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Everything posted by silent_bob

  1. Dude, I feel you pain. I dropped my hardcover version of OSRIC from about 3 ft. and the hardcover came off! The 400+ page interior is still bound together and now I am using it as a booklet with no cover. Damn Lulu! As for the BGB, I bought the softcover version in 2009 and it has survived water spillage other abuse.
  2. I am currently running a Classic Fantasy campaign and it is great! It really captures the flavor of AD&D and converting AD&D material is much easier than with other d100 products. You can buy the pdf for $16.50 at DriveThruRPG.com: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/82084/Classic-Fantasy
  3. Threedeesix, I am so happy that you are not using the commie metric system:)
  4. Kronovan, I would treat a torch as a light club which can be thrown 20m according to page 248 of the BRP rules.
  5. I don't mind paying for both, but I won't buy the game until the pdf is available at DriveThruRPG.com. That site is better at managing and archiving your pdf purchases than Chaosium. Does anyone known when Magic Word will be available on DriveThruRPG.com?
  6. There is a ton of stuff on Glorantha. Just go to DriveThruRPG.com and type "Glorantha" in the search bar and you will see a bunch of stuff. You could also get a copy of Rick Meint's Index to Glorantha which lists everything published for Glorantha. P.S. Rick is the moderator of this forum.
  7. It is available for $5.00 in pdf format from DriveThruRPG.com: HeroQuest: Dragon Pass Gazetteer - Issaries | DriveThruRPG.com
  8. Falconer, I have the red hardcover version of RQ2 and it is nearly indestructible! A hardcover reprint would be nice, because the old hardcovers are expensive.
  9. I agree. Classic fantasy's miniature combat rules are very good and can be adapted to other BRP games.
  10. Cthulhu Invictus is also a very good Roman supplement for BRP.
  11. Stan, I think you will find BRP to be an excellent system with more "crunchy" bits for you and your players to sink their teeth into. However, the BRP core rule book is a generic system with many optional rules designed to apply to multiple genres of gaming. It is important that you pick the genre and optional rules that you want to use. Also, the rules for superpowers are not fully fleshed out at this time, but this may change is a superhero source book/monograph is released.
  12. Good point. But the Chaosium RQ2 rule book is only 120 pages, so OCR would not take that long.
  13. Why would they need to use OCR? Just scan the rules in like WOTC did with their old modules from the late 70s and early 80s.
  14. Heck, I would be happy with a PDF of Chaosium's old RQ2 rules. A PDF wouldn't consume many resources and would generate a quick bit of cash from old timers like me.
  15. Look at Classic Fantasy. Since it emulates 1st Edition AD&D in the BRP rules it would be easier to convert the old Ravenloft scenarios to Classic Fantasy. Here is the CF Link: Classic Fantasy - Chaosium | Basic Roleplaying | Basic Roleplaying | DriveThruRPG.com
  16. Classic Fantasy took care of this by adding SIZ and CON for HP rather than averaging them and adding fate points.
  17. Ben, When will Magic World be available on DriveThruRPG? I like to purchase all of my pdfs through that site because they have an excellent library feature for managing purchases.
  18. Newt, The link is broken. I can't access the preview.
  19. No offense guys, but you are over thinking this issue. Just use Arthur Reyes's chart to resolve the skill contest and move on. Otherwise your going to bog the game down. Here is a link to Arthur Reyes's chart: Opposed Skill Rolls - Downloads - Basic Roleplaying Central
  20. I got to play in Jeff Hatch's Pulp Adventure RPG at DunDraCon last week and I had a blast. He produces a Cthulhu version of the game. The Pulp Adventure RPG is D100 based and is available now at the following link: Planet-Pulp Here is a link to a sample adventure that will give you a flavor of the game: http://www.invasivedesigns.com/planet-pulp/The%20Lights%20Flickered.pdf
  21. The opposed skill mechanic is the same mechanic used in the Attack and Defense Matrix on page 193 of BRP. Arthur Reyes created a cool opposed skill chart so you can just follow the chart and not have to do any thinking: Opposed Skill Rolls - Downloads - Basic Roleplaying Central
  22. Vile, If you buy the pdf you can print the portions you need or have the whole book on your ipad for quick reference at the game table. Maybe the book and pdf could be sold together at a small discount like with RQ6.
  23. Baron, You make a good point. CF is good as it is and only needs a bit of refinement as well as monsters and magic items.
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