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Roko Joko

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Everything posted by Roko Joko

  1. Reasons to say whatever you want: You can cite the lore that it looks bigger in the empire to say it can looks different elsewhere. The moon is an illusion anyway. You can say light curves because why else would there appear to be a horizon? You can answer other celestial questions the same way. You can say light curves and/or celestial space curves because it's in the outer world, so it doesn't have to follow normal rules. But if and when you just want Euclidean geometry, I say the sun path is a circle of radius 2500 miles (or whatever), and the moon appears to be the same size as the sun. And, I thought I had some reason to conclude that the moon is both half as far away as the sun and half as large, but now that I think about it maybe I didn't... but in any case, it's easy to remember. Anyway if you have the height you can calculate the angle. (Using straight Euclidean geometry for that works out a little weird though, because then many people would see the sun pretty low in the sky if its path really is a circle. I believe people came up with weird non-Euclidean theories on the old mailing list for that reason.) About the phases, I don't see why they wouldn't be the same as in Genertela.
  2. dormant gremlins, cf the 1984 movie
  3. 3, which I started with. Good worldbuilding support and a mostly tight design. I played enough of it to get into it but not enough to understand its problems. 2 looks like a joke, je ne sais quoi not withstanding, and 6, which I have played a fair bit of, is fine and has some good stuff like combat effects and aspects of its magic, but it's just a little sprawling.
  4. ^ Yeah; I interpret it more as a HeroQuest Glorantha rule than an in-setting cosmological truth.
  5. I think you'd want to decide whether and how these Heortling-Lunar elements apply to Umathela-Fonrit: * a definite concept of chaos and prominent myths about it * divinations about the red moon that clearly say it's evil * visible chaotic magic like the Crimson Bat
  6. Belintar is the only one who could see the hexes.
  7. He was trying to fill in a place on a map where Greg randomly wrote "The Holy Country" because he thought it sounded cool.
  8. Come to think of it, if we're talking Kerofinela, then you also have to decide how prevalent and effective Orlanthi flying and jumping magic are, in your Glorantha. Gnomes and flight are both potentially huge game changers for sieges, depending how you interpret them.
  9. You have to decide how prevalent and effective gnomes are in your Glorantha.
  10. There's a need for a science-fantasy feel because there's always a need for a science-fantasy feel. And because of the backwards thing, that's a good one.
  11. Good stuff. Anyone want to take a stab at the size, weight, and value of oxhide ingots for the different metals? (edit: looks like around 30kg for an ingot typically, or in the 20-60 range (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxhide_ingot, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talent_(measurement). So using pachristian's prices maybe 5000L for a 30kg silver ingot and 600L for a bronze one. 30 of those per ton.)
  12. No, it's not just advice. It's core and goes-hand-in-hand with the ability advancement rules to make an explicit treadmill.
  13. The Argan Argar Atlas shows Vithalash unmarked with any tree icons, in marked contrast to the islands around it. Maybe that was carelessness or a lack of time; maybe it was deliberate to show it as special, like by being in the Outer World. In-setting I'm sure it looks like the other islands, just more fantastical. Seems to me it would be a choice spot for elderly people to go, when they're ready to go. Maybe everyone in the East Isles goes there in the end if they can. Or maybe that's forbidden; maybe it separates your soul from your home island.
  14. I think it'd be clearer to call him Yu-Kargzant.
  15. Or maybe that's what he means by chop them up.
  16. ela = land Genertela = Genert's Land Peloria = Land of Oria* * no, I don't want to hear about your Pela and your Pelora
  17. "I was challenged to give some illustrations to artists and seekers who need to visualize Glorantha more clearly. This document attempts to do so. You will NEED a copy of Natural Wonders of the World, Readers Digest Association, 1980 ed. All page references herein are to that book." http://www.glorantha.com/docs/postcards-from-glorantha/
  18. I'm going to turn this around and say that I'd love to hear more from Chaosium about what technologies are and aren't in use. For example amphoras vs barrels (as mentioned in this recent post). The most I remember seeing is in this other recent post, which was more about politics and culture than technology. There are also general statements such as "The most technologically advanced human cultures are comparable to our Bronze Age or Early Iron Age" but I don't really know what that means. I'm not an expert on ancient material culture and there's a lot of confusion about those terms anyway. For bonus points, describe any interesting technological changes that have occurred over the ages (cf. "medieval stasis" (tvtropes)). I also think there's something to be said for not canonizing every detail, like whether or not there are barrels, or where. It's just that I don't have much of a starting point, particularly when you get into distinctions like "bronze age, but not iron age, except maybe early iron age".
  19. * Everything is explained by myth and magic, not physics. * Everyone knows where they will go after they die - they've seen it. * 1 in 150 soldiers accidentally decapitate themselves every battle.
  20. Yeah, just because RQ stat blocks are bulky and bloated with detail that's unimportant for NPCs, and there are a lot of characters in this series.
  21. Everyone's opinion is OK, but I was talking about exceptional stats rather than exceptional NPCs. Stating only stats that are exceptional, for anyone, and leaving other stats unstated/summarized/implied.
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