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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. My completely unusable but probably fairly accurate star map, centred on Sol, can be found at http://www.soltakss.com/starmaps/Map_000.html#000001. For some reason, it works better in Internet Explorer than Chrome. Each dot is a Jump-1, regardless of the scale of Jump-1. The size is such that it can take a ship with Jump-4 several jumps to reach a lot of stars, but years to reach the outlying stars, which feels about right to me. It uses the Huygens catalogue and I have an Excel spreadsheet with all 99k stars, their positions and links to the maps. It is nearly 13Mb in size, but that is small nowadays.
  2. I would get the Adventurers to sign up to an agreement that binds them together. This could be a blood pact, putting their marks on a clay tablet, signing a formal agreement or something similar. You could even sacrifice 1 POW to the agreement to create a wyter for the party. That way, they are bound as an entity and Morale works for them.
  3. I voted for Divine Magic, as I like Cults, but to me Common Magic and Divine Magic go together very well.
  4. On page 260, it says: and which strongly imply that a Shaman adds the fetch's POW to the Shaman's for both defensive and offensive purposes.
  5. In our RQ2 game, one of the Players saw that Vrok Hawks could be SIZ 6 and matched that to the SIZ Equivalency Table, noting that it was about a metre tall (121-135 cm in RQG) and weighed 36-41 kilograms, so like a really chubby child. So, basically, every time the Yelmalian mentioned his Vrok Hawk, there were sounds of vultures cawing and people mimicking him lolling to one side due to the 40 kilo weight on his shoulder.
  6. Same hit locations, but with different hit points per location.
  7. I normally use a version of the ship used in Tim Severin's The Jason Voyage and The Ulysses Voyage. Sometimes, I use a slightly smaller version. For me, they are the perfect size for Gloranthan ships.
  8. They were destroyed - from where ? King of Sartar p142 has a list of successful and failed LBQs. One of the successful ones was against the God Learners. Unfortunately, I know nothing about Aringor Darstalsson or Narnarra the Greater.
  9. I don’t believe this is in the rules. You are correct, thanks. That is a big change. It used to be incompatible, which was another reason why spirits were deadly, you had to either use Shield or Spirit Block, so could be good for combat/spells or spirits but not both.
  10. Thanks. If you can point them out then I can fix them. I've got some from various people, here and there. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but the PCs totally abused it.
  11. Sure, the tracking was all legal.
  12. I produced a map in Excel that was 200 points wide, deep and high, centred on Sol. It was a pretty accurate representation, based on some star map data. so, it had 401 sheets, each 401 by 401 cells, with each star name that I had available, including some cells with multiple star systems. I think it had 20,000 stars or something like that, I can't remember. Of course, as a game aid it was only really usable when moving around a single sheet, moving onto another sheet took a while, as Excel is quite slow. So, it is possible to produce a reasonably accurate map of nearby stars, but who wants to draw up star systems and planet stats for 20,000 stars?
  13. Your drawings with an arthritis flare-up are ten times as good as mine on my very best of days.
  14. But not bad for RQ articles in a D&D magazine.
  15. Here's where I plug the excellent Resurrection Ertugrul TV Series, although some people might be tired of me praising it. Although it is 13th century Turks, it has a lot of principles for clans that could easily apply to Glorantha. The men go off to war, leaving the women and children behind, but it is the women who defend the clan if it is attacked while the men are away. So, women are martial and are trained to fight. The men are the mind of the clan, but the women are its soul. Women are crafters, making much of the trade goods that the clan then sells. Women are midwives and men are not present at births, except for the doctor, who could easily be a woman. Midwives double up as healers. When the men leave for war, the women say a charm to protect them and ensure their safe return. Women raise the children and keep them safe, they keep the clan together and keep everyone strong, in case the men never come back. If you put on a layer of mythology, telling stories about what the powerful women of the clan did, or what the mythical women did, then it would fit even better.
  16. I have, unfortunately, never been able to track any PDFs down, despite many years of trying.
  17. If you don't mind me asking, how are you planning to publish it?
  18. The goal of the LBQ was to save the world from destruction. The world existed after the LBQ. Or it was a success.
  19. Obviously, cast before your Shield, because you'll have to overcome all that Countermagic and boosting 😛 I think that Spirit Block and shield are incompatible.
  20. Well, I have had my first review for Secrets of Dorastor. Five Stars: If you have any interest at all in Dorastor, then BUY THIS BOOK! Yes, book. This monstrosity is over 250 pages, chock full from beginning to end. Quality stuff. And the secrets! But I cannot share those, so let me mention just a few of the great things about Secrets of Dorastor. Scenario Hooks: There are text boxes sprinkled throughout with ways to entangle adventurers into the creatures and features of Dorastor. Imagine if a Master Gamemaster laid out his or her brain for all to see and learn from. Okay, maybe don’t imagine that, but imagine if he or she shared knowledge with you. All the tips and tricks for running a campaign in Dorastor are here. New, New, New: Crazy number of new creatures, spells, and items. It says 15 magic items on the back, but the author must have left a zero off the end. For example, there is a Treasures section near the end, with all sorts of new magic items, besides all the Things and items scattered throughout. Most have the taint of chaos you would expect of anything found in Dorastor, but there are some truly great things that can be found anywhere in Glorantha as well. Artwork: I am a fan of artwork and Secrets has plenty, old and new. It was nice to see some of the old pieces of art in here. Anyways, if none of that has you interested in purchasing Secrets of Dorastor, then I don’t know what will. I am very happy to have bought this product and I look forward to future purchases from him.
  21. I should have thought of that, grrrr. eughhhhhhhhh listen we all wanna fuck the monsters. but not the walktopodes. not the walktopodes. Ah, I really wanted it to not go towards Hentai, although it is perfectly possible to do a secrets of Dorastor Hentai-version, just not under the Jonstown Compendium. Also, i had to google Hentai to find out what it meant. The images seem rather tame for Dorastor. <ahem> Not even THEY want this image. Instead, they'll take everything else... and leave your mind cycling on this forever. You see, Thanatar has its uses. Some of them... I have always had a soft spot for Succubi. Nick would say a boyish enthusiasm, but I'll take what I can get. Dunno, Q. Dunno. Have you seen some of that old-school Japanese woodcut art? It... hmmm... Well... let's just say that the current generations who are impressed with their kink... need some better history. Those tentacles definitely have their uses. Of course, you have to be careful, as Walktapi generally tear each other apart in a mating frenzy.
  22. Many thanks. Also, no problem regarding the typos. I asked for them anyway. Unfortunately, I am not yet well-conversed in the differences in RQG, so still have RQ2/3 floating around in my head. I rely on those less encumbered with old stuff to correct me and, in the spirit of Father Ikadz, to punish me terribly for my errors.
  23. I am looking into it. I have been reliably told that it should be fairly easy, maybe.
  24. There’s an (A) missing from the rumours status list. Thanks. Thanks, I wasn't sure how RQG handled that but couldn't be bothered hunting through it. I'll look in the Glorantha Bestiary to see what it says. Thanks, i missed that completely in the RQG rules. I am not going to change, it, mainly to keep consistent with the Guide, but thanks for still fighting the lost cause!
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