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Everything posted by rsanford

  1. For those of us who have not read it can you summarize it a bit. Is it purely mechanical or does it capture the spirit of Voodoo / Hoodoo? As an aside that is what I LOVE about Enlightened Magic. It offers the mechanics of spell casting but explains it all in the context of traditional western occultism.
  2. Welcome Steamcraft! Thanks for the artist info yesterday as well!
  3. Steamcrafthow much does high quality art (color and black and white) cost typically? How much does cover art cost?
  4. No I see your point. I think I am going to let the sorcerers (demon summoners really) have access to Mongoose's Stormbringer Runemagic. Then I can write a rune on a wall that prevents gates and such...
  5. Yea that would make it easier. In my game magic wielding people outside demon summoning sorcerers can be counted on your toes and fingers. Right now my guys are getting away with murder using magic. I can't wait till they run into sorcerers.
  6. Yeah I like the fact that wizards can provide healing though like you raising the dead cost a POW. What I as GM have to get over is how frequently the party can escape traps by gating to safety. In one game the party was sentenced to life in prison and they escaped all the same day.
  7. Anyone else using freeform magic in your Magic World game? If so what rules are you using? What GM challenges have cropped up? As for me we use our own house rules The Second Way which is a take off of deep magic. My biggest challenge so far are the player's creative use of magic to solve problems in general and the availability of gate spells in particular.
  8. I visited Studio 2's website and a search for dark streets didn't turn up anything. If anyone sees a pre-order page I would appreciate if they would post a link. Otherwise I will order when it gets to Drivethru...
  9. So John Snead how much begging would we have to do to get a Voodoo book the same caliber as Enlightened Magic... You know thinking about it, if you had some authentic voodoo rules in conjunction with Enlightened Magic a setting similar to Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches wouldn't be too hard. I bet a lot of people would like to play in a setting like that...
  10. No reason the fans couldn't do a setting taking place in smaller towns (mostly) in southern Louisiana. Use Enlightened Magic, ATVW and the Gurps Voodoo rules (maybe a ATVW companion that provided an Enlightened Magic approach to Voodoo) and you would be set.
  11. Actually I got a strong True Blood vibe when I read it. The fact that the supernatural had just come into the open, the existence of the fae and Magic rules akin to whichcraft just reinforced that notion. At the worst it would be very easy to run a true blood type game with ATVW. Let me clarify. I am sure you could do a Dresden or Twilight setting easily with ATVW. However by design or coincidence ATVW is PERFECT for True Blood and that's good for me. I don't normally do urban fantasy but I will do a true blood type game using ATVP in the future.
  12. I agree with you with one possible exception. Seems like there should be some story (Mega?) about the Fey coming back. Perhaps a few adventure hooks about old ruins that Fey are now said to occupy, an otherwise invisible border that when crossed result in an unusual number of "strange" things happening or encounters with strange beings, humans working for the powers to be that seem to have misplaced loyalties and that are associated with strange cults and strange practices, etc...
  13. It's a great book John and fits oh so perfectly with Enlightened Magic (Which I am now reading for the second time). I tend to play more traditional sword and sandals fantasy games but I imagine that ATVW allows BRP to have a play among urban fantasy gamers particularly those playing in the World of Darkness. Having said that I would recommend beefing up the offering with new supplements set in the same world. World of darkness is such a wide an deep offering it will take a lot to compete.
  14. How about build out of part of the Southern Reaches. Maybe a city a couple of villages and a few plot devices. At the rate you crank stuff out you could probably knock it out in a week :-)
  15. Seems to me Chaosium would license the setting assuming they don't think Magic World weakens the RuneQuest brand. I hope they do.
  16. Perhaps tha POD version could take a similar direction as it really does align with the Southern Reaches. Failing that maybe Chaoisum will let its loyal fans produce a Southern Reaches setting book that leverages similar graphical concepts for publishing when they get some of the ongoing BRP and Runequest projects out the door.
  17. Rick, If I remember correctly Chaosium plans to release Magic World in the future as a POD product. I am wondering if you guys would consider updating the POD version with the latest errata before releasing it. I know the PDF is reasonably up to date but there are still a few things that could be fixed. If you guys would entertain that perhaps the community here could create a new errata that applies only to the latest PDF version. I know I would buy a new soft or hard cover if errata from the previous book was addressed and my group would likely do the same. Thoughts?
  18. Does seem kinda quite lately but my group's Magic World game continues to entertain. Hope Chaosium shows Magic World some love once the new BRP is released. A fresh printing with errata would be a good start.
  19. So how would you all compare and contrast Revolution D100 with the BGB? Do they have similar intent? Other than the obvious differences in the rules how do the goals differ? Do they have similar weaknesses? In what ways is one superior or inferior to the other?
  20. I cannot answer the question as I have never compared the BGB to Magic World. Rather I learned Magic World first and only consult the BGB when I need more... For me Magic World was easier to get into because it represents only what you need to know to run a Magic World or Stormbringer type game. If I had used the BGB I would have had to do much more reading and then made a lot more decisions as to which rules to use and which to not use. I guess that's the difference between a complete game with setting (Magic World) versus a generic tool kit approach (BGB).
  21. $617 at 9:31 CST. Now that's devotion to a game!
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