lots of adventures, please. Specially those that can only be played in Glorantha 2.: I'd also like to explore new places. For example, Heortland, Esrolia, Caladraland, the Right Arm isles, Seapolis... Casino Town, Nochet! New places, not revisiting the classics.
  22. I love both lizards. The texture on the skin is extremely well done.
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