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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. It's my fault, I think. Tried to delete a double post and my computer froze up. Think it deleted thread. I PMd Trif to see if it can be restored....apologies
  2. I'm afraid I was stuck in TSR AD&D black hole during Mr Staffords time at Chaosium so I'm not sure what this means...but wish them the best of luck and much success if they're dealing with my favorite system!
  3. I'm afraid I was stuck in TSR AD&D black hole during Mr Staffords time at Chaosium so I'm not sure what this means...but wish them the best of luck and much success if they're dealing with my favorite system!
  4. New settings are Always welcome by me. New Spot Rules as well. But an entirely new system? Be careful not to reinvent the wheel. I worked on my own system for a couple months before someone on another forum said "Um... Yeah...you're inventing BRP. "
  5. OK. This was pretty helpful. Thanks Questbird! It's Always interesting to see the kind of Magic Items a GM introduces to players as well.
  6. My players are a million miles from Apotheosis. Hell, no telling where their allegiance lies. But I'm curious about what a Champion of Light/Balance/Shadow would look like stat /skill wise. Anyone have a character or NPC who has achieved Apotheosis they might share? As long as we're on the subject of power, what might a king of a kingdom look like? Does anyone have stats for Lord of Drumhold? Belehold?
  7. Maybe if the "View New Content" wasn't a choosable link but an active window replacing the Active Topics window? It's the first thing I end up clicking every time I log on anyway, myself.
  8. Think Rods spidey senses tingle whenever someone mentions him or his great works.
  9. I would think most of those spells have an equivalent in Rods Classic Fantasy, Magic World, Advanced Sorcery, Magic Book, or BGB... If you'd post specifically what spells you'd like to convert I'm sure someone here can give great advice.
  10. Yeah, I was going through my list of feats and most couldn't be replaced with duo-skills realistically. And you're right about Blood Tide. While I think some of the stunts presented there are a bit overly powerful, it's a neat system.
  11. I'd love to see a list of multi-skill maneuvers. Might even replace my Feats system in my campaign, with some saved as Aretes.
  12. Working on the last couple levels of Mega-Dungeon. Gotta work on tying it all together, an overall layout of the different levels and how they connect, perhaps some more random encounters, maybe some random small levels, Should be a pretty epic ending if the characters make it that far. Of course, the end of the dungeon isn't the end of the campaign but that's for the next project. Lords and Leaders.
  13. Meanwhile in my PBP MW game, a clever gnome climbs a tree for a better view...
  14. Ordered Malleus Monstrorum. Absolutely impressed.
  15. Simple if you're in school learning it. I've done some scripting for another game but couldn't wrap my head around HeroLAbs Authoring Kits code. Even with examples. I bought the CoC Data Set a couple years ago because LoneWolf said they were going to implement BRP but they've really Only added a couple basic features. I haven't checked in awhile so maybe they have updated and not put it in their news letter. If YOU would do a Magic World data set, I'd throw money at you! But like you said, it's very time consuming.
  16. Hey Kitten! Long time no see. Thanks, I'll load up my old Dragon Software!
  17. Sorry to say it but good luck getting Lone Wolf Developement to work on ANYTHING that isn't Pathfinder related. I've been bugging them for HeroLab updates for BRP for years. Gave up. Would make since to use Realm Works in this way, and actually, if you can speak the language, you could model your project around incorporating a BRP Data set into HeroLab, which may be easier. Again, if you can work with their authoring kits language... They already have a decent start with CoC data set. They already have permission from Chaosium for BRP projects BTW, so purchasing the authoring kit is all you'd need. (I think)
  18. Big Book of Monsters also has some of my money waiting on it.
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