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Corrections thread - Cults of RuneQuest: The Prosopaedia


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With the release of Cults of RuneQuest: The Prosopaediathis thread is to catch any typos or errors spotted. Please note them here, quoting the relevant page number, the error, and the suggested correction. We will correct the PDF file and the print file for reprints.

IMPORTANT NOTE: this is not a thread for questions or discussion of the rules, we are specifically looking for errors and typos only. Please take discussion to another thread.

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  • General – Okeria – in the Guide and elsewhere is Okerio 
  • Page 3, Aeolian,1st para, 2nd sentence, "and are the dominant religion"-> "and is the dominant religion".
  • Page 4, Alafin, title is "Alafin" but description and index has "Alafain".
  • Page 6, 3rd col, 3rd para, comma seems wrong here, surely "which lay within it" relates to the earth?
  • Page 7, 2nd col, 2nd para, first sentence has two "her"s in a row towards the end. To fix this without having to flip all following male/fenale references, change the last clause and add a male references e.g. "via his use of methods of war and love to achieve her ends", or similar.
  • Page 14, Bandan, 2nd sentence, seems like a line might be missing here at the column break because "could not be devoured by Arlu" doesn't seem to follow properly from "commanded an Iradgenderi to become permanent".
  • Page 18, Bodkartu, 1st para, 2nd sentence, "as well as answers" -> "and also answers" or "and answers" or "as well as answering". Current text doesn't work grammatically. 
  • Page 21: Shomash -> Somash
  • Page 22, Chalana Arroy, delete "See Erissa". (No entry)
  • Page 29: spinning of -> spinning off – or - spinning on
  • Page 32, Ebe, pronunciation is missing.
  • Page 34: Enklosa, note it is Enklosë in the Guide
  • Page 34: Land Goddess of Enklosos -> Enkloso (per Guide)
  • Page 34, Enverinus, extraneous comma after "Portion of Yelm" in subheading.
  • Page 36, Errinoru, 2nd sentence, "embyli" -> "Embyli" as in the rest of the book.
  • Page 40: as man -> as a man
  • Page 41, Full Moon Corps, 1st para, 1st sentence, "middle air" -> "Middle Air" as in the rest of the book.
  • Page 49, Godunya, subheading, "Kralorela" -> "Kralorelan".
  • Page 49: One of the races of Dragon in the Dawn Age —> One of the races of Dragon Pass in the Dawn Age
  • Page 52, Hachrat Blowhard, pronunciation missing (Harmast Barefoot has one)
  • Page 52, Halisayan, last para, "a unequivocal" -> "an unequivocal".
  • Page 54: of Ralian Autarchy -> of the Ralian Autarchy
  • Page 56, Hiia Swordsman, 1st para, last sentence, missing full stop (period).
  • Page 62: Drang the Dragon -> Drang the Diamond Storm Dragon
  • Page 67, illustration of Jernotius, red triangle pointer at end of caption should be pointing up towards the art, not down.
  • Page 68, Jraktal the Tap, subheading, "Fonritan" -> "Fonritian".
  • Page 74, Kyger Litor, pronunciation lee-tar seems very odd and differs from RQ3 Prosopaedia, lee-tor.
  • Page 74, Kylera, 2nd sentence, "and forbade her" -> "who forbade her". Kylera is the subject of the sentence and the current wording reads as Kylera forbidding Gata
  • Page 76, Lendarsh, 1st sentence, remove the superfluous full stop (period) after "Grey Age".
  • Page 79, Lorion, remove see Engizi (no entry)
  • Page 88: is most respect -> is most respected
  • Page 89, New Hrestolism, 2nd para, delete second sentence since it's a repetition of the second half of the precending sentence just with the words in a different order.
  • Page 91: diamond, dwarf status -> diamond dwarf status
  • Page 98: only five remain – six counting Artia, but perhaps too small? The Twinstars might be counted as stars?
  • Page 103, Rathor, first sentence, surely "great white bear" should have initial caps due to being a title as shown in the subheading?
  • Page 105, River Deities, remove see Engizi (no entry)
  • Page 106, first column (Rokari), 2nd para, 1st sentence, "Invisible Gods'" -> "Invisible God's".
  • Page 106, Sartar, 1st sentence, "to the Orlanth" -> "to the Orlanthi".
  • Page 107, Second Council, Aldryami [pantheon] -> Elf [pantheon]
  • Page 107, Second Council, Mostali [pantheon] -> Dwarf [pantheon]
  • Page 108: “Sedaia is the goddess of langiappe” —> “Sedaia is the goddess of lagniappe”
  • Page 108: Serartamal, Pamalt Pantheon, this is one of only two Pamalt Pantheon refs (the other is Varama). Should this be Doraddi Pantheon?
  • Page 109: land goddess of Ralios -> Seshna is the land goddess of Seshnela
  • Page 112, Siglat, 3rd sentence, "She" sounds odd because Siglat is the subject of the preceding sentence and ends with Snodal, and "she"  seems to refer to the mother. This sentence should ideally be reworded.
  • Page 116: string shirt – might be, based on illustration – string skirt
  • Page 117, Svagad, 1st para, last sentence, "Diet, sponsored" -> "Diet and sponsored".
  • Page 121, Theya, subheading, "Malkion"-> "Malkioni".
  • Page 124, Two Brothers of WarYngorty -> Yngortu (per GtG)
  • Page 126, Umbroli, subheading, "Winds Gods" -> "Wind Gods".
  • Page 126, Urengerum, Sagittus -> Saggitus (per Fire/Sky) 
  • Page 129, Varama, Pamalt Pantheon, this is one of only two Pamalt Pantheon refs (the other is Serartamal). Should this be Doraddi Pantheon?
  • Page 131, Verithurusa, 1st para, last sentence, should "oath" be "path"?
  • Page 131: meditation . -> meditation. [one or more spaces before the full stop]
  • Page 132: formatting issue? Pass.      The
  • Page 132: Vingkot, Water Rune -> Mastery Rune (Rune font error: w key is water / mastery)
  • Page 134, subheading, remove extraneous comma after "Portion of Yelm".
  • Page 135, Wild Man, Father af All Mortals -> of
  • Page 136, World Council of Friends, Aldryami [pantheon] -> Elf [pantheon]
  • Page 142, Zitro Argon, the comma here is a comma splice and should be changed to either a semi-colon or a full stop/period.

From https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/19075-runequest-rules-qa/page/58/#comment-294843


Edited by David Scott
updated 15 Oct 2023
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Delaeo, Delaina, and Orana all have a subtitle of "Six Sisters".

However, the Six Sisters entry on p.112 only references the Six Sisters Hills between Dragon Pass and Prax, not the Esrolian Six Sisters.

It appears that the Esrolian Six Sisters entry that would tie together Delaeo, Delaina, and Orana (as well as Ernalda, Esrola, and Maran) is missing.

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  • MOB pinned this topic
  • 2 weeks later...

page 98, Pavis entry:


Demigod Founder of New Pavis and the Big Rubble

My understanding ist, that Dorasar founded New Pavis. Pavis is the founder of what is now Old Pavis. So this entry should say

Demigod Founder of Old Pavis and the Big Rubble

But in fact the Big Rubble are the remains of Old Pavis, so maybe this entry should be

Demigod Founder of Old Pavis

or even more simple

Demigod Founder of Pavis

Edited by Oracle
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  • 2 weeks later...

Page 130 has:

  • When Vashanti was ready to leave
    for the Summer Land Heaven, he
    returned the Viceroys of the Day and
    the New Sun from the Underworld and
    he then departed to rule the Celestial

Maybe that was intended, but it doesn’t seem to read right. I would expect one of these:

  • When Vashanti was ready to leave
    for the Summer Land Heaven, he
    returned from the Underworld with
    the Viceroys of the Day and the
    New Sun, and he then departed
    to rule the Celestial Realm.

  • When Vashanti was ready to leave
    for the Summer Land Heaven, he
    returned the Viceroys of the Day and
    the New Sun to the Underworld, and
    he then departed to rule the Celestial

… but of course, they don’t mean the same thing as each other, the last seems unlikely, and I don’t know what the original means. A wiser head than mine is required. I just don’t know.


Or of course — if it is what is meant — just:

  • he fetched the Viceroys of the Day and
    the New Sun from the Underworld
Edited by mfbrandi
added tentative alternative


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40 minutes ago, mfbrandi said:

Page 130 has:

  • When Vashanti was ready to leave
    for the Summer Land Heaven, he
    returned the Viceroys of the Day and
    the New Sun from the Underworld and
    he then departed to rule the Celestial

Maybe that was intended, but it doesn’t seem to read right.

Returning "something/someone" "from somewhere" is fine. It doesn't have to be returning "to somewhere".

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19 hours ago, mfbrandi said:

Or of course — if it is what is meant — just:

  • he fetched the Viceroys of the Day and
    the New Sun from the Underworld

Yes, that is what it means, with "returned" having the sense that they had been there and were brought back.

  • Thanks 1

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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On 9/6/2023 at 10:14 PM, Oracle said:

page 98, Pavis entry:

My understanding ist, that Dorasar founded New Pavis. Pavis is the founder of what is now Old Pavis. So this entry should say

Demigod Founder of Old Pavis and the Big Rubble

But in fact the Big Rubble are the remains of Old Pavis, so maybe this entry should be

Demigod Founder of Old Pavis

or even more simple

Demigod Founder of Pavis

Just for the record: Issue is covered in the Well of Daliath now:

Edited by Oracle
fixed reference for covered issue
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7 hours ago, Oracle said:

Just for the record: Issue has been handled in


That still leaves the weird "founder of the Big Rubble" as if Pavis was responsible for the ruined state for his old city.

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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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  • 1 month later...
13 hours ago, Oracle said:

In the Prosopaedia the God of Disorder in the Celestial Court is Ratslaff (with double f), in the Mythology book (and in fact in all other publications I'm aware of) it is Ratslaf (single f). Is this intentional?

Just consider his Rune. :20-power-disorder: Probably cast the spell Remove (f). 😉 

  • Haha 1
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  • 1 month later...

p.133, Voria:


Spring’s Handmaiden, one of Voria’s common names, was born of Ernalda and Orlanth, begat in the joy of the Underworld after the arrival of the Lightbringers.

According to Cults of RuneQuest - Mythology, p.123 (PDF) and Cults of RuneQuest - The Earth Goddesses, p.134 the passage marked red
should read "... was born of Ernalda and Yelm ..."

Edited by Oracle
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1 hour ago, Oracle said:

According to Cults of RuneQuest - Mythology, p.123 (PDF) and Cults of RuneQuest - The Earth Goddesses, p.134 the passage marked red
should read "... was born of Ernalda and Yelm ..."

Except, The Prosopaedia, p. 133, also notes "Spring’s Handmaiden, one of Voria’s common names, was born of Ernalda and Orlanth". 

And if you look at the genealogy charts on Mythology p.124 and p.122, you will find that both are True.

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On 12/13/2023 at 2:50 AM, jajagappa said:

Except, The Prosopaedia, p. 133, also notes "Spring’s Handmaiden, one of Voria’s common names, was born of Ernalda and Orlanth".

That's exactly the line, which I thought, that it may have to be changed in my original post:

On 12/13/2023 at 12:46 AM, Oracle said:

p.133, Voria:


Spring’s Handmaiden, one of Voria’s common names, was born of Ernalda and Orlanth, begat in the joy of the Underworld after the arrival of the Lightbringers.

According to Cults of RuneQuest - Mythology, p.123 (PDF) and Cults of RuneQuest - The Earth Goddesses, p.134 the passage marked red
should read "... was born of Ernalda and Yelm ..."

After all this is the Prosopaedia thread 😉

On 12/13/2023 at 2:50 AM, jajagappa said:

And if you look at the genealogy charts on Mythology p.124 and p.122, you will find that both are True.

That's an argument, indeed. Ah, the joy of mythology and confusion. You cannot have one without the other ...

Edited by Oracle
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  • 2 months later...
Guest Runeword

Are these errata corrections in shipped out on print versions? If so, what would I be looking for to make sure it is the updated version?

Edited by Runeword
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On 2/27/2024 at 4:52 AM, Runeword said:

Are these errata corrections in shipped out on print versions? If so, what would I be looking for to make sure it is the updated version?

Until the book is reprinted, there is only the first printing available in hardcopy. When we reprint is based on how quickly we sell through the first printing. 

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Hope that Helps,
Rick Meints - Chaosium, Inc.

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