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Upcoming Glorantha publications


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So I know this is totally unrelated to this topic but I couldn't find anything closer to ask the question in.  So I know that the Glorantha Source Book is sold out in the US.  And I know that with shipping there is no way to be sure exactly when it will get back into stock but is there a way to get notified when it's in again?

I know with other companies that are out of stock of a RPG product, I've seen ways on their websites to sign up for notifications so that you get alerted.  That is one way I can think of but I didn't see any way to do that on Chaosiums's site.

Or will Chaosium just drop a global notification and say it's back in stock?

Don't misunderstand.  I don't care WHEN it's coming back into stock.  I'm not asking that.

I want to know how I can be notified without having to go to the Chaosim site or the Blog or the Facebook page everyday to look.


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Posted (edited)

Hi - I’m very interested in the progress of Robin’s Pavis / Big Rubble. Apologies if this has been asked and answered, but is there anything that can be shared? Looks like the last info was November 2022. 

Edited by Hyperlexic
Pavis, not Packs. Thanks autocorrect.
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53 minutes ago, Runeblogger said:

What is the book with the most chances of being published next? The Guide to Dragon Pass? The Homeland: Sartar book? Or the Cults of RuneQuest: Solar book? Or maybe some other like the promised 14 non-human pregens?

As far as i understood the publishing plan it is: One Cults book, one other than a cults book, then another cults book, etc. 

So we have three candidates for the next book: Dragon Pass Gazeteer, Sartar Book, GM Book (whatever theit final titels may be). 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, AndreJarosch said:

As far as i understood the publishing plan it is: One Cults book, one other than a cults book, then another cults book, etc. 

So we have three candidates for the next book: Dragon Pass Gazeteer, Sartar Book, GM Book (whatever theit final titels may be). 

I believe prior remarks have said that the Sartar Book and the DPG are both much closer (each is in layout), with the nod to DPG as slightly-ahead; the GMSourcebook is close, but still not ready for layout (OTOH, that info is old enough that the statii may have changed; but note the dates, as quoted below)).

But I think it's still a two-dog fight, with a distant dark-horse.

Startling to see no alynx in there!  😉


However, that's for a book.  As far as RQG "product" overall, I think the next is probably the Spell Decks; quoting the Top-Post:


The Guide to Dragon Pass - in layout (Facebook 6 Nov 2023)
The Gamemaster Sourcebook (title not final) (including heroquesting rules) - pretty far along, although not in layout (below, 9 October 2023)
Sartar - soon in layout (Facebook 6 Nov 2023)
RuneQuest spirit magic and Rune magic spell decks - almost through layout  (Facebook 30 Nov 2022)


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59 minutes ago, AndreJarosch said:

As far as i understood the publishing plan it is: One Cults book, one other than a cults book, then another cults book, etc. 

So we have three candidates for the next book: Dragon Pass Gazeteer, Sartar Book, GM Book (whatever theit final titels may be). 

with this in mind I do wish that Pavis / Big Rubble was one of the non-Cults books coming soon.

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Posted (edited)
48 minutes ago, Hyperlexic said:

with this in mind I do wish that Pavis / Big Rubble was one of the non-Cults books coming soon.

My bet is that we won't be seeing P+BR for over a year; sorry.

It's listed among the "soonest" group, but appears to be among the least-advanced of those:
Pavis and the Big Rubble - by Robin Laws - both done with editing (Facebook 30 Nov 2022)
(no mention of art or layout; and I note the implication there of 2 books / 2 products (i.e. using the word "both").  I think Chaosium had been considering a unified book; I don't know their current intent, but they may still be "massaging" the entire concept of the project)

Sartar Book & DPG both look more-likely to see print sooner (just based upon work completed to date, relative positions in the production & ready-to-print queue).  Alternating with CoR books, and presuming 1 per quarter, we've got a solid year right there.

I think Chaosium has a high priority on completing the GM Book:  each time it crosses a hurdle, it'll advance to top-of-pack for the next hurdle.  Whether the accelerated treatment will get it to the finish-line ahead of other books <shrugs> not even the Chaosium knows for sure!

I think the release schedule will be something very like:

  • DPGaz & Spell Decks (or just spell-decks, with the Gaz dropping a cycle, and pushing all the other non-CoR books down accordingly)
  • CoR:Solars
  • Sartar Book
  • unspecified CoR book (let's pick Chaos, as "the CoR GM's book" because look what's next...)
  • GM Sourcebook
  • unspecified CoR book (let's pick Horned God / Shamans book, as broadly-important to the line & to PC groups)
    (alternatively, the Invisible God / Sorcery book, because complaints over Sorcery are relatively common... on the Gripping Hand, a separate "Western Sourcebook" looks almost mandatory to have alongside the Invisible God book, and is nowhere in-queue (+ I think IG was a late addition to the CoR queue, and isn't yet ms-complete (unlike the rest of CoR))
  • Pavis+Rubble+Prax mega-release
    (alternatively, those could each be 3 separate releases, interspersed with CoR books)
  • nuTrollpack + CoR:Darkness as "a natural" for dual-release
    (this elevates the Trollpack release out of the "coming  later on" queue; I may be over-optimistic, here)

That looks like 2 years' of publications (into 2026) -- 3 years if my "multi" & "mega" release predictions don't pan out -- done on a "quarterly" release-plan (which I think is the Chaosium aspiration for RQ).
[ Timing's close enough that I'm singing & Bing'ing "I'm dreaming of a Daaark Christmas..."

bina bang - tisssh! ]

And while advancing all that through the final stages, they'd be advancing the less-advanced  "coming later on (with refs)"  stuff up into the uppermost "Upcoming releases" queue.

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"unspecified CoR book (let's pick Chaos, as "the CoR GM's book" because look what's next...)"

I can't recall where, but it was heavily implied, I think by Jeff or maybe Rick, that Darkness would be the next Cults book to release after Solar.  Of course no dates were discussed for any of it.

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Just looking at the list in the first post, there hasn't been an update for the Glorantha Skirmish War rules here for quite a long time. These are not a Chaosium product, but they are now quite far advanced:

- The publisher is Mad Knight Miniatures

- The rules and game aids were pretty far advanced back in September 2020 (Facebook public group here).

- They brought in Neil Gibson to take over the layout in late 2023 and we got some glimpses of the rules layouts in November and December 2023 (Facebook closed group here, here and here).

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An Unofficial Buyer's Guide to RuneQuest and Glorantha lists everything currently available for the game and setting, across 60 pages. "Lavishly illustrated throughout, festooned with hyperlinks" - Nick Brooke. The Voralans presents Glorantha's magical mushroom humanoids, the black elves. "A wonderful blend of researched detail and Glorantha crazy" - Austin Conrad. The Children of Hykim documents Glorantha's shape-changing totemic animal people, the Hsunchen. "Stunning depictions of shamanistic totem-animal people, really evocative" - Philip H.

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Posted (edited)

I found a link to this rather good interview either somewhere on this site or the RuneQuest Facebook group, so I'm sharing it with the tribe again.

It's well worth listening to in its entirety, in my humble opinion, but starting at 1:11:33 Jeff gives an outline of the publishing plan at the time:

  • The Guide to Dragon Pass. That sounds gorgeous, upping the standard of RQG books even higher.
  • Solar book
  • Darkness Book
  • Chaos Book, not sure which order of the last two.
  • Somewhere in between the above, the Kingdom of Sartar book.

No doubt others who know better can fill in details, or correct mistakes. 

What a great time to be a fan of Glorantha.

Edited by SMM
Missed an "a" in the final sentence.
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Posted (edited)

Jeff Richard said this on Discord this afternoon: 

We'll have printed at least 4 RQ books this year, probably 5-6. But the amount of time it takes to get a book from being done with printed to being ready and available in our warehouses has really increased in the last few years.

I would imagine I'm not alone in being happy to see that reaffirmed (he said something similar last year in an interview), considering that it's May and we've only just gotten the first book of 2024, and considering there hasn't been any discussion about the timeframe for the next book (as per the apparently official new policy of not announcing dates until a book is ready to ship, source: Rick Meints). 

The vagaries of shipping notwithstanding, that makes it seem likely to me that we'll see at least Solar, Dragon Pass, and the next book after that (Darkness or Sartar, probably) later in 2024. 

Edit:  I forgot about the Sourcebook reprint, which he would no doubt count.  So my "at least" should probably only include the first two.

Edited by Jason Farrell
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Ok. I really hope that Chaosium prioritize the GMs book with hero questing rules. Heroquesting is such an important part of the setting and the Hero Wars. I would also prefer the Shaman Cults book to be prioritized before the Chaos and Water books. (Cults of Terror is/has been available but we know very little about for example the White Bull cult).

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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Soccercalle said:

... I really hope that Chaosium prioritize the GMs book with hero questing rules. Heroquesting is such an important part of the setting and the Hero Wars ...

Sadly, our last word on this (per the info in the top-post) was that it was not yet in layout, so it looks like it's still a ways out...  That was a while ago, but I presume it's still the "official" status, since Chaosium doesn't update with "nothing's changed" notices.

I don't know if "not in layout" means the ms. is still in editing, or they're still figuring out the art, or what, exactly...  Whatever, though, it's likely single-tracking as a top priority in somebody's work-queue, but not in a state where Chaosium can usefully dedicate "more people" to accelerate progress.

Maybe someone's got some new info...?


CoR:Shamans -- 100% agree with your reasoning!  CoR:Chaos is desirable, for sure... but the in-print Cults Compendium is an adequate stopgap.

We don't have anything comparable to "tide us over" while we wait for the Horned God to arrive.

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Just now, Jason Farrell said:

As is what he said about about additional sorcery spells (in the eventual Invisible God book, I assume)

Yes, that was in response to a question about the Invisible God book containing new/updated rules for sorcery, or just new spells.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/28/2024 at 8:19 AM, Jason Farrell said:

Jeff Richard said this on Discord this afternoon: 

We'll have printed at least 4 RQ books this year, probably 5-6. But the amount of time it takes to get a book from being done with printed to being ready and available in our warehouses has really increased in the last few years.

If that comes to (Dragon) pass then bravo Chaosium - this would be an unprecedented embarrassment of riches.  While I'll always impatient for more, it does seem that a steady stream of releases is now beginning to flow.  I'm excited for what's ahead with RQG.

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3 hours ago, Jason Farrell said:

I was reading the Weapon and Equipment book and was surprised to come across a reference to a book not on the above list (at least by name).  Page 36 references a future volume called Into the Troll Lands

Related to the new trollpak?

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On 6/27/2024 at 11:48 AM, Jason Farrell said:

I assume it's what the "trollpak" will actually be called. 

Or "nuTrollpack" may be a 2-3 volume set, and that's 1 of several titles...?


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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, g33k said:

Or "nuTrollpack" may be a 2-3 volume set, and that's 1 of several titles...?


I don't think there will be any book or set of books called "Trollpak".  We all know and have known for a long time that there will be a Cult of Darkness book.  That's the "Troll Gods" part.  And there's this Into the Troll Lands.  That is likely to be it. 

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9 hours ago, Jason Farrell said:

I don't think there will be any book or set of books called "Trollpak".  We all know and have known for a long time that there will be a Cult of Darkness book.  That's the "Troll Gods" part.  And there's this Into the Troll Lands.  That is likely to be it. 

I think that's a reasonably-likely prediction.

I seriously doubt that there will be any box-set "pack" coming out.

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