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Everything posted by SDLeary

  1. SDLeary


    Whats being said though Jeff, is that the Cult, as written (at least as far as we know right now), DOESN'T support that Mythic outline that you just provided, whereas other cults DO tend to support their gods Mythic outline, with appropriate spells and abilities. For example, there is no Steadfast feat listed as a gift, no Enduring (bonus to con rolls, or perhaps a re-roll?) feat. (Note: looking at the PDF of Cult Compendium; all that I've got with me right now) SDLeary
  2. SDLeary


    I think (and @Jeff can correct me if I'm wrong because he probably has a better take on this), in my rare talks with Greg since he left Chaosium, he seemed to go through a period where he was exploring the individual cultures deeper. As a result, his writings of the time were "revealing" more of this because richer cultures interested him more, he probably wanted to share that and it made it into the various depictions of Glorantha. I'm not sure what swung him back in the other direction. SDLeary
  3. Yes! As far as spells, I might allow certain ones, but each would have to be something along the lines of a Pact between the Shaman or the Spirit Worshipper, and the deity. SDLeary
  4. Which is a tome that is not yet available to the public, and a change compared to the main rule book, which states: So, a being with the man rune and the spirit rune sounds possible. The way I presented it, the Man Rune represents the part on this side of the vale, and the Spirit, the Fetch/Spirit Guide/Allied Spirit on the other side. Besides, if you folks (Chaosium) can present things witch seem to us to break the rules (see thread on Sorcery in Smoking Runes), then we certainly can until said rules come out, if we find it fits our narrative! SDLeary
  5. Yes, but it wound't be quite the same. Tales often state that the Touched can talk with the spirits that they can see. SDLeary
  6. Awww... I've been prequelled! Such is brainstorming I guess. OK... so the way this is coming out sounds more like what might be called an allied sprit, but that's not really what I'm after. I'm trying to figure out a Gloranthan equivalent to being "Touched" or "Born with the Sight". The thought of a child being born with an already awakened fetch seems that it could fit the bill. Perhaps on occasion, rather than three elemental runes, a child is born with two elemental runes and Sprirt. SDLeary
  7. A fetch can exist when you are born, you simply cannot control or communicate with it. Noticing that a person has a fetch is one of the things that marks them as Touched, and suitable to become an apprentice. It is then up to the Shaman or God-Talker of the community to further study the child to see if they are worthy. If they are, then guide them to someone that can teach them. "Awakening" the fetch is more establishing a way to communicate with it outside your dreams/nightmares/visions. SDLeary
  8. Excellent protection against all the blades he plays with, bad if he's hit with something blunt... and bad for body hair. 😉 SDLeary
  9. Yes, this. Thats why, in the movies, sometimes zombies are slow and plodding, and sometimes really freakishly fast! People in the US Southwest hate Zombies. SDLeary
  10. Your a Barbarian... isn't your mounting joy horrible reality? 😁 SDLeary
  11. Just for reference... this kind of chatter ALWAYS goes on inside a game company. Until they actually tell you that there is a manuscript in hand, or that its in-editing, I’d take it with a grain of salt. SDLeary
  12. Yes, this was clarified. After errata, it was that you couldn’t parry on the same SR, which makes sense. SDLeary
  13. This. Something to mark when its occurring... fade to black, a transition full of clouds, something. SDLeary
  14. There are at least these four guys at an English castle! 🙂 SDLeary
  15. Wasn't there a whole Western Empire that did that? SDLeary
  16. You don't really need spin as long as you can maintain acceleration (or deceleration) of some sort. The goal should be to figure out at what rate the body shifts back to working properly, that is at what rate of accel/decel (fraction of G). Then try to maintain that minimal acceleration (or higher) to maintain proper bodily functions. This should allow for a normal crapper as well. This eliminates the need for complex rotating parts on a ship, though I do admit that swinging counter-rotating arms with habitats at the ends does look cool. And don't forget the proper physics (or seriously close) fighters they had too... at least early on in the series. SDLeary
  17. Probably true. Just like to know. SDLeary
  18. Excellent! Thanks Much Rick. A further question, which you may or may not have the answer to. Above, Scott specifically eluded to these Sorcerous Talents applying to Rune Magic, though I see no specific mention of Rune Magic in what you posted, though terms like Theistic and Clerical are used. Do you know if the actual intent was Rune Magic only, or was Battle Magic included as well? SDLeary
  19. I was lurking around RPGnet today and came on a thread that was talking about The Old Days, specifically RQ1/2. What caught my eye was that someone got banned for asking for transcription of some rules that appeared in an issue of a fanzine called The Wild Hunt, and in a newsletter by Greg called The Son of Sartar #3. What did it look like? Did it bear any resemblance to what appeared in RQ3, or was it more like what we would now call Lunar Magic? SDLeary
  20. Yes, but as the quoted rule from p.211 states, it can be done at Quarterstaff base skill. So if it can be done with a bow, and in Arrow Trance you are focused on using bow and arrow, I can see it. And just for reference, bow parrying has been shown (despite its absurdity) before Legolas. I seem to remember more than one instance in Robin of Sherwood for example. SDLeary
  21. According to the book, base chance with a quarterstaff. SDLeary
  22. I would think so, unless somehow Hollywood is correct and archers parry with their bows all the time. Now, to counter that, players will probably point out that Bows are given Hit Points, and a somewhat oddly worded paragraph on p.211 (Explanation of Headings: HP) states thus: So if players wish, I would grant them parrying with a bow (even in Arrow Trance, more on this below). I would, however, be evil, and impose an increased fumble chance when shooting after the bow takes damage; equal to 5% x MP damage the bow has taken. Fumble results in this case indicate a snapped bow. Now, as Arrow Trance is written, it disallows parrying. I would still allow it though. I would also allow the subject to use arrows to stab with. In this scenario the user is still focused on the bow, their arrows, and targets. Just gives the user a bit more flexibility in an encounter (and a more cinematic Legolas style fight). Parrying in Arrow Trance would be as I have outlined it above, with one change. Under Arrow Trance, the bow is enchanted as well. While damage can accumulate, the penalty I proposed would not take effect until after the spell wore off. Thus, under Arrow Trance, I would allow parrying, but the bow would only break after its HP were exhausted. SDLeary
  23. The Cumulative Parry option is alive, though I don't remember if its in the Big Gold Book (BGB). It does exist in Magic World, which is essentially Stormbringer 6, but without the Elric setting. There though it is a cumulative -30%, but that would be an easy switch. The 90% rule you mention, I think has gone. Now Riposte is where a Critical Parry allows an additional attack on the DEX rank of the parry. Disarming exists in various implementations, though I have no references for you (no books handy). SDLeary
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