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Revilo Divad Of Dyoll

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Everything posted by Revilo Divad Of Dyoll

  1. But "while gold by itself will not gain you good soldiers, good soldiers may readily get you gold."
  2. Thanks for the link. Out of curiosity, why is the "Mother of Monsters' adventure the only one not available in pdf? Or am I misreading it?
  3. FWIW, I think that the trolls are saving the world (as usual). The firebergs are returning someday, and a nice big glacier would be the ideal way to stop them. The flooding is just collateral damage.
  4. One of the more interesting ideas from an interview with Sandy Petersen is that there was one superhero in all of time who embodied each rune. Harrek is death/destruction/conflict.
  5. Could there also be moments when, as the Blue Moon falls into Magasta's pool, it momentarily blocks the Sun (at least from certain angles)?
  6. I had never realized that the phrase was part of a longer proverb. I feel a need to roll for illumination.
  7. They are judged on more than just their trueness to Middle Earth. The are factors of fun and playability to consider as well. As far as "trueness to Middle Earth" actually goes, it's not all that cut and dried. There is a lot of gray areas where we don't know exactly how things "really" work in Middle Earth where various game designers try to fill things in as best they can. For example, are there only five Istari? Is Glorfindel really the same Glorfindel who died fighting a Balrog in an earlier age? We don't know for certain. Tolkien did change his mind on some things, and didn't explain or reveal other things. I don't think that this is something that fans will ever agree on. But my two clacks - when considering this, I always remember Professor M.A.R. Barker, creator of Tekumel. He (at least according to the people who played in his games) considered the "real" Tekumel to be a very gritty, low magic world. But when he GMed adventures, they were always high-magic, spectacular affairs. So if the creator of the world is willing to sacrifice "reality" in favor of fun, I think that it's fine to go for it. Thanks, David.
  8. Hi! Just as a comment, I ran an RQ2 campaign for many years (many years ago), and the "imbalance" between number of attacks with missile and melee weapons worked fine in practice. On a related note, I always liked the fact that while in AD&D (which we were playing at the same time), the correct response to facing an archer was to charge straight at him because he couldn't possibly fire enough arrows to hurt you, the same did not hold true in Runequest. (And multimissiles hurt a lot!). But to each his own. Thanks, David.
  9. I don't think so. Of course it's being over-analyzed. This a forum for Gloranthaphiles.
  10. I am fascinated by Fonrit. I would also like to see stuff on Teshnos and Kralorela. Your poll results may be skewed because people on this forum may already have all the setting material back to 1980 or whenever. (For example, I personally love Pavis, but if I could choose one more book to see published, it wouldn't be yet another book on Pavis). But the potential audience for the books is (hopefully) larger than the number of people who read this forum.
  11. Possibly Sandy Petersen's Shamanry Rules?
  12. Do any Praxians ever come in contact with the boggles on top of the Plateau of Statues?
  13. Of course not. They use crossbows. Or is that only in my Glorantha?
  14. And for a slightly more godlearnish perspective, it is a portion of Prax that fades in and out of reality (or impinges on our reality periodically or whatever). It is referenced in the Guide to Glorantha and various older sources.
  15. FWIW, we played it as attacks were limited by ability and strike rank, while parries were limited only be ability. In other words, to have more than one attack or parry you had to have 100% in that ability, and you could divide that up, so that if you had 120% in each, you could take two attacks at 60% (if your SR allowed) and two parries at 60% (SR irrelevant), if you wanted. It didn't matter if you had a 2handed weapon, a 1handed weapon, or a 1handed weapon and shield. Admittedly, that would have broken down if someone had a ridiculously high ability (200% of more), but that never happened. It was never unbalanced, because if you had 100%+ abilities, you were fighting very tough opponents anyway (or mowing down grunts, which is fine).
  16. The chaos set should be infinite rather than very large, so I believe that you're starting with a false premise. Also, the probability of the reality sets intersecting is not null (see, e.g., the Hidden Greens).
  17. It depends on which version of Final Fantasy he liked. If he is thinking of the kind where each character would have a particular summonable ally (e.g., Bahamut or Shiva), that could reasonably be modeled using a Shaman and a spirit ally.
  18. Should I be worried that I haven't gotten mine yet? Thanks, David.
  19. FWIW, Wikipedia has articles on "guilds" in medieval India and Japan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trade_Guilds_of_South_India; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Za_(guilds)). Another articles references organizations similar to guilds going back to the 5th century BC (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shreni).
  20. IIRC, Zola Fel is hostile to Waha because Waha forced Zola Fel's sister out of her course to wash away the remains of the devil.
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