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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. For those wishing further understanding in this context, I recommend The Potato by Larry Zuckerman: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Potato-HB-Century-Vegetable-Changed/dp/0333750640/ It's a very helpful history.
  2. My tuppence: The main issue is as a dual initiate, take up time and money. We already have a published example of a Yelmalio / Lightbringer individual in Sora Goodseller, Priestess of Issaries, Initiate of Yelmalio (GM Screen Pack Adventure book 28). Dual initiates are likely rare and Yelmalio / Lightbringer combos rarer, but it shouldn't be a reason to say no to the player. Neutral means: Neutral Cults - Such cults act according to present circumstance. Trouble may occur, but the spark must be deliberate, not caused by minor squabbles. They aren't Hostile or enemies, so that looks good to me. Sounds good, just maybe hard as a dual initiate. Initiates must give at least 1/10 of their income and 1/10 of their free time to the temple. (RQG 275). They will have to join Lhankor Mhy as a Worshipper not an Apprentices/Student: They'll need a Rune at 50% (in this case it's likely to be Truth), 50% in a Sage skill, and then take the test: (best Sage skill % + [INT×5]) / 2 or less on D100, then pay the 1 POW. If they fail, it's once per year. One area of training won't be available to them: Oratory from Eurmal, Eurmal is Hostile to Yelmalio. Yes no sorcery, forbidden in the Core Rules and in the upcoming Solar book for Yelmalio initiates. No
  3. For playing a games set in Glorantha, it's never been required reading. If you are interested in the history, lore and some of the future twists, maybe. You can easily get by without reading it.
  4. It's just a name that Greg used, it may or may not have meant something at the time. As it's a proper noun - it could be a place or a person. Or a place where there was a tidal bore of spores instead of water. Whatever you decide on is fine.
  5. This is not much different to a real world shaman. All of the ones I have met / worked with, work in their community which in some cases can be large. Everyone comes to the shaman unless it's not physically possible. It's a full time job, but you get down time of course. My friend who worked as a state sanctioned shaman in Tuva, worked 9-5, Monday to Friday, with occasional weekends for the usual deaths, births, marriages. In RQG a shaman-priest works 90% for their cult (per the rules). They are fully supported in this. Often they will be at the top of the hierarchy and get to decide what they do.
  6. I was an avid Traveller (and sci-fi) fan, hungry for new material. I bought Star Frontiers when it came out... and found it was crap. It was the first disappointing RPG product I'd ever bought. You can own it all here: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/226710/star-frontiers-alpha-dawn. I thew it out as no one wanted it! I got it just before I got Worlds of Wonder, and Future World was much better. The next year Other Suns came out, which apart from the furries was also amazing, setting the stage for the following year's Ring World, which was the pinnacle of BRP sci-fi for me.
  7. Yes if you are an ancestor worshipping initiate, not a lay member. Few will actually be initiates and if they are, that will be their main source of common Rune magic. Magasta isn't one or the Mer-ancestors, so no (see Mythology 130). But for Mirintha, Ancestor of Mertribes (Prosopaedia 85), likely yes. But worshiping a deity as an ancestor is going to be a completely different focus that the deity as its major facet. The examples in Lightbringers just give an extra Rune spell or two, not an entire array of magic.
  8. The Guide says: Chen Durel 266, 290 Lunar Empire - sidebar 298, 299, 304, 305, 309, 726 (note the chaos gladiators)
  9. Assuming you mean Cults of RuneQuest - Lightbringers. The Daka Fal cult gives regional ancestor cult examples which are basically Daka Fal with a different name, some additional rune spell(s) and in some cases associate cults.
  10. So God-talkers have no income and must support themselves with another occupation (can be a Rune priest of another cult), so the sacred time calculations are for a farmer: Farmer 80L (assuming no mods) - 16L (to Ernalda cult) - 40L (half to Barntar) - 0 (SoL maintained by cult, that half to Barntar) = 24 L leftover. The cult tithe pays for the SoL, I'd assume the other income from being a God-talker bumps their income, by another 20L allowing them to maintain Free status (60L). A Rich farmer with five hides: 400L - 80L (to Ernalda cult) - 200L (half to Barntar) - 0 (SoL maintained by cult, that 50%) = 140 L. The 200L would allow the farmer to nearly maintain noble status, so I'd assume the other income from being a God-talker bumps their income, by another 50L. This God-talker is likely a wealthy farmer Note that Barntar only provides room and board, so I've just assumed that this is SoL as otherwise it's fiddly using maintenance from W&E.
  11. It was a mashup of Avalon Hill publications, with a new adventure: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/oriflam/le-maitre-des-runes-1998fr/
  12. See also: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/lunar-deities/ https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/hon-eels-descendants/ https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/websites/pos/prince-of-sartar/chapter-2-the-lunar-way/012-the-slave-revolt/
  13. https://basicroleplaying.org/search/?&q=Painted wall&author=Darius West&search_and_or=and
  14. if someone makes one, I'll happily put it up on the well, like the prosopaedia cover: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/chaosium/cha4042-cults-of-runequest-the-prosopaedia/cha4042-the-prosopaedia-qa/
  15. What do you mean by a labelled list?
  16. Yes, showed up on my RSS feed last week. https://www.chaosium.com/rss.php?action=newblogs&type=atom
  17. Painted Wall (GtG 455) and the Seven Picture Walls of Artash (GtG 457) are wall like features in the Wastes, but nothing like the Gods Wall. It was you that said Painted Wall is the Praxian God Wall.
  18. It's all calculated in the Sacred time phase, starting page 420. it's basically Adventurer income is calculated from the Occupational Income table x Harvest modifier (if appropriate) - penalties (if appropriate) - cult tithes - Standard of living. In the Q&A See: 5.1 Sacred Time Example 8.6 Does Occupational Income include Plunder?
  19. I played the Road to Skydagger keep (Band of Blades), and really enjoyed playing this game, especially the multiple characters. I'd be interested to hear how you get on. I myself am looking at Ironsworn to create cooperative Glorantha games.
  20. Mashing together the Dragon Pass board game and the new Mythology book, brings up that only 3% of initiates in Sartar are Humakti and one unit, the swordbrothers, are likely the Humakti. They have no specific rules, but if they did, i'd use the ruse of "why don't you go and pretend to ally with Delecti, but kill him instead". It's 6-5-5-0 vs (5)-10*-3-0 so they have a chance Alternatively 3% makes no difference.
  21. Thanks, I completely missed that!
  22. The Prosopaedia is the best place to start: Etyries, demigod Full Moon Corps, demigod soldiers Glamour, new god Great Sister, demigod, new god Hon-eel, new god Hwarin Dalthippa, Lunar Heroine, new god Iphigios, new god Jar-eel, new god Kana Poor, new god Nysalor, new god Red Emperor, new god Red Dancer of Power, Demigoddess Red Goddess Seven Mothers: Danfive Xaron, Deezola, Irrippi Ontor, Jakaleel, Teelo Norri, Yanafal Tarnils, She who waits, all new gods Yara Aranis, new god Old gods in the Lunar pantheon (there are more listed in the pantheon in the prosopaedia) Erelia and Verelia, The Twinstars Gerra, one of the Seven Ancient Forms of the Red Goddess Holder, Lunar underworld goddess Jajagappa, Psychopomp Jernotius, avatar of Rashorana Kalikos Lesilla, one of the Seven Ancient Forms of the Red Goddess Natha, one of the Seven Ancient Forms of the Red Goddess Orogeria Rashorana, one of the Seven Ancient Forms of the Red Goddess Sedenya Ulurda, one of the Seven Ancient Forms of the Red Goddess Verithurusa, is one of the Seven Ancient Forms of the Red Goddess Young Elementals Zaytenera, one of the Seven Ancient Forms of the Red Goddess Full Moon Corps Try this search link for the Well of Daliath It's all there (some more than others) There aren't that many in total: 12 heroes and 3 superheroes Lunar: Beat-pot Aelwrin, The Red Emperor, Jar-eel the Razoress (superhero) Sartar:Gunda the Guilty, Jaldon Toothmaker, Prince Argrath, Harrek the Berserk (superhero) Independent: Androgeus (superhero), Cragspider, Ironhoof, Sir Ethilrist, The Dwarf, The Feathered Horse Queen, The Inhuman King, The Twins. The Blue Moon is a half-dead dead, and her empire was destroyed and her powers greatly reduced. There are only three localised groups that worship the Blue Moon: The Veldang in Pamaltela (two separate groups), the legendary Zaranistangi (maybe extinct) and the trolls of the Blue moon plateau. While a hero rising from these is not impossible, the cult is secret and no one knows anything about it. I'd look out for trolls who mysteriously join the cult of the Red Goddess.
  23. I always found that allying Delecti was a bit like a game of chicken. You have to sacrifice a unit, but if you don't the other side will. To create more zombies, Delecti or a zombie unit needs to be need to be next to units eliminated in combat. If you stack a couple of units with Delecti, assaults on the marsh become more difficult, with the side effect of the zombie chain getting longer. In quite a few games, I just sacrificed a unit to ally, then kept him stationary until I'm clearly winning, then move him out to create a mop up zombie chain. I always imagined Delecti making a land grab if the flood of 1652 does reach the march, the overspill will release any undead to feed on the flood victims, creating more zombies.
  24. I would suggest that oases spirits have different forms, some as limnades as Peter suggests, but some may be intelligent elementals, fish, water fowl, etc.
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