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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. jajagappa


    True, but you wouldn't want Brighteye blinding everyone it comes in contact with. This is a solar spirit after all. ;-)
  2. jajagappa


    You need the actual eye though. It should be a nice radiant eye that can open to blind the foes. (Or maybe that's your next step?) I think it might be 10, which would be the right mythological significance. Check out the vase painting on Guide p.338.
  3. I pronounce it either: No chet (long O, with ch as in cheese, and hard final T - so much like 'chest' but dropping the 's') OR Noch et (with first syllable sounding like 'notch', an 'eh' sound and hard final T). Or occasionally the last syllable more like 'yet'.
  4. Trolls? Large dinosaur bladders - hold a lot and you can eat them too. Or stuff discarded beetle carapaces - same advantage on edibility.
  5. We've already seen 3 pics related to Vasana's saga, so if that carries through RQG, then odds are good that we'd see more to highlight different chapters. I can't imagine that we wouldn't get some more of the Elder Races in the Bestiary. And hopefully some other new creature-related art. I'd certainly vote for some views/scenes in Nochet and the rest of the Holy Country. :-)
  6. Many of my player's characters have specific abilities that might be charms, talents, or other odd magics outside of their Runes.
  7. It's too late - they did years ago! Yes, that's the challenge with them.
  8. The Guide is hardcover with sewn bindings - no issue opening it at all.
  9. He certainly had to complete the Ten Tests of Solar mythology to become the Emperor. There's a lot of preparatory steps to that too. For examples of types of heroquests, you might look over Dara Happa Stirs. While not canon, and obviously 2nd Age, I think it drew heavily on GRoY and FS and could give you some insight. Of course, the whole episode with Emperor Yelmgatha is rather suspicious. Although both the Sourcebook and FS make it sound like they were close friends and allies, that Yelmgatha dies in 1/3 after making the Red Emperor his heir does make you wonder. The raccoon folk are in Vanch, but yes they are the closest Orlanthi to Torang. The Wilktar tribe of Imther are more regular Orlanthi, while the Laramite tribe is more Yelmalion. Danfive Xaron is Orlanth bound. I believe they did. Yanafal is the leader, in the "Orlanth" role, but without the "Storm" connection. Orlanth did bear his Sword "Humakt" along on the LBQ after all. Yes, both in healing roles. Deezola is the Binder Within. Jakaleel may be something of the pathfinder and bargainer for them in the Underworld. Agree. There are plenty of solar myths fighting Orlanth, Umath, Vingkot, Valind, and other Storm gods to draw upon. I don't see why not. The Seven Mothers cult description in Pavis book (p.397) clearly makes the connections between the Lunar teacher and the ancient moon goddess. Phase of the Moon: Crescent Come Day of the Week (Dragon Pass): Windsday Seven Mothers Teacher: Danfive Xaron Ancient Goddess: Orogeria Phase Associations: the Hunt for what is missing in order to be made whole. [And in the picture this is the Red Goddess riding the Sky Bear, aka Orlanth's Ring] Comparable Rune: Air Phase of the Moon: Empty Half Day of the Week (Dragon Pass): Fireday Seven Mothers Teacher: Yanafal Tarnils. Ancient Goddess: Natha. Phase Associations: Revenge, taking the injustices she has suffered and visits them upon the deserving. Comparable Runes: Darkness and Death Phase of the Moon: Full Moon Day of the Week (Dragon Pass): Wildday Seven Mothers Teacher: Irrippi Ontor. Ancient Goddess: Zaytenera. [Who is called Zaytenerus by Plentonius] Phase Associations: Insight and Understanding. Insight can cause madness but understanding restores balance to a perturbed mind. Comparable Runes: Truth and Fire
  10. Yes, cheap paper covers. Despite 10 years of active play, mine do still have the covers.
  11. Largely intact, though may be some loose pages. That book got a LOT of wear and tear over the years.
  12. The initial material that Ian compiled in the Book of the Red Cow is still available: http://glorantha.temppeli.org/resources/misc/Book of the Red Cow.pdf It's set slightly farther back in 1605, but has characters from the prior generation that you could draw on for ideas.
  13. While most encounters in my games use a variable resistance for the storyline, I do use fixed resistances occasionally where I want someone or something to be easier to overcome over time. I never got the AP approach - dropping that was a big improvement for ease of play. There's enough bonuses that additional edges are not needed - that really just seemed a way to deal with resistances at multiple masteries.
  14. Sounds like a very reasonable plan. Aggar is an Orlanthi land, and as of the start of the 13G material, have rebelled against the Lunars to return to their traditionalist roots. So more refugees likely from that, and any subsequent feuds that have erupted in the vacuum left from the collapse of the Lunar Provincial Administration. All the Orlanth/Storm related classes and the Earthmother class make sense for folk outside the walls.
  15. But it's also been that way since Trollpack, wayyy wayyyy back.
  16. There was a set of 6 pregens created for the original playtesting. Maybe @Rob Heinsoo can provide some insight whether those will be generally available?
  17. I do not believe it is all considered canon. My understanding is that it was more an assemblage of many available myths, but that included stuff from Thunder Rebels/Storm Tribe (including many of the little subcult figures) which may or may not be valid. Personally, I use much of it in my game. But you can't necessarily rely on it to make generalized statements as definitive fact.
  18. Depends a bit on what they like. With 13G, the Rune associations and the character classes (which tie to runes and gods) should help ease them into Glorantha. The Duckpoint Venture included in the book is set for 3rd level characters, but offers some ideas of preceding events that you could work with. You might also pick up the old RQ2 Apple Lane booklet and check out the Rainbow Mounds scenario. It's a dungeon crawl set in Dragon Pass with newtlings, rock lizards, gorp, and a troll bandit with trollkin. There are stats for all but the rock lizards in 13G which should work for 1st level characters. Maybe substitute the 13G earthbeasts for the rock lizards. Tie it to the Duckpoint Venture that White-eye the troll bandit has stolen the sacred duck idol noted. They track down White-eye to the Rainbow Mounds (can stop at the Tin Inn in Apple Lane along the way). At that point, you've introduced some of Glorantha such as newtling and Gloranthan trolls and some of the magic/wonder of Dragon Pass.
  19. I'd say no on that. First, it would take away from the RQ title. Second, the important figures are the 6 (the pre-gens) and Orlanth - any others are distracting and likely irrelevant.
  20. But only since the death of Phargentes in 1579 ST. Remember that Phargentes was the first Lunar Provincial Overseer, so the power at that point was in Tarsh. It's only with Appius Luxius that the Provincial Government shifts to Mirin's Cross. Appius Luxius has direct influence with the Red Emperor, so can go that route in influencing Tarsh and Moirades. But the blood of the Red Goddess runs strong in the heirs of Hon-eel, and the Eel-Ariash, one of the 3 great families, are strong there. Effectively there is a three-way tension across the provinces between Appius at Mirin's Cross, Moirades in Tarsh, and the King of Sylila. Mirin's Cross is at the location of Urar Baar, and Domanand of the Second Age, though the river's course has changed over time. It's never been able to prove such even if someone claimed it. I put attempts at founding the New Nivorah at Mirin's Cross, but even those did not prove successful. It is not Elempur, though.
  21. When you're an avatar of the Red Goddess? She secured all of Oraya and all of Tarsh for the Empire - and into subsequent generations. But she's no longer the active avatar, so her cult since her apotheosis is certainly based on what she accomplished while active.
  22. Though I've been gaming in Glorantha a long time, if I think back to when I started running an RQ campaign (back in RQ3 days), there was a definite reason I chose Imther to campaign in - I could largely create what I wanted and figure out the game world as I went. The main thing to introduce players to were: 1) character creation and the RQ3 rules - all fairly straightforward. 2) a set of cults to choose from - primarily drawn from Cults of Prax. Since Imther was on the edge of the Lunar Empire, I think they largely had options of: Yelmalio (who eventually became Khelmal), Chalana Arroy, Humakt (in his Yanafal Tarnils guise), Lhankor Mhy (in his Irripi Ontor guise), the Seven Mothers, and the Conquering Daughter (which I created based on what was in the Redline History). The Etyries cult was usually the villain (greedy merchants). 3) some starting locations. I mapped out the Southlands of Imther, added a Sun Dome and the city of Hortugarth, and added the city of Greenbrass (from the initial RQ3 scenarios). 4) someone to provide some foundational information - a character named Appchus who belonged to the Conquering Daughter temple and was ostensibly a merchant (really a spy), but always a friend to the PC's. I had a handout of the Known World and Appchus' descriptions about various places and people. And we started playing. Over time, we learned more about the city, and conflicts between factions in the city, acquired patrons and foes, and eventually stumbled into a larger epic where one of the PC's was to become the legendary Earthwielder (or had an opportunity to do so). There were journeys to Jillaro down the Singing Trail, rescue missions to the Central Mines, ventures into the haunted Plain of Stones, and a great trek to find the giant Gonn Orta. Having the Griffin Mountain supplement was useful for that.
  23. Presumably some of the surplus is the result of Hon-eel's introduction of maize into the culture as well. What happens when Argrath (or Mularik) take over here? Does Hon-eel's cult remain? And if she is ousted, are the other earth goddesses able to make up that loss?
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