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Richard S.

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Everything posted by Richard S.

  1. Depending on the tradition, you can be a part of a society without having the spirit rune - I believe Hsunchen can use beast and Kolati can use air - but generally the spirit rune is what allows you to access the spirit world and interact with spirits. You can still use charms and stuff without it, and many rune cultists and even some sorcerers use them, but you can't really progress towards shamanhood. Sorcery is easier to have without the Law rune, since you can take a Grimoire as a standalone or even breakout from another source, like a community or moon rune, but it's recommended to break them out from the law rune if you're specializing since any grimoire or spell that you get later can be hung off of it as well.
  2. He does have Shield according to Jeff, as an associate spell from Yelm. For some reason though it's not in the core, which is frustrating. He has pretty much the same stuff he had back in RQ2 and 3, which was fine because of how limited rune magic was, but now having such weak spells means he's pretty much unviable as a PC choice if you want to perform on the same level as initiates of the other fighter gods. His only decently good spell that's his own is Sunbright, and only then if your enemy's using darkness elementals or the troll types that don't like sunlight. I would love to give him truespear and/or sureshot. We know that he didn't lose his spear in the darkness, so his followers being unable to use it is frustrating.
  3. Does this mean that any future HQG material will align with RQG canon?
  4. Neat! I haven't looked this over in detail, but its nice to see some homebrewing for 13G.
  5. I think the biggest problem with RQG is shown in this thread. Supposedly, it's a game about heroes going off and doing heroic things, yet it's bogged down by things like these overly specific and sometimes unclear weapon skills that are a holdover from its early years. Perhaps in real life there is so much of a difference between swinging two types of one-handed axes, I wouldn't know, but in game it's incredibly frustrating that my Humakti who's become a renowned master of swordplay can't even swing an axe reliably without seasons worth of work. In fact, I'd say that for a game about heroes the whole skill list is bloated.
  6. I've never heard anything like that, though the term resolution pool does ring a bell somewhere. I know for a fact there's nothing like that in 1-3, and am like 80% sure it's not in Mythras, so it's probably some odd rule from a corner of MRQ.
  7. I'd guess they meant it was ruled by beast people, like Hsunchen. Aren't the Uncolings pretty prominent up there, even in the third age?
  8. This is something I've been wondering too. I know that it's fairly similar to HQ1, but I think it's different enough to merit a scan for the sake of the nostalgic and/or curious.
  9. Well considering mortals are made up of little bits of all the runes, I don't think you can fully sever your connection to one of them.
  10. What's the connection between the Harshax and Belintar? I can't remember exactly where I heard this, but I believe Belintar was called "Belintar of the Harshax" in some book. Is the Harshax's kingdom perhaps what remains of the holy country in the fourth age?
  11. Well, from what I've heard illuminates will be able to increase paired runes separately from each other, so you can have 100%+ in one while still having a rating in the other.
  12. Richard S.


    Yup, there's a bunch, though most of them are subsets or composites of the core ones in RQG, such as Communication (Harmony+Movement) or Light (Sky/Fire-Heat). RQ only uses the core set to keep things manageable.
  13. Honestly I think they're best seen as two roads to the same path. Something may have been destined to happen, or it may just be a lucky break, there's not really any way to tell. In terms of what players can do with them, I think "right place right time" could work for either. I think Fate may have a bit of prophecy powers too, and luck is a two-edged sword that can either save or ruin the day with equal chance.
  14. They're the god who's strongest associated with that rune and can access all of its powers. Urox may be able to use Air to whip up desert storms and stinging wind, but he couldn't make rain and thunder. Orlanth, owner of Air, could do all that and more.
  15. In Peloria at least most crafts are probably covered by Lodril and his sons.
  16. How much did Stafford directly participate in designing this edition? Lorewise and mechanically.
  17. I can't say for certain, but I think it's been portrayed as close to echolocation since Trollpak, which is why the associated sense of Darkness is hearing. There's probably some magical mish-mash going along with it too, this being Glorantha. It's also why trolls care a lot more about the texture of things than the appearance - I think they may even be colorblind. I doubt regular vision-affecting magic would work on it, but then again it's magic.
  18. I'd guess whatever we may call their rulers is a very skewed translation of an incredibly complex idea.
  19. So I'm reading through it now and liking what I see, but, uh... you mind toning down the bold text a bit? I get that the point is to emphasize important words, but right now so much is bolded that it really doesn't emphasize anything and just makes me desensitized to bolding.
  20. So, we gonna rename this subforum?
  21. Considering it came out just a few hours ago, probably not many places 😛 In all seriousness though, they probably won't be releasing the straight SRD as a physical product. If you want it then you'll either have to wait until they make a proper core rulebook, with examples and art and stuff, or print all 70 odd pages yourself.
  22. I like how the law rune on his forehead looks like a single eye. Not sure if that was the intent, or what it would represent, but it's a neat effect.
  23. Argrath's already got one of those too
  24. Kind of serious question: if Glorantha is floating in an infinite water source, then how can the sea level rise? Either by plugging the whirlpool or raising lands like Slon? I know that Glorantha doesn't operate on our laws, but wouldn't the displaced water simply be displaced horizontally into the infinite river? Or is there a deeper mythological thing going on, where the seas are not being displaced, but are intentionally invading the land, either because they don't have to work on keeping the hole in the middle of the world plugged anymore or because they've lost some of the land they used to have underwater?
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