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Rick Meints

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Rick Meints last won the day on April 12

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About Rick Meints


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  • RPG Biography
    Moon Design Publications, Chaosium Inc.
  • Current games
    RuneQuest, HeroQuest, Call of Cthulhu
  • Location
    Ann Arbor, Michigan
  • Blurb
    No matter where you go, there you are.

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  1. Thank you, that is a generous offer. Unfortunately, Chaosium really doesn't have a good place to store these things in the UK, and shipping them to the US would cost too much. While I love things on paper, I'll have to settle for the online archives (which are excellent in their own way).
  2. Thank you for sharing. This info is also available in the MIG3.
  3. As per what you say above, we have tried to provide some "estimates" for when a book will be for sale, but we ended up being wrong. Thus, we really don't like to give them, as it leads to frustration and disappointment. The largest problems we have faced recently have been getting a book shipped to all of our warehouses so we can sell it everywhere at the same time. If we don't do that, we inevitably get complaints/grief from the customers who buy via warehouse X. Going forward, we are going to be announcing a book being for sale once it is in all our warehouses. You won't be seeing "Coming in future month X" sorts of announcements. Pe-orders have been suggested, but our system/website isn't currently able to handle them, thus no pre-orders. I expect all of the books you mention above will be available soon, but that's all I can say at this time.
  4. The Pendragon Coe rulebook will be for sale at Chaosium Con.
  5. We sell a day badge for Saturday. The freeform area is not sealed off behind locked doors so people could politely and unobtrusively have a look at what is going on. You shouldn't interact with any of the players, or distract them from what they are trying to do, of course, but being a fly on an out of the way wall for a few mins shouldn't be a problem. Check in with the admins running the game for what they think will be ok. For the RQ game sessions, the same above basically applies. Just ask the GM and players if it's ok.
  6. Until the book is reprinted, there is only the first printing available in hardcopy. When we reprint is based on how quickly we sell through the first printing.
  7. I believe I can help provide some info on some of this.
  8. This is not legal advice. In general, using someone's Intellectual Property without a specific license/permission isn't going to be allowed on this site. It does not matter if your efforts are "for free" or not intended as commercial use. Fair use, in general, is meant for reviews, critiques, and parody. Fair use isn't broad. For example, using someone else's IP in a free game is not fair use. In the end, you are potentially denying the IP holder of current or future revenue. We remove certain materials from this site because we do not want to potentially be liable for someone's misuse or unauthorized use of someone else's IP.
  9. I suggest that you allow the PC to pick the skills they want to improve via previous experience. After all, they get to decide how they spent their time back then. When in doubt, use the higher number. If that doesn't work, just add 10%. 🙂
  10. We haven't decided on creating an "updated Red Book" yet. One big precursor to doing that would be having the first printing sell out so we would need to print more. A likely first step would be for us to create a 1-2 page PDF "addendum" for the RBoM and make that PDF available for free on our website.
  11. It really depends on what your needs and interests are. If you are playing RuneQuest, especially as the Gamemaster, you would probably want to get Lightbringers and Earth Goddesses so you have full cult write-ups to use in play and for character creation. That might be less true if you are not playing in Dragon Pass or Prax (central Genertela). If you are newer to Glorantha and mainly just reading the books for enjoyment, the Mythology book provides a great overview of how religions/cults/magic all works in Glorantha. The Prosopaedia is a collection of brief summaries of all of the main deities/spirits/etc. in Glorantha. It could help point you to specific cults books you might want to read in further depth in the future. These two books aren't technically needed for use during play at the table, although the info can certainly help new players understand things.
  12. To paraphrase one of my favorite movie quotes, Delecti has a long tradition of existence. Having him defeated, destroyed, and gone for good would be a tremendous loss for MGF. He has a lot of choices and his future is largely undecided.
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