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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. Just because other RPGs have this as a convention, doesn't mean that all RPGs should follow it. Invisibility in RQ works differently. Why is it a problem? Invisibility has a different mechanism, the description clearly says This spell makes the target invisible by diverting attention from the target to a spot other than where the spell target is. Dark Wall is only available to three cults, Argan Argan, his mother Xentha as an associate and Orlanth in the Sandals of Darkness subcult. Trolls should have no problem moving and fighting with this, but humans will have. Orlanth Adventurous members should be prepared when using this, its best use is clearly against trolls though as you are invisible to their Darksense (they are at -75% to attack as well as you in pitch black). The Sandals of Darkness are clearly a sneaking around in shadows rune spell for Orlanth Adventurous. I've had players in my game use it for recon at night stacked with Extension, or in one case use it for a burglary at Raus's house in Pavis... YGWV How have others had it used in their games?
  2. Sure, why not (MGF page 6).
  3. Eiritha casting shield is still Eiritha, the spell was gifted / lent / bestowed (what ever the story is) Yes, awkward as though it may be. You are the god when they received that power. Associate rune spells have the problem that their origin is elsewhere, but due to mythological links they may or may not be hard to use. In the shield example it shows the real nature of the gender division in Praxian society. Remember that an adventurer needs only one rune at over 50% to join a cult. So it's possible to have an Eiritha priestess with: Beast 90% / Man 10% Life 10% / Death 90% and still be able to cast cult special magic and be good with shield. No
  4. The Jrusteli's destroyed settlement at Robcradle was still a key interception point for cradles, and the magical resources that could be plundered from them. He escaped the sack of Adari by nomads, so was likely out for revenge against them. So after his studies in the EWF, combining the two was an easy project. Likely there were still Jrusteli secrets in the ruins too (although that didn't work out too well for anyone).
  5. Shargash gets True sword from his nephew Artmal Not in RQG.
  6. I've add both references above: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/prosopaedia/deities/s/the-six-sisters/
  7. Except when it's a taboo - In this case they are Waha's untrustworthy brother.
  8. Found it, it's in the stat block header of Sun County (p15) and Les Guerriers du Soleil (p17). Thanks for the pointer.
  9. I can't see them in Classic Trollpak, AH Trollpak or AH Troll gods, but they are in AH The Haunted Ruins and the Sartar Companion. The earliest mention in in Dragons Past #7.
  10. The spirit cults were in the cults preview. You'll see them in the upcoming prosopaedia and the Cults of Glorantha. See here: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/prosopaedia/deities/s/the-six-sisters/
  11. This came out of a conversation between myself and Jeff a few years ago, so not published, but do certainly exist.
  12. For those interest in real world inspiration for civilised shamanism/animism in Glorantha, have a listen to: The Heart and Soul episode: An estate agent for spirits (BBC World service). Here's the BBC Sounds link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w3ct3jyn Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/an-estate-agent-for-spirits/id339986757?i=1000552887940 likely available on other services with BBC World Service podcasts.
  13. They are camp dogs, most often coydogs that breed true. Greg told me that they aren't used for hunting, which stems from In Prax, Waha’s brother betrayed him and was turned into a dog. He has served loyally ever since to make amends (see the bestiary page 144). They are guard dogs / companions, every family will have a couple, most are better at smelling broos approaching than people.
  14. My numbers maybe slightly out, but of the 111(ish) Monographs, the overwhelming majority were CoC (82), 4 were Stormbringer (pretty sure a couple were published elsewhere), and 25 were BRP and these could in theory be published using the BRP SRD. Publications like Basic Magic were just the RQ3 magic book with numbers filed off (even included Cormac), so that's never going to reappear. I'm pretty sure that Basic Gamemaster and basic creatures were just the other two RQ3 books similarly treated (i don't have those).
  15. In the upcoming Prosopaedia only. In the Orlanthi Pantheon: Goddess of Wisdom and Magic (Earth & Mastery). A local cult in Rhigos (as city guardian). See the Guide & Sourcebook for more).
  16. Yes, which also adds in learning Enchant (Iron) as it needs to be learned as special Rune magic (for 100L), unless you get someone else to do it and pay 200 L per point of POW (per W&E page 55).
  17. ? This is from the upcoming Cults of Glorantha
  18. I didn't look up Babeester Gor as She's in the Earth pantheon, but Axe Maidens receive a complete suit of enchanted copper armor and a copper axe from their temple, no iron. The copper is harder than normal with +5hp/+1ap.
  19. Not very. I've a few adventurers nearing Rune level and will treat iron items per their cult: Orlanth Wind Lords get an iron sword and rarely iron armour. So yes to a sword, no to armour. Humakt is the same, Swords get an iron sword and rarely iron armour. So yes to a sword, no to armour. Storm Bull Bull priests will be provided with iron armor and weapons by the cult if available. So in my game the adventurer will have to wait until his father dies to inherit his sword and his incomplete set of armour. These are the only Storm cults that receive any iron equipment. I've a Seven Mothers initiate in my other game, who would in theory get a free iron helmet, breastplate, and greaves, plus an iron-bound shield and two iron weapons, but considering the climate the game is set in, that's unlikely.
  20. It's specific to the Hiia subcult (the FHQ bodyguard), not Humakt generally. I think it's another one of Greg's many one-liners that have no background other than the mention. Hiia is mentioned in various sources such as King of Sartar, the Glorantha sourcebook and Heortling Mythology. I think the simplest answer that as he was from the Holy Country, he grew up on the coast and was familiar with turtle shell as a material. He was clearly a bit of a character, so likely adopted turtle-shell armour as part of his childhood heritage.
  21. This is the age old RQ cults problem with players wanting to load up cults with loads of Rune magic as it's not enough. Babeester Gor is a small cult with seven special Rune magics that define her role of protecting the temples of Ernalda. She doesn't need True (weapon) as she has the much more versatile Slash. While True (weapon) doubles the weapon damage, Slash adds a D6 per point. 3pts of Slash is likely to incapacitate a foe on a single blow.
  22. Given that a quiver with 12 arrows has an ENC of 1, and that the spell is per 10 ENC, I'd let you do 120...
  23. It's an rare spell with only three cults and one associate cult providing it. So Humakt, Tanafal Tarnils, see here: Rune Magic by Cult and Associate Cult There are a few other references only: Truespear is referenced in RBM, and provided by Avivorus as an associate cult to Yelm ( ) . Likewise Hastatus (aka Avivorus or Spear man) provides it as an an associate of Polaris ( ). So while Truespear can be cast with the Death rune, it's clearly Fire / Light magic. True Garrotte comes from Than (). You can draw your own conclusions here.
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