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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. Circa 920 ST (Pavis gateway to Adventure p35) there was a God Learner settlement which was known as Sorceror Town. In 1200 ST (Map p38), the place is now known as Sorceror's Island of which the description is Circa 1500 ST (Map p40), the Cacodemon temple appears. The description is: So the Ogres are descended from God Learners (perhaps Barbelo the Stone who is mentioned in the Middle Sea Empire). During the Troll Occupation, they turned to chaos and became Ogres. As to why they are no longer apparently there, they probably took advantage of some magical act (the Dragonewt's Dream, the breaking of the Troll seal around the Rubble) to occult themselves so their stronghold cannot be magically visited.
  2. An example of an Issaries Bandit is Golgotti Guildersnatcher (Borderlands and Beyond p195) who as well as banditry sells fake truestones, phony slave bracelets, so-called POW matrices and 'Maps".
  3. Except that Zistor wasn't the Machine God. That was Zazistor who was confined to Zistorwal according to the Middle Empire Empire Book p47.
  4. I don't think Elmal is worshipped in Ralios. If anything, Ehilm and Galanin are acknowledged as the Sun Gods there.
  5. Conversion to the Lunar Way is probably the most common circumstance under which one changes the elemental rune.
  6. I did once think of calling them Parakeets.
  7. What is said there is "They were hunter-gatherers led by the Hero Aram Ya Udram and worshiped Orlanth." while the Harandings are described on the same page as "hunter-gatherer people who worshiped Orlanth and Ketha". A fairly significant difference I think. Whatever Goddess Aram worshipped in the Great Darkness has been subsumed by the worship of Gouger and his sacrifice to the Bloody Earth,
  8. The mother of Gouger (Glorantha Bestiary p70)
  9. We don't know where Orvano Hill is though.
  10. She is? The Bestiary p152 says nothing about Maran Gor and even denies that they are either pigs or dogs. No. The Aramites and the Harandings were and are separate tribes. The Harandings lived in Pig Hollow in Kethaela while the Aramites lived in Dragon Pass.
  11. The specific association is that the hollow (created during the great darkness) is named after the Snake-pipe. Yet in the actual temple, there's little to no sign of any snakepipe associations. Given that the Skull Ruins are not far from Rich Home, there's little reason to insist they must be seperate civilizations.
  12. The WF 15 map p72 is for the Battle of Night and Day circa 379 while the Second Council Map (Guide p715) is for a century before. Plenty of time to move the spirit of Orin Jisteel from the Skull Ruins to Denkarst. Try the Rich Home culture (Name from Eleven Lights p129) in what is now Snakepipe Hollow from where Baroshi comes from.
  13. They could but they are very cautious as they want to live forever. They will only commit troops when victory is certain and are far more likely cut deals in which other people (Esvulari etc) do the heroic fighting for them while they do the boring work of logistics and guard duty. Both I would say. They won't call it spirit magic but know it as an inferior form of magic to sorcery pretty much as Applied Math is an inferior form of Pure Math. They won't know or cast any spells that attack people (such as disruption) as that is Wizard's work and leaves them vulnerable to caste crime and aging. I do feel they should also have access to Rune Magic (Greg's Arkat novel has the Horali doing innate magical stuff) only they don't worship the Gods to do so but perform lengthy purification exercises (based on their past history they were big on the Purification Rune is a precursor of the Moon Rune) and cast it based on their runic affinities. Again their rune spells would be mostly basic and they wouldn't know anything to attack anybody.
  14. Argrath first appeared in White Bear and Red Moon, the boardgame which was later released as Dragon Pass. First published in 1975 (although writting down sometime before then). Arkat' is first mentioned in Cults of Prax, published 1978 (p116 of the PDF) The story I've heard is that Greg wrote Argrath's story, forgot about it and then wrote a similar outline of Arkat.
  15. If I might make a few comments> Pamalt is not the God of the Doraddi but the God of the entire southern continent. For any Pamaltelan society not to worship him would make as much sense as not worshipping the sun, storm or earth. People seem to arguing on the basis that the Doraddi (and also Katele) cult of Pamalt is the only possible version of Pamalt. Considering that the Orlanth cope with two sun god and, the Malkioni at least four Invisible Gods, I find this hard to believe. If the Doraddi version of Pamalt has no usefulness in Umathela, Fonrit (Katelites notwithstanding) and Maslo, then the people of those land will worship a version that does. His name and myths will still be different but he will be recognizably Pamalt I think it more productive to think about how such cults of Pamalt would function in those places, rather than waste time with tedious source-arguments As an aside, there are Men-and-a-half in Laskal (Oron and the Zuama Valley Guide p569 and p573). We all know that Pamalt made them. Yet they are not Doraddi.
  16. I don't think the Skyburn was an example of a Moonfire spell. p164 of the Glorantha Sourcebook points out that the two magics were different.
  17. It would be much easier to provide a sorcerous justification for learning and casting such magics. Rather than call them spirit magics, they are "this world magics" as they can be inferred from the mortal world and don't need any spirits to be learned or cast (this is the cast for many spirit magic spells in RQG). Divine spells are "next world magics" and don't necessarily require the worship of a God to learn (this isn't in the rules so I'm tossing out the idea but the affinities are there). Sorcery spells are abstracted versions of the magics of this world and the next and hence superior to both. So what needs to be worked out are: How people learn spirit magic in a Malkioni society (Loskalm, Seshnela and God Forgot). Whether sorcery techniques and runes be used to improve spirit (and rune) magics - My guess is not as effectively as the sorcery spells. There are cases in the Entekosiad and the Glorious ReAscent where Philosophers work with myths: Khormesha and Verlotina).
  18. The Uitaros and the Bateri (tribes rather than clans) are shown on the Wane Maps of the Glorantha Sourcebook.
  19. Assuming it's from Tarsh Proper and not counting the Far Place The Rugbagian Family (which is active in New Pavis - Pavis: Gateway to Adventure) The Hendart Clan (later infamous for assassinating Mularik - King of Sartar. They may also be related to the Hendarli)
  20. Given that Lhankor's Lover was Elasa, the Light of Knowledge, these highest beards must be Atyari cultists....
  21. I kind of think they are furry aliens with big anime eyes. ...Or they could be Pokemons....
  22. Why would I not? It's a simple elegant solution which doesn't involve nitpicking over trivia and getting worked up about it. I'm ignoring the rest of your belligerent post because it says nothing new.
  23. I didn't say they were exclusively Yinkin or Odaylan cultists, I said ancestors summoned with the Beast Rune, meaning cat (or bear) spirits, Secondly you have confused between all ancestors (ie everybody you are descended from) as opposed to meaningful ancestors (the type that would be summoned by the spell). Greg Stafford was making such a distinction in an White Dwarf magazine! For a Yinkin worshipping his ancestors, only those related to Yinkin are going to be worthy of summons.
  24. They are not interchangeable. The type of ancestors summoned with the Man Rune spells are different from the type of ancestors summoned with the Beast Rune. That it's not explained clearly is simply a function of lack of space in the rules more than anything else and I don't see it as a Dying of the Light.
  25. A simple solution would be to substitute the Man Rune in those spells with the Beast Rune.
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