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Everything posted by SDLeary

  1. Exactly. If using this in other genres you would have to come up with Impulse times for differing weapons. Semi-Auto, RAW. Bolt or Lever a penalty of 1 impulse... etc. SDLeary
  2. E-GADS Atgxtg, what did you do to that last post?! Looks odd on both Safari and Chrome. Anyway, back to Impluses. Yes, its somewhat like the Strike Rank system. You have an Action Ranking, from 7 down to 1. Lower DEXs have a higher Action Rank, like an expand DEX SR listing. During Melee, Impulses are counted up starting at 1. You also have Major and Minor action types. Major Actions are melee combat, drawing or putting away a weapon, aiming a missile weapon, using perception based skills, getting up after being knocked down, etc. Minor are things like firing of a ranged weapon, falling, rising from a kneeling position (these are really the only three they seem to show; no list of action types that I can find). So, if you have a DEX of 13-16, you have an Action Rank of 4. A character who needs to draw their weapon would start on Impulse 1, and finish on 4. To Aim your missile weapon, you add another 4 Impulses. Pulling the trigger or releasing is a Minor Action, so you now add 1. The character would shoot on Impulse 9 in this instance. If they are using a firearm and wish to continue shooting at the same target, they could pull the trigger again on Impulse 10, 11, 12... and so on until their weapon was depleted. A bow would need to be reloaded, so after firing would add another 4 impulses. Because of the nature or Ringworld, only minimal attention is paid to Melee combat, so its unclear if there would be any other variables in this system. SDLeary
  3. Yes, I remember that. In general though how well did it work with multiple players. It seems to me that it could be something of a management nightmare if more than a couple of players. That was my other reaction. It seems like the system could be melded quite well with the more traditional Dex ranks. SDLeary
  4. Thanks much! I totally missed this. Hit the Stress Rules and sort of stopped! How well do they work in play? Any issues that you have come across? SDLeary
  5. Hey all. I have a lot of time on my hands these days, so I've been pulling things off the shelf that I haven't looked at in some time. This week, I came to Ringworld. The Impulse system always interested me as a counterpoint to the Strike Ranks from RQ. Back in the day I only played in a short campaign that used Ringworld, and in the few combats that I remember, it didn't seem too cumbersome, but I've heard this as a complaint. Anyone with more experience in this like to comment? It certainly seems to fit firefights a bit better, and melee seems a wash, based on my reading. Also, has anyone done anything with the Root/Branch skills system? The Root Maximum seems somewhat broken, but how could this be done another way? Obviously under current BRP you could simply start a related advanced aspect of a skill at X% (half current skill?) and call it a day. If you do this, would you simply say that someone who has specialized wins in a contest where both are successful? Impose success based on differences in Levels of Success? Thanks! SDLeary
  6. More. Ship rules from a combination of RQ3 and Sailing the Seas of Fate, changes that make chargen easier and more streamlined, and a more general Shamrock and Sorcery feel to the system. Advanced Sorcery includes the stuff from Bronze Grimiore, more on Summoning, Loz' brilliant magic system from Unknown East, Nicks Arete system (a very cleaned up and adapted Ki system), rules for potions, and more. In all replaces the Stormbringer stuff on my shelf, which now goes into storage. EDIT: OH! Also, In MagicWorld, a short but brilliant and straightforward section on playing Sentient Animals/Monsters aimed primarily at the kids out there, and the Dropped Lantern rules from RQ3. In Advanced Sorcery there is also a section on how items can become Great Items or Semi-Enchanted in nature. If you are in the US and watch Warehouse 13, think of how Artifacts come into being. SDLeary
  7. Huh, sounds almost like you are describing Star Fleet Battles/Federation Commander! SDLeary
  8. Other than a few companies, I don't think the RPG world could ever be called an "industry", despite pretensions of the companies themselves. Profession might be the highest on the totem pole that I would put them, but most have never made it out of the hobby category. While the majority are playing board and card games, this does bring more people into the stores. I see lots of people that I have not seen before perusing the RPG areas of local FLGS, especially parents with children. I will admit that the area I'm in could be unique though... SF Bay Area has always been one of the gaming core areas. SDLeary
  9. Perhaps, but at least in this area Savage Worlds seems to be on the decline, their apogee being about two years ago. Seems that way from many comments on RPGnet as well. FATE is the exception at the moment, and I think that might be because they have stumbled on an amazingly versatile and easy to understand combination. Something that seems to scale well for just about any genre that you throw at it, and is somewhat easy to understand. It is what I think HeroQuest could have been if Issaries/MoonDesign had paid a bit more attention to the core game, and a bit less on Glorantha; though then we wouldn't have the Guide and the Atlas coming out anytime soon. SDLeary
  10. The thing is... I'm not seeing much GURPS or Hero anymore. In fact, sales seem to have dropped off enough that my FLGS only carries the bare minimum on GURPS, and only Champions for Hero. People are playing the old stuff, like we do with RQ2/3, but that seems about it. I think the day of core generic rules rather than adapted specific games might be over... for now. Things like this are probably cyclic. SDLeary
  11. In other words, the old Chaosium's old basic book, then Companion. Other companies have already returned to this, Green Ronin comes to mind with M&M. So perhaps a BRP book with the basics, A magic system, a powers system and settings information along with a scenario or two... perhaps one being a Solo. Then a Companion that has all the revised information, advanced rules, additional magic and powers, GM advice, etc. SDLeary
  12. IIRC, you were originally using Pages with the character sheets. Are you still using it or have you moved on to another program?... this is quite well done! SDLeary
  13. Did you highlight the text and try Print Selected? SDLeary
  14. Well, to be fair, he probably had TrueStone cast, or perhaps a rare DI that doesn't kill you. SDLeary
  15. While Legend is open, RQ6 is not, it is traditionally licensed. The other OGL/OpenContent SRDs are for Renaissance, and the d100 SRD. SDLeary
  16. It could in Stormbringer, so you should be able to get to those levels here, though it will be difficult. SDLeary
  17. There are also the two Petersen's Guides. SDLeary
  18. Nothing that comes to mind at the moment for BRP, though a Magic World Bestiary is in the works I've heard. Legend has a couple of books, and RQ6's Monster Island has a good section. All should be cross compatible to one degree or another. SDLeary
  19. I think the first two more than the last. I think they have found only one Roman short Muscled Cuirass of iron, but far more in the realm of Lorica Segmentata; smaller easier to produce and presumably less expensive plates. Both only covered the chest and upper abdomen though, and Segemetata was used for a long period during the Principate, and perhaps longer than that by the Centurionate. SDLeary
  20. Don't confuse the tool (the bow) with the skill. Western style can be used with an Eastern bow, and Eastern with Western bow. I might impose a penalty for one moving to the other for a brief period of time due to unfamiliarity, but ultimately they are using their style with a different bow (tool). Horse Archery is a different beast. You can use a Welsh Longbow (a self-bow) from horseback, but its damn hard (isn't there something about Crusaders doing this?). A Japanese Longbow (a composite bow) is designed to be used from horseback. Short Bows should prove no issue. RuneQuest used to restrict the ability of the mounted bowman to the lower of their Ride and Archery skills. Combine this with a penalty to bow unwieldy-ness, and you should be golden. Gloranthan RQ also had the skill of Kushkile Archery, which (IIRC) was a specific skill of the Grazelanders for mounted archery. Now something that just occurred to me. Are you talking about RQ6? Because if so, Persain Horse Archer could very well be a combat style. Also, an FYI. A Compound Bow is a modern bow that uses pulleys to ease the draw while maintaing power. A Composite Bow is one made out of more than just wood. A self bow is normally a single stave of wood. SDLeary
  21. You should be able to do it with the BGB if you want to go straight BRP. It sounds like you are running RQ6 right now though, so you might just want to nab their Firearms document from the Design Mechanism site. Both books have enough information to head off in directions other than Fantasy. SDLeary
  22. The Players Book was pulled just after the BGB came out. Luckily I have a few copies of RQ3 around here. SDLeary
  23. Though as the original poster posited, the d100II SRD would be more in line for this type of clone. SDLeary
  24. It would certainly be possible, with some work. For an RQ3 clone though I would just go to my shelf and assemble from the BGB; it has all the "important" bits. SDLeary
  25. I like it. A nice and simple option! SDLeary
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