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Corrections thread - Cults of RuneQuest: The Lightbringers


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With the release of Cults of RuneQuest: The Lightbringersthis thread is to catch any typos or errors spotted. Please note them here, quoting the relevant page number, the error, and the suggested correction. We will correct the PDF file and the print file for reprints.

IMPORTANT NOTE: this is not a thread for questions or discussion of the rules, we are specifically looking for errors and typos only. Please take discussion to another thread.

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PDF TOC remove Vinga
Page 34, header Vinga -> Orlanth
Page 36, Eurmal (Lightbringer), He provides Charisma -> Clever Tongue
Page 39, Stormwalkers, Discorporate -> Discorporation

Page 43 Rune Magic Chalana Arroy missing Healing Trance (per RQG), gives to Ernalda in EG 21

Page 47, Orlanth. In RQG 299 Orlanth gives Wind Words, here Shield.
Page 47, Speak with Herd Beasts, Ranged (voice) -> Range (voice)
Page 63, Merchant Priest (Garzeen Priesthood), missing Create Great Market (per RQG)
Page 97, Center of Power, Holy Places. The oldest, largest, and most important is Bluewater Temple at the headwaters of the Azure River above Helerdon. This is correct up to Helerdon. Per GtG 255: Helerdon (small city): [...] The rain god Heler also has an important temple here. 
Page 115, Lanbril Rune spells, common, remove Ban
Page 134, Storm Bull, Chalana Arroy, Cure Chaos Wounds -> Cure Chaos Wound
Page 138, Valind, Rune spells, remove Increase Wind (provided by Ygg)

From https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/19075-runequest-rules-qa/page/58/#comment-297973

Edited by Scotty
added Helerdon
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Eurmal the Fool subcult has Fumble, in the core rules it has Group Laughter, and there's no subcult in Lightbringers which has Group Laughter, so this might be an error? page 55

Also I think there's an error in the last sentence of the Lightbringer subcult (also page 55), but I'm not sure what the correct text is supposed to be.

Edited by Crel
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Jonstown Compendium author. Find my publications here. Disclaimer: affiliate link.

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p125 in a discussion of the Rune Lord, there are too paths listed - Bearwalker and Champion.  


A devotee of the Bearwalker Path abandons the life of
village and farm, instead taking up life in the wilderness and
transforming themselves into a bear whenever possible to
hunt and savage.
A devotee of the Champion’s Path enters the service of
an Orlanthi king or chief as their champion. The Bearwalker
is fully supported by their liege, who must permit them to
indulge their anti-social and violent tendencies

I suggest that the highlighted word be replaced with either Odaylan or Champion to avoid confusion with the Bearwalker's path of the previous paragraph.

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Page 1: Vinga should be a secondary header under Orlanth?

Page 2: the Lightbringers’ Quest was unique in that it moved through the realms, tying them together and making important links fall apart - fall apart seems wrong, perhaps - restoring important links

Page 11: Gray Lords -> Grey Lords [One instance of Gray Lords in the book, two of Grey Lords]

Page 31: Craft (woodworking) -> Craft (carpentry) [See RQG page 185]

Page 43: healing arts -> Healing Arts [Two instances]

Page 43: From Aldrya, hey can learn the spirit magic spell of Preserve Herbs -> From Aldrya, they can learn the spirit magic spell of Preserve Herbs.

Page 48: Marsh, chaparral -> Marsh, chaparral, grassland, steppes [?]

Page 69: The Blue Philosophers: They range far and broad -> The Blue Philosophers: They range far and wide [odd wording]

Page 70: Every Year during the Sacred Time -> Every year during the Sacred Time

Page 70: pilgrim Sages arrive at the Spike -> pilgrim Sages arrive at the Block

Page 71: Oratory (from the associate cult of Eurmal) -> Orate (from the associate cult of Eurmal)

Page 71: Oratory (from the associate cult of Eurmal) - Eurmal does not have a skill of Oratory/Orate - should this be Issaries or Orlanth?

Page 78: Craft (woodworking) -> Craft (carpentry) [See RQG page 185]

Edited by M Helsdon
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Page 92: with the issue that followed in his wake -> with the issues that followed in his wake [Debatable]

Page 93: Rune spell for free -> Rune spells for free

Page 94: They are mindless and are whipped into an enraged passion and frenzy until the very stuff of their souls is worn away into the grit of the chaparral sands. [Start of paragraph should be indented?]

General: for some reason searching the PDF for sea gods finds the term hidden in many of the introductory deity images/text.

General: Sometimes Sea Gods, Sea gods, seagods. Sea Gods on page 96.

General: Sometimes Storm Gods, Storm gods

General: Sometimes Air Gods, Air gods, air gods

Page 98: stacked with Rain (page 71) - The spell Rain isn't in this book. It is on page 336 of RQG but should be given here?

Page 99: a River Priest can ritually withdraw Heler’s blessing -> a Rain Priest can ritually withdraw Heler’s blessing

Page 99: They provide Cloud Call -> He provides Cloud Call

Page 99: western Dusk Gates -> western Dusk Gate [or Gate of Dusk]

Page 101: Humakt’s main worship is among the Storm worshipers of Genertela, and in Enkloso and Vralos in Pamaltela - and Umathela?

Page 105: Should Sense Assassin be detailed here? Sense Chaos is defined for Storm Bull so this omission seems unintended. 

Page 125: The Bearwalker is fully supported by their liege -> The Champion is fully supported by their liege

Page 134: cults from Prax -> cults of Prax

Page 138: Need to clarify whether Decrease Temperature can reduce the temperature to zero and lower.

Page 149: The Roaring God Ygg is the son of Vadrus and the sea goddess Neliomi - the next page contradicts this and says - Ygg is a rapacious son of Vadrus, the god of violent and destructive change, and Nelarrina, a minor goddess of the Neliomi Sea

Page 152: Ygg hates the Kingdom of Logic and its heirs (Brithos, Loskalm) -> Ygg hates the Kingdom of Logic and its heirs (Brithos and Loskalm)

Page 152: Ygg hates the Kingdom of Logic and its heirs (Brithos, Loskalm) [Also Seshnela?]

End of first pass.



Edited by M Helsdon
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Page 42 (Chalana Arroy), under "Temple Organization":

"...served by a body of healers, each in term served by several initiates" should be "turn"

Page 44 (Chalana Arroy), under High Healer requirements:

"They also must have a Worship (Chalana Arroy) skill of at 50%" should be "skill of at least 50%"

Page 46 (Chalana Arroy), under Harmonium spell description:

"Those within the zone cannot resist it effects" should be "its". 

Page 69 (Llankor Mhy), under Cult Organization:

"Any inter-cult discussions are presided over by the Sage..." - should be intra-cult

Page 71 (Llankor Mhy), under Requirements to Remain Initiated:

"All initiates take a vow of truth, unlike with lay members, the cult acts against initiates..." - the comma after "truth" should be a semicolon

Page 88 (Founchild), under Temple Organization:

"This is explained further in the Initiate Membership section" - it (the Great Hunt) is explained further in the Master Hunter section, not the initiate section

Page 111 (Lanbril), under Before Time:

"Lanbril studied the ways of deceit and perfected the techniques of subtly and disguising his behavior" - should be subtlety

Page 114 (Lanbril), under Lanbril's skills/Thieves' Argot:

"Argot has a limited vocabulary and range or expression..." -  I think that's supposed to be "...and range of expression"

Page 115 (Lanbril), under Rune Priest requirements to join:

I think this one is intentional, but 15 rune points (and in one cult) is a super high requirement, high enough that you're basically saying you don't want players to ever have Lanbril rune priests... it goes on to say "Lanbril wants as many priests as possible."  Not with that requirement he doesn't. 

Page 117 (Lanbril), under Non-Lanbril Thieves:

"... concentrate as much upon embarrassing their victim as on gaming wealth" - gaining wealth

Edited by Jason Farrell
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  • MOB pinned this topic
  • p.2, 2nd col, 3rd para, 1st sentence, "from gods appropriate for farmers and herders, to scribes…" doesn't make sense (scribes etc aren't deities). Suggest changing to "from gods appropriate for farmers and herders, to those for scribes …" or "from gods appropriate for people ranging from farmers and herders, to scribes …" or similar.

  • p.3, Organization, 2nd para, last sentence, "Gods Time" -> "God Time".

  • p.6, 1st col, 1st para, last sentence, "and includes" -> "and include" (plural "goddesses" and "deities range").

  • p.11, Vadrus, 1st sentence, ( "included towards violence" doesn't make sense. Suggest changing to "included unrestrained violence" to bring it in line with the Prosopaedia.) EDIT as @Jason Farrell said, "included towards violence" -> "inclined towards violence".

Edited by Steve
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p89: it says that lay members "...gain the title Hunter and may go on the Great Hunt." However, later on the same page, under the Rune Lord section: "Each year, there is a Great Hunt in which normally only Master Hunters take part." So which is it? Can only Master Hunters go on the Great Hunt, or not? It sounds like the Great Hunt is where Rune Lords are nominated in the first place so it seems nonsensical that only Rune Lords can take part... so I think "which normally only Master Hunters take part." should be removed from the Rune Lord section, and "and may go on the Great Hunt" should be added to the mundane benefits of full initiates, so that everybody can take part.

p89: "they must unfailingly fulfil it" -> "they must unfailingly fulfill it"

p93: "This ritual creates a whirlvish (Glorantha Bestiary, page 186)", but Whirlvishes are described and given a statblock on the next page. The text varies quite a lot between the two versions...

Edited by Lordabdul

Ludovic aka Lordabdul -- read and listen to  The God Learners , the Gloranthan podcast, newsletter, & blog !

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On 8/21/2023 at 5:45 PM, Ormi Phengaria said:

p. 96, Heler, Mythos and History, first paragraph: "They accompanied Sshorg in her invasion of the land and was freed" -> "They accompanied Sshorg in her invasion of the land and were freed".


I tripped on this the first time myself but it's not actually an error because "they" here is a singular, not a plural. 

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On 8/19/2023 at 2:11 PM, M Helsdon said:

Page 2: the Lightbringers’ Quest was unique in that it moved through the realms, tying them together and making important links fall apart - fall apart seems wrong, perhaps - restoring important links

p.18, last sentence, has "making important links in a world fallen apart", which would appear to be the intended wording.

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  • p.19, Since Time Began, 2nd para, 1st sentence, "the principle political" -> "the principal political".

  • p.19, 2nd col, last para, 2nd sentence, "the identity of many deities was clarified" -> "the identities of many deities were clarified".

  • p.21, Otherworld Home, 1st sentence, missing period/full stop after "world".

  • p.24, Temples, 3rd para, 2nd sentence, "dedicated to subcults and associated deity" -> "dedicated to subcults and associated deities".

  • p.25, 2nd col, 1st para, "the Windsday of Sacred Time" -> "the first Windsday of Sacred Time" (as per the Guide, since there are two weeks in Sacred Time). Cults of Prax had the same issue.

  • p.26, Mundane Benefits, 2nd para, "Mobility Week" -> "Movement Week".

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  • p.24, Temples, 1st para says that a wandering Wind Lord of Orlanth Adventurous has to own a cart. But p.27 says that a Storm Voice (Thunderous) has to have a cart and the Wind Lord requirements on pp.27-8 don't mention a cart being needed.

  • p.26, Rune Spells, 1st para, last sentence, formatting issue with "Dismiss Air Elemental" breaking the last word unnecessarily.

  • p.27, 1st col, Benefits and Restrictions, 3rd para, 1st sentence "an endangered member for their congregation" -> "an endangered member of their congregation".

  • p.27, 2nd col, 2nd para, and throughout, "Lightbringers Summons" -> "Lightbringer's Summons" for consistency with p.13 box and index (or otherwise make consistent).

Edited by Steve
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  • p.29, Tribal King, 1st para, 2nd sentence, "They are permanent initiates of the Orlanth Rex" -> "They are permanent initiates of the Orlanth Rex subcult".

  • p.30, Command Worshipers, the RBoM correction from the Well of Daliath has not been made here.

  • p.30, Detect Honor, the RBoM correction from the Well of Daliath has not been made here

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