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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. Thed is an associate cult, so Thed shamans. Thed shamans are no one.
  2. They are set in tidal salt marshes, and these aren't always or easily navigable: Most are covered with salt marshes with twisted channels capable of changing weekly. Given the two population centres are on seaward sides and the zoo is seaward, it seems that most of the population will be around the seaward edges (per the Guide), with those on islands within the marshes, living off the specific saltwater marsh species (crabs, eels, etc). Anything big died in the mud or the triolini killed them, anything small was eaten by the giant cranes (I suspect they came from the zoo), anything that flew did escape. I recently visited (the edges of) a salt marsh and even at low tide, there was no way I was going to cross it without a local guide (if one existed). When the tide came in, what looked like land was quickly underwater. The mud in the channels was amazing (Pluff mud), in places it was metres deep (there were warning signs). Sadly no 9 metre tall cranes, just Egrets.
  3. Uleria is Friendly to all cults, except those of Chaos (either Hostile or Enemy), but Friendly to the Red Goddess... Most cults are Friendly or Neutral, except those of Chaos (either Hostile or Enemy)
  4. Per the Q&A Does this mean a new Humakti adventurer has Bladesharp 4 plus the normal 5 spirit magic points, for a total of 9 points of spirit magic? No, this is clarified in the Cults of RuneQuest, The Lightbringers: Quote Those that have been an initiate for a full year are taught Bladesharp 4 for free, and more points in the spell may be purchased at ½ cost later. Cults of RuneQuest, The Lightbringers
  5. Current silver is the Lunars / Guilders in your pocket. The Swords want useful cash not your trinkets, small change, booty or goods. If you are deliberately converting your silver to avoid paying up, you've broken the Humakti code. Looking at the Humakti lay members in my game Storm Bull 7L, Storm Bull none, Orlanth Adventurous 25L, Odayla 98L. Some of them have money held at their temples or with the merchant, but that's not an avoidance scheme that's practical adventuring kit. One of them has the merchant deal with all their finances and carries no cash. She decided to pay 10L at the last Humakti holy day they attended, and they don't go to all of them. See how Vasana acts as a Humakt lay member is the Starter set soloquest. Otherwise Humakt lay membership concerns are a storm in a teacup.
  6. It's not per year, it's per holy day attended, and only current silver, not the fully 10% of your income. Half price sword and dagger training is enough! But they also train Battle, Craft (Bronze), First Aid, Meditate, Orate, Ride, and Scan for half-price too.
  7. As I said you want the full cult write ups for cults present in the Core Rules, then CoP is the way to go. Don't update the mechanics that are already present, use the Core Rules mechanics. In the case of Humakt, you'd just look at the lay member requirements, as Rune Lords are already covered. The question is not about honour, but honesty. Item three in the Humakti code is maintain strict truth and confidence with one another. A dishonest lay member will be okay until caught out... Note that CoP says many use this as an excuse to go on sprees just before the holy day.
  8. It's easy to forget that that RQG is based on RQ2. Cults of Prax & Terror are effectively foundational documents for the upcoming cults books. The texts are effectively updated to support RQG, and the art is decades ahead. If you want the full cult write ups for cults present in the Core Rules, then CoP is the way to go until CoR is released. If a cult isn't present and you have access the the Avalon Hill Gods of Glorantha use that version. The only mistake you can really make is to use any of the Hero Wars cults.
  9. Cults of RuneQuest, The Lightbringers... For those without time travel, see Cults of Prax (classic), page 34 (it's the same...)
  10. Specifically: Lay members tithe 10% of their current silver. So not part of the Sacred Time maths. Initiates tithe 10% of their silver. So part of the Sacred Time maths.
  11. You don't: Take the Honor Passion if you don't already have it Uphold the Code of Humakt Attend worship ceremonies and donate a magic point Tithe 10% of your income every season
  12. Here are a few of articles that may help explain Argrath's and the house of Sartar's relationship to the Telmori: Telmori Chaos Taint The Telmori The House of Sartar, Feathered Horse Queens, and Werewolves Sartar Telmori Defunct Sartar Tribes
  13. This is a non-expiring invite: https://discord.gg/39SjY6snvA
  14. Yes, that's what I wrote above, but I think this unit is the Telmori before this event. They are wiped out before the Battle of Heroes.
  15. The Wolfrunners in the Dragon Pass / White Bear Red Moon board game, are part of the Sartar Free Army: Given that they have a cyclic Combat Factor, and the following from the Stafford House Campaign (page 6): I'd say Wolf Runners = Telmori. Reading this article, it become clear what some of the tensions are, and what the consequences were.
  16. This is terrible. Most of the elements of the story are wrong. As for the other answers, I really hope that no one uses this as a basis for historical Glorantha.
  17. Redwood forests are not a monoculture, and have other trees.
  18. It starts in the lead up to the Battle of Heroes with the Telmori, plundering the herds when the chaos pincer movement starts, see KoS 2ed 19. I suspect that they were either in the pay of Jar-eel, or just did a stupid thing at a inopportune time.
  19. There's a read through of the Guide that's has started on a Glorantha Discord and runs for a year. Organised by David Castle, here's the reading plan, and link: https://discord.gg/yVebrBp3hb Look under Book Club. ----- Here is the reading plan for the Glorantha Book Club group read of the Guide to Glorantha. I have divided the Guide up into fifty sections. On the dates given below, I will set up a new channel for that week’s section, and we can use it to discuss the section. Where a single section covers multiple areas (e.g. Week 2: Hsunchen Culture, Doraddi Culture and Praxian Culture) separate threads will be created for each area. Please feel free to set up threads for particular sub-topics or new conversations that you want to start especially if it takes the main conversation off at a tangent. As moderator, I reserve the right to move messages into a thread so that separate conversations can happen more easily in parallel. Volume One Foreword, World Structure, Introduction (pages 6-17): 12th March 2023 Hsunchen Culture, Doraddi Culture, Praxian Culture (pages 18-31): 19th March Orlanthi Culture, Pelorian Culture (pages 31-42): 26th March Fonritian Culture, Western Culture, Kralori Culture (pages 43-58): 2nd April Aldryami (pages 59-69): 9th April Dragonewts, Dragons (pages 70-80): 16th April The Mostali (pages 81-90): 23rd April The Uz (pages 91-102): 30th April Merfolk, Lesser Elder Races (pages 103-110): 7th May Time in Glorantha, Mythos & History (pages 111-124): 14th May The World of Time, The Dawn Age (pages 125-131): 21st May The Second Age (pages 132-139): 28th May The Third Age (pages 140-145): 4th June Cosmology, Major Pantheons (pages 146-153): 11th June The Hero Planes, Beyond the Middle World (pages 154-162): 18th June [18:42] Regions of Glorantha, Genertela, Dragon Pass (pages 163-172): 25th June Sartar, Tarsh, The Grazelanders (pages 172-190): 2nd July Elder Wilds (pages 191-198): 9th July Fronela, Kingdom of Loskalm (pages 199-211): 16th July Central Fronela, Northern Fronela (pages 212-233): 23rd July Holy Country (pages 234-243): 30th July Caladraland, Esrolia, Shadow Plateau, Heortland, God Forgot (pages 243-259): 6th August Kralorela, Boshan Province, Hanjan Province (pages 260-274): 13th August Hum Chang Province, Jaubon Province, Puchai Province, Shiyang Province, Wanzow Province, Chen Durel, the Bliss of Ignorance (pages 275-291): 20th August Lunar Empire, The Lunar Heartland (292-307): 27th August Satrapies: First Blessed, Darjiin, Doblian, Karasal, Kostaddi, Oraya, Oronin, Silver Shadow, Sylila, Carmania (pages 313-328): 3rd September Lunar Provinces: Aggar, Holay, Imther, Sartar, Tarsh, Vanch, Talastar, Dorastor, Lunar Allies (pages 328-349): 10th September Maniria (pages 350-362): 17th September Pent (pages 363-372): 24th September Ralios, Vesmonstran, East Wilds, Ralios, Safelser (pages 373-398): 1st October [18:43] Volume Two Foreword, Seshnela (pages 402-425): 8th October Teshnos (pages 426-439): 15th October The Wastelands (pages 440-459): 22nd October The Oceans, Waertagi, Ships of Glorantha, Trade Routes (pages 460-470): 29th Octobe The Islands, The East Isles (pages 471-500): 5th November Jrusteli Isles, Kumanku Islands, Loral Island, Slon (pages 501-522): 12th November Teleos, Vadeli Isles, Vormain (pages 523-539): 19th November Pamaltela, Errinoru Jungle, Fonrit (pages 540-575): 26th November Jolar, Kothar (pages 576-599): 3rd December Maslo, Tarien (pages 600-619): 10th December Umathela, Unique Mysteries of Glorantha (pages 620-643): 17th December [Break for the Holidays] [18:44] Appendix A: The Sky (pages 644-651): 7th January 2024 Appendix B: Gloranthan Calendar, Appendix C : Weather (pages 652-666): 14th January Appendix D : The Gods Wall (pages 667-679): 21st January Appendix E: God Learner Maps (pages 680-698): 28th January Appendix F: Chaos (pages 699-706): 4th February Appendix G: Broken Council (pages 707-715): 11th February Appendix H: Nysalor and Arkat, Appendix I: The Red Moon (pages 716-726): 18th February Appendix J: The Hero Wars (pages 730-742): 25th February The Greater Hero Wars, The Cryptic Verses of the Yellow Calendar, Black Dragon Mountain Pictoglyphs, Appendix K: Sources, Postscript, Afterword (pages 743-754): 3rd March 2024
  20. Newt should be able to put you in touch with Guy. The main references are: Glorantha Sourcebook 213, as part of Argrath's Sartar Magical Union (they are a unit in White Bear Red Moon). Smoking Ruin, A Wild Temple Ceremony, 34. Weapons & Equipment, 38, you can buy giant wasps. The article in Tradetalk 7, plus online info
  21. Man Vill appears on Greg's master maps. It appears to be the only [Hu] Man Vill [age] in Beast Valley (much like Tink in the Dragonewt Wilds). If your are going to use any maps as reference, I'd suggest the The Tribes of Sartar, 1625-1626 map as it's an excellent reproduction of Greg's original. Beast Valley has all of the original features of his map.
  22. As Urain is summoned for the Lightbringers quest, it's clear that contact is possible. However the magic summons all of the repressed darkness within the leader, which outside of the ceremony is not a great idea. See The Bad Rain.
  23. The Elmal / Yelmalio schism is one of Glorantha's oldest arguing points. Since King of Sartar appeared, it has raged on. Greg even wrote an essay as to why he did it (The Birth of Elmal - now forty years old!). Fortunately newcomers will read the upcoming prosopaedia and read "Elmal was worshiped by the Orlanthi at the Dawn, until contact with solar cultures revealed him to be another name for Yelmalio." and just accept it as that. They may notice that there's a small Elmal group mentioned in the GM screen pack and hopefully think as I do, that's cool, an enclave of people worshipping an old god. Personally, I've never had this whole Elmal / Yelmalio schism affect my games. I still find it's influence a bit weird, and can honestly say as a friend of Greg's, he did too. It fits into my list of trigger words for Glorantha fans: Elmal / Yelmalio Illumination Arkat Storm Tribe / Cults of Sartar Sorcery (I'm sure there's a few more) Heroquest (even though we've had rules for it in some printed form for years) All of these topics usually produce an outburst of posts about who, how, why and this is the way, etc. (standing back now)
  24. @Rick Meints I bought mine second-hand in a Oxfam shop ironically in Hammersmith near the original Games Workshop shop (in the UK 2007ish). It was tucked in with DVDs and cost £1.50. IIRC it had a barcode where the Export only section was. I the first thing I did was to turn it into an ISO image and put the disc somewhere safe... I remember opening it up and finding this menu... that was just a link to the GW website 😞 This reply from GW may be of interest to some: https://www.dragonsfoot.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=11657&start=30
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