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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. Ah the Sandy trump card, what's the reference for this please. Please note that this is not the description of the Dead Place we are using. Although the River of Cradle's description does have a mention of alkali dust, I don't think it's important, bearing in mind that the Dead Place was created late in the Great Darkness. It's where Storm Bull's heart drew all the Earth's energy from it forever changing it.
  2. The Sandals of Darkness pose an interesting problem. The troll wouldn't be getting them back, they'd be emulating Orlanth stealing them from Kyger Litor herself. The troll would be stealing from his Grandmother. I suspect that Orlanth trolls would steer clear of this one.
  3. Pent section discussion here! Don't forget Colin Driver's epic maps and the artwork. https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6844-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-15-maniria-pent/ https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6846-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-15-pent-deep-discussion/ https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6824-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-15-corrections/
  4. Maniria section discussion here! Don't forget Colin Driver's epic maps and the artwork. https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6844-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-15-maniria-pent/ https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6845-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-15-maniria-deep-discussion/ https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6824-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-15-corrections/
  5. This is the Deep Discussion thread for Week 15 for Pent - Feel free to speculate, move away from the Guide section under discussion and into other related areas related to Pent. https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6844-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-15-maniria-pent/
  6. This is the Deep Discussion thread for Week 15 for Maniria - Feel free to speculate, move away from the Guide section under discussion and into other related areas related to Maniria. https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6844-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-15-maniria-pent/
  7. Index - https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6558-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-index/ Please keep your discussions to the current section - it's easy to wander off. Please keep your discussions on the current section in this thread. Use the Deep discussion thread for related but off topic speculations and investigations. Please only add to this if you've read the section. I'm trying to avoid derailments by non-participants. If you are having difficulty finding the threads - they are all tagged: guide to glorantha group read, click the tag and the threads will all appear: https://basicroleplaying.org/tags/guide to glorantha group read/ ----- Please don't forget to start reading the next section, Ralios for week 16. From page 373 up to and including page 398. You've got until Monday 9th October. Please put corrections for week 16 here: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6843-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-16-corrections/ This week we read Maniria & Pent. The threads this week are divided into Maniria & Pent and there are two deep discussion threads: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6847-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-15-maniria/ https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6848-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-15-pent/ ----- https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6845-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-15-maniria-deep-discussion/ https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6846-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-15-pent-deep-discussion/ https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6824-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-15-corrections/
  8. This is the thread where you can post corrections that are needed in the Week 16 Guide to Glorantha Group Read of Ralios. Please note that there will be a different thread each week to post corrections. This weeks page range is page 373 up to and including page 398. Please include the text to be corrected and the correction. @Rick Meints has clarified versions of the Guide, please check your errors against the latest PDF:
  9. No. This is one of those pictures that has nothing to do with Glorantha. Lee Moyers has produced loads of cool art, this just reeks of poor art direction. If the words were missing it could be a piece of fantasy art that would easily be usable alongside the other work that Lee has done on 13th Age.
  10. Andrew Taylor or on G+ asked: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+AndrewTaylor1/posts/4nUFrbM7U3H I've open this thread as G+ posts become harder to find as they move down.
  11. You should take a look at the Great Pendragon Campaign - it has it all.
  12. I find this a very interesting question in the development of storytelling in Glorantha. It has a crossover too into Pendragon for me where it's very possible to kill major characters - in my campaign a PC killed king Lot in a chance encounter very early on in the game, before he married Morgause, so Gwain was never born! I have no issue in my games of the heroes altering the story. It happens all the time. I actually hope that it's my group that tear down the Red Moon. A lot of it for me is that is group are on their way to doing epic thing and making the history. Fortunately the future history of Glorantha is only broad brushstrokes so it would be easy for me to let them do it. If you'd like to see a supplement that lets the players act in this way, I can recommend the Return-of-the-Scarlet-Empress for Exalted. It contains broad strokes of the metaplot and how to act in it with your group. My groups heroes are on their way to doing this. They are gradually doing more and more epic things. They've been to the Moon and planted the EWF banner there, they are starting up dragon magics, uncovering epic powers (they actually caused the Dragonrise). So it's about expectations. None of my group would likely take on Harrek or Argrath or even Jar-eel at the moment. But they would say, oooh that's a cool bearskin where can I get one, that's cool teeth magic i'd like to learn that, Jar-eel well lets see if there's an easier way to take her out rather than fighting her. I encourage my players to heroform gods - when fighting epic bros - they become Storm Bull, the broo becomes Ragnaglar, they're 160' tall and smash scenery. They've learned that pulling adversaries into your otherworld gives you a mythic advantage. I love running epic games, but this is my preference. Your group may vary and so may your storytelling style.
  13. For those who can't remember Lee Moyer's work: Given what we now know they are just two heroes. as they've clearly not enough arms. My question is how does that electric sword work, just looks ineffective.
  14. As I said personally I’d adjust those numbers. As to what authority, basically none. The numbers aren’t published (yet) so it’s just an advisement based on the work I’ve already done. The Cults of Prax percentages are a great starting point for understanding how the Praxian tribes are made up. When I started writing material for Prax, @Jeff said I was to use Nomad Gods and Cults of Prax as the canon basis for any work and a list of other stuff not to use. One of the first things I did was to setup a large spreadsheet of the male and female tribal populations and apply those numbers. It became clear early on that some just didn’t work, too high or to low. Some cults were also missing. So although the figures are good for when the book was first published in 1979, we’ve had nearly forty years of Gloranthan exploration of the Wastes to inform us of how the numbers have evolved. Some of the info produced has informed HeroQuest Glorantha and new RQG. I’d love to get this document out officially, however, it’s really boring. I’d certainly not want to see Chaosium publish the Master Wastes Population spreadsheet as a product. Some things we know that are wrong from the Cults of Prax table are: Storm Bull in the Sables is 0% is now 0.48% men & 0.02% women. Ancestor worship across the tribes is 30% amongst men and women, not the low numbers in Cults of Prax. Vinga is now calculated as part of the Orlanth figures, using Sartar KoH we now know that 4% of Orlanth followers are Vingans and the same applies to the Wastes. As for the troll figures, I haven’t done any work on these as that’s being covered by @boztakang but based on what I’m now familiar with some of figures seem high - Pavis & Orlanth for example. When comparing the troll percentages to the Dagori Inkarth percentages in RQ3 Trollpak, these seem very wrong. The point of these figures is to give you a better feel for the Tribes in the Wastes, if you want to continue to use Greg’s original figures that’s fine by me.
  15. Personally, I'd recommend the BBG image - login for the hi res version https://boardgamegeek.com/image/175924/nomad-gods It's good enough to copy out. It's also possible to print the VASSAL counters out if you are of a technical bent:
  16. We are still at the planning stages at the moment, organising what regular columns we'll have and looking at submissions. There will be more info as we progress further.
  17. I'm using the "standard" 20% carrying rule for horses and applying it to the Praxian herb beasts. Without getting into the detailed horse argument of age, size, training etc for ease. The only differences apart from weight are the top speeds:
  18. Just adding this for reference, D101's series on Dungeoneering & Fantasy: Ye Little Book Of HeroQuest Dungeoneering - http://testosc.drivethrurpg.com/product/85609/Ye-Little-Book-of-HeroQuest-Dungeoneering Ye Little Book of HeroQuest Monsters http://testosc.drivethrurpg.com/product/83848/Ye-Little-Book-of-HeroQuest-Monsters there was also Ye Little Book of HeroQuest Fantasy, but I don't have that, perhaps @Newt can tell.
  19. Although a cool idea, it then limits coming across more of them.
  20. The trolls of Dagori Inkarth are within the the influence of the Storm mountains, so it would seem natural that some would naturally be born with the air rune as dominant. In HeroQuest Glorantha terms it would just a case of picking Air instead of Darkness, but I think that's too simple. I think they have Air as their third Rune. @boztakang how are you approaching the rune spread of trolls. In RQG it will be the case that they have a high Air rune. Evidence of a previous orlanth following troll is not a reason why. Personally I'd adjust this to 1% in light of the cult population number I've done for the Wastes.
  21. I'm pretty sure that @Rick Meints knows the original 1st edition numbers.
  22. This is the Deep Discussion thread for Week 14 - Feel free to speculate, move away from the Guide section under discussion and into other related areas related to the Lunar Provinces. https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6825-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-14-lunar-provinces/ https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6782-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-14-corrections/
  23. Index - https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6558-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-index/ Please keep your discussions to the current section - it's easy to wander off. Please keep your discussions on the current section in this thread. Use the Deep discussion thread for related but off topic speculations and investigations. Please only add to this if you've read the section. I'm trying to avoid derailments by non-participants. If you are having difficulty finding the threads - they are all tagged: guide to glorantha group read, click the tag and the threads will all appear: https://basicroleplaying.org/tags/guide to glorantha group read/ ----- Please don't forget to start reading the next section, Maniria and Pent for week 15. From page 350 up to and including page 372. You've got until Monday 2nd October. Please put corrections for week 15 here: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6824-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-15-corrections/ This week we started our exploration of the Lunar Provinces. The threads this week are divided into Aggar, Holay, Imther, Vanch, Talastar, Dorastor and Lunar Allies: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6785-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-14-aggar/ https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6786-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-14-holay/ https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6787-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-14-imther https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6791-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-14-vanch/ https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6788-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-14-talastar/ https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6789-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-14-dorastor/ https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6790-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-14-lunar-allies/ ----- https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6826-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-14-deep-discussion/ https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6782-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-14-corrections/
  24. This is the thread where you can post any corrections that are needed in the Week 15 Guide to Glorantha Group Read of Maniria and Pent. Please note that there will be a different thread each week to post corrections. This weeks page range is page 350 up to and including page 372. Please include the text to be corrected and the correction. @Rick Meints has clarified versions of the Guide, please check your errors against the latest PDF:
  25. As virtually no one has Tales 1, i'm going to let you the viewer decide yourself: ©1989 Jim Turner and is used without permission. If you know Jim then let him know he's still famous.
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