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Rick Meints

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Everything posted by Rick Meints

  1. All remaining Backer-Kit pre-orders should have been processed by now, and in the mail as of Friday, August 19th. As for Amazon, the 7th edition books will probably not be available for a while. We haven't started selling it to Amazon yet.
  2. Gen Con was awesome. Many thanks to all who helped make it so.
  3. To leave no doubt in anyone's mind, the Guide isn't being "worked on". It is at the printers going through its file reviews and then the printing presses roll. I want to state this to avoid ANY confusion over whether this is a revised book, or a straight reprint. This is a reprint. We fixed a name in the credits, added a name to the credits, updated the copyright date, and that's about it. Thus, this is basically a reprint. We are not revising any gloranthan content. This is not a revised edition, or a second edition, etc. Since it is being printed in China, we will let people know when it is on the cargo ship and headed towards our various fulfillment warehouses. We MAY take pre-orders when we feel the time is right. Since it will be shipped to customers from our warehouses in the US, the UK, Australia, and Canada, many overseas customers will be paying less for shipping. We have not decided on the retail price yet. The price may very well be higher because of inflation, etc. We do not know if it will be sold in game stores because most game stores are hesitant to stock RPG related books that are HUGE and relatively expensive. If you are planning on buying the Guide this time around, we suggest you plan on buying it direct from Chaosium. That will be the way to get it the fastest.
  4. The Guide to Glorantha is currently being reprinted. It will be available this year. I do not give a specific month on purpose, so please don't ask for one.
  5. We will probably do a Gen Con Special of $300 for the Leatherette pair of books. If you purchase it on Friday you can get Sandy Petersen, Mike Mason and Paul Fricker to all sign it.
  6. Yes, they are hardcover. Softcover books were only done for Kickstarter backers and it is very unlikely we will reprint those softcovers.
  7. I mainly played RQ2, so my play experience with RQ3 is more limited. That said, I have read all of the material published for both. As others have done, I'll only focus on the Rulebook differences. In short, here are the big differences: If you like tracking more numbers, skills, etc. you will probably prefer the RQ3 rules If you didn't like Glorantha, you will probably prefer the RQ3 rules If you like math based Sorcery, you will probably prefer the RQ3 rules If you like more detail in your rules system, you will probably prefer the RQ3 rules If you prefer the opposite of the above 4 things, you will probably prefer the RQ2 rules In most respects, RQ3 ADDED rules, options, and information to RQ2. It didn't really subtract much. Glorantha was included in RQ3 as a bolt on, and the Deluxe Rules and Boxed Set both had more info on Glorantha than the RQ2 Rulebook did. In RQ3 they just put it in a separate book in the 5 book boxed set.
  8. Sorry, but posting of an entire cult is not something I am comfortable with. The PDF and the book containing the cult are available, so it's not like they are out of print. While Wyrm's Footnotes #7 does contain Steve Perrin's Pavis Notes article, including the write-up on the Tokaz Varaz cult, it is a GOBLIN cult, and the stats provided in the article are for Goblins, NOT orcs. Also, since the issue was published after the Origins Awards for 1979 were announced, the RuneQuest 2 rules would have basically been done by this point. I also doubt the article is RQ1 based because Cults of Prax and Snake Pipe Hollow had been published before WF#7 came out. WF#7 also contained this info in the "Thoughts Tagged on at the Last Second" section on page 6: WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO BROKEN TREE INN? A couple of people have asked this question. It stems from the fact that some early advertising we sent out stated that the latest Scenario Pack called SNAKE PIPE HOLLOW would include a section called and about the Broken tree Inn. As you may have guessed, it isn't in the book. The reason is simple if you go and count the pages in the book. When the ms. was typed in we thought it would take up less space than it finally did. Since out limit for a $5 book is 48 pages we had to cut something. The Inn was a separate part and the easiest to excise. It will eventually appear. Either Rudy will use it in another of the Scenario Packs he wants to make or else it will show up someplace else.
  9. Griffin Island did not include anything that was cut from the original. The new material was written by a number of people but it is new, not formerly unpublished older material.
  10. For me, the Judges Guild licensed RuneQuest products fall into two slightly different categories. While every product JG produced for RQ was labelled as "Gateway", some strike me as slightly Gloranthan. The mostly Generic supplements (Hellpits of Nightfang, City of Lei Tabor) I would have a harder time fitting into Glorantha. The slightly Gloranthan adventures (Duck Pond, Duck Tower, Broken Tree Inn) would be easier to fit into "somewhere in Sartar" with a little less adjustment. As a side note, Jaquays and Kraft did several "work for hire" projects for Chaosium over the years. Regardless, I have a soft spot for most of the JG RQ supplements.
  11. From the Questworld boxed set, Lord Skyppen's Mansion book, page 3 boxed text: Half Elves Occasionally human and elf wed. The children of these marriages are half-elves, combining some of the attributes of both races. There never have been many of them, and they do not form a racial community among themselves; rather, they live among their parent's community (usually that of their father). They are not tied to the forest as are elves, nor can they make an elf bow easily; they must use the non-native elf procedure if they initiated into the elf cult. Children of a half elf and a full-blooded individual of either race have only a small chance (10%) of being half-elf themselves; usually they will be of their other parent's race. A marriage of two half elves gives equal chances of having either human or elven children, again with only a 10% chance for a half elf birth. Their charisma is a -5 when measured against either elf or human, and remains at -10 against all other races, at least until such time as a member of another race would lose this modifier, such as being initiated into Aldrya's cult. Characteristics STR 2D6+3 CON 3D6 SIZ 2D6+3 INT 3D6+2 DEX 3D6+2 CHA 3D6 Move 8 TF 12 Defense 05% Skills and Spells - will be as normal for humans and elves, depending on where the character was raised. This will also determine his native tongue; he will speak his other parent's tongue at half that.
  12. I love all of the info and theories posted here. I'm always hesitant to use things like half-elves because it brings to mind D&D like approaches where players choose them to get advantages like "a human that lives longer and has a higher DEX and slightly pointy ears". As for Delecti, he probably has some undead creations that include Aldyami. He makes use of whatever visitor/adventurer/victims that end up within his grasp.
  13. I have fond memories of playing an Issaries merchant in the Griffin Mountain campaign, so Issaries has been my favorite for a long time. I find a number of deities to be marvelously unique constructions of literary brilliance, including: Thanatar, Humakt, Orlanth, Ernalda, and Arkat. I also have a soft spot for the quirky niche entities like the Three Feathered Rivals, the Cannon Cult, Geo, and River Horse.
  14. Chaosium will be working with volunteers to stat these HQ supplements for use in our other game systems, like the new RuneQuest and also 13th Age in Glorantha. How much that happens depends on the volunteers. Chaosium is not currently looking at making these "stat packs" official books, but making them available as free downloads via our website and similar.
  15. We aren't sending Cult of Chaos members the PDF directly, we are providing them with a download code.
  16. The Broo cover for the third printing.
  17. Buy it now: http://www.chaosium.com/pulp-cthulhu-pdf/
  18. A year or two down the road you will almost certainly be able to get a large number of our older RPG publications via POD on Lulu.com
  19. Yes, there will be a print option for the card decks, but we will not take orders or upgrades for them for a while.
  20. Doing a CoC Classics KS is not about desire. It's a matter of time and resources. Chaosium needs to keep the production pipeline of new material flowing before it can devote much of its resources to such "Classics" projects. We don't want to become known as only a "reprint" company.
  21. While we are very happy that we could provide some copies of the Derelict for free RPG day, Chaosium is on a tight budget. We don't have thousands of dollars to spend on this, even though we know thousands of people would like a free printed copy.
  22. The Olympic Cards and Games store doesn't have any old RQ any more. They sold it all a month or so ago.
  23. For any Gloranthan topic we would be overjoyed to even have one author ask to write about it. Unfortunately, we have very very few authors asking to write Gloranthan material for us for either system. Many find the task too daunting for one reason or another. We have thought about doing "conversion" packs for HeroQuest books so they could be used for RuneQuest, and vice versa. We have no interest in doing dual stat books. These conversion packs would probably be a free or very inexpensive PDF that contained what you would need to use the book for the other system (mainly stat blocks). Those packs wouldn't be printed and sold as paper books by us, though. PDF only.
  24. Please send the details of any damaged or missing items to customerservice@chaosium.com. Thanks
  25. The deciding factor is whether the author of the book proposes to write a HeroQuest book or a RuneQuest book. Most of our books are written by freelancers, and we respond to what they want to write.
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