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Everything posted by g33k

  1. I think ANY entire game/game-line is too much content, and inappropriate, to be a thread in a forum specifically for a different game. Such a topic is, necessarily, more about the rule-donor game than about the game getting the new rules. Pick a topic --- such as "Hero Points," just to have something specific to use as an example -- and propose that specific mechanic as a worthy inclusion in RQG... That's (IMHO) a valid thread for the RQ forum. What do they do differently, or better, than the RQG RAW? What can you represent with Hero Points that you cannot do with existing RQG rules? That's a House-Rule discussion about RQG, and as such a valid thread for the RQ subforum. (As an aside, though... noting that GMbook / Campaign book is still to come, I expect it will have a section of rules in this story-space (hero-level action), so I think few people will want to engage with that specific topic. That's fine, for us, because it's just an example we're using to talk about the forums here, not the rules!) Also note that such a RQG-centric topic (adding Hero Points to RQG) rather explicitly allows for other, similar rules to be considered... SW Bennies, Fate's FP, etc. The question centers on RQG -- would such a "metacurrency" subsystem benefit RQG, and if so how should RQG's metacurrency be constructed? Your question, as formulated, was much more about MRQ than RQG, and thus was (IMHO properly) moved here. Does that make sense?
  2. I'd say "squad-and-up" level... mostly, that is! I also allow a "Battle" roll on an individual level, to account for many combat-relevant but not weapon-specific issues. For example: In a complex environment, one person or the other might be more-adept at handling uneven terrain; with a successful Battle roll, the Adventurer may be able to know if they'd get any advantage or disadvantage fighting with more complex footing, or less complex. If a foe is moving around in a fight, are they just pursuing a highly-mobile combat style, looking for any advantage? Or is there a method to their madness, some agenda they are trying to maneuver toward or away from? In a pursuit, does the "escaping foe" they are pursuing actually seem to be leading them into a trap? In a pursuit, does the "pursuing" foe actually seem to be chasing them into a trap? Various sorts of "situational awareness" things involving combat above the 1:1 scale (at 1:1, I'd probably call for a Scan roll instead) -- is an ambush likely/imminent? Has a general melee led me to a disadvantaged/outnumbered/etc situation? Or does my side have an advantage we could combine to better exploit? None of which are really your "Broadsword" skill, are they? It's knowing ABOUT fighting -- a knowlege skill -- rather than having the skills/muscle-memory/etc to actually fight. And as others have said (above) that includes knowing things like to keep your peltasts lightly-armored and mobile, not using them as heavy infantry; using your heavy infantry in the thick of the fray, not as mobile guerilla/harassers; etc.
  3. What does it say specifically about the 50% level? That strikes me as not actually very competent... Also, think of it this way: if you re-did the character generation process to take out all the heroic adventuring&combat backgrounds, and added a bunch of "Gain 5% Farming" or "Gain 5% Shepherd" StayAtHome skills in place of "Adventurer" skills, you'd end up with professional farmers & shepherds with apex-skills near (& often above) that target 88%.
  4. And by "these days" I mean is there a RQG-canonical answer for play as the Hero Wars begin? Googling 'round, I find various ideas. Essentially Human, but with a deep racial affinity for Darkness Mostly Trolls Humans&Trolls, possibly hybrid, possibly able to be either/or as they want Followers of Kitor -- virtually all races, who followed the teachings of Ezkankekko & Varzor Kitor ("humans, dragonewts, wind children, and anyone else who would learn") All the above. https://www.glorantha.com/docs/the-silver-age-and-the-dawn/ http://www.sartar.de/glorantha/kitori-history.html
  5. g33k


    Dude. That was like... a few days ago. Less than a week. Not really an "old post," my man, not by this forum's standards. What's goin' on?
  6. Hmm. You mean they're like... "Oakland"? There's no there there, for the curse to grab onto and further devolve? No magnificence for the curse to set its talons into? ... hm... I guess it's possible, but then I'd wonder why an Uz female would breed with... that...
  7. Dunno. Just observing that an Uz mother gives normal (non-Enlo) birth to Kitori, despite (as you say) the Curse being to the womb.
  8. I think THIS hits on a VERY likely way that Gloranthan maps will differ from RW / "realistic" maps. Nicely spotted, Bill!
  9. Yes, my master. "It is by po alone I set my posts in motion. It is by po-facedness that fingers acquire speed, that speed acquires Likes, that sadfaces earn Moderation. It is by po alone I set my posts in motion."
  10. One word for you, Bill. Just one. I want you to imagine... brooduck
  11. I like that one! But the temptations to make SW/Sith jokes is ... strong, with the Dark Side. Hellfather or Hellsire ?
  12. It appears that there's something less mechanical going on. Upthread, @Joerg reports: so something from the male line has bearing...
  13. On the landscape front, the "Wastes" split roughly in half, just to the east of the Valley of Cradles. The western part is Prax, mostly American-Southwest-ish. Sagebrush, tumbleweeds, chapparal, desert. A bit less hospitable, though... most of the water is too alkaline (or otherwise contaminated) to drink. Most of the plants have either insufficient nutrition, or extra compounds that are dangerous to eat (or both). Occasional oases, lush and luxurious. Occasional stretches of uninhabitable badland. Only herbivores of the Survival Covenant can eat safely (although the sentient Covenent-members can (if willing) usually find enough forage for small numbers of other beasts); even a species "known" to be healthy fodder from elsewhere, cannot be relied upon in Prax. The eastern part is... worse. More hostile. Mostly badlands. Drinkable water is MUCH rarer. Edible forage -- even for the Covenanted -- is harder to find. Mongolian desert X Sahara, plus hostile mythscape making the land less-able to support you. Stormbull is here often... usually expressing his fury & rage.
  14. I describe the Praxian Tribes as a melange of Native American plains-tribes (after the advent of the horse) - n.b. "Braves" as a term for warriors Mongol steppe-tribes - n.b. "Khan" as a ruler Bedouin camel&horse desert tribes African herding tribes With none of those really "the" dominant/primary influence; but also bits of post-apocalyptic survivalism, and some Other Weird Shit, because Glorantha. Plus the Sables obviously have their own extra Moon-thing going on, and the Morokanth ... they have Herd-Men, fer Waha's sake! and that looks like the "biggest thing" (from the non-Praxian POV) .... like I said: Other Weird Shit. I believe this to be, roughly, "canonical" for whatever that is worth and whatever it means. I look forward to (the eventual release of) the new PraxPak, and expect to adjust, at least some, at that time. For some reason (this is just me... and My Glorantha Varies!) I think of the Impala tribe as a bit more Native-American-ish X Mongol-ish; the Great Tribes broadly as being a bit more Bedouin-ish; the Minor Tribes (struggling more and thus) a bit more post-apocalyptic survival-ish (and/or having their own odd backgrounds, like Yelornan unicorn & Old-Pavis Zebra); Morokanth prefer to be more Oasis-and-Zola-Fel (because water & tapirs); tribes of the biggest creatures (bison, rhino) tend more to the stoic & inscrutable tropes; some times one influence will be situationally prominent (e.g. I model lone/few scouts on Native American models, for most tribes); and so forth... I still play the older, more-carnivorous Morokanth (vs the new, nerfed, eunuch'ed, vegetarian ones). I'm (strongly) considering a wildly-divergent Bolo-Lizard tribe: each family or clan has one (or occasionally more) of the larger thunderlizard types. These form a nucleus where young children, elders, and other less-strong members can ride at need; they carry tents and other gear; occasionally a tent will even remain pitched, howdah-style, as the family moves from place to place. Like the Morokanth, they prefer to travel directly from one more-watery location to another (for their thunderlizards), but the braves on their bolo-lizards travel as freely as any other tribe.
  15. I honestly think that the modern perspective will dominate. Hawk's-eye view, Fly with some +duration, etc etc etc. Issaries merchants can easily get Fly from Orlanthi allies, and will like to use it to map places. They will regularly be producers of highly-functional maps, and distributors of the same (e.g. copies of new maps made on the journey). I suppose I can see a 3/4-view perspective (like Boldhome on the RQGcore endpaper, or Clearwine in the GMScreenPack) becoming the accepted standard, for artistic/stylistic reasons. But this is really one of the places I expect magic to make a big difference vs. RW historical realities.
  16. The other thing to remember is that Humakt is a god of emotional isolation, of severing relationships. In times of war, many Orlanthi will experience the kinds of events that make those "severed relationships" seem like the best choice. Most of the rest of the time, it's likely to be discovered and/or confirmed during one's adulthood-initiation ritual... And be pretty rare.
  17. Sorry, Jeff, but the essence of the Other WomanGame is that you're cheating on your own. Nothing from Chaosium counts. Just be glad you wound up with Tekumel! Imagine if it had been D&D... I've heard she's been with virtually everyone...
  18. and winding up the day where everyone in the party can get a broo? Sounds like a fun day, you sadist.
  19. The other thing is magic. In cultures where "Fly" is relatively common, those modern overhead-view maps become less of a rarity. Similarly, many paths of shamanism &c can let someone see from the eyes of a hawk, overhead. How many Lunars have been on the Red Moon itself, and looked back at the Empire below? Looking back at the maps of antiquity is the wrong take on Gloranthan mapmaking. Those maps are amazingly cool artifacts... but not even slightly Gloranthan. As always: YGMV (mine certainly does).
  20. Note that this calls for you to suspend the character-creation process & produce a (temporary) playable character-sheet, then play the "get acquainted" scenes, and then resume your character-creation-process to finalize your sheet. It seems to me like it takes the already-substantial process to new levels of complexity and is much more time-intensive. I really like your basic idea of these little "slice-of-life" scenes, however! I would, honestly, probably do the entire sheet before beginning play, then run your scenes as "flashback" moments. Pick the PC's apex-skills & strongest runes, look at their backstory (& the life-events from character-creation), and consider what their early exposure to those skills would have been like, what growing Rune-affinities would have been like. Work out some standards by which to "nerf" the PC back to roughly 12yo, 14yo, 16yo (initiation), 18yo. Heirloom sword & a (surviving) war-hero ancestor? Play out the first time Grandpa/whoever allowed them to wield that sword (obviously, after learning with various beaters & lesser weapons). Movement-Rune Affinity? Play out the time they Crit'ed an Rune-Augment (that is to say, don't roll that one roll, fiat the Crit) to chase after a runaway cow, and ran it down on foot. I observe that this looks like it might involve a lot of 1:1 scenes between GM/NPC and proto-Adventurer.Even in the same clan, they won't usually be learning the same lessons at the same time. 4 scenes that take 30m to play through (and if part of the plan is to teach the rules, 30m is an optimistic timeframe) is 2 hours. Per character. If you have half a dozen players at the table, that's a LOT of time for each of the other players to be sitting around with -- effectively -- nothing to do!
  21. Jeff, Jeff, Jeff... <sigh> That's really just an egregiously kinky reading of the language. "Mistress" here is clearly the Other WomanGame. You'd use it when you were referring to your GM for your Tekumel campaign.
  22. Said it before, and no doubt I'll be saying it again: Jeff, you are SUCH a tease! Also, I may need to send you a bill for some napkins, because wiping up the drool is beginning to look like a serious expense.
  23. With a good enough roll... maybe! I figure that prone, a 20' giant has a profile maybe 2m (shoulder-to-shoulder) X 1m (front to back), and "shrubbery" could effectively hide that outline...
  24. Previously mentioned as "like" the CoC7 starter set. I'd look for descriptions & reviews of that, and envision a RQ/Gloranthan instead of CoC/Mythos product. (I too would love an "official" answer with, e.g., a definitive contents-list)
  25. Take it to the munchkin thread. (but I believe not -- under the RAW, there is no way to achieve Scrooge McDuck levels of wealth at the start) (OTOH, it's probably possible to get there in play. If you must.)
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