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CONAN License Update from Modiphius

David Howard

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I certainly agree with you but the announcement clearly states that Monolith will develop the next RPG themselves. A version of Mythras or Stormbringer would be fantastic for Conan but I don't think TDM is big enough for this and Chaosium doesn't seem to have the bandwidth to take anything more. I suspect it would take @Jason D completely away from RQ.

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On 12/3/2022 at 7:21 PM, svensson said:

I would REALLY rather that it be a d100 game, but I have a huge bias against 'level' based games so....

That isn't a "bias against," my good sir...

That's an discerning aesthetic in favor of the superior system!

Edited by g33k
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"Hither came Conan the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer..."

My biggest issue with Modiphius' 2d20 take on the IP was always that it seemed overly fiddly. I have a huge respect for Jason's knowledge and passion for the material, and he seemed very positive about the whole approach to the lore from the get go, and another gaming friend who is distinctly NOT a fan of Modiphius but is an enormous Conan fan was all full of praise for the quality of the writing and its engagement with the lore. But I do feel that from a game play point of view, the IP needs something fluid and light, that lets each session move rapidly and adroitly. To me that suggests the lighter end of the BRP family: Elric! / Magic World, CoC 6e / 7e, OpenQuest (or the currently kick-starting SimpleQuest).

Albeit it is very hard, given that quote, to look beyond a suitably tweaked Barbarians of Lemuria: which is what the aforementioned Conan fan who isn't Jason used when he ran one of the two best Conan games I have ever played... for other one, he used a very stripped down but custom built BRP variant... 😉

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/3/2022 at 3:13 PM, NurgleHH said:

I think it will be another D&D5-Clone. 

It's possible that they use the french Chroniques Oubliées system, as they do in their Barman game.

It's at core a simplified version of D&D 3.5, with no skills.

In the version I know, each class has 3 branches of feat-like powers. After gaining a level, you take the next power in one of the branches.

Asthere are no skills, you usually only roll 1d20 + ability modifier, but some powers may give bonus under certain curcimstances. On combat, you also add your level.

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On 12/30/2022 at 10:44 PM, tobarstep said:

I wonder if they could do licensed sourcebooks or adventures instead of a complete game. SJ Games had licensed Conan stuff for GURPS once upon a time. Like, 30 years ago. But interestingly they're still available to buy "new" in both PDF and POD.

Problem is that if they do this, it's very likely to be with books for the most popular game around. And it's neither BRP nor Mythras...

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3 hours ago, Mugen said:

Problem is that if they do this, it's very likely to be with books for the most popular game around. And it's neither BRP nor Mythras...

They tried that already. There's a d20 version of Conan produced by Mongoose back in the day.

The system is, well, d20. If you like it, then it's not altogether bad. It's a bit overpowered for my tastes personally, and I tend not to like 'ding! I leveled!' systems much anyway. But there was some solid milieu writing in it. It's kind of like MERP that way.

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6 hours ago, svensson said:

They tried that already. There's a d20 version of Conan produced by Mongoose back in the day.

The system is, well, d20. If you like it, then it's not altogether bad. It's a bit overpowered for my tastes personally, and I tend not to like 'ding! I leveled!' systems much anyway. But there was some solid milieu writing in it. It's kind of like MERP that way.

Nevertheless, it was a distinct game that tried to "Conanize" D&D, and not just a series of D&D sourcebooks.

I remember rumours about a Conan adaptation to MRQ2. But then Mongoose lost both RQ and Conan licences...

But, again, I bet Monolith will use the same 3.5 basis as for their Batman game.

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  • 2 months later...

My impression is that Conan Properties sells the license to a publisher, lets it run for a few years, and when sales taper off, sells it to a new publisher, hence: TSR > Steve Jackson > Mongoose > Modiphius > Monolith. Every step of the way they produce lots of world books, a limited number of adventures, and then the license moves on - and us gamers are left to buy a new set of core rules, and a bunch of sourcebooks that cover material that we already have for an earlier version of the rules... It's a treadmill, and the main people who benefit are the suits in Conan Properties, who contribute nothing except collecting the money.

Or am I being too cynical?

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  • 2 weeks later...

As far as I'm concerned, all my Modiphius Conan books are just setting lore for Mythras now, not to mention all my pdfs from Mongoose Conan.

I've got various novella collections from R.E.Howard, and a stack of Dark Horse Comic graphic novels as well as heaps of Savage Sword of Conan comics reprints.

Double the Luck Pts for Mythras characters and I'm on my way to running Hyborian Age adventures, regardless of what system the new shiny Conan will be.


Edited by Mankcam
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" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"

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On 3/24/2023 at 11:00 AM, Mankcam said:

As far as I'm concerned, all my Modiphius Conan books are just setting lore for Mythras now, not to mention all my pdfs from Mongoose Conan.

I've got various novella collections from R.E.Howard, and a stack of Dark Horse Comic graphic novels as well as heaps of Savage Sword of Conan comics reprints.

Double the Luck Pts for Mythras characters and I'm on my way to running Hyborian Age adventures, regardless of what system the new shiny Conan will be.


Mythras and Conan seems like a match made in heaven. I would say the same regarding Elric!/Stormbringer/Magic World or even RuneQuest 3 but of the bunch, Mythras feels to be the more readily adaptable to Conan for reasons I cannot quite grasp. 

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And just because.


  • Luck Points are doubled because @Mankcam said so.
  • I like dividing skills in skill categories. This is only cosmetics and bases are as per Mythras (e.g. all Constitution skills are based of CON plus a second characteristics, no changes from the rules).
  • I use species maximum as per BRP (21 for humans)


Conan of Cimmeria, 6'3, 235, during or right after Queen of the Black Coast. He is at his physical peak.

Characteristics   Attributes                              Hit Locations            
STR     20            Action Points 3                     Head           5/8        
CON    18            Damage Modifier +1d8         Left Arm     0/7        
SIZ      16            Exp. Modifier +1                    Right Arm    0/7        
DEX     17           Healing Rate 3                       Chest           3/10        
INT      15           Strike Rank 16/13                   Abdomen    3/9        
POW    16           Luck Points 6                         Left Leg       1/8        
CHA     13           Movement 6                          Right Leg     1/8        

Strength Skills: Brawn 95, Athletics 80, Unarmed 85

Constitution Skills: Endurance 85, Boating 65, Perception 75, Survival 70, Swim 70, Track 65

Dexterity Skills: Evade 70, Conceal 40, Drive 50, Ride 70, Stealth 70

Intelligence Skills: Lore 50, Customs 60, First Aid 50, Locale 60, Native Tongue 60, Craft 35, Culture 40, Healing 35, Language(s) 45, Literacy 45, Navigation 40, Seamanship 45

Power Skills: Willpower 65, Insight 40

Charisma Skills: Influence 65, Streetwise 50

Passions: Fear Sorcery 60, Love Bêlit 70, Wanderlust 80

Traits: High Pain Threshold (ignore Serious Wounds effect on a successful Endurance roll), Resilient (+1 HP to each location), Strong Hitter (DM + 1 step)

Combat Styles                                            
Cimmerian Warrior (Battleaxe, Broadsword, Greatsword, Shield - Batter Aside, Do or Die) 95                                            
Street Brawler (Fists, Feet, Knife, Club - Unarmed Prowess) 85                                            
Pirate (Falchion, Club, Dagger, Main Gauche) 80                                            
Jungle Spearman (Spear, Sling, Bow, Shield) 85                                            
Weapon         Size Reach Damage       AP/HP                            
Broadsword    M    M       1d8+1d8        6/10    Bleed, Impale                        
Shield               L    S        1d4+1d8       4/12    Bash, Stun Location                        
Battleaxe         M    M      1d6+1+1d8    4/8     Bleed, Sunder                        

Edited by DreadDomain
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Conan and Mythras are a match made in heaven, from my own experience. I ran one of my best campaigns using Mythras (then Runequest) and Mythras. 

pete also agrees, as he mentioned he has a large conan document written up that will never see the light of day like the Star Wars one 🙂

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The Hyborian age lends itself well to adventure gaming as well. 

  • Religion is kept simple
  • Political bodies are large enough to ignore, unless you have your own army. They are also at war often enough to create opportunities for spy or soldier adventures.
  • All of the classic adventure tropes are available (knights in armor, desert nomads, pirates, lost cities, etc.).
  • Cultural regions are familiar enough that players can easily understand them, and find tropes that they like.

For gaming in the Hyborian Age, I propose some additional uses of those extra luck points:

Reveal Background Plot: While the character sleeps, they may have an expository dream that explains the background of whatever menace they are facing. If the plot exposition is necessary outside of a rest period, the character is conveniently knocked unconscious (by Black Lotus, or something), so they can have the expository dream. They will not be killed or maimed during this dream, but they may wake up as a captive.

Death is too Good for You: When an opponent has the drop on the player-character, instead of killing the character, they fatally delay their strike. If the opponent is a minion or unintelligent creature, something distracts them and they run off, leaving the character to (not) die. If the opponent is a master villain, they throw the character in prison, or into a (supposedly) inescapable death trap. "Bwa ha ha, into the pit with you. The Crawler will destroy you!"

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/25/2023 at 4:18 AM, DreadDomain said:

Mythras and Conan seems like a match made in heaven. I would say the same regarding Elric!/Stormbringer/Magic World or even RuneQuest 3 but of the bunch, Mythras feels to be the more readily adaptable to Conan for reasons I cannot quite grasp. 

That's been my opinion too since I read RuneQuest 3. More precisely, I never felt like using a class/level system could work.

But it's possible I've been influenced by the example character from the french edition...




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On 3/25/2023 at 3:22 PM, Raleel said:

<unsavory animal> god cult.

snake god cult, bat god cult, rat god cult, and so on

I mean... it doesn't even have to be "unsavory" to make a good foe...  many "charismatic & predatory megafauna" work just as well: 
tiger god cult, shark god cult, bear god cult, etc.

Edited by g33k

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  • 1 year later...
On 12/7/2022 at 5:41 PM, Ravenheart87 said:

Speaking of d100 and sword & sorcery... Does anyone have any experience with Jackals? How well would it fit the Hyborian age?

Jackals has it's own world and lore, but you could always forget about that and just play it in Cimmeria. It is certainly the closest you can get to Conan without being Conan.

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