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Everything posted by g33k

  1. I'm pretty sure the Mostali would object to Cannon Cult powers being used in this fashion. I suspect the Lunars have something, given their absorption of the Dara Happan Fire-oriented cults + their own Glamour &Illusion magics. Q: do the Crater Makers count as "fireworks?" (n.b. Eurmali answers don't count)
  2. TDM's "Agony & Ecstasy" for Mythras ? Elder Godlike, for Achtung!Cthulhu / CoC ?
  3. I think "red-headed female 'Orlanthi' warrior" is usually presumed to be Vingan. Jeff is usually pretty spot-on in his art direction; I doubt it's accidental! I suppose the artist could have been working on-spec, but it's just stunningly apt for Glorantha if done by someone not informed! Occam's razor... === EDIT: Or we could go consult the artist's own page...
  4. I think there were a LOT of optimistic RPG product-announcements back in the late 70's & early 80's. Hopefully, we all treat such references as gentle teasing these days; it's definitely not kosher to task nuChaosium with stuff done (as MOB says, by "...completely different management, editorial, and production processes (and completely different people too)." That said, I confess to a certain... shall we say poignant longing? ... for some otherworld heroquesting/runequesting rules for Runequest. Help my aging memory, again... how long since Chaosium originally announced such rules...? 😉 And Jeff is being quite the tease these days... But seriously: props to the nuChaosium team. Keep on being awesome, folks!
  5. g33k

    HP in RQG

    I have, interestingly, seen a similar approach taken in D&D, to pseudo-level-up a low-level PC by giving them higher-power magic items, so they can go adventuring in company with higher-level PC's. They hit harder, courtesy of +5 swords instead of +1's, courtesy of 12d8 Fireball Staves instead of 5d8 Fireball Wands. They're harder to hurt, courtesy of +3 Platemail of Etherealness instead of a +2 Chain Shirt. Etc etc etc. But in the end, one good BBG roll, or bad PC save, lets the BBG land a solid blow... and the low-level PC shows up as incredibly brittle. I don't experience this approach as a good one... YMMV.
  6. I am actually not entirely clear with the post you're citing -- @Robert has mixed an explicit quotation with differently-font'ed text, some of which are quotations (e.g. from the text of the OGL) but others not -- such that I'm uncertain exactly what he means. My initial reading was that he was claiming that all of Mongoose's efforts at OGL were equally valid, but when I went back to re-read it seemed like he was separating the older MRQ OGL and noting that MRQ has others' IP embedded which isn't OGL'able. Is he saying that "MRQ" doesn't have a valid OGL attached? Is he saying that the (c)'ed IP is "severable" and not OGL'ed, but the remainder of MRQ has a valid OGL... and it's up to the end-user to determine OGL-status of any given bit of text? Or ... ? BTW, Jeff -- I like your sublet analogy, but given that most CC/OGL's (I haven't read this one) even allow commercial re-sale of derived products, I like to go with the car-rental analogy: If I go rent a car, I cannot just sell it to another party when the rental is over. It isn't MINE. I can't pass it along.
  7. Yes. Looking at the details again... RH completely free & unencumbered, with the axe to hand (and the knife fastened for RH-draw; so she's right handed). This puts her only 1 second or so away from being fully armed (LH: drop load; RH: draw axe). Granted, she'd like her shield strapped on, but evidently she judges things as peaceable enough that she isn't likely to need it that quickly.
  8. That is to say, does "canon" specify that it spirals outward from the center, or into the center from the outside, or does each have a different meaning within Storm Tribe culture... or is this just silly Gloranthan navel-gazing of a particularly egregious and onerous form? (YGMV)
  9. <whiny tone> : But Biiiiillll !!! It isn't even a puuuuun. I used the words correctly, and grammatically, and everything! You're just being mean to me!
  10. Classic form-follows-function. Muscle to propel you... Any extra weight is only a detriment. Pretty much the definition of "definition." 😁 Not just "doubly true" but exponentially true for LD runners. They want mostly the high-endurance long-fiber musculature, and as little body-fat as they can carry and still be healthy-enough to compete.
  11. Depending on the players' RPG backgrounds, the swords/armor/magic details (which RQ shares with Certain Other Games) may lure them into highly-dubious tactics/strategies/mindsets that work in those Other Games much better than they work in RQ. Some sort of low-stakes preliminary session -- to make some of the differences clear -- is (often) a Very Good Thing: run a "bar-room brawl" with smashing pottery doing half-damage of a "real" weapon; or a "training session" with wooden swords where survivable broken bones & knock-out / concussion injuries replace lost limbs and negative-HPs in the head; or throw in a canon-fodder NPC whose ONLY purpose is to die messily so as to educate the players about the dangers (if necessary, GM-fiat a roll to be a crit that could have been a PC); etc... By the same token, only having played Class/Level based games can cause some players to be a bit nonplussed or confused during character-creation. The GM should be ready with additional explanations/support (if needed).
  12. Also you could setting-fiat some magical material that blocks magic, cannot be Gated-past or teleported-through. Herbalists brew up something you soak cloth in, magesmiths create special metal bars, etc.
  13. If you prefer to work with Mongoose, that's a choice; them being local I suppose makes for certain conveniences! It's also worth noting that other publishers do licensing deals with 3rd parties. TDM/Mythras is publishing a relatively-extensive Classic Fantasy line by Leary, and has licensed Redd of Frostbyte Books, who publishes M-Space and Odd Soot, with more products in the pipeline. D101's The Company is the work of a freelancer who seems to have done a LOT of the creative/dev work, not just a "write to spec" assignment from Newt. And of course Chaosium themselves do bunches of work with freelancers. There was Darker Hue Studios' award-winning Harlem Unbound, and it looks like a Reign Dragon is bringing out a new setting for MagicWorld. So if you prefer Mongoose, that's one thing... but the lack of a BRP OGL/SRD doesn't really look like it should decide how you develop your project. Pick the mechanics you prefer, and ask the publisher of that product about licensing options!
  14. Chaosium isn't "killing" MW, despite how commenters talk about it. They simply are putting in no more Chaosium resources. But they specifically cited that they'd happily do fan licenses and 3rd-party commercial products... And here one is! Chaosium mentioned recently that they have a /LOT/ of MW core rulebooks in-stock, so running out of them is unlikely. And if this project causes sufficient interest for Chaosium to unexpectedly run out of stock...? Well, I cannot speak for them, but I suspect they'd be willing to revisit the question, and consider reprinting the book. They are kinda pragmatic that way -- if it sells, they will keep it going (they discontinued MW specifically because it wasn't selling).
  15. g33k

    HP in RQG

    If I _was_ going to make a HR on this, I'd shift HP over to being SIZ with a minor bump from CON. I don't think (CON+SIZ)/2 is enough of a difference to HR away from the RAW. YGMV
  16. Perhaps these offers could be brokered through your associate... one "Mr. Meints," I believe? (Or so he is reported through Interpol channels). He is rumored to be something of a... collector...
  17. Or it may be her share of a bigger / shared load... Back on the road behind her, not shown, may be a whole party, one of whom is carrying a bigger share of grain than is reasonable for 1 person, etc. All the load on her left, maybe she has a wrench or strain making her right arm non-loadbearing. Maybe she has NO spear-skill, she's carrying the kit for a fallen comrade, returning his gear to his family. Rather than micro-analyze for FLAWS, note any "problems" and use it as an opportunity to tell stories about why it's THIS way instead of THAT way... Also: I argue against this rendering the weapon unusable: 1. ground the butt, everything slides down; 2. lift the spear up to guard position. Maybe 2ish seconds? 3 max? With practice, I bet I could get it down to about 1 sec. Slower that a readied weapon, I grant; but hardly an unreasonable delay for a traveling / non-adventuring config! If you advance down every road or trail in combat-ready mode, you'll be so slow that all the action will be over before you're there. And the Storm Bulls will tease you about being too "girly".
  18. Well, I guess if everyone agreed about everything, there wouldn't be much point in a forum like this one... 😉
  19. I think ANY entire game/game-line is too much content, and inappropriate, to be a thread in a forum specifically for a different game. Such a topic is, necessarily, more about the rule-donor game than about the game getting the new rules. Pick a topic --- such as "Hero Points," just to have something specific to use as an example -- and propose that specific mechanic as a worthy inclusion in RQG... That's (IMHO) a valid thread for the RQ forum. What do they do differently, or better, than the RQG RAW? What can you represent with Hero Points that you cannot do with existing RQG rules? That's a House-Rule discussion about RQG, and as such a valid thread for the RQ subforum. (As an aside, though... noting that GMbook / Campaign book is still to come, I expect it will have a section of rules in this story-space (hero-level action), so I think few people will want to engage with that specific topic. That's fine, for us, because it's just an example we're using to talk about the forums here, not the rules!) Also note that such a RQG-centric topic (adding Hero Points to RQG) rather explicitly allows for other, similar rules to be considered... SW Bennies, Fate's FP, etc. The question centers on RQG -- would such a "metacurrency" subsystem benefit RQG, and if so how should RQG's metacurrency be constructed? Your question, as formulated, was much more about MRQ than RQG, and thus was (IMHO properly) moved here. Does that make sense?
  20. I'd say "squad-and-up" level... mostly, that is! I also allow a "Battle" roll on an individual level, to account for many combat-relevant but not weapon-specific issues. For example: In a complex environment, one person or the other might be more-adept at handling uneven terrain; with a successful Battle roll, the Adventurer may be able to know if they'd get any advantage or disadvantage fighting with more complex footing, or less complex. If a foe is moving around in a fight, are they just pursuing a highly-mobile combat style, looking for any advantage? Or is there a method to their madness, some agenda they are trying to maneuver toward or away from? In a pursuit, does the "escaping foe" they are pursuing actually seem to be leading them into a trap? In a pursuit, does the "pursuing" foe actually seem to be chasing them into a trap? Various sorts of "situational awareness" things involving combat above the 1:1 scale (at 1:1, I'd probably call for a Scan roll instead) -- is an ambush likely/imminent? Has a general melee led me to a disadvantaged/outnumbered/etc situation? Or does my side have an advantage we could combine to better exploit? None of which are really your "Broadsword" skill, are they? It's knowing ABOUT fighting -- a knowlege skill -- rather than having the skills/muscle-memory/etc to actually fight. And as others have said (above) that includes knowing things like to keep your peltasts lightly-armored and mobile, not using them as heavy infantry; using your heavy infantry in the thick of the fray, not as mobile guerilla/harassers; etc.
  21. What does it say specifically about the 50% level? That strikes me as not actually very competent... Also, think of it this way: if you re-did the character generation process to take out all the heroic adventuring&combat backgrounds, and added a bunch of "Gain 5% Farming" or "Gain 5% Shepherd" StayAtHome skills in place of "Adventurer" skills, you'd end up with professional farmers & shepherds with apex-skills near (& often above) that target 88%.
  22. And by "these days" I mean is there a RQG-canonical answer for play as the Hero Wars begin? Googling 'round, I find various ideas. Essentially Human, but with a deep racial affinity for Darkness Mostly Trolls Humans&Trolls, possibly hybrid, possibly able to be either/or as they want Followers of Kitor -- virtually all races, who followed the teachings of Ezkankekko & Varzor Kitor ("humans, dragonewts, wind children, and anyone else who would learn") All the above. https://www.glorantha.com/docs/the-silver-age-and-the-dawn/ http://www.sartar.de/glorantha/kitori-history.html
  23. g33k


    Dude. That was like... a few days ago. Less than a week. Not really an "old post," my man, not by this forum's standards. What's goin' on?
  24. Hmm. You mean they're like... "Oakland"? There's no there there, for the curse to grab onto and further devolve? No magnificence for the curse to set its talons into? ... hm... I guess it's possible, but then I'd wonder why an Uz female would breed with... that...
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