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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. It might be possible to live in a gold one as well.
  2. Yes, I'd have said Yelm for those reasons. He does a pretty ballet and plays the harp. A courtly Dara Happan would do whatever courtly people do, maybe dance, play musical instrument, recite or write poetry, sing, that kind of thing. I wouldn't restrict it to particular skills, sometimes just putting an expensive cloak over a puddle to let someone pass unsullied is courteous behaviour.
  3. Everything except the Guide to Glorantha and Gloranthan sourcebook. It probably hasn't been taken out, it's just not in the current timeline, so happened in the past. The Dragon Pass Gazetteer is probably not reliable, as things have changed. Sartar and Sartar Companion might be OK, but might have changed. RQ2/RQ3 Mythology pieces probably have not changed and most of the RQ2/RQ3 material is still valid, but happens in the past. A lot of the Hero Wars material has been done again, especially the third-party material. So, better off using the Guide to Glorantha or Gloranthan sourcebook as a guide and then the older stuff as interesting flavour.
  4. Oh, I missed that, thanks. Time to change some stat blocks, then.
  5. Sun Dome, Mountain Sun, Forest Sun, there are different ways of describing the cool light of Yelmalio. He's a cool dude, after all.
  6. Vampires used to have double hit points in each location, which made them awesome in combat, but that has gone now in RQG, unfortunately. Hopefully, that will come back, with their special vulnerabilities, with the Vivamort cult.
  7. In Secrets of Dorastor, Arkat cursed Dorasta for helping Nysalor, so he salted the earth and made it barren. However, Pocharngo married Dorastor and taught her how to mutate plants to escape the curse, so Dorasta's crops are always changing. So, you get lots of different crops and a wheat plant might change to become something else and need weeding out.
  8. A Jonstown Compenium supplement that I am near to finishing. It's partly a writeup of my Dorastor Campaign, but has a lot more material. I have attached the Table of Contents from a couple of weeks ago. It has changed slightly, but not by much. TOC_Secrets_of_Dorastor_10052020.txt
  9. Possibly, but it is a brave GM who gives adventurers a prediction of the future via Divination, as PCs tend to go their own way. I normally say "This is what is going to happen unless you act to change it", so it is a warning more than anything else.
  10. Essentially the same skill, but I might impose a Penalty to the skill, depending on what was being asked. At the start, the temples backing the HeroQuestor would get the benefit. so, if the HeroQuestor is backed and given support by his local Elmal Temple, then the benefit would go to that Temple. If, however, he got the backing of all the Elmal Temples everywhere before he did the HeroQuest then all those Temples would gain the benefit. Basically, they shared in the Myth to get the benefits, so they have access to it. After a while, though the HeroQuestor could establish the myth in other Temples, by teaching it or taking others on the HeroQuest. Similarly, he could teach it to the Yelmalio cult and so would become the head a shared subcult.
  11. Hmm, probably not a big help! I am sure if I made all the Horrors of Dorastor female, that would lead to complaints as well. Dorastor does not discriminate, its denizens will abuse, mistreat and eat people of any gender, or no gender, equally. Except the cult of Thed, as Thed just hates women and doesn't allow them in her cult. The Personalities of the Borderlands describes the following: Barstan Ram-Friend, Ketil Eriksbane, Hakon the Swimmer, Bolthor Brighteyes, Renekot the Stone, Hahlgrim Ironsword, Oddi the Keen, Lanstan Longspear and Halim, all very eligible warriors, many are chieftains and only one is an ogre.
  12. A Jonstown Compenium supplement that I am near to finishing. It's partly a writeup of my Dorastor Campaign, but has a lot more material. Land quality, I should add that as well, as Riskland might have poor quality land.
  13. p209 says STR 9 DEX 7 for a Lance and Short Spear or STR 9 DEX 9 for a Javelin.
  14. The "Lunar Soldiers" in Pavis largely consisted of paid mercenaries rather than regular Lunar Soldiers. Many of their patrols in Prax were Sable Riders rather then regular Antelope Riders. Why would the Lunars use mercenaries instead of regular troops? Because they were spread too thinly.
  15. If you regard the outcome of the game as a narration, over-generous or too strict handling of these abilities will create plot holes and precendences that you are going to be saddled with in your next scene already as the narrator. Alongside with the narrative techniques of the pass-fail cycle, there is also something like a spotlight cycle to keep in mind. Which is harder to maintain if the plot hook that creates the scene or scenario is anchored in a specific player character. Personally, I think that HeroQuest works best if you forget about myriads of rules and just concentrate on the basics. For me, the Pass-Fail Cycle is meant to be a tool that enables the story to continue while keeping track of consequences, it is not meant to be minimaxed or broken down into detail.
  16. I have a vague recollection that Citizenship of Pavis is only available to those who own property, but would have to look it up to be sure. Joerg has got it right, I think. In rural or traditional areas, all the land is owned by the Clan or the Temple and is allocated out on the basis of need and reward. Those favoured by the clan will get the best land, those out of favour will get the marginal land. Sometimes, the land is owned by bloodlines rather than clans, but the principles are the same, the different families in the bloodline are allocated sections of land. In Clan-based towns and cities, it will be similar, with most of the land held by organisations and allocated out. So, a building might be owned by one clan and apartments allocated to families from that clan, or a Guild might own a building and allocate rooms to craftsfolk to use. In cities, instead of bloodlines, families might own land, but they are effectively the same anyway. Private ownership of land can be tricky.Are you given usage of the land until you die? Does this carry down to your descendants? What is the difference between permanently having usage of the land or owning it? Can such title be transferred to someone else? I think that is the difference between being permanently allocated land and owning it, you can transfer the title to someone else if you own it. Although Glorantha has a tithe for every cultist, it does not seem to have much in the way of taxation. nowadays, we assume that tax is an individual burden, with each person paying their own tax, but historically that wasn't always the case. Landowners would be taxed and they would then raise their own levy on their tenants, to pay the overall tax. So, Tax Collectors would come to a clan and demand 10% of the Clan yield and the Clan would ask its members to pay something towards that. Owners of land would be thus liable for taxation.
  17. Unfortunately, that's what appears to have happened. They may have had several people looking at it, but not someone who is really picky about rules. Fortunately, we have many such people on this forum, myself included!
  18. One thing that the rules don't have is values for other problems. So, for example, there is no Harvest modifier for Disease, Drought, Flood and so on. I have a section on the Sacred Time economy in Secrets of Dorastor, so might add the following: Event Light Moderate Severe Raid -10% -20% -40% Drought -10% -20% -30% Flood -10% -15% -20% Disease -10% -20% -30% Cattle Raiding +10% +10% +10% Rustling +10% +10% +10% The Cattle Raiding and Rustling Bonuses are when you do it to other Clans. When it happens to you, it counts as a Light Raid. Disease can be mitigated by using Sunripen or sacrificing to Mallia, Floods and Droughts can be mitigated by using extensive irrigation, as the canals can be used to drain away floodwater more easily.
  19. Sun County describes farms with a little white stone marking each farm, these are sacred to Ernalda. I would think that these allow the land to be included in one big casting of Bless Crops, so the Priestess can bless all marked hides of land in one go. Ideally, I would like a way for multiple Ernaldan cultists to pool their Bless Crops so they can cast them together, perhaps using some kind of Ritual. In RQ2/RQ3 you would just use Mindlink, but Mindlink no longer exists. That way, a Clan with a powerful Ernalda Temple could cover all the clan lands at once. In Sun County, the Ernalda temple covers the whole of Sun County in one big spell casting. Assuming they do any healing at all (which they normally would), likely including a herbal garden. They would definitely have some land to support the temple. A herb garden makes a lot of sense, especially one with healing herbs. To a certain extent, it doesn't matter that much. a really good farmer without Bless crops will be as effective as a mediocre Farmer with Bless Crops, but a really good Farmer with Bless Crops might get better Income from a single Hide. The best you'll get is to double the Income, no matter what the Bless Crops used, so there is kind-of a limit there. No, the difference is that a good farmer with Bless Crops has, on average, a better yield so has a higher average Income, due to Specials and Criticals. But the major difference is between having a lower skill and failing fairly often or a higher skill and usually succeeding.
  20. Don't worry, Secrets of Dorastor has more men than women warriors, not particularly by design. There is a Scorpion Queen, a Water Nymph, several daughters of Doasta, a very dainty Unicorn Rider and the Mistress of Light, Guardian of the Fires of Heaven, who is a proper hard Vampiress Angel. The men are probably more dangerous though, both as Horrors and as normal encounters.
  21. Also, the difference between using Bless Crops and not using it isn't that much for a single Hide. It gets really useful when you have multiple Hides, as each one is increased to around 150% of the normal Income.
  22. Yes, sorry, I was ignoring the first point.
  23. Bless Crops is stackable. However, I would say that any piece of land only benefits from one casting.
  24. That's how we do it in our currently-stalled Dark Ages game. Players can use the Background or Profession as a Trait, as well as their One Unique Thing and so on. It can be a bit confusing, as they are written in different places on the Character sheet and don't link to a skill.
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