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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. If anyone spots any typos and mistakes, then please let me know here. There is no need for a different thread, posting here will do. I am planning on maybe weekly updates, depending on the number of issues found. Hopefully there won't be many.
  2. Well, I have had my first review for Secrets of Dorastor. Five Stars: If you have any interest at all in Dorastor, then BUY THIS BOOK! Yes, book. This monstrosity is over 250 pages, chock full from beginning to end. Quality stuff. And the secrets! But I cannot share those, so let me mention just a few of the great things about Secrets of Dorastor. Scenario Hooks: There are text boxes sprinkled throughout with ways to entangle adventurers into the creatures and features of Dorastor. Imagine if a Master Gamemaster laid out his or her brain for all to see and learn from. Okay, maybe don’t imagine that, but imagine if he or she shared knowledge with you. All the tips and tricks for running a campaign in Dorastor are here. New, New, New: Crazy number of new creatures, spells, and items. It says 15 magic items on the back, but the author must have left a zero off the end. For example, there is a Treasures section near the end, with all sorts of new magic items, besides all the Things and items scattered throughout. Most have the taint of chaos you would expect of anything found in Dorastor, but there are some truly great things that can be found anywhere in Glorantha as well. Artwork: I am a fan of artwork and Secrets has plenty, old and new. It was nice to see some of the old pieces of art in here. Anyways, if none of that has you interested in purchasing Secrets of Dorastor, then I don’t know what will. I am very happy to have bought this product and I look forward to future purchases from him.
  3. Yes, it will be my own version, as I designed it, only for the Players to decide that it looked far too dangerous and went somewhere else. (I am not sure if it will be this year, I have to find the scenario in my mouldy old stack of paper documents, first. You don't need Dorastor Land of Doom or Cults of Terror, as Secrets of Dorastor has all you need for a Dorastor or Riskland Campaign. Where I described something that is included in either supplement, I have referred to the Page Number and have not repeated the description. There are a few of those. So, if you want to see how Dorastor Land of Doom described those areas or people, then it is useful. Also, I have listed the personalities from both supplements, as they are useful NPCs, but not described them. I suppose I could have included them as RQG Conversions, but that wouldn't have been right, in my opinion. You really want D:LoD and Cults (or even better, Lords) of Terror. If you can get hold of them, then they are all great. Dorastor Land of Doom has more on the Renekotling Clan, a mini campaign and has descriptions of some areas. Lords of Terror has some good chaos Cults, including small writeups not in Cults of Terror. Both have very powerful NPCs that can be used to further terrorise Adventurers. Cults of Terror was a masterpiece when it came out and still has really good stuff. It is also available in the RQ Classic range. Alternatively, the Cults Compendium should contain them. So, for extra material they are really useful. In fact, I would go so far to say that you should get them as additional material to supplement Secrets of Dorastor! Thanks. I cut a lot of them out, for space reasons. However, I am planning a freebie with all the Author's Comments that I cut out of Secrets of Dorastor.
  4. By the way, if anyone spots any errors, typos etc, then please let me know here and I will review and update the supplement where necessary.
  5. Of course, it isn't all about violated orifices, succubi and acid damage. It has poison as well. I deliberately did not include the Sisters of Pain, an order of Krarsht courtesan assassins, who use a combination of courtesan techniques and sweat acid to slay their targets.
  6. Secrets of Dorastor is out and can be found at https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318512/Secrets-of-Dorastor?affiliate_id=66807. A snip at $25.00 for 259 pages, it comes out as a Bargain on the Brooke Scale. There is a Table of Contents at http://www.soltakss.com/JC/StormSpearia-SecretsOfDorastor-TOC.pdf. From Nick's Scenarios: "Complexity: medium to high – a massive collection of material compiled from many years spent running RuneQuest games in Dorastor, including many self-consciously gross old-school elements – tips sadistic gamemasters can use to upset munchkin players, rules for “hyper-critical” hits, and a boyish enthusiasm for violated orifices, succubi and acid damage. The author writes with oblivious relish about this disturbing material." Secrets of Dorastor is a campaign pack set in the fabled land of Dorastor, in Greg Stafford's Glorantha. Inside you will find: A gazetteer of over one hundred places, with a map of Dorastor and nearby areas and maps of key places in Dorastor Descriptions of forty personalities, both of Dorastor and the surrounding Borderlands 25 types of Monster, of animal, vegetable and mineral types Write-ups of 9 Organizations RuneQuest write-ups of 8 Cults, including adapting the cult of Humakt to Dorastor New abilities for Illuminates and a description of Illumination and its various Schools 15 Magic Items Encounter Tables of all the important areas of Dorastor Sample Campaign and Scenario Hooks Extended RuneQuest rules for High Level Adventurers Tips for playing High Level Adventurers and NPCs Based on the write-up of our Dorastor Campaign, with a great deal of extra material, this covers the land and people of Dorastor and its Borderlands. WARNING: Dorastor is the most horrible part of Glorantha, a cursed land full of terrors. Secrets of Dorastor deals with extreme horror, with topics including violence, cannibalism, seduction, forced matings, ritual sacrifice and the liberal use of acid. Please do not purchase this if these themes might cause offense.
  7. Secrets of Dorastor is out and can be found at https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318512/Secrets-of-Dorastor?affiliate_id=66807. A snip at $25.00 for 259 pages, it comes out as a Bargain on the Brooke Scale. There is a Table of Contents at http://www.soltakss.com/JC/StormSpearia-SecretsOfDorastor-TOC.pdf. From Nick's Scenarios: "Complexity: medium to high – a massive collection of material compiled from many years spent running RuneQuest games in Dorastor, including many self-consciously gross old-school elements – tips sadistic gamemasters can use to upset munchkin players, rules for “hyper-critical” hits, and a boyish enthusiasm for violated orifices, succubi and acid damage. The author writes with oblivious relish about this disturbing material." Secrets of Dorastor is a campaign pack set in the fabled land of Dorastor, in Greg Stafford's Glorantha. Inside you will find: A gazetteer of over one hundred places, with a map of Dorastor and nearby areas and maps of key places in Dorastor Descriptions of forty personalities, both of Dorastor and the surrounding Borderlands 25 types of Monster, of animal, vegetable and mineral types Write-ups of 9 Organizations RuneQuest write-ups of 8 Cults, including adapting the cult of Humakt to Dorastor New abilities for Illuminates and a description of Illumination and its various Schools 15 Magic Items Encounter Tables of all the important areas of Dorastor Sample Campaign and Scenario Hooks Extended RuneQuest rules for High Level Adventurers Tips for playing High Level Adventurers and NPCs Based on the write-up of our Dorastor Campaign, with a great deal of extra material, this covers the land and people of Dorastor and its Borderlands. WARNING: Dorastor is the most horrible part of Glorantha, a cursed land full of terrors. Secrets of Dorastor deals with extreme horror, with topics including violence, cannibalism, seduction, forced matings, ritual sacrifice and the liberal use of acid. Please do not purchase this if these themes might cause offense.
  8. Space is big, with lots and lots of solar systems and planets. Explorers might be able to visit a large number of systems, but according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milky_Way our Galaxy has between 100 billion - 400 billion stars. That is a lot of systems to check. Even if you check a star system, all you will get from a cursory scan if the number of planets and maybe some details on each. To get more, you need to stay in the system for a while. The longer you spend exploring a system the more expensive it is. If you have a cube, 100 system distances by 100 by 100, that means you have a million stars in that volume. It would take a million weeks to visit every single one of them, so having 1,000 exploration ships cuts it down to 1,000 weeks or 20 years. Spending a week in each bumps it to 40 years. So, plenty of space for unidentified planets.
  9. Shallow water on a rock shelf with a dragonship moored off the shelf. Dragonships don't need much water to sail on, as they have a low draught, if that's the right term.
  10. Why would you want to slow down space exploration? When discussing reaching new star systems, are you talking about FTL drives? If not, then it doesn't take any more fuel to travel 10 Light Years than 1 Light Year, you just need the fuel to accelerate to an optimum velocity and decelerate afterwards, if you use slingshot techniques for deceleration you can reduce the fuel required. Normally, for me, the biggest drag in star hopping is time. If your FTL drive takes days or weeks to travel a light year then travelling to distant stars takes a long time. Even if travelling to a nearby star system just takes a day, it will still take days or weeks to travel to faraway star systems. That is why I like jump gates, in the sense of jumping point to point, as they drastically cut down travel times.
  11. Floats and rolls. I wonder how many weeks some magician had to sleep to pull that off! Shallow water
  12. I would say it could be all three.
  13. It would have to be chainmail or some form of articulated scale, but an intelligent brontosaur Rune Lord should be OK. It always makes me laugh that we accept zombie shark-hybrids, great flying bats and mile-long dragons, but armour on a dinosaur is too much.
  14. We spread light and peace throughout the world and were destroyed by stupid barbarians.
  15. The way that Trolls treat Trollkin is pretty dark. In my Glorantha, Gardeners are precisely that, they do the gardening for the Aldryami. What I mean by that is that they manage the forests, they tidy, help things grow and prune. What do they prune? Those Aldryami who are bad for the forest, who do not fit or are just in the wrong place. So, they can engage in a bit of ethnic cleansing, moving Aldryami around or killing off the bad ones or the ones that don;t fit a certain part of the forest.
  16. Like giving clothing to a house elf. If you can put a sock on a woad-clad warrior then it should stop the woad. We tended to play that belts containing Crystals, matrices and so on were allowed, but they couldn't be belts that covered anything vital, so no belts 3 feet wide, for example.
  17. Guide to Glorantha p342: Hakon the Swimmer, King of the Bilini: A great warrior, Hakon was chosen king of the Bilini after his predecessor was killed by the Orlanthi holy man Ketil White Eye. Hakon has given away land to Lakrene to keep the peace with the Lunar Empire, which led to his current feud with Hahlgrim Ironsword. Guide to Glorantha p344: Hakon returned to persecuting Hahlgrim’s clan, so Hahlgrim returns to the Hold late in 7/50 (1621) to slay King Hakon. The tribal moot to choose the next king ends in violence and civil war, and Hahlgrim returns to Oxhead to become a devotee of Orlanth. In 7/52 (1623), Bolthor Brighteyes, the king of the Talastari, asks Hahlgrim to lead an army into Dorastor to confront the Chaos Horrors led by Ralzakark.
  18. It really does depend on the elemental. Someone should be able to use the Air/Storm Rune to dismiss an air Elemental. Similarly, someone with Earth Rune should be able to use it to dismiss an Air Elemental, due to the Elemental Progression Table. A worshipper of Argan Argar should be able to use Darkness to dismiss a Fire Elemental (As Argan Argar chained Lodril) So, for me, the following should apply: You can dismiss an Elemental with the Rune corresponding to that Element You can dismiss an Elemental with the Rune corresponding to the Element that defeats the Elemental's Element on the Elemental Progression Table You can dismiss an Elemental using a Rune based on the events of your Deity You can dismiss an Elemental using a Rune based on what is cool when you narrate it This is a tricky example, as the answer is not in the RQG Rulebook. The Red Goddess freed the Young Elementals of Darkness/Water/Earth and Fire/Sky, on her GodQuest. She made these available to Lunar cults, so the Seven Mothers, for example, has a Subcult of the Young Elementals, so have access to those elements. Now, some people will say "It's not in RQG so how can we use it?", but it was part of the Red Goddess and the Seven Mothers writeups in the past and I expect it to be present in Gods and Goddesses of Glorantha.
  19. It is confusing. Talastar is a tribe with a king. Bilini is a tribe with a king. The Talastarings think that Bilini should still be a part of Talastar. Bolthor Brighteyes was the king of Talastar when Hakon the Swimmer was king of the Bilini. In the "future" history of the olden days, Haglgrim kills Hakon and Bolthor, or his boys do, I forget, but doesn't become king of either Bilini or Talastar. Yes, in theory the tribal kings swear fealty to the king of the kingdom, but only if that king is strong enough to make them.
  20. Is the Globe of Authority the "Orb of Sovereignty" mentioned in Pavis: Gateway to Adventure? Yes, but probably a local copy. Each Sun Dome Temple would have its own version. Is the Globe just a pale copy of said Orb? Yes, just a copy for that Sun Dome. Is there a "real" Globe of Authority in every Sun Dome Temple? Yes Is there a source to these items/possible copies? They are ritual items, created when investing a new Sun Dome Temple. Is there a one, true "Globe of Authority" to rule them all? Yes, but it is lost, as has been mentioned. Is “Globe of Authority” related to/the same as/a copy of the “Orb of the Eye” often mentioned with the Hill of Gold? Probably, yes, I would think so. What is the relation of the Yelmalio relic to the “Orb of Authority” that is depicted on Gods Wall? The Yelmalian ones are copies. Is it true that if one had this relic, one could potentially unite the various temples under one rule? Probably, but the Temples are already united under the rule of Yelm, whihc is why they don't appreciate Yelm worshippers coming around telling them what to do. In our last Gloranthan campaign, the PCs found the regalia in the Old Sun Dome, which were older than the current ones, but not the ones used to found the Sun Dome Temple. They had to HeroQuest to find those and return them. I think this refers to the Regalia used to found the Sun Dome Temple in Prax, not the original ones held by Yelm.
  21. OK so that means I apparently understand less about Heroquesting than I thought I did (and believe me that is saying something; I am now wondering if I actually have a negative amount of knowledge). Not at all. HeroQuesting is tricky, with no real right or wrong answers, despite what anyone tells you. That is exactly how I play it. You don't change what's in place, but you could create a new religion that is vastly more popular. That's what Monrogh did, he created a version of Yelmalio that was vastly more attractive to Elmali than Elmal, so they mostly flocked to his new versoin of the cult. Again, yes, agreed that it should be possible but difficult. What Nysalor did was to wound Korasting and create a new form of trolls. he did not change all existing trolls to Trollkin, but he did curse the trolls so that they gave birth to stunted trollkin. Essentially, he affected "all" trolls, as "all" trolls come from Korasting. He did not affect Mistress Race Trolls (too powerful) nor Hot Trolls (Not tied to Korasting) but did affect Dark Trolls and Cave Trolls. So, yes, it still comes under your banner of things you understand. Not at all, I think you have grasped it really well. Although Joerg has explained subsequently, I think that he meant that the Orlanth-Ernalda bond is extremely strong and so is very difficult to break. It is possible, but would need a HeroQuest of epic proportions with a lot of support from Orlanthi. changing a cult by force from the outside is very difficult, changing it from the inside with support is easier. So, all you would need to do is to get all the Orlanthi to support you and do the HeroQuest. Simples. Of course, if you don't do it for all Orlanthi, you could get a single Clan to support you, or a Bloodline, or members of a single Temple. That way, you can establish the Myth and then repeat the HeroQuest again and again, spreading it further.
  22. soltakss


    My reply would be "yes, but a lot slower". Also, people take care of their magic items, cleaning, polishing and oiling them, which protects against corrosion. Personally, I don't bother with that kind of thing in my games. I just assume that Adventurers take care of their equipment to prevent things like corrosion. Items found in ruins may or may not be corroded, entirely at the GM's whim, in my games.
  23. To learn a spell from a Temple - This World. To steal a spell from another Temple for yourself - This World. To steal a spell from another Temple and make it available to your followers - Heroplane. To make a new spell - Heroplane.
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